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== Tools ==
== Werkzeuge ==
===Mann Co. Versorgung===
{{Tool list}}
{| class="wikitable grid" width="100%"
! class="header" width="5%"  | Bild
! class="header" width="15%" | Name
! class="header"            | Beschreibung
! class="header" width="20%" | Verfügbarkeit
| {{item icon|size=100px|Mann Co. Supply Crate Key}}
| [[Mann Co. Supply Crate Key/de|Mann Co. Vorratskisten Schlüssel]]
| Ein Mann Co. Vorratskistenschlüssel kann verwendet werden, um eine [[Mann Co. Supply Crate/de|Mann Co. Vorratskiste]] aufzuschließen.
|{{Check}} {{tooltip|Kauf|{{Item price|item=Mann Co. Supply Crate Key|tooltips=no}}}}
{{Cross}} Fund
{{Cross}} Entpacken
| {{item icon|size=100px|Festive Winter Crate Key}}
| [[Festive Winter Crate Key/de|Feierlicher Winterkistenschlüssel]]
| Ein Schlüssel der benutzt wird um die [[Festive Winter Crate/de|Feierliche Winterkiste]] zu öffnen.
{{Cross}} {{tooltip|Kauf|Nicht länger erhältlich. Angebot endete am 31. Dezember 2010. <!--{{Item price|item=Mann Co. Supply Crate Key|tooltips=no}}-->}}
{{Cross}} Fund
{{Cross}} Entpacken
| {{item icon|size=100px|Stocking Stuffer Key}}
| [[Stocking Stuffer Key/de|Sockenstopfer-Schlüssel]]
| Ein Schlüssel der benutzt wird um die [[Mann Co. Supply Crate/de|Mann Co. Vorratskiste]] oder die [[Festive Winter Crate/de|Feierliche Winterkiste]] zu öffnen.
| {{Info}}Verteilt von [[NPC/de#Miss Pauling|Miss Pauling]] an jeden Spieler während der [[Australian Christmas/de|australischen Weihnacht]].
| {{item icon|size=100px|Refreshing Summer Cooler Key}}
|[[Mann Co. Supply Crate Key/de#Erfrischender-Sommerkühler-Schlüssel|Erfrischender-Sommerkühler-Schlüssel]]
| Ein Schlüssel der benutzt wird um die [[Mann Co. Supply Crate/de|Mann Co. Vorratskiste]] oder [[Refreshing Summer Cooler/de|Erfrischende Kühlbox]] zu öffnen.
{{Cross}} {{tooltip|Kauf|Nicht länger erhältlich. Angebot endete am 11. Juli 2011. <!--{{Item price|item=Mann Co. Supply Crate Key|tooltips=no}}-->}}
{{Cross}} Fund
{{Cross}} Entpacken
| {{item icon|size=100px|Mann Co. Supply Crate}}
| [[Mann Co. Supply Crate/de|Mann Co. Vorratskiste]]
| Eine Mann Co. Vorratskiste enthält eines der Gegenstände aus der Liste in ihrer Beschreibung.
{{Cross}} Kauf
{{Check}} Fund
{{Cross}} Entpacken
| {{item icon|size=100px|Festive Winter Crate}}
| [[Festive Winter Crate/de|Feierliche Winterkiste|]]
| Serie #6 der Mann Co. Versorgungskiste. Eine spezielle limitierte Kiste die nur mit dem [[Festive Winter Crate Key/de|Feierlicher Winterkistenschlüssel]] oder dem [[Stocking Stuffer Key/de|Sockenstopfer-Schlüssel]] geöffnet werden kann.
{{Cross}} Kauf
{{Cross}} {{tooltip|Fund|Nicht länger erhältlich. Fund endete am 31. Dezember 2010.}}
{{Cross}} Entpacken
| {{item icon|size=100px|Refreshing Summer Cooler}}
|[[Mann Co. Supply Crate/de#Series #22 - Erfrischender-Sommerkühler|Erfrischender-Sommerkühler ]]
| Serie #6 der Mann Co. Versorgungskiste. Eine spezielle limitierte Kiste die nur mit dem Erfrischenden Kühlbox-Schlüssel geöffnet werden kann.
{{Cross}} Kauf
{{Cross}} {{tooltip|Fund|Nicht länger erhältlich. Fund endete am 11. Juli 2011.}}
{{Cross}} Entpacken
| {{item icon|size=100px|Backpack Expander}}
| [[Backpack Expander/de|Rucksack-Erweiterung]]
| Fügt 100 extra Speicherplätze dem Rucksack hinzu bis zu einem Maximum von 1000 Speicherplätzen.
{{Check}} {{tooltip|Kauf|{{Item price|item=Backpack Expander|tooltips=no}}}}
{{Cross}} Fund
{{Cross}} Entpacken
=== Gegenstände personalisieren ===
{| class="wikitable grid" width="100%"
! class="header" width="5%"  | Bild
! class="header" width="15%" | Name
! class="header"            | Beschreibung
! class="header" width="20%" | Verfügbarkeit
| {{item icon|size=100px|Name Tag}}
| [[Name Tag/de|Namensschild ]]
| Wird benutzt um [[weapons/de|Waffen]], [[hats/de|Hüte]] oder [[Miscellaneous items/de|Verschiedene Items]] umzubenennen.
{{Check}} {{tooltip|Kauf|{{Item price|item=Name Tag|tooltips=no}}}}
{{Check}} Fund
{{Check}} {{tooltip|Entpacken|#1, #5}}
| {{item icon|size=100px|Paint Can}}
| [[Paint Can/de|Farbdose]]
| Wird benutzt um die Farbe von [[hats/de|Hüten]] zu ändern.
| {{Info}} Variabel.<br />Siehe [[Paint Can/de|entsprechende Seite]].
| {{item icon|size=100px|Description Tag}}
| [[Description Tag/de|Beschreibungsschild]]
| Wird benutzt um die Beschreibung von Waffen, Hüten oder verschiedenen Items zu ändern.
{{Check}} {{tooltip|Kauf|{{Item price|item=Description Tag|tooltips=no}}}}
{{Check}} Fund
{{Check}} {{tooltip|Entpacken|#3, #7}}
=== Andere Tools ===
{| class="wikitable grid" width="100%"
! class="header" width="5%"  | Bild
! class="header" width="15%" | Name
! class="header"            | Beschreibung
! class="header" width="20%" | Verfügbarkeit
| {{item icon|size=100px|Gift Wrap}}
| [[Gift Wrap/de|Geschenkpapier ]]
| Das Geschenkpapier wird benutzt um Items als Geschenke für andere Spieler einzupacken. Verpackte Geschenke können an Spieler vergeben werden die offline sind. Manche Gegenstände die normalerweise nicht tauschbar sind können eingepackt und verschenkt werden.
{{Check}} {{tooltip|Kauf|{{Item price|item=Gift Wrap|tooltips=no}}}}
{{Cross}} Fund
{{Check}} {{tooltip|Entpacken|#8}}
| {{item icon|size=100px|RIFT Well Spun Hat Claim Code}}
| [[RIFT Well Spun Hat Claim Code/de|RIFT Wohlgesponnener Hut Gutscheincode]]
| Erlaubt es Spielern den "Well Spun Hat" in ''[[RIFT/de|RIFT]] freizuschalten''.
{{Info}} Verteilt an die Spieler die die "Riftwalker" [[achievement/de|Errungenschaft]] erfüllt haben.
== Veröffentlichungsdatum der Tools ==
== Veröffentlichungsdatum der Tools ==

