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(Created Template. I'm going to paste the existing translations in this, later.)
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{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
! colspan="1" | Legend
! colspan="1" | {{lang
| en = Legend
| de = Legende
| es = Leyenda
| it = Legenda
| ja = 凡例
| ko = 범례
| pl = Legenda
| pt-br = Legenda
| ru = Легенда
| zh-hans = 普通事件
| zh-hant = 普通事件}}
| style="background:powderblue;" | Important event
| style="background:powderblue;" | {{lang
| en = Important event
| de = Wichtiges Ereignis
| es = Evento importante
| it = Evento Importante
| ja = 重要な出来事
| ko = 중요한 사건
| pl = Ważne wydarzenie
| pt-br = Evento importante
| ru = Важные события
| zh-hans = 重要事件
| zh-hant = 重要事件}}
{|class="wikitable grid sortable plainlinks" cellpadding=10px width="100%"
{|class="wikitable grid sortable plainlinks" cellpadding=10px width="100%"
!class="header" style="width: 15%"| Date
!class="header" style="width: 15%"| {{lang
!class="header unsortable" | Event
| en = Date
!class="header unsortable" | Source
| de = Datum
| es = Fecha
| it = Data
| ja = 日付
| ko = 날짜
| pl = Data
| pt-br = Data
| ru = Дата
| zh-hans = 时间
| zh-hant = 時間}}
!class="header unsortable" | {{lang
| en = Event
| de = Ereignis
| es = Evento
| it = Evento
| ja = 出来事
| ko = 사건
| pl = Wydarzenie
| pt-br = Evento
| ru = Событие
| zh-hans = 事件
| zh-hant = 事件}}
!class="header unsortable" | {{lang
| en = Source
| de = Quelle
| es = Fuente
| it = Fonte
| ja = ソース
| ko = 출처
| pl = Źródło
| pt-br = Fonte
| ru = Источник
| zh-hans = 来源
| zh-hant = 來源}}
!colspan="3" | 18th Century
!colspan="3" | {{lang
| en = 17th Century
| de = 17. Jahrhundert}}
|1788 - December 18th
| 1680
|[[Non-player characters#Nicholas Crowder|Old Nick]] turns his boat around to conquer the South Pole while on a voyage to Australia.
| {{lang
| [http://www.teamfortress.com/australianchristmas/ Link]
| en = Members of the Degroot family begin production of [[Scottish Handshake|Degroot's Rum]] which the [[Demoman]] would become a fan of centuries later.
| de = Mitglieder der DeGroot-Familie beginnen mit der Produktion von [[Scottish Handshake/de|DeGroot's Rum]], von dem der [[Demoman/de|Demoman]] einige Jahrhunderte später ein Fan wird.}}
| [[Scottish Handshake{{if lang}}|{{common string|link}}]]
!colspan="3" | 19th Century
!colspan="3" | {{lang
| en = 18th Century
| de = 18. Jahrhundert
| es = Siglo XIIX
| it = Diciottesimo Secolo
| ja = 18世紀
| ko = 18세기
| pl = XVIII wiek
| pt-br = Século 18
| ru = 18-ый век
| zh-hans = 18世纪
| zh-hant = 18世紀}}
|1788 - {{lang
| en = December 18th
| de = 18. Dezember
| es = 18 de Diciembre
| it = 18 Dicembre
| ja = 12月18日
| ko = 12월 18일
| pl = 18 grudnia
| pt-br = 18 de dezembro
| ru = 18-ое декабря
| zh-hans = 12月18号
| zh-hant = 12月18號}}
| en = [[Non-player characters#Nicholas Crowder|Old Nick]] turns his boat around to conquer the South Pole while on a voyage to Australia.
| de = [[Non-player characters/de#Nicholas Crowder|Old Nick]] deht sein Boot, um den Südpol zu erobern, obwohl er eigentlich nach Australien wollte.
