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*[[Previously featured facts/ko|이전에 게재된 사실들]]
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== 대부분의 사용자가 잘 모르는 정보 ==
*스파이가 [[Cloak and Dagger/ko|망토와 단검]]과 [[Dead Ringer/ko|데드 링어]]를 '신사 악당을 위한 말쑥한 도둑 카탈로그'를 보고 주문했다는 것을...[http://www.teamfortress.com/sniper_vs_spy/day04_english.htm]
*...that [[Sawmill]] is built on top of an abandoned Spytech base?
*...that the [[Spy/ko|스파이]] can change his skeleton in an excruciatingly painful but worthwhile fashion using his Crab-Walking Kit?
*2009년 5월 17일, [[스파이를 만나다]] 영상이 유튜브에 유출되었단 사실을...
*...that if you join [[Saxton Hale/ko|색스턴 헤일]]'s [[Jarate/ko|자라데]] course, you also get an outline course for Drunken Boxing, Drunken Headbutting, Drunken Cry-Fighting, Drunken Apology-Making and Shaolin Drunken Knife Wrestling?
*...that [[Saxton Hale/ko|색스턴 헤일]]'s [[Jarate/ko|자라데]] pills triple the size of your kidneys, and as a side-effect causes your organs to shut down?
*...that the appearance of the most common [[Saxton Hale/ko|색스턴 헤일]] image and the [[Media:07_comic_large.jpg|comic in which the Sniper becomes a Jarate master]] are based on on old advertisement[http://img39.imageshack.us/img39/4156/sniperreference.jpg] endorsed by bodybuilder [[wikipedia:Charles Atlas|Charles Atlas]]?
*[[Scout's mother/ko|스카웃의 어머니]]가 [[Ambassador/ko|앰버서더]]에 새겨져 있다는 것을...
*[[Medic/ko|메딕]]이 유일하게 메딕 업데이트에서 [[Taunt Kill/ko|도발킬]]을 수여받지 못했단 것을...
*...that some of the BLU emergency panels shown in [[Meet the Spy]] include: Depressed, Is Drunk, Lost Dracula, Is A Man, Is A Woman, On Toilet, Opened Briefcase, On Break, Found Dracula, Mangled, Needs Roommate, Needs A Ride, Stole Car, Has Evil Twin, Leaked Video and Hungry?
*[[Meet the Spy/ko|Meet the Spy]]에서, [[BLU/ko|블루]] [[Sniper/ko|스나이퍼]]가 [[Sniper Rifle/ko|스나이퍼 라이플]]을 왼손에 쥐고 있단 것을...
*... that the [[Scout]] wears a left-handed [[Batter's Helmet]], despite the fact he is a right-handed batter?
*...that a [[Pyro/ko|파이로의]] [[compression blast/ko|압축 블래스트]] can help other [[class]]es get to places that are typically unreachable, (though the Pyro has to be on the opposing team to the recipient)?
*...that it is possible to kill a player on the winning side during [[humiliation]] with a [[Taunt kill]]?
*[[Egypt]]의 벽화중에 [[Heavy/ko|헤비]]가 미니건을 들고있는 모습, [[Spy/ko|스파이]]가 백스탭을 하는 모습, 레벨 1 [[sentry gun/ko|센트리건]], [[전자 교란기]]와 백스탭 아이콘이 있다는 사실을...
*[[파이로]]가 [[Huntsman/ko|사냥활]]에 불을 붙일 수 있다는 사실을...
*[[ambassador|앰버서더]]가 원래는 엔지니어 건물과 데모맨의 점착폭탄을 파괴할 수 없었단 것을...
*[[Ambassador/ko|앰버서더]] 는 [[헤드샷]] 했을때 원래 미니 크리가 떴다는 사실을...
*...that the [[Soldier/ko|솔져]] has been known to post on the [[TF2 Official Blog/ko|팀포트리스2 공식 블로그]]?
*[[disguise kit|변장 키트]]로 도발을 할때 스파이는 10%의 확률로 스파이크랩 도발을 한다는 것을...