Revision as of 22:12, 4 August 2012

Tools sind Gegenstände, die mit dem Mann-Conomy Update in das Spiel integriert wurden. Diese können benutzt werden, haben aber keinen Einfluss auf das Gameplay. Alle Tools können im Mann Co. Store gekauft werden, wobei manche Tools durch das Item-System zufällig gefunden werden können. Momentan kann man Tools nicht craften, aber einige lassen sich mit anderen Spielern tauschen (handel).

Es gibt zwei Arten von Tools, die allgemeinen Tools und die Action Items. Allgemeine Tools können jederzeit benutzt werden und haben nur Einfluss auf den Rucksack des Spielers, wobei Action Items nur benutzt werden können während der Spieler mit einem Server verbunden ist da zur Benutzung andere Spieler nötig sind. Action Items sind aufgeteilt in Geschenke und Mini-Games. Geschenke fügen anderen Spielern Gegenstände zum Rucksack hinzu, während Mini-Spiele andere Spieler bitten an dem ausgewählten Mini-Game teilzunehmen.


Mann Co. Versorgung


Gegenstand Beschreibung Verfügbarkeit
Mann Co. Supply Crate
Mann Co. Vorratskiste
Eine Mann Co. Vorratskiste enthält eines der Gegenstände aus der Liste in ihrer Beschreibung.

Pictogram cross.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Festive Winter Crate
Feierliche Winterkiste
Kistenreihe #6 der Mann Co. Versorgungskiste. Eine spezielle limitierte Kiste die nur mit dem Festlichen Winterkistenschlüssel oder dem Sockenstopfer-Schlüssel

Pictogram cross.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Refreshing Summer Cooler
Erfrischende Kühlbox
Kistenreihe #22 der Mann Co. Versorgungskiste. Eine spezielle limitierte Kiste die nur mit dem Erfrischenden Kühlbox-Schlüssel geöffnet werden kann.

Pictogram cross.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Salvaged Mann Co. Supply Crate
Geborgene Mann Co. Vorratskiste
Series #30, #40, and #50 of the Mann Co. Supply Crate.

Pictogram cross.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Naughty Winter Crate
Unartige Winterkiste
Kistenreihe #35 der Mann Co. Versorgungskiste. Eine von zwei limitierten Weihnachtskisten, welche zum 2011 Weihnachtsevent hinzugefügt wurde.

Pictogram cross.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Nice Winter Crate
Artige Winterkiste
Kistenreihe #36 der Mann Co. Versorgungskiste. Eine von zwei limitierten Weihnachtskisten, welche zum 2011 Weihnachtsevent hinzugefügt wurde.

Pictogram cross.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Scorched Crate
Verschmorte Kiste
Kistenreihe #46 der Mann Co. Versorgungskiste. Eine spezielle limitierte Kiste die nur mit dem Verschmorten Schlüssel geöffnet werden kann.

Pictogram cross.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Fall Crate
Series #48 of the Mann Co. Supply Crate. A special limited crate that could only be opened via a Fall Key.

Pictogram cross.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Eerie Crate
Gespenstische Kiste
Series #51 of the Mann Co. Supply Crate. A special limited crate that could only be opened via an Eerie Key.

Pictogram cross.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Naughty Winter Crate 2012
Unartige Winterkiste 2012
Series #52 of the Mann Co. Supply Crate. A special limited crate that could only be opened via a Naughty Winter Crate Key 2012.

Pictogram cross.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Nice Winter Crate 2012
Artige Winterkiste 2012
Series #53 of the Mann Co. Supply Crate. A special limited crate that could only be opened via a Nice Winter Crate Key 2012.

Pictogram cross.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Robo Community Crate
Series #58 of the Mann Co. Supply Crate. A special crate that can only be opened via a Robo Community Crate Key.

Pictogram cross.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Select Reserve Mann Co. Supply Crate
Mann Co. Reservisten-Vorratskiste
Series #60 of the Mann Co. Supply Crate.

Pictogram cross.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Summer Appetizer Crate
Series #61 of the Mann Co. Supply Crate. A special limited crate that can only be opened via a Summer Appetizer Key.

Pictogram cross.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Red Summer 2013 Cooler
Rote Sommer-2013-Kühlbox
Series #62 of the Mann Co. Supply Crate. A special limited crate that can only be opened via a Red Summer 2013 Cooler Key.

Pictogram cross.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram tick.png  Entpacken

Orange Summer 2013 Cooler
Orange Sommer-2013-Kühlbox
Series #63 of the Mann Co. Supply Crate. A special limited crate that can only be opened via a Orange Summer 2013 Cooler Key.