| es = [[Non-player characters/es#Old Nick|Old Nick]] Cambió el rumbo de su barco para conquistar el Polo Sur mientras iba de viaje hacia Australia
| it = [[Non-player characters#Nicholas Crowder/it|Old Nick]] volse la sua barca alla conquista del Polo Sud durante un viaggio in Australia.
| ja = オーストラリア航海中の[[Non-player characters#Old Nick/ja|オールド・ニック(Old Nick)]]は南極を征服するために船の向きを変えた。
| ko = 호주를 항해중이던 [[Non-player characters/ko|올드 닉]]이 남극 정복을 위해 선박의 방향을 바꿈.
| pl = [[Non-player characters/pl#Stary Nick|Stary Nick]] zawraca łódź w celu podbicia Bieguna Południowego podczas swojej podróży do Australii.
| pt-br = [[Non-player characters#Old Nick/pt-br|Old Nick]] muda seu navio para conquistar o Polo Sul enquanto indo para a  Australia
| ru = [[Non-player characters#Old Nick|Старый Ник]] поворачивает свою лодку к Австралии.
| zh-hans = '''[[Non-player characters#Nicholas Crowder/zh-hans|老尼克]]'''到达了澳大利亚,后来调转了船头,前往了南极。
| zh-hant = '''[[Non-player characters#Nicholas Crowder/zh-hant|老尼克]]'''到達了澳大利亞,後來調轉了船頭,前往了南極。}}
| [http://www.teamfortress.com/australianchristmas/ {{common string|link}}]
| 1792
| {{lang
| en = Italian physicist Alessandro Volta invented the battery by mixing zinc, ammonium chloride and molten salt together.
| de = Der italienische Physiker Alessandro Volta erfindet die Batterie, indem er Zink, Ammoniumchlorid und Salzschmelze vermischt.}}
| [[Bonk Leadwear{{if lang}}|{{common string|link}}]]
!colspan="3" | {{lang
| en = 19th Century
| de = 19. Jahrhundert
| es = Siglo XIX
| it = Diciannovesimo Secolo
| ja = 19世紀
| ko = 19세기
| pl = XIX wiek
| pt-br = Século 19
| ru = 19-ый век
| zh-hans = 19世纪
| zh-hant = 19世紀}}
| 1808
| 1808
| The company that produces the [[Bottle|scrumpy]] that the Demoman would become a fan of over a century later begins production of their product.  
| {{lang
| [[:File:XXX.png|Link]]
| en = The company that produces the [[Bottle|scrumpy]] that the Demoman would become a fan of over a century later begins production of their product.  
| de = Die Firma beginnt mit der Herstellung ihres [[Bottle/de|Produkts]], von dem der Demoman ein Jahrhundert später ein Fan wird.
| es = La compañía que produce el [[Bottle/es|scrumpy]] del que el Demoman sería un fan un siglo después empieza a fabricar su producto.
| it = La compagnia che produsse lo [[Bottle/it|scrumpy]], del quale il Demolitore sarebbe diventato un grande fan, un secolo dopo iniziò la produzione del suo prodotto
| ja = [[Demoman/ja|デモマン]]の[[Bottle/ja|スクランピー]]が製造された。
| ko = 데모맨이 세기를 넘어서도 좋아하게 되는 [[Bottle/ko|사과 술]]이 생산을 시작함.
| pl = Wytworzono [[Bottle/pl|cydr]] [[Demoman/pl|Demomana]].
| pt-br = O [[Bottle/pt-br|Scrumpy]] do [[Demoman/pt-br|Demoman]] foi criada.
| ru = Сделана [[Bottle/ru|бутылка]] [[Demoman/ru|подрывника]].
| zh-hans = 一间公司开始生产[[Bottle/zh-hans|果酒]],而一个多世纪以后,爆破手成为了这家公司产品的忠实粉丝。
| zh-hant = 一間公司開始生產[[Bottle/zh-hant|果酒]],而一個多世紀以後,爆破手成為了這家公司產品的忠實粉絲。}}
| [[:File:XXX.png|{{common string|link}}]]
| 1814 - June
| 1814 - {{common string|month-6}}
| An editorial cartoon is published in the ''Gentle Manne’s Monthly'' entitled "An Editorial Cartoon of Some Insighte" starring the editorial’s mascot the Gentle Manne of Leisure along with his "Companione".