*[[레드]] [[스파이]]가 [[블루]] [[Scout's mother/ko|스카웃의 어머니]]를 에정어리게 말한 "Ma Petite Chou-fleur"는 "My Little Cauliflower"(나의 작은 꽃양배추여)라는 뜻이라는 것을...
*...that the [[Sniper/ko|스나이퍼]] originally fired his [[Huntsman/ko|헌츠맨]] in a right-handed manner?
*[[파이로]]가 유일하게 클래스 업데이트 에서 새로운 [[도발]]을 업데이트받지 못한 것을...
*예전에 [[ambassador|앰버서더]]는 여러명의 적을 관통해서 쏠 수 있었단 사실을...
*...that the theme song has exactly nine beats at the end, the same number as there are [[classes]]?
*[[스카웃을 만나다]]에서 [[스카웃]]이 카메라 렌즈를 만진 뒤, 비디오가 끝날때 까지 그의 지문이 묻어있단 사실을...
*[[스파이를 만나다]]는 유일하게 클래스 업데이트와 동시에 나온 [[팀원을 만나다]]였다는 것을...
*[[Spy/ko|스파이]]는 현재 유일하게 [[주무기]]를 한손으로 사용한다는 것을...
*'Mann Co.'는 'Con Man'으로 재배열 될 수 있단 것을...
*...that [[2Fort]] takes place at 3:07 in the afternoon, as shown by the clock in the room at the top of the spiral staircase?
*[[스나이퍼]]의 성우인 [[John Patrick Lowrie]]은 [[Administrator/ko|아나운서]]의 성우를 맡은 [[Ellen McLain]]과 부부라는 것을...
*[[메딕]]과 [[데모맨]]이 유일하게 사용 무기에서 탄환을 사용하는 무기를 찾아 볼 수 없다는 사실을...
*...that in [[Meet the Spy/ko|Meet the Spy]], the apparent [[Scout/ko|스카웃]] touches the [[Intelligence]], though in-game this would cause him to lose his [[disguise/ko|변장]]?
*...that the pressure tank on the [[Pyro/ko|파이로]]'s back is for air rather than fuel, as the fuel for the [[flamethrower/ko|화염 방사기]] is contained in a large kerosene gas tank inside the Flamethrower itself?
*[[데모맨]]은 클래스 선택 화면에서는 왼손잡이란 것을...
*[[엔지니어를 만나다]]에서 레드 엔지니어 뒤의 트럭은 블루 [[정보원]] 서류가방으로 차 있단 것을...
*[[스파이]]는 [[Knife/ko|칼]]을 오른손을 쥐고 싸우지만, 펜싱할땐 왼손으로 한다는것을...
*...that reloading the [[Force-A-Nature]] after firing one shot will throw away the second round, effectively wasting it?
*...that the Dead Ringer image in the Gentleman Scoundrel Magazine had a button on the right side, while in-game the Dead Ringer has the button on the left side?
*3인칭 시점에서는 [[Sandman/ko|샌드맨]]의 공을 가만히 있을때 볼 수 없단 사실을...
*[[스나이퍼]]는 1인칭에서는 왼손에 장갑을 착용했지만 3인칭에서는 양손 모두 착용했다는 것을...
*...the [[Scout/ko|스카웃]]'s "[[Media:Scout_award07.wav|No otha' class gonna do dat!]]" line is the one time a class has actually referred to themselves as a class?
*[[파이로]]와 [[스파이]]는 같은 성우인 [http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0060794/ Dennis Bateman]이 연기했단 것을...
*[[데모맨을 만나다]]에서 레드팀이 공격팀으로 나오고, 블루팀은 방어팀으로 나온다는것을...
*...that [[Pipeline]] matches take place at 3:07 AM, a 12 hour difference to [[2fort]]'s match time (3:07 PM)?
*[[데드 링어]]는 3인칭용 게임 모델이 없다는 것을...
*...that [[Saxton Hale/ko|색스턴헤일]] single-handedly wiped out the deadly Indonesian Berzerker Shark?
*[[Direct Hit/ko|다이렉트 힛]]은 유일하게 상표명이 새겨진 무기란것을(MANN CO.가 스코프에 새겨짐)...