Pictogram cross.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram tick.png  Entpacken

Yellow Summer 2013 Cooler
Gelbe Sommer-2013-Kühlbox
Series #64 of the Mann Co. Supply Crate. A special limited crate that can only be opened via a Yellow Summer 2013 Cooler Key.

Pictogram cross.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram tick.png  Entpacken

Green Summer 2013 Cooler
Grüne Sommer-2013-Kühlbox
Series #65 of the Mann Co. Supply Crate. A special limited crate that can only be opened via a Green Summer 2013 Cooler Key.

Pictogram cross.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram tick.png  Entpacken

Aqua Summer 2013 Cooler
Türkise Sommer-2013-Kühlbox
Series #66 of the Mann Co. Supply Crate. A special limited crate that can only be opened via a Aqua Summer 2013 Cooler Key.

Pictogram cross.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram tick.png  Entpacken

Blue Summer 2013 Cooler
Blaue Sommer-2013-Kühlbox
Series #67 of the Mann Co. Supply Crate. A special limited crate that can only be opened via a Blue Summer 2013 Cooler Key.

Pictogram cross.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram tick.png  Entpacken

Brown Summer 2013 Cooler
Braune Sommer-2013-Kühlbox
Series #68 of the Mann Co. Supply Crate. A special limited crate that can only be opened via a Brown Summer 2013 Cooler Key.

Pictogram cross.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram tick.png  Entpacken

Black Summer 2013 Cooler
Schwarze Sommer-2013-Kühlbox
Series #69 of the Mann Co. Supply Crate. A special limited crate that can only be opened via a Black Summer 2013 Cooler Key.

Pictogram cross.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram tick.png  Entpacken

Fall 2013 Acorns Crate
Eichelkiste (Herbst 2013)
Series #72 of the Mann Co. Supply Crate. A special limited crate that can only be opened via a Fall 2013 Acorns Crate Key.

Pictogram cross.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Fall 2013 Gourd Crate
Kürbiskiste (Herbst 2013)
Series #73 of the Mann Co. Supply Crate. A special limited crate that can only be opened via a Fall 2013 Gourd Crate Key.

Pictogram cross.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Spooky Crate
Unheimliche Kiste
Series #74 of the Mann Co. Supply Crate. A special limited crate that could only be opened via a Spooky Key.

Pictogram cross.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Naughty Winter Crate 2013
Unartige Winterkiste 2013
Series #78 of the Mann Co. Supply Crate. A special limited crate that could only be opened via a Naughty Winter Crate Key 2013.

Pictogram cross.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Nice Winter Crate 2013
Artige Winterkiste 2013
Series #79 of the Mann Co. Supply Crate. A special limited crate that could only be opened via a Nice Winter Crate Key 2013.

Pictogram cross.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Mann Co. Strongbox
Mann Co. Tresor
Series #81 of the Mann Co. Supply Crate. A special limited crate that can only be opened via a Mann Co. Strongbox Key.

Pictogram cross.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Mann Co. Supply Munition
Mann Co. Vorratstruhe
Series #82, #83, #84 and #85 of the Mann Co. Supply Crate.

Pictogram cross.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Mann Co. Stockpile Crate
Mann Co. Lagerkiste
Seriesless crate of the Mann Co. Supply Crate. A special limited crate that can only be opened via a Mann Co. Stockpile Crate Key.

Pictogram cross.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Mann Co. Audition Reel
Mann Co.-Filmrolle
Seriesless crate of the Mann Co. Supply Crate.

Pictogram cross.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Limited Late Summer Crate
Limitierte Spätsommerkiste
Series #86 of the Mann Co. Supply Crate. A special limited crate that could only be opened via a Limited Late Summer Crate Key.

Pictogram cross.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Mann Co. Director's Cut Reel
Mann Co. Director's Cut-Filmrolle
Seriesless crate of the Mann Co. Supply Crate.

Pictogram cross.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Unlocked Creepy Scout Crate
Unverschlossene gruselige Scout-Kiste
Seriesless crate of the Mann Co. Supply Crate. A special limited crate that could only be purchased during Scream Fortress 2014.

Pictogram cross.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Unlocked Creepy Soldier Crate
Unverschlossene gruselige Soldier-Kiste
Seriesless crate of the Mann Co. Supply Crate. A special limited crate that could only be purchased during Scream Fortress 2014.

Pictogram cross.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Unlocked Creepy Pyro Crate
Unverschlossene gruselige Pyro-Kiste
Seriesless crate of the Mann Co. Supply Crate. A special limited crate that could only be purchased during Scream Fortress 2014.

Pictogram cross.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Unlocked Creepy Demo Crate
Unverschlossene gruselige Demo-Kiste
Seriesless crate of the Mann Co. Supply Crate. A special limited crate that could only be purchased during Scream Fortress 2014.

Pictogram cross.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Unlocked Creepy Heavy Crate
Unverschlossene gruselige Heavy-Kiste
Seriesless crate of the Mann Co. Supply Crate. A special limited crate that could only be purchased during Scream Fortress 2014.

Pictogram cross.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Unlocked Creepy Engineer Crate
Unverschlossene gruselige Engineer-Kiste
Seriesless crate of the Mann Co. Supply Crate. A special limited crate that could only be purchased during Scream Fortress 2014.

Pictogram cross.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Unlocked Creepy Medic Crate
Unverschlossene gruselige Medic-Kiste
Seriesless crate of the Mann Co. Supply Crate. A special limited crate that could only be purchased during Scream Fortress 2014.

Pictogram cross.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Unlocked Creepy Sniper Crate
Unverschlossene gruselige Sniper-Kiste
Seriesless crate of the Mann Co. Supply Crate. A special limited crate that could only be purchased during Scream Fortress 2014.

Pictogram cross.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Unlocked Creepy Spy Crate
Unverschlossene gruselige Spy-Kiste
Seriesless crate of the Mann Co. Supply Crate. A special limited crate that could only be purchased during Scream Fortress 2014.

Pictogram cross.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

End of the Line Community Crate
End of the Line Community-Kiste
Series #87 of the Mann Co. Supply Crate.

Pictogram cross.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Naughty Winter Crate 2014
Unartige Winterkiste 2014
Series #88 of the Mann Co. Supply Crate. A special limited crate that could only be opened via a Naughty Winter Crate Key 2014.

