Şablon:Bunu biliyor muydunuz
Konu başlıkları
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- ...that Abraham Lincoln invented stairs?
- ...that the music from the Kazotsky Kick taunt can be heard in the CS:GO map Train, coming from a small radio inside the kitchen?
- ...that the Clinical Trial is the only item set in the game that doesn't feature a cosmetic?
- ...that at point-blank range the Force-A-Nature deals more damage than Soldier's Rocket Launchers (except the Direct Hit)?
- ...that the BLU Team Fortress Classic Pyro is a woman named Beatrice?
- ...that the Candy Cane, Boston Basher, Pain Train, Holiday Punch, Killing Gloves of Boxing and the Machina are the only weapons whose stats have remained unchanged since release?
- ...that the Strange Bacon Grease, despite its name, is actually in Unique Quality?
- ...that the Minigun is named Sasha, the Brass Beast is named Oksana, the Huo-Long Heater is named Sheila, and the Tomislav is named Svetlana?
- ...that the Soldier's Stash does not in any way, shape, or form promote smoking or gambling?
![]() | Uyarı: Ekleme yapmadan önce yeni bilgi ekleme kurallarına bakınız. DİKKAT: YENİ BİLGİLER BU BAŞLIĞIN SONUNA EKLENMELİDİR. |
- ...Abraham Lincoln'ün Rocket Jump'ı icat ettiğini?
- ...Yılbaşı Yumruğunun aslında Subay Kalpağı'na benzer renk çeşitlerine sahip olacağını?
- ...Sniper'ın aslında Yeni Zelanda'nın kayıp topraklarından geldiğini?
- ...Güney Misafirperverliği'nin üreticisi, Güney Misafirperverliği'ni Mann Co.'ya eklediği için Gabe Newell'a teşekkür maili attıktan sonra, Gabe Newell'ın 10 bin tane Güney Misafirperverliği aldığını?
- ...eski beta Source Filmmaker versiyonlarında Team Fortress Classic Alev Silahı'nın modellerinin olduğunu?
- ...Capo'nun Şapkası'nın aslında sadece Şık Fötr Şapka'nın biraz değiştirilmiş hali olduğunu?
- ...Keratanın Roketatarı'ın öldürme simgesinin isminin "dumpster_device" olduğunu?
Bilgi teklifleri
Bu başlığın altına ekleyin
- ...that one of the garbled recordings that is heard when the Red-Tape Recorder is used to sap a building says "Let's make some noise..." when it is slowed down to 80% speed?
- ...that the Scout would have been able to catch projectiles and throw them back using the Catcher's Mitt?
- ...that the Scout can achieve a movement speed of up to 22.2 miles or 35.7 kilometers per hour?
- ...that the Manniversary Paper Hat is made from a folded copy of the Jarate ad from the Sniper vs. Spy Update?
- ...that the Sniper unlock was originally going to be a sniper rifle called the Walkabout, but it was later scrapped and replaced with the Huntsman?
- ...that the Respawn Rooms were planned to have turrets, but were scrapped before the final release?
- ...that the Bloodhound was originally planned to be released as Sam's Hat, alongside Max's Severed Head, the Big Kill and the Lugermorph, with the release of Sam and Max: The Devil's Playhouse, but was scrapped due to the difficulty fitting the head of each class, yet remained in the game files?
- ...that if an arrow is nocked with the Huntsman, and the player is killed before the arrow was shot, the arrow will shoot immediately upon dying?
- ...that a picture from the Engineer Update shows a picture of the Engineer with the Engineer (Classic) from Team Fortress Classic?
- ...that the letters "MTP", which are the initials for Meet the Pyro, are carved on the Scorched Key?
- ...that there is a TF2 soundtrack called Sandwich Maker in the Source Filmmaker Beta which appears in the Engineer Update Teaser?
- ...that there have been Easter eggs about Mann vs. Machine dating as far back as the Engineer Update?
- ...that there are several references to Team Fortress 2 in Bloons Tower Defense 5, two of which are one of the Soldier's taunts as an icon and a Monkey Engineer which creates Sentry guns?
- ...that Bossa Studios released an update for the game Surgeon Simulator 2013 based on Meet the Medic?
- ...that a useless wire connected to a power socket at both ends loops around the 2Fort intel rooms?