*...the [[Eyelander/ko|아이랜더]] was first shown in the comic to have a gold hilt but this has not been seen in subsequent showings?[http://www.teamfortress.com/war/demo/04.htm]
*...the title outside the [[Soldier/ko|솔져]]'s residence states 'Mr. Jane Doe'. 'Jane Doe', however, is a term given to a female whose name is not known, generally in the military and during [[wikipedia:autopsy post-mortems|autopsy post-mortems]]?
*[[엔지니어]]가 유일하게 2개의 [[도발]]킬을 수여받은 것을...
*[[파이로]]가 최초로 [[도발]]킬을 할 수 있었던 클래스였던 것을...
*...that the [[Demoman/ko|데모맨]] is the only class who never speaks his native language of Highland Gaelic?
*...that the [[Soldier/ko|솔져]]'s Grenade taunt attack used to be survivable if you had the [[Gunboats/ko|건부츠]] equipped?
*...that the [[Heavy/ko|헤비]] holds his [[Minigun/ko|미니건]] much higher in first-person, than in third-person?
*...that if you kill a Soldier while he is performing the [[Kamikaze/ko|자폭]] taunt, you will be credited with the kill with the grenade icon?
*...that the [[Soldier/ko|솔져]]'s [[Kamikaze/ko|자폭]] is the only taunt attack capable of killing the user?
*...the [[Pyro/ko|파이로]] is the only class that is able to taunt attack with 2 different weapons: the [[Shotgun]] and the [[Flaregun]]?
*...it is possible to critical-hit a [[Pyro/ko|파이로]] with the [[Axtinguisher]]?
*...that the [[Pyro/ko|파이로]] was the first class to appear wielding an unlockable weapon in a '[[Meet the Team/ko|Meet the Team]]' video?
*...that [[Saxton Hale/ko|색스턴 헤일]]'s chest hair is in the shape of Australia?[http://www.teamfortress.com/war/saxtonhale/02.htm]
*...that in the early stages of the TF2 Beta, the [[Sniper/ko|스나이퍼]] taunts used [[Medic/ko|메딕]] dialogue?
*...the chair the Administrator sits on in page 5 of the [[Soldier/ko|솔져]] comic has the same design as the chair that sits behind the [[Media:TF2_2fort_intel.jpg|desk of 2Fort intel rooms]]?[http://www.teamfortress.com/war/soldier/05.htm]
*...that a [[Sentry]] beeps once, twice or thrice according to its level whenever it switches direction in its "idle" state?
*[[Spy/ko|스파이]]는 그의 [[Sapper/ko|전자 공병]]을 콘솔창에 "destroy 4"를 입력해서 제거할 수 있단 사실을...
*...that in the Steam store, the TF2 banner pictures a RED [[Heavy/ko|헤비]] wearing bullets on his left shoulder, yet he normally wears them on his right?
*...that to date, the [[Soldier]] has the most taunts in the game, with six in total?
*[[Pyro/ko|파이로]], [[Heavy/ko|헤비]], 와 [[Spy/ko|스파이]] 는 기본무기중에 유일하게 도발킬이 가능하단 사실을...
*[[Hotrod/ko|용접 마스크]]는 [[엔지니어]]가 건물의 설계도를 들고 있을때 내려간다는 사실을...
*...that if a Huntsman arrow collides with another arrow, they will both break in mid-air?
*...that compression blasted projectiles, when hitting a opponent, will result in a [[Mini-crit]]?
*[[Mercenary/ko|용병]]은 원래 'Weekend Warrior'로 불리던 사실을...
*[[Pain Train/ko|페인 트레인]] is the first weapon to have two different taunt animations that are different depending on which class is using it?
*...that stunning the [[Soldier/ko|솔져]] with the [[Sandman/ko|샌드맨]] while he is taunting with the [[Equalizer/ko|이퀄라이져]] will stop him from exploding?
*...that the [[Scotsman's Skullcutter/ko|스코틀랜드인의 스컬커터]], the [[Horseless Headless Horsemann's Headtaker]] and the [[Eyelander]] are the only weapons that can decapitate?
*[[sandman|샌드맨]]은 원래 2단 점프를 금지했었단 사실을...