Pictogram cross.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Nice Winter Crate 2014
Artige Winterkiste 2014
Series #89 of the Mann Co. Supply Crate. A special limited crate that could only be opened via a Nice Winter Crate Key 2014.

Pictogram cross.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Mann Co. Supply Munition
Mann Co. Vorratstruhe
Series #90 and #91 of the Mann Co. Supply Crate.

Pictogram cross.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Mann Co. Supply Munition
Mann Co. Vorratstruhe
Series #92 of the Mann Co. Supply Crate.

Pictogram cross.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram tick.png  Entpacken

Concealed Killer Weapons Case
Series #93 of the Mann Co. Supply Crate. A special limited case that can only be opened with a Gun Mettle Key.

Pictogram cross.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Powerhouse Weapons Case
Series #94 of the Mann Co. Supply Crate. A special limited case that can only be opened with a Gun Mettle Key.

Pictogram cross.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Gun Mettle Cosmetic Case
Series #95 of the Mann Co. Supply Crate. A special limited case that can only be opened with a Gun Mettle Cosmetic Key.

Pictogram cross.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Confidential Collection Case
Vertrauliche Kollektionskiste
Series #96 of the Mann Co. Supply Crate. A special limited case that can only be opened with an Invasion Community Update Key.

Pictogram cross.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Quarantined Collection Case
Series #97 of the Mann Co. Supply Crate. A special limited case that can only be opened with an Invasion Community Update Key.

Pictogram cross.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Gargoyle Case
Series #98 of the Mann Co. Supply Crate. A special limited case that can only be opened with a Gargoyle Key.

Pictogram cross.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Pyroland Weapons Case
Series #99 of the Mann Co. Supply Crate. A special limited case that can only be opened with a Tough Break Key.

Pictogram cross.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Warbird Weapons Case
Series #100 of the Mann Co. Supply Crate. A special limited case that can only be opened with a Tough Break Key.

Pictogram cross.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Tough Break Cosmetic Case
Series #101 of the Mann Co. Supply Crate. A special limited case that can only be opened with a Tough Break Cosmetic Key.

Pictogram cross.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Mayflower Cosmetic Case
Series #102 of the Mann Co. Supply Crate. A special limited case that can only be opened with a Mayflower Cosmetic Key.

Pictogram cross.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Mann Co. Supply Munition
Mann Co. Vorratstruhe
Series #103 of the Mann Co. Supply Crate.

Pictogram cross.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram tick.png  Entpacken

Unlocked Cosmetic Crate Scout
Unverschlossene Scout-Kosmetikakiste
Seriesless crate of the Mann Co. Supply Crate. Does not require a key to open.

Pictogram tick.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Unlocked Cosmetic Crate Soldier
Unverschlossene Soldier-Kosmetikakiste
Seriesless crate of the Mann Co. Supply Crate. Does not require a key to open.

Pictogram tick.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Unlocked Cosmetic Crate Pyro
Unverschlossene Pyro-Kosmetikakiste
Seriesless crate of the Mann Co. Supply Crate. Does not require a key to open.

Pictogram tick.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Unlocked Cosmetic Crate Demo
Unverschlossene Demo-Kosmetikakiste
Seriesless crate of the Mann Co. Supply Crate. Does not require a key to open.

Pictogram tick.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Unlocked Cosmetic Crate Heavy
Unverschlossene Heavy-Kosmetikakiste
Seriesless crate of the Mann Co. Supply Crate. Does not require a key to open.

Pictogram tick.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Unlocked Cosmetic Crate Engineer
Unverschlossene Engineer-Kosmetikakiste
Seriesless crate of the Mann Co. Supply Crate. Does not require a key to open.

Pictogram tick.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Unlocked Cosmetic Crate Medic
Unverschlossene Medic-Kosmetikakiste
Seriesless crate of the Mann Co. Supply Crate. Does not require a key to open.

Pictogram tick.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Unlocked Cosmetic Crate Sniper
Unverschlossene Sniper-Kosmetikakiste
Seriesless crate of the Mann Co. Supply Crate. Does not require a key to open.

Pictogram tick.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Unlocked Cosmetic Crate Spy
Unverschlossene Spy-Kosmetikakiste
Seriesless crate of the Mann Co. Supply Crate. Does not require a key to open.

Pictogram tick.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Unlocked Cosmetic Crate Multi-Class
Unverschlossene Multiklassen-Kosmetikakiste
Seriesless crate of the Mann Co. Supply Crate. Does not require a key to open.

Pictogram tick.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Creepy Crawly Case
Series #104 of the Mann Co. Supply Crate. A special limited case that can only be opened with a Creepy Crawly Key.

Pictogram cross.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Unlocked Winter 2016 Cosmetic Case
Unverschlossene Kosmetikakiste (Winter 2016)
Seriesless crate of the Mann Co. Supply Crate. Does not require a key to open.

Pictogram tick.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Rainy Day Cosmetic Case
Series #106 of the Mann Co. Supply Crate. A special limited case that can only be opened with a Rainy Day Cosmetic Key.

Pictogram cross.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Abominable Cosmetic Case
Abscheuliche Kosmetikakiste
Series #107 of the Mann Co. Supply Crate. A special case that can only be opened with an Abominable Cosmetic Key.

Pictogram cross.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Unleash the Beast Cosmetic Case
Series #108 of the Mann Co. Supply Crate. A special case that can only be opened with an Unleash the Beast Cosmetic Key.

Pictogram cross.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Jungle Jackpot War Paint Case
Series #109 of the Mann Co. Supply Crate. A special case that can only be opened with a Jungle Jackpot War Paint Key.

Pictogram tick.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Infernal Reward War Paint Case
Series #110 of the Mann Co. Supply Crate. A special case that can only be opened with an Infernal Reward War Paint Key.

Pictogram tick.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Decorated War Hero War Paint Civilian Grade Keyless Case
Dekorierter-Kriegsheld-Kriegsbemalung Schlüssellose Kiste, Ziviliststufe
Series #111 of the Mann Co. Supply Crate. This case contains War Paints from the Decorated War Hero Collection. It is available only by being purchased in the Mercenary Park Gift Shop.