| {{lang
| [http://www.teamfortress.com/classless/hidden/hats/ Link]
| en = An editorial cartoon is published in the ''Gentle Manne's Monthly'' entitled "An Editorial Cartoon of Some Insighte" starring the editorial's mascot the Gentle Manne of Leisure along with his "Companione".
| de = Ein Cartoon im Editorial des ''Gentle Manne's Monthly'' mit dem Namen "An Editorial Cartoon of Some Insighte" zeigt den Gentle Manne of Leisure mit seinem Kameraden.
| es = Un cómic editorial es publicado en el Gentle Manne’s Monthly, titulado “An Editorial Cartoon of Some Insighte“ (un cómic editorial de alguna idea), que tenía como protagonista la mascota de la editorial, the Gentle Manne of Leisure (el caballero del ocio, fijarse en el juego de palabras con el apellido Mann), y su compañero.
| it = Un cartone animato editioriale viene pubblicato nel ''Gentle Manne's Monthly'' intitolato "An Editiorial Cartoon of some Inseghte" con protagonista la mascot the.
| ja = Gentle Manne's MonthlyにてGentle Manne of Leisureとその友人を主役にした時事漫画“An Editorial Cartoon of Some Insighte,”が公開。
| ko = "동반자" 와 함께 여가를 보내는 젠틀 맨의 "한 통찰력 있는 사람의 논평 만화" 라는 이름의 만화가 ''젠틀 맨의 월간지''에 추가되어 발매됨.
| pl = W "Dżentelmeńskim Miesięczniku" opublikowano komiks polityczny zatytułowany "Komiks polityczny na temat pewnych poglądów" z Wygodnym Dżentelmenem i jego Kompanem w rolach głównych.
| pt-br = Um desenho editorial é publicado no ''Gentle Manne’s Monthly'', com o título ''“An Editorial Cartoon of Some Insighte,”'' estrelando o mascotes do editorial, O ''Gentle Manne of Leisure'', e seu ''Companione''.
| ru = Ежемесячно публикуется карикатура Джентль Манна, озаглавленная как «Редакционная карикатура Some Insighte».
| zh-hans = 一幅社论漫画发表在了《绅士》月刊上,该漫画的主人公是'''闲暇的绅士'''以及他的'''同伴。
| zh-hant = 一幅社論漫畫發表在了《紳士》月刊上,該漫畫的主人公是'''閒暇的紳士'''以及他的'''同伴。}}
| [http://www.teamfortress.com/classless/hidden/hats/ {{common string|link}}]
| - style="background:powderblue;" | 1822 - September 2nd
| - style="background:powderblue;" | 1822 - {{lang
| - style="background:powderblue;" | Redmond, Blutarch and Gray Mann are born. Of the three, Gray was "absconded with by that scourge of London, the Eagle".
| en = September 2nd
| - style="background:powderblue;" | [http://www.teamfortress.com/gray/ Link]
| de = 2. September
| zh-hans = 9月2号
| zh-hant = 9月2號}}
| - style="background:powderblue;" | {{lang
| en = Redmond, Blutarch and Gray Mann are born. Of the three, Gray was "absconded with by that scourge of London, the Eagle".
| de = Redmond, Blutarch und Gray Mann werden geboren. Gray wird während der großen Adlerplage von einem Adler entführt.
| zh-hans = 曼恩三兄弟出世;格雷•曼恩被老鹰抓走。
| zh-hant = 曼恩三兄弟出世;格雷•曼恩被老鷹抓走。}}
| - style="background:powderblue;" | [http://www.teamfortress.com/gray/ {{common string|link}}]
| - style="background:powderblue;" | 1849
| - style="background:powderblue;" | 1849
| - style="background:powderblue;" | Gray Mann resurfaces this year and threatens to blackmail Zepheniah Mann for all his Miracle Gravel (Australium).