*...that the Control Point podcast ended after 100 episodes?
*[[Sandvich/ko|샌드비치]]는 최초로 [[Meet the Team/ko|Meet The Team] 비디오를 소유한 아이템이란것을...
*...that when the [[Engineer/ko|엔지니어]] reloads his [[Pistol/ko|피스톨]], he puts the clip in in reverse?
*[[scotman's skulcutter|스코틀랜드인의 스컬커터]]는 원래 [[Bottle/ko|병]]의 타격음을 썼단 것을...
*...that when you equip [[Crit-a-Cola/ko|크릿-어-콜라]] in the weapons [[loadout/ko|로드아웃]] menu, it shows the [[Scout/ko|스카웃]] holding a [[RED/ko|RED]] [[Bonk! Atomic Punch/ko|봉크! 원자맛 음료]]?
*[[healing]] 을 적 스파이에게 주었을떄  [[Spy/ko|스파이]] 는 [[Medic/ko|메딕]] 에게 팀킬 [[assist/ko|어시스트]] 를 줄수있다는 사실을...
*...that the [[Syringe Gun/ko|주사기건]] and the [[Blutsauger]] are the only projectile (non hitscan) weapons that cannot be air-blasted?
*...that the [[Heavy/ko|헤비]] can still throw his [[Sandvich/ko|샌드위치]] while he is stunned, potentially saving his life?
*...that the [[Golden Wrench/ko|골든 렌치]] is made out of [[Australium]], as seen on page 9 in the comic "[http://www.teamfortress.com/loosecanon/ Loose Canon]"?
*...that the [[Hadouken/ko|하도켄]] can kill a [[Scout/ko|스카웃]] under the effect of [[Bonk! Atomic Punch/ko|봉크! 원자맛 음료]]?
*로빈 워커의 [[태고의 전사]] 뱃지는 1998년 8월 24일날 수여되었단 사실을... [http://www.tf2items.com/id/robinwalker/ here]?
*[[Sticky Bomb/ko|접착 폭탄]]은 [[근접 무기]]로 부술 수 있단 사실을...
*[[hadouken/ko|아도겐]],[[자폭]],[[펜싱]]은 유일하게 [[건물]]을 부실 수 있는 도발킬이란 사실을...
*...that the [[Engineer/ko|엔지니어]] is the only class to receive unlockable weapons before his update?
*...that the Engineer's grandfather, [[Non-player characters#Radigan Conagher|래디건 코내거]], invented the Engineer's unlocks in 1850?
*[[Demoman/ko|데모맨]]이 유일하게 업데이트 때 [[주무기]]언락을 손에 넣지 못한것을...
*...the [[Pyro/ko|파이로]] on the Official Team Fortress 2 homepage has their gas mask on in reverse?
*...the [[Sniper/ko|스나이퍼]] is the only other class able to deal fire-based damage other than the [[Pyro/ko|파이로]]?
*...that although the [[Frontier Justice]] has an achievement named after it, the two are not related in any way?
*...that the [[Heavy/ko|헤비]] and the [[Medic/ko|메딕]] are the only two classes not wearing any default headgear?
*...that if you increase the view model field of view enough, you will see that the [[Spy/ko|스파이]] does not bring his hand to the [[Ambassador/ko|앰베서더]] to reload it?
*만약 당신이 [[Jarate/ko|자라테]]에 젖은 적을 도발킬 했을떼, 크리티컬 도발 아이콘이 나타나는 사실을...
*Harvest의 묘비에는 "R.I.P. The 10th Class"로 읽히는게 있다는 것을...
*...that the acronyms for the Heavy's [[Killing Gloves of Boxing]] and the [[Gloves of Running Urgently/ko|긴급 질주 글러브]], K.G.B. and G.R.U. respectively, are also the acronyms of now-disbanded Russian Secret Services?
*...that the [[Engineer/ko|엔지니어의]] [[Mini_Sentry_Gun#Combat_Mini-Sentry_Gun|미니센트리]] has the same statistics and characteristics (damage values, health etc.) as the autogun from the Team Fortress 2 demake: [[Gang Garrison 2/ko|갱개리슨2]]?