Pictogram tick.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Decorated War Hero War Paint Freelance Grade Keyless Case
Dekorierter-Kriegsheld-Kriegsbemalung Schlüssellose Kiste, Freiberuflerstufe
Series #112 of the Mann Co. Supply Crate. This case contains War Paints from the Decorated War Hero Collection. It is available only by being purchased in the Mercenary Park Gift Shop.

Pictogram tick.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Decorated War Hero War Paint Mercenary Grade Keyless Case
Dekorierter-Kriegsheld-Kriegsbemalung Schlüssellose Kiste, Söldnerstufe
Series #113 of the Mann Co. Supply Crate. This case contains War Paints from the Decorated War Hero Collection. It is available only by being purchased in the Mercenary Park Gift Shop.

Pictogram tick.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Contract Campaigner War Paint Civilian Grade Keyless Case
Auftragsaktivist-Kriegsbemalung Schlüssellose Kiste, Ziviliststufe
Series #114 of the Mann Co. Supply Crate. This case contains War Paints from the Contract Campaigner Collection. It is available only via completing specific contracts from the Jungle Inferno Campaign.

Pictogram cross.png  Kauf

Pictogram tick.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Contract Campaigner War Paint Freelance Grade Keyless Case
Auftragsaktivist-Kriegsbemalung Schlüssellose Kiste, Freiberuflerstufe
Series #115 of the Mann Co. Supply Crate. This case contains War Paints from the Contract Campaigner Collection. It is available only via completing specific contracts from the Jungle Inferno Campaign.

Pictogram cross.png  Kauf

Pictogram tick.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Contract Campaigner War Paint Mercenary Grade Keyless Case
Auftragsaktivist-Kriegsbemalung Schlüssellose Kiste, Söldnerstufe
Series #116 of the Mann Co. Supply Crate. This case contains War Paints from the Contract Campaigner Collection. It is available only via completing specific contracts from the Jungle Inferno Campaign.

Pictogram cross.png  Kauf

Pictogram tick.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Winter 2017 Cosmetic Case
Kosmetikakiste (Winter 2017)
Series #117 of the Mann Co. Supply Crate. A special limited case that can only be opened with a Winter 2017 Cosmetic Key.

Pictogram cross.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Winter 2017 War Paint Case
Kriegsbemalungskiste (Winter 2017)
Series #118 of the Mann Co. Supply Crate. A special limited case that can only be opened with a Winter 2017 War Paint Key.

Pictogram cross.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Blue Moon Cosmetic Case
Series #119 of the Mann Co. Supply Crate. A special limited case that can only be opened with a Blue Moon Cosmetic Key.

Pictogram cross.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Violet Vermin Case
Series #120 of the Mann Co. Supply Crate. A special limited case that can only be opened with a Violet Vermin Key.

Pictogram cross.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Scream Fortress X War Paint Case
Kriegsbemalungskiste (Scream Fortress X)
Series #121 of the Mann Co. Supply Crate. A special limited case that can only be opened with a Scream Fortress X War Paint Key.

Pictogram cross.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Winter 2018 Cosmetic Case
Kosmetikakiste (Winter 2018)
Series #122 of the Mann Co. Supply Crate. A special limited case that can only be opened with a Winter 2018 Cosmetic Key.

Pictogram cross.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Summer 2019 Cosmetic Case
Kosmetikakiste (Sommer 2019)
Series #123 of the Mann Co. Supply Crate. A special limited case that can only be opened with a Summer 2019 Cosmetic Key.

Pictogram cross.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Spooky Spoils Case
Series #124 of the Mann Co. Supply Crate. A special limited case that can only be opened with a Spooky Spoils Key.

Pictogram cross.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Winter 2019 Cosmetic Case
Kosmetikakiste (Winter 2019)
Series #125 of the Mann Co. Supply Crate. A special limited case that can only be opened with a Winter 2019 Cosmetic Key.

Pictogram cross.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Winter 2019 War Paint Case
Kriegsbemalungskiste (Winter 2019)
Series #126 of the Mann Co. Supply Crate. A special limited case that can only be opened with a Winter 2019 War Paint Key.

Pictogram cross.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Summer 2020 Cosmetic Case
Kosmetikakiste (Sommer 2020)
Series #127 of the Mann Co. Supply Crate. A special limited case that can only be opened with a Summer 2020 Cosmetic Key.

Pictogram cross.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Wicked Windfall Case
Series #128 of the Mann Co. Supply Crate. A special limited case that can only be opened with a Wicked Windfall Key.

Pictogram cross.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Scream Fortress XII War Paint Case
Kriegsbemalungskiste (Scream Fortress XII)
Series #129 of the Mann Co. Supply Crate. A special limited case that can only be opened with a Scream Fortress XII War Paint Key.

Pictogram cross.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Winter 2020 Cosmetic Case
Kosmetikakiste (Winter 2020)
Series #130 of the Mann Co. Supply Crate. A special limited case that can only be opened with a Winter 2020 Cosmetic Key.

Pictogram cross.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Winter 2020 War Paint Case
Kriegsbemalungskiste (Winter 2020)
Series #131 of the Mann Co. Supply Crate. A special limited case that can only be opened with a Winter 2020 War Paint Key.

Pictogram cross.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Summer 2021 Cosmetic Case
Kosmetikakiste (Sommer 2021)
Series #132 of the Mann Co. Supply Crate. A special limited case that can only be opened with a Summer 2021 Cosmetic Key.

Pictogram cross.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Crimson Cache Case
Series #133 of the Mann Co. Supply Crate. A special limited case that can only be opened with a Crimson Cache Key.

Pictogram cross.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Scream Fortress XIII War Paint Case
Kriegsbemalungskiste (Scream Fortress XIII)
Series #134 of the Mann Co. Supply Crate. A special limited case that can only be opened with a Scream Fortress XIII War Paint Key.

Pictogram cross.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Winter 2021 Cosmetic Case
Kosmetikakiste (Winter 2021)
Series #135 of the Mann Co. Supply Crate. A special limited case that can only be opened with a Winter 2021 Cosmetic Key.