| - style="background:powderblue;" | {{lang
| - style="background:powderblue;" | [http://www.teamfortress.com/mannwill/ Link]
| en = Gray Mann resurfaces this year and threatens to blackmail Zepheniah Mann for all his Miracle Gravel (Australium).
| de = Gray Mann taucht wieder auf und erpresst Zepheniah, um an seinen "magischen Kies" (Australium) zu kommen.
| zh-hans = 格雷•曼恩复出,并威胁、敲诈泽弗尼亚•曼恩,想要得到其收藏的'''魔法砾石'''(澳元素)。
| zh-hant = 格雷•曼恩複出,並威脅、敲詐澤弗尼亞•曼恩,想要得到其收藏的'''魔法礫石'''(澳元素)。}}
| - style="background:powderblue;" | [http://www.teamfortress.com/mannwill/ {{common string|link}}]
| - style="background:powderblue;" | 1850
| - style="background:powderblue;" | 1850
| - style="background:powderblue;" | The last will and testament of [[Non-player characters#Zepheniah Mann|Zepheniah Mann]] is written and enacted.
| - style="background:powderblue;" | {{lang
| - style="background:powderblue;" | [http://www.teamfortress.com/loosecanon/04.html Link]
| en = The last will and testament of [[Non-player characters#Zepheniah Mann|Zepheniah Mann]] is written and enacted.
| de = Der letzte Willen und das Testament von [[Non-player characters/de#Zepheniah Mann|Zepheniah Mann]] wird geschrieben und beschlossen.
| es = La última voluntad y testamento de [[Zepheniah Mann]] es escrita y promulgada.
| it = L'ultimo testamento di [[Non-player characters#Zepheniah Mann/it|Zepheniah Mann]] viene scritto ed emanato.
| ja = [[Zepheniah Mann/ja|ゼフェニア・マン]]が残した遺言が実行された。
| ko = [[Zepheniah Mann/ko|제페니아 맨]]이 남긴 마지막 유언이 실행됨.
| pl = Sporządzono i wcielono w życie ostatnią wolę i testament [[Zepheniah Mann/pl|Zefeniasza Manna]].
| pt-br = A Última Vontande e Testamento de [[Zepheniah Mann/pt-br|Zepheniah Mann]] é escrito e promulgado.
| ru = Последняя воля и завещание [[Zepheniah Mann/ru|Зефенайя Манна]] были написаны и заверены.
| zh-hans = [[Non-player characters#Zepheniah Mann/zh-hans|泽弗尼亚•曼恩]]病逝,并留下了遗嘱。
| zh-hant = [[Non-player characters#Zepheniah Mann/zh-hant|澤弗尼亞•曼恩]]病逝,並留下了遺囑。}}
| - style="background:powderblue;" | [http://www.teamfortress.com/loosecanon/04.html {{common string|link}}]
| 1850
| 1850
| Australia becomes the world's most advanced country.
| {{lang
| [http://www.teamfortress.com/pumpkinpatch/the_last_will_and_testament_of_Zepheniah_Mann/ Link], [http://www.teamfortress.com/loosecanon/09.html Link]
| en = Australia becomes the world's most advanced country.
| de = Australien wird zur fortschrittlichsten Nation der Welt.
| es = Australia se vuelve el país más avanzado del planeta.
| it = L'Australia diventa il paese più avanzato del mondo.
| ja = オーストラリアが世界の最先進国となる。
| ko = 호주가 세계 최고의 선진국이 됨.
| pl = Australia staje się najbardziej rozwiniętym technologicznie państwem świata.
| pt-br = Australia se torna o país mais avançado do mundo.
| ru = Австралия становится самой продвинутой страной.
| zh-hans = 澳大利亚成为世上最先进的国家。
| zh-hant = 澳大利亞成為世上最先進的國家。}}
| [http://www.teamfortress.com/pumpkinpatch/the_last_will_and_testament_of_Zepheniah_Mann/ Link], [http://www.teamfortress.com/loosecanon/09.html {{common string|link}}]
| 1857
| 1857
| Abraham Lincoln invents stairs, replacing [[rocket jumping]].