*...[[Control Point|점령 상황 표시]][[Head-up display|HUD]]는 16명 혹은 그 이상의 플레이어가 점령중일때 제대로 표시가 안된다는것을...
*...that it is possible to be killed whilst under the effects of an [[Ubercharge/ko|무적]]?
*...the Demoman's [[Scotsman Skullcutter/ko|스코틀랜드인의 스컬커터]] is the only player-damaging weapon with no taunt?
*...that the word "piss" is swear-filtered to "[[Jarate/ko|자라테]]" on the Steam forums?
*...that taunting with the [[Pain Train]] will cause the Demoman to drink from the end of his Pain Train and the Soldier to bang it on his head?
*...that in ''Sam & Max 304: Beyond the Alley of the Dolls'', a BLU [[Dispenser/ko|디스펜서]] makes a cameo appearance [http://img341.imageshack.us/f/samandmax.png/]?
*...that you can [[Assist/ko|도움]] yourself as a [[Spy/ko|스파이]] by shooting a Building that you are sapping?
=== 이 밑에 사실을 적으세요 ===
*...that the [[Shortstop/ko|유격수]] made an appearance on the first episode of the 5.5 season of Psych at around 34 minutes seen [http://www.hulu.com/watch/192345/psych-extradition-ii here]?
*...that the [[Demoman/ko|데모맨]]'s arm emblem is a piece of TNT, his old default primary weapon, even though the official icon for him has changed to a spherical bomb?
*[[Mann Co. Supply Crate/ko|Mann Co. 보급상자]]는 [[Mac update trailer/ko|맥 업데이트 트레일러]]에서 첫 등장 했단 것을...
*[[Demoman/ko|데모맨]]은 총합 6개의 밀리 무기를 가짐으로써 가장 많은 밀리 무기를 소유한 클래스라는 사실을...
*[[Lugermorph/ko|루거모프]]는 원래 스카웃 전용 무기였단 사실을...
*[[Demoman/ko|데모맨]]은 [[Grenade launcher/ko|유탄 발사기]]를 재장전할때 같은 탄창에만 재장전 한단 사실을...
*[[Mad Milk/ko|미치광이 우유]]는 Left 4 Dead 2의 부머 담즙과 같은 액체 효과를 쓴단 것을...
*새로나온 유저언락의 킬아이콘은 기존킬아이콘보다 뿌옇다는 사실을...
*[[Mad Milk/ko|미치광이 우유]]에 적셔진 클로킹한 스파이를 공격해도 체력이 회복되지 않는단 사실을...
*[[Gloves of Running Urgently/ko|긴급 질주 글러브]] 는 모든 밀리무기중에서 최소대미지 를 입힌다는 사실을...
*[[pyro/ko|파이로]]가 락커룸에 분홍색 손가방을 보관하고있는사실을...
*[[Alien Swarm Parasite/ko|에일리언 스웜 기생충]] 은 첫번째로 다른게임에서 도전과제를 달성했을때 아이템을 준 아이템이라는 사실을...
*[[SMG/ko|소형 기관총]]은 원래 [[Scout/ko|스카웃]]을 위해 만들어진 무기였단 사실을...
*...that the note in the [[Sniper/ko|스나이퍼]]'s camper van says "Tax in Post", which is a reference to the British TV show Only Fools and Horses?
*...that the [[Respectless Rubber Glove/ko|무례한 고무 장갑]] was the first item in-game to get [[jigglebones]]?
*[[spy|스파이]]에 의하면,무지개는 [[scout/ko|스카웃]]을 울게만들수있다는사실을?
*[[Community weapons|Community Weapons]] 은 커뮤니티 참여자에게 주어진단 사실을...
*...that [[Developer weapons|Valve Weapons]] are given to Valve members, and once had overpowered effects?
*[[engineer|엔지니어]]를 만나다는 팀포트리스2의 맵이 나오지않는 유일한 "Meet the team"비디오 라는것을?
*[[Abraham Lincoln/ko|링컨]]은 원래 [[Blutarch Mann/ko|블루타치]]에게 고용된 최초의 용병들 중 블루의 파이로 였단 사실을...