Pictogram cross.png  Kauf

Pictogram tick.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken


Gegenstand Beschreibung Verfügbarkeit
Mann Co. Supply Crate Key
Mann Co. Vorratskistenschlüssel
Ein Schlüssel um eine Mann Co. Vorratskiste aufzuschließen.

Pictogram tick.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Festive Winter Crate Key
Feierlicher Winterkistenschlüssel
Ein Schlüssel um eine Feierliche Winterkiste aufzuschließen.

Pictogram cross.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Stocking Stuffer Key
Ein Schlüssel um eine Mann Co. Vorratskiste oder eine Feierliche Winterkiste aufzuschließen. Pictogram info.png Verteilt von Miss Pauling an jeden Spieler während der australischen Weihnacht.
Refreshing Summer Cooler Key
Erfrischender Kühlbox-Schlüssel
Ein Schlüssel um eine Mann Co. Vorratskiste oder Erfrischende Kühlbox aufzuschließen.

Pictogram cross.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Naughty Winter Crate Key
Unartiger Winterkistenschlüssel
Ein Schlüssel um eine Unartige Winterkiste aufzuschließen.

Pictogram cross.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Nice Winter Crate Key
Artiger Winterkistenschlüssel
Ein Schlüssel um eine Artige Winterkiste aufzuschließen.

Pictogram cross.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Scorched Key
Verschmorter Schlüssel
Ein Schlüssel um eine Verschmorte Kiste aufzuschließen.

Pictogram cross.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Fall Key
A key used to open a Fall Crate.

Pictogram cross.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Eerie Key
Gespenstischer Schlüssel
A key used to open an Eerie Crate.

Pictogram cross.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Naughty Winter Crate Key 2012
Unartiger Winterkistenschlüssel 2012
A key used to open a Naughty Winter Crate 2012.

Pictogram cross.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Nice Winter Crate Key 2012
Artiger Winterkistenschlüssel 2012
A key used to open a Nice Winter Crate 2012.

Pictogram cross.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Robo Community Crate Key
A key used to open a Robo Community Crate.

Pictogram tick.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Summer Appetizer Key
A key used to open a Summer Appetizer Crate.

Pictogram tick.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Red Summer 2013 Cooler Key
Roter Sommer-2013-Kühlboxschlüssel
A key used to open a Red Summer 2013 Cooler.

Pictogram tick.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Orange Summer 2013 Cooler Key
Oranger Sommer-2013-Kühlboxschlüssel
A key used to open a Orange Summer 2013 Cooler.

Pictogram tick.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Yellow Summer 2013 Cooler Key
Gelber Sommer-2013-Kühlboxschlüssel
A key used to open a Yellow Summer 2013 Cooler.

Pictogram tick.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Green Summer 2013 Cooler Key
Grüner Sommer-2013-Kühlboxschlüssel
A key used to open a Green Summer 2013 Cooler.

Pictogram tick.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Aqua Summer 2013 Cooler Key
Türkiser Sommer-2013-Kühlboxschlüssel
A key used to open a Aqua Summer 2013 Cooler.

Pictogram tick.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Blue Summer 2013 Cooler Key
Blauer Sommer-2013-Kühlboxschlüssel
A key used to open a Blue Summer 2013 Cooler.

Pictogram tick.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Brown Summer 2013 Cooler Key
Brauner Sommer-2013-Kühlboxschlüssel
A key used to open a Brown Summer 2013 Cooler.

Pictogram tick.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Black Summer 2013 Cooler Key
Schwarzer Sommer-2013-Kühlboxschlüssel
A key used to open a Black Summer 2013 Cooler.

Pictogram tick.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Fall 2013 Acorns Crate Key
Eichelkistenschlüssel (Herbst 2013)
A key used to open a Fall 2013 Acorns Crate.

Pictogram tick.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Fall 2013 Gourd Crate Key
Kürbiskistenschlüssel (Herbst 2013)
A key used to open a Fall 2013 Gourd Crate.

Pictogram tick.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Spooky Key
Unheimlicher Schlüssel
A key used to open a Spooky Crate.

Pictogram cross.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Naughty Winter Crate Key 2013
Unartiger Winterkistenschlüssel 2013
A key used to open a Naughty Winter Crate 2013.

Pictogram cross.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Nice Winter Crate Key 2013
Artiger Winterkistenschlüssel 2013
A key used to open a Nice Winter Crate 2013.

Pictogram cross.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Mann Co. Strongbox Key
Mann Co. Tresorschlüssel
A key used to open a Mann Co. Strongbox.

Pictogram tick.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Mann Co. Stockpile Crate Key
Mann Co. Lagerkistenschlüssel
A key used to open a Mann Co. Stockpile Crate.

Pictogram tick.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Limited Late Summer Crate Key
Limitierter Spätsommerkistenschlüssel
A key used to open a Limited Late Summer Crate.

Pictogram cross.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

End of the Line Key
„End of the Line“-Schlüssel
A key used to open a End of the Line Community Crate.

Pictogram tick.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Nice Winter Crate Key 2014
Artiger Winterkistenschlüssel 2014
A key used to open a Nice Winter Crate 2014.

Pictogram cross.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Naughty Winter Crate Key 2014
Unartiger Winterkistenschlüssel 2014
A key used to open a Naughty Winter Crate 2014.

Pictogram cross.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Gun Mettle Key
A key used to open either a Powerhouse Weapons Case or a Concealed Killer Weapons Case.

Pictogram tick.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Gun Mettle Cosmetic Key
A key used to open a Gun Mettle Cosmetic Case.

Pictogram tick.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Invasion Community Update Key
A key used to open either a Quarantined Collection Case or a Confidential Collection Case.

Pictogram tick.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Gargoyle Key
A key used to open a Gargoyle Case.

Pictogram tick.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Tough Break Key
A key used to open either a Pyroland Weapons Case or a Warbird Weapons Case.

Pictogram tick.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Tough Break Cosmetic Key
A key used to open a Tough Break Cosmetic Case.

Pictogram tick.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Mayflower Cosmetic Key
A key used to open a Mayflower Cosmetic Case.