| {{lang
| [http://www.teamfortress.com/war/victory/ Link]
| en = Abraham Lincoln invents stairs, replacing [[rocket jumping]].
| de = Abraham Lincoln erfindet die Treppe, welche das [[Rocket jumping/de|Raketenspringen]] ersetzt.
| es = Abraham Lincoln inventa las escaleras, sustituyendo al [[rocket jumping/es|salto cohete]].
| it = Abraham Lincoln inventa le scale, che rimpiazzano il [[rocket jumping/it|salto razzo]].
| ja = エイブラハム・リンカーンが[[rocket jumping/ja|ロケットジャンプ]]に代わる“階段”を発明。
| ko = 에이브라함 링컨이 [[rocket jumping/ko|로켓 점프]] 대신 계단이란 것을 발명.
| pl = Abraham Lincoln wynajduje schody, które zastępują [[rocket jump/pl|rakietowe skoki]].
| pt-br = Abraham Lincoln inventa as escadas, substituindo o [[rocket jumping/pt-br|''rocket jumping'']]
| ru = Авраам Линкольн изобретает лестницы, заменив [[jumping/ru|прыжки на ракетах]].
| zh-hans = '''亚伯拉罕•林肯'''发明了楼梯,取代了[[rocket jumping/zh-hans|火箭跳]]。
| zh-hant = '''亞伯拉罕•林肯'''發明了樓梯,取代了[[rocket jumping/zh-hant|火箭跳]]。}}
| [http://www.teamfortress.com/war/victory/ {{common string|link}}]
| 1861 - August 21th
| 1861 - {{lang
| Redmond and Blutarch Mann sell their gravel mine to [[Barnabas Hale]] for 5 cents. Hale then turns it into a coal mine promising jobs for the surrounding region.
| en = August 21th
| [[Coal Town|Link]]
| de = 21. August
| zh-hans = 8月21号
| zh-hant = 8月21號}}
| {{lang
| en = Redmond and Blutarch Mann sell their gravel mine to [[Barnabas Hale]] for 5 cents. Hale then turns it into a coal mine promising jobs for the surrounding region.
| de = Redmond und Blutarch Mann verkaufen ihre Kiesminen für 5 Cent an [[Barnabas Hale/de]]. Hale macht sie zu einem Kohlebergwerk und verspricht, Jobs für die Umgebung zu schaffen.
| zh-hans = 雷德蒙德和布鲁塔克将他们的砾石矿以5美分的价格卖给了[[Barnabas Hale/zh-hans|巴纳巴斯•霍尔]]。巴纳巴斯•霍尔将其变成了一个煤矿,为周边地区提供了就业机会。
| zh-hant = 雷德蒙德和布魯塔克將他們的礫石礦以5美分的價格賣給了[[Barnabas Hale/zh-hant|巴納巴斯•霍爾]]。巴納巴斯•霍爾將其變成了一個煤礦,為周邊地區提供了就業機會。}}
| [[Coal Town{{if lang}}|{{common string|link}}]]
| 1862 - August 5th
| 1862 - {{lang
| Scientists in Australia "nervously assure the world" that there is "No [[Australium|gold]] after all..." Gold prospectors turn gaze to Canada.
| en = August 5th
| [http://www.teamfortress.com/engineerupdate/v00.php Link], [http://www.teamfortress.com/engineerupdate/radigan/ Link]
| de = 5. August
| es = 5 de Agosto
| it = 5 Agosto
| ja = 8月5日
| ko = 8월 5일
| pl = 5 sierpnia
| pt-br = 5 de agosto
| ru = 5-ое августа
| zh-hans = 8月5号
| zh-hant = 8月5號}}
| {{lang
| en = Scientists in Australia "nervously assure the world" that there is "No [[Australium|gold]] after all..." Gold prospectors turn gaze to Canada.