*...that on [[pl_upward|Upward]] there are clocks near each spawn that tell the actual time?
*...that the reload for the [[Shortstop/ko|유격수]] is a combination of the [[Pistol/ko|피스톨]]'s And The [[Force-A-Nature]]'s reload animation?
*[[sydney sleeper/ko|시드니 슬리퍼]]는 압축 공기를 사용한다는 것을...
*[[친근한 이슬람 모자]]는 오스틴 파워의 캐릭터에서 따온 사실을,,,
*...that Valve had previously released an unrelated Half-Life Deathmatch map named [[Double Cross]]?
*...that the [[Rocket Jumper/ko|로켓점퍼]] and [[Sticky Jumper/ko|점착점퍼]] block all blast damage from the exploding pumpkins in [[Harvest]]?
*플레이어가 [[Mad Milk/ko|미치광이 우유]]에 닿았을때,보급소의 사물함에 가도 우유가 제거되지 않는단 것을...
*솔져의 [[Kamikaze/ko|자폭]]도발은 [[Rocket Jumper/ko|로켓 점퍼]]를 착용하면 도발을 하고도 살 수 있단 사실을...
*...that Valve's [http://wiki.teamfortress.com/wiki/File:Announcer.png Announcer] is based on a [http://wiki.teamfortress.com/wiki/File:Theannouncer.jpg piece of fan art] made by makani?
*베타버젼의 [[Engineer/ko|엔지니어]]의 장갑의 색은 그가 속한 팀의 색으로 칠해졌단 사실을...
*...[[Bonk! Atomic Punch]] 와 [[Crit-a-Cola]] 의 재료는 물과 방사능과 설탕이란 사실을...
*...that the [[Heavy/ko|헤비]] achievement 'Crock Block' can be earned by having a critical rocket fired from the [[Rocket Jumper/ko|로켓점퍼]] fired at him?
*...that a single pair of [[Earbuds|Vintage Earbuds]] exist in the game?
*...that the [[Horseless Headless Horsemann's Head]] and the [[Saxton Hale Mask]] renders the wearer immune to the [[Horseless Headless Horsemann]]'s BOO! Taunt?
*킹 오브 더 힐 [[Harvest/kr|Harvest]]맵 아래에 비밀의 방이 있다는 것을...
*배타 버전의 [[Pyro/ko|파이로]] 는 unambiguously a man?
*...that after the [[Engineer/ko|엔지니어]] update, there have been two more variations on the More Gun theme song?
*...that almost half the additions of TF2 come from the community?
*팀 포트리스2가 1998년에 공식 발표되었단 사실을...
*...that [[Your Eternal Reward/ko|천국의 구원]]'s name and description reference lines of dialogue from Disney's ''Aladdin''?
*...that originally, the game would have flags, not briefcases, like its predecessor Team Fortress Classic?
* [[Demoman/ko|데모맨]] 은 [[Stickybomb Launcher/ko|점착폭탄 발사기]] 를 한손으로 잡지만 월드모델에서는 두손으로 잡는다는 사실을?...
*...that some speculate that the [[Engineer/ko|엔지니어]] sawed off his right hand for the [[Gunslinger/ko|건슬링어]], but we have never officially seen his hand without his glove on?
*...that when the [[Alien Swarm Parasite/ko|에일리언 스웜 기생충]] is shot, it emits blood, showing it may have been or still is alive?
* [[Ze Goggles]] 은 백팩에서 이동시킬떄 나는 소리는 카운터 스트라이크 소스 에서 나이트 비전의 작동음이라는 사실을...
*..[[Horseless Headless Horsemann/ko|말도 없고 머리도 없는 기마병]] 에게 킬당하면 콘솔 자살로 간주된다는 사실을?...
*[[Backburner/ko|백버너]]는 원래 파이로의 HP를 50증가 시켰단 것을...
*...that the [[Demoman/ko|데모맨]] and the [[Medic/ko|메딕]] are the only classes without the ability of causing harm beyond a certain distance, as their only ranged weapons shoot [[projectiles]] that arc over distance ?