Pictogram tick.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Creepy Crawly Key
A key used to open a Creepy Crawly Case.

Pictogram tick.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Rainy Day Cosmetic Key
A key used to open a Rainy Day Cosmetic Case.

Pictogram tick.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Abominable Cosmetic Key
Abscheulicher Kosmetikaschlüssel
A key used to open a Abominable Cosmetic Case.

Pictogram tick.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Unleash the Beast Cosmetic Key
A key used to open a Unleash the Beast Cosmetic Case.

Pictogram tick.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Jungle Jackpot War Paint Key
Kriegsbemalungsschlüssel (Dschungeljackpot)
A key used to open a Jungle Jackpot War Paint Case.

Pictogram tick.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Infernal Reward War Paint Key
Kriegsbemalungsschlüssel (Höllische Belohung)
A key used to open a Infernal Reward War Paint Case.

Pictogram tick.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Winter 2017 Cosmetic Key
Kosmetikaschlüssel (Winter 2017)
A key used to open a Winter 2017 Cosmetic Case.

Pictogram tick.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Winter 2017 War Paint Key
Kriegsbemalungsschlüssel (Winter 2017)
A key used to open a Winter 2017 War Paint Case.

Pictogram tick.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Blue Moon Cosmetic Key
A key used to open a Blue Moon Cosmetic Case.

Pictogram tick.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Violet Vermin Key
A key used to open a Violet Vermin Case.

Pictogram tick.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Scream Fortress X War Paint Key
Kriegsbemalungsschlüssel (Scream Fortress X)
A key used to open a Scream Fortress X War Paint Case.

Pictogram tick.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Winter 2018 Cosmetic Key
Kosmetikaschlüssel (Winter 2018)
A key used to open a Winter 2018 Cosmetic Case.

Pictogram tick.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Summer 2019 Cosmetic Key
Kosmetikaschlüssel (Sommer 2019)
A key used to open a Summer 2019 Cosmetic Case.

Pictogram tick.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Spooky Spoils Key
A key used to open a Spooky Spoils Case.

Pictogram tick.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Winter 2019 Cosmetic Key
Kosmetikaschlüssel (Winter 2019)
A key used to open a Winter 2019 Cosmetic Case.

Pictogram tick.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Winter 2019 War Paint Key
Kriegsbemalungsschlüssel (Winter 2019)
A key used to open a Winter 2019 War Paint Case.

Pictogram tick.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Summer 2020 Cosmetic Key
Kosmetikaschlüssel (Sommer 2020)
A key used to open a Summer 2020 Cosmetic Case.

Pictogram tick.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Wicked Windfall Key
A key used to open a Wicked Windfall Case.

Pictogram tick.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Scream Fortress XII War Paint Key
Kriegsbemalungsschlüssel (Scream Fortress XII)
A key used to open a Scream Fortress XII War Paint Case.

Pictogram tick.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Winter 2020 Cosmetic Key
Kosmetikaschlüssel (Winter 2020)
A key used to open a Winter 2020 Cosmetic Case.

Pictogram tick.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Winter 2020 War Paint Key
Kriegsbemalungsschlüssel (Winter 2020)
A key used to open a Winter 2020 War Paint Case.

Pictogram tick.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Summer 2021 Cosmetic Key
Kosmetikaschlüssel (Sommer 2021)
A key used to open a Summer 2021 Cosmetic Case.

Pictogram tick.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Crimson Cache Key
A key used to open a Crimson Cache Case.

Pictogram tick.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Scream Fortress XIII War Paint Key
Kriegsbemalungsschlüssel (Scream Fortress XIII)
A key used to open a Scream Fortress XIII War Paint Case.

Pictogram tick.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Winter 2021 Cosmetic Key
Kosmetikaschlüssel (Winter 2021)
A key used to open a Winter 2021 Cosmetic Case.

Pictogram tick.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Gegenstände personalisieren

Gegenstand Beschreibung Verfügbarkeit
Name Tag
Wird benutzt um Waffen, Hüte oder kosmetische gegenstände umzubenennen.

Pictogram tick.png  Kauf

Pictogram tick.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram tick.png  Entpacken

Description Tag
Wird benutzt um die Beschreibung von Waffen, Hüten oder Sonstigen Gegenständen zu ändern.

Pictogram tick.png  Kauf

Pictogram tick.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram tick.png  Entpacken

Paint Can
Wird benutzt um die Farbe von Hüten zu ändern oder kosmetische gegenstände umzubenennen.
Siehe auch: Farbdose
Decal Tool
Wird benutzt um ein Bild auf jeweils einen der folgenden Gegenstände zu setzen: Flair!, Foto-Abzeichen, Clanstolz, und Kriegsdienstverweigerer.

Pictogram tick.png  Kauf

Pictogram tick.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Strange Part
Seltsames Bauteil
Wird benutzt um einen zusätzlichen seltsamen Zähler auf eine Seltsame Waffe anzubringen.

Pictogram cross.png  Kauf

Pictogram tick.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram tick.png  Entpacken

Halloween Spells
Wird benutzt um einen zusätzlichen seltsamen Zähler auf eine Seltsame Waffe anzubringen.

Pictogram cross.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Strange Filter
Seltsamer Filter
Used to limit a Strange weapon's abilities to a certain map.

Pictogram tick.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Strange Bacon Grease
Seltsames Schinkenfett
Used to convert a Frying Pan to the Strange quality.

Pictogram cross.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram tick.png  Entpacken

Used to change specific items to the Strange quality.

Pictogram cross.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram tick.png  Entpacken

Killstreak Kit
Used to add killstreak effects to specific weapons.

Pictogram cross.png  Kauf

Pictogram tick.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram tick.png  Entpacken

Strange Count Transfer Tool
Übertragungswerkzeug für seltsame Zähler
Used to transfer stat counts between two Strange-quality weapons of the same base type. Can only be crafted by combining two Strange Parts.

Pictogram cross.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram tick.png  Entpacken

Used to make a select weapon into a festivized variant.