| de = Australische Forscher versichern, dass es in ihrer Heimat kein [[Australium/de|Gold]] gibt. Goldschürfer wenden ihren Blick nach Kanada.
| es = Científicos en Australia "nerviosamente aseguran al mundo" que "no hay ninguna clase de [[Australium/es|oro]] a pesar de todo". Los buscadores de oro vuelven la vista a Canadá.
| it = Gli scienziati in Australia "assicurarono nervosamente al mondo" che "non c'è nessun [[Australium/it|oro]] dopo tutto..." I cercatori d'oro girarono lo sguardo verso il Canada.
| ja = オーストラリアの科学者は “結局のところ[[Australium/ja|金]]は無い”と “緊張した面持ちで世界を納得させた。” 金探鉱者はカナダに目を向けます。
| ko = 호주의 과학자들은 "결국 [[Australium/ko|금]]은 없다..." 며 긴장한 표정으로 세계를 납득시켰다. 금 탐사자들은 캐나다로 눈을 돌림.
| pl = Australijscy naukowcy "nerwowo zapewniają resztę świata", że "nie posiadają żadnego [[Australium/pl|złota]]". Poszukiwacze złota kierują swoją uwagę na Kanadę.
| pt-br = Cientistas na Austrália "nervosamente asseguram ao mundo" que não existe "[[Australium/pt-br|gold]]." Garimpeiros vão para o Canadá.
| ru = Ученые из Австралии «нервного обеспечения мира» обращают взгляд к Канаде.
| zh-hans = 澳大利亚的科学家'''信誓旦旦'''(紧张兮兮)地向全世界宣布:“澳大利亚根本没有[[Australium/zh-hans|黄金]]……”,于是全世界的淘金者把目光都转向了加拿大。
| zh-hant = 澳大利亞的科學家'''信誓旦旦'''(緊張兮兮)地向全世界宣佈:“澳大利亞根本沒有[[Australium/zh-hant|黃金]]……”,於是全世界的淘金者把目光都轉向了加拿大。}}
| [http://www.teamfortress.com/engineerupdate/v00.php {{common string|link}}], [http://www.teamfortress.com/engineerupdate/radigan/ {{common string|link}}]
| 1865
| 1865
| Abraham Lincoln holds his Second Inaugural Address stating, "I say this to you with unvarnished factualism of plain talk: I love [[Arena|Arena Mode]]."
| {{lang
| [http://www.teamfortress.com/sniper_vs_spy/day02_english.htm Link]
| en = Abraham Lincoln holds his Second Inaugural Address stating, "I say this to you with unvarnished factualism of plain talk: I love [[Arena|Arena Mode]]."
| de = Abraham Lincoln hält seine zweite Eröffnungsrede mit dem Inhalt: "Ich sage es euch mit der ungeschminkten Wahrheit des Klartext-Redens: Ich liebe den [[Arena/de|Arena-Modus]]."
| es = Abraham Lincoln tiene su Segundo Discurso Inaugural, diciendo, "Os digo esto con el objetivo de hablar sin rodeos: Adoro el modo [[Arena/es|Arena]]."
| it = Abraham Lincoln tenne il suo Second Inaugural Address dicendo, "I say this to you with unvarnished factualism of plain talk: I love [[Arena|Arena Mode]].", che significa "Lo dico a voi in modo freddo e crudo: Io amo la [[Arena/it|Modalità Arena]].
| ja = エイブラハム・リンカーンが二回目の就任演説を行い、“私は事実を覆い隠さず率直に言う。私は[[Arena/ja|アリーナ]]モードを愛している。” と述べた。
| ko = 에이브라함 링컨이 두번째 취임연설에서 "겉포장하지 않고 솔직히 말하자면 나는 [[Arena/ko|아레나 모드]]를 사랑한다" 라고 말함.
| pl = Abraham Lincoln wygłasza swoje Drugie Inauguracyjne Przemówienie, na którym zaznacza: "Mówię to do was bez zbędnego owijania w bawełnę: Kocham tryb [[Arena/pl|Arena]]".