* [[Engineer/ko|엔지니어]]와 [[Scout/ko|스카웃]]이 [[Lugermorph/ko|루거모프]]를 장착중일때 장전을하면, 그들은 보이지않는 탄창을 장전한다는 사실을?...
*[[Horseless Headless Horsemann/ko|말도 없고 머리도 없는 기마병]]은 [[Demoman/ko|데모맨]]과 같은 애니메이션을 쓴다는 것을...
*...that when the [[Horseless Headless Horsemann/ko|말도 없고 머리도 없는 기마병]] has less than 50% health, he changes the way he holds his weapon to single handed like the [[Bottle/ko|병]]?
*...that the portrait of [[Non-player characters#Blutarch and Redmond Mann|레드먼드와 블루타치]] in [[Mann Manor]] was added by Valve?
*[[크리츠리그]]는 원래 Critzcrieg가 이름이였단 사실을...
*...that there are more than 450 variations of [[2Fort]]?
*...that there is a secret area accessible via spectator mode underneath [[Dustbowl]]?
*...that if you use noclip to go in front of [[Redmond Mann]]'s chair in [[Mann Manor]], you still can't see his face?
*먹거나 마시는 동작은 [[Taunt/ko|도발]]로 계산된다는 것을...
*...that the [[Jag/ko]] was featured in advertising for the [[Mann-Conomy Update]] and therefore revealed before it was released to use in-game?
*...there are 896 possible combinations of hats with unusual item particle effects?
*[[Spine-Chilling Skull/ko|등골이 오싹해지는 해골]]과 [[Voodoo Juju/ko|부두교의 주술]]는 여전히 제작이 가능하단것을...[http://i.imgur.com/TlRvs.png]
*[[Skewer/ko]] 와 [[Hadouken/ko|아도겐]] 는 탄약이 있는 무기중에 유일하게 도발킬이 가능한 사실을...
*...that the [[Pyro/ko|파이로|]] was once able to use the [[Compression blast/ko]] and [[Hadouken/ko]] on spectators?
*...that the least common achievement obtained by players is the "Circle the Wagons" achievement for [[Engineer]]?[http://steamcommunity.com/stats/TF2/achievements]
*[[Pryo/ko|파이로]]와[[Spy/ko|스파이]]가 유일하게 그들의 풀 체력을 바꾸는 [[아이템]]이 없다는 사실을...
*...that the [[Engineer]] addresses the [[Pyro]] as "ma'am" in one of his domination lines, yet calls him/her "boy" in three others? [http://wiki.teamfortress.com/wiki/Engineer_responses#Dominating_a_Pyro]
*...that hitting an enemy underwater directly with the [[Direct Hit]], previously would count as a Airshot?
*[[Sniper/ko|스나이퍼]]는 호주인인데, 그 의 [[jarate/ko|자라테]]는 뉴질랜드에서 만들었단 사실을... [http://wiki.teamfortress.com/w/images/4/44/Peejar.jpg]
*Pipeline이 봉크! 원자맛 음료의 업데이트 뒷 배경으로 첫 등장했단 사실을...
*...that even the women in Australia, according to the [http://www.teamfortress.com/loosecanon/09.html Loose Canon] comic, have bushy, Saxton Hale-esque moustaches?
*...[[heavy/ko|헤비]]와 [[demoman/ko|데모맨]]은 그들무기의 탄약을 몸에두른 유일한 클래스라는것을?
*... [[Thunder Mountain/ko]]에서 [[Soldier/ko|솔져]]가 팀을 가르칠 수 있다는 것을...
*...[[스나이퍼를 만나다]]에서 [[sniper/ko|스나이퍼]]가 "예의바르게,효율적으로,너가만나는 모든이를 죽일수있는 계획을 가져야하지."라고 말하는건[[스나이퍼 도전과제]]의 이름이 되었다는것을?
*...that there is no actual numerical medal that will appear next to the name of a player who has beyond 16 [[dominations]]?
==See also==
[[Previously featured facts]]
[[Category:Main Page/ko]]
[[Category:Main Page/ko]]

Latest revision as of 03:23, 18 February 2021

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  • 구조대원의 디스플레이에 표시되는 사인 파는 현재 가지고 있는 금속량에 따라 달라집니다.
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