Pictogram cross.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram tick.png  Entpacken

Civilian Grade Stat Clock
Zähleruhr der Zivilist-Stufe
Used to add a Strange Stat Clock module to a Civilian Grade Decorated weapon, allowing it to track kills. It can only be acquired through Trade-Up by exchanging with 5 qualifying items.

Pictogram cross.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Used to add an Unusual effect to a taunt.

Pictogram cross.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram tick.png  Entpacken

Andere Werkzeuge

Gegenstand Beschreibung Verfügbarkeit
Gift Wrap
Das Geschenkpapier wird benutzt um Items als Geschenke für andere Spieler einzupacken. Verpackte Geschenke können an Spieler vergeben werden die offline sind. Manche Gegenstände die normalerweise nicht handelbar sind können eingepackt und verschenkt werden.

Pictogram tick.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram tick.png  Entpacken

Backpack Expander
Fügt 100 extra Speicherplätze dem Rucksack hinzu bis zu einem Maximum von 3000 Speicherplätzen.

Pictogram tick.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram tick.png  Entpacken

RIFT Well Spun Hat Claim Code
RIFT Wohlgesponnener Hut Gutscheincode
Erlaubt es Spielern den "Well Spun Hat" in RIFT freizuschalten.

Pictogram info.png  Verteilt an die Spieler die die "Hallo und Auf Wiedersehen!" Errungenschaft erfüllt haben. Kann nicht mehr erhalten werden.

Something Special For Someone Special Tool
Etwas Besonderes für jemand Besonderen
A tool that, upon use, turns into a pair of cosmetic gold rings for all classes.

Pictogram tick.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Mysterious Treasures
Rätselhafte Schätze
Items that were added to craft the Pile of Ash.

Pictogram cross.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Tour of Duty Ticket
Tour of Duty-Ticket
Allows entry into official Mann Up servers.

Pictogram tick.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram tick.png  Entpacken

Squad Surplus Voucher
This item grants a Mann Up squad an extra item upon mission completion.

Pictogram tick.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Mysterious Promo
Mysteriöse Werbeaktion
A bundle to hide upcoming promotional items.

Pictogram cross.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Upgrade to Premium Gift
Upgrades the user account to a premium account.

Pictogram tick.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Mann Co. Painting Set
Mann Co. Malerset
Grants the player up to three random Paint Cans on use.

Pictogram cross.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram tick.png  Entpacken

Summer Claim Check
Grants the player a random Summer 2013 Cooler when used.

Pictogram cross.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Chemistry Set
A recipe item with varying inputs and varying outputs. When all of the inputs are fulfilled, the Chemistry Set gives the items listed in the outputs.

Pictogram cross.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Killstreak Kit Fabricator
Hersteller - Kit Killserie
A recipe item that gives out either a Specialized or Professional Killstreak Kit for a specific weapon when the inputs are fulfilled.

Pictogram cross.png  Kauf

Pictogram tick.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

This Giftapult can be used to package an item as a gift for another player. Wrapped gifts are delivered to a random online player. Items that are normally not tradable cannot be wrapped and gifted using gift wrap.

Pictogram cross.png  Kauf

Pictogram tick.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram tick.png  Entpacken

Duck Token
Increases the Duck Journal's power level to enable the ability to drop more ducks during gameplay. The power level of the Duck Journal cannot exceed 5.

Pictogram cross.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Gun Mettle Campaign Pass
Grants a Gravel Gun Mettle Campaign Coin upon activation, making its owner eligible to participate in the Gun Mettle Campaign.

Pictogram cross.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Gravel Gun Mettle Campaign Coin
Gun-Mettle-Kampagnenmünze (Kies)
A received item which gave access to Gun Mettle Campaign contracts and tracks the player's contract progress during the campaign, including: Campaign Contract Bonus Points, Campaign Contracts Completed and Campaign Kills.

Pictogram cross.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Competitive Matchmaking Beta Pass
An item that allowed a player to gain access to the Competitive Matchmaking Beta.

Pictogram cross.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Invasion Community Update Pass
Grants a Invasion Community Update Coin upon activation, making its owner eligible to obtain update-specific Weapon Cases via the drop system.

Pictogram cross.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Invasion Community Update Coin
A received item by activating the Invasion Community Update Pass. The coin tracked player kills and assists made throughout the course of the event, as well as kills and assists specifically made while playing on Invasion update maps.

Pictogram cross.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Soul Gargoyle
A received item which gave access to Merasmissions, able to transmute for Halloween items and collect souls.

Pictogram cross.png  Kauf

Pictogram tick.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Tough Break Campaign Pass
Grants Gravel Tough Break Campaign Stamp upon activation, making its owner eligible to participate in the Tough Break Campaign.

Pictogram cross.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Gravel Tough Break Campaign Stamp
Tough-Break-Kampagnenbriefmarke (Kies)
A received item which gave access to Tough Break Campaign contracts and tracks the player's contract progress during the campaign, including: Campaign Contract Bonus Points, Campaign Contracts Completed and Campaign Kills.

Pictogram cross.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Competitive Matchmaking Beta Invite
Einladung zur Wettkampf-Matchmaking-Beta
An item that allowed players to send a Competitive Matchmaking Beta Pass to someone on their friends list or on the current server.

Pictogram cross.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Competitive Matchmaking Pass
Grants access to Competitive Mode Matchmaking.

Pictogram tick.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Jungle Inferno ConTracker
A received item which gave access to Jungle Inferno Campaign contracts and earn Blood Money to be spent on The Mercenary Park Gift Shop. The Jungle Inferno ConTracker can be equipped in a player's Action Slot.

Pictogram cross.png  Kauf

Pictogram tick.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Jungle Inferno Campaign Pass
Grants a Jungle Inferno ConTracker upon activation, making its owner eligible to participate in the Jungle Inferno Campaign.

Pictogram cross.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Jungle Inferno Contracts Pass
Grants a Jungle Inferno ConTracker upon activation, making its owner eligible to access the contracts of the Jungle Inferno Campaign and receive contract rewards.

Pictogram tick.png  Kauf

Pictogram cross.png  Zufallsfund

Pictogram cross.png  Entpacken

Veröffentlichungsdatum der Tools

Hauptartikel: Item Zeitleiste

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