- ...that there are unused death animations for every Class (other than the Pyro), presumably to be used for the respective Class burning to death?
- ...that due to the hit detection, the Grenade Launcher does more damage if it hits someone in the bottom, and less damage if it hits someone in the top?
- ...that a screen that reads 'Game Over' is visible on the inside of the Virtual Viewfinder's model?
- ...that a Full Moon occurs every 29.5 days starting Midday, October 12, 2011, but NASA times the average length of a synodic month as 44 minutes and 3 seconds longer?
- ...that the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 instruction manuals included with The Orange Box incorrectly list the Sniper's Kukri as a machete?
- ...that the Short Circuit was originally planned to be a machine gun that opened up out of the Engineer's glove instead of an electricity-based weapon?
- ...that the Medic's hometown was Stuttgart before being changed to Rottenburg in Two Cities Update?
- ...that the map used for Meet the Medic is actually just an edited version of Badwater Basin?
- ...that a Heavy with any melee weapon as his active weapon can continue to attack while stunned?
- ...that the taunts for the Medic's Bonesaw and Vita-Saw have a chance to play versions of Playing With Danger, the Domination jingle and the Revenge jingle?
- ...that the files for the Sniper's Kukri (such as texture, model and sound) lists it as "machete"
- ...that there are unused headshot and backstab animations for MVM's robots? [1]
- ...that Merasmus has a tattoo of the Soldier's emblem on his left bicep?
- ...that the textures of Ground Control contain the Japanese characters "のヮの" (No Wa No). These refer to one of the common expressions the character Haruka Amami makes in the THE iDOLM@STER games?
- ...that the Team Fortress 2 mercenaries are actually the third generation of mercenaries hired by Redmond & Blutarch Mann?
- ...that at the end of Meet the Medic, at the scene where the mercenaries are sitting in a waiting room to get their Ubercharge hearts, the order they were given matches the class order used in Team Fortress Classic?
- ...that the Spy's Gibs actually depict his beta model instead of his in-game one?
- ...that the idea for the Spy came from a Team Fortress bug?
- ...that some of the taunts from the Love & War Update existed in TF2's code since Scream Fortress 2013?
- ...that there was a scrapped building for the Engineer called the Repair Node?
- ...that the texture for the Portable Smissmas Spirit Dispenser suggests that there used to be an interior to the snow globe's cabin, and that the normal map texture contains a drawing of the Steam mascot, Sir Roderick Bodkin?
- ...Sanal Pusula'nın içinde Team Fortress 2 kaseti takılı olduğunu?
- ...Love & War Update was once called the Bucket List Update?
- ...Özgürlük Ateşleyici'nin içinde Özgürlük Çanına dair saklı bir referans olduğunu?
- ...Aile Şirketi'nin sağ tarafında orak ve çekiç gösteren küçük ,solmuş bir fotoğraf olduğunu?
- ...that Shakespearicles invented the Rocket Launcher, along with the method of rocket jumping?
- ...that it is possible to assist yourself as a Scout by killing someone right as your Mad Milk lands on said person?
- ...that there's its a unused midi version from Intruder Alert?
- ...that in the newspaper shown on the comic Ring of Fired apparently uses an invented language on the small letters?
- ...that both Miss Pauling's contract voiceline and final page of the Blood Money comic allude to Spy beating a DNA test?
- ...Abraham Lincoln'ün Rocket Jump'ı icat ettiğini?
- ...Yılbaşı Yumruğunun aslında Subay Kalpağı'na benzer renk çeşitlerine sahip olacağını?
- ...Sniper'ın aslında Yeni Zelanda'nın kayıp topraklarından geldiğini?
- ...Güney Misafirperverliği'nin üreticisi, Güney Misafirperverliği'ni Mann Co.'ya eklediği için Gabe Newell'a teşekkür maili attıktan sonra, Gabe Newell'ın 10 bin tane Güney Misafirperverliği aldığını?
- ...eski beta Source Filmmaker versiyonlarında Team Fortress Classic Alev Silahı'nın modellerinin olduğunu?
- ...Capo'nun Şapkası'nın aslında sadece Şık Fötr Şapka'nın biraz değiştirilmiş hali olduğunu?
- ...Keratanın Roketatarı'ın öldürme simgesinin isminin "dumpster_device" olduğunu?