| pt-br = Abraham Lincoln segura seu segundo Endereço Ingaugurador, dizendoho, "Eu digo isso para vocês com fatualismo de uma e franca conversa: Eu amo o modo [[Arena/pt-br|Arena]]."
| ru = Авраам Линкольн, произнося речь, заявляет, что любит режим [[Arena/ru|Арена]].
| zh-hans = 亚伯拉罕•林肯发表了其第二次就职演说:“我就和各位实事求是直截了当地说了:我爱[[Arena/zh-hans|竞技场模式]]”。
| zh-hant = 亞伯拉罕•林肯發表了其第二次就職演說:“我就和各位實事求是直截了當地說了:我愛[[Arena/zh-hant|競技場模式]]”。}}
| [http://www.teamfortress.com/sniper_vs_spy/day02_english.htm {{common string|link}}]
| 1865 - April 20th
| 1865 - {{lang
| The War Department publishes a wanted poster for John "Tower of Hats" Booth for the assassination of Abraham Lincoln.
| en = April 20th
| [http://www.teamfortress.com/engineerupdate/v00.php Link]
| de = 20. April
| es = 20 de Abril
| it = 20 Aprile
| ja = 4月20日
| ko = 4월 20일
| pl = 20 kwietnia
| pt-br = 20 de abril
| ru = 20 апреля
| zh-hans = 4月20号
| zh-hant = 4月20號}}
| {{lang
| en = The War Department publishes a wanted poster for John "Tower of Hats" Booth for the assassination of Abraham Lincoln.
| de = Das Kriegsministerium veröffenticht eine Suchmeldung für John "Tower of Hats" Booth wegen der Ermordung Abraham Lincolns.
| es = El Departamento De Guerra publica un poster de "se busca" por John "Torre de Sombreros" Booth, por el asesinato de Abraham Lincoln.
| it = Il Dipartimento di Guerra pubblicò un poster wanted per John "Tower if Hats" Booth per assassinare Abraham Lincoln.
| ja = 陸軍省がエイブラハム・リンカーンを暗殺したジョン“タワー・オブ・ハット”ブースの手配書を発行。
| ko = 육군본부가 에이브라함 링컨을 암살한 존 "타워 오브 햇"의 수배지를 발간함.
| pl = Departament Wojny publikuje list gończy za Johnem "Wieżą z Czapek" Boothem za zamordowanie Abraham Lincoln.
| pt-br = O Departamento de Guerra publicou um poster de procurado para John "Tower of Hats" Booth, pelo assassinato de Abraham Lincoln.
| ru = Военный департамент опубликовал плакат для Джона «Шляпник» Бута, для убийства Авраама Линкольна.
| zh-hans = 军部发布了通缉令,通缉刺杀亚伯拉罕•林肯的凶手——'''约翰•“塔柱帽”•布斯'''。
| zh-hant = 軍部發佈了通緝令,通緝刺殺亞伯拉罕•林肯的兇手——'''約翰•“塔柱帽”•布斯'''。}}
| [http://www.teamfortress.com/engineerupdate/v00.php {{common string|link}}]
| 1869
| 1869
| [[List of companies|Shiny's Bullion]] is established.
| {{lang
| [[:Image:Shinys_bullion.jpg|Link]]
| en = [[List of companies|Shiny's Bullion]] is established.
| de = [[List of companies/de|Shiny's Bullion]] wird gegründet.
| es = Se funda [[List of companies/es|Shiny's Bullion]].
| it = La [[List of companies/it|Shiny's Bullion]] viene istituita.
| ja = [[List of companies/ja|シャイニーズ・ブリオン(Shiny's Bullion)]]が設立。
| ko = [[List of companies/ko|Shiny's Bullion]]이 창립됨.
| pl = Firma [[List of companies/pl|Shiny's Bullion]] rozpoczyna swoją działalność.
| pt-br = [[List of companies/pt-br|Shiny's Bullion]] é fundada.
| ru = Основана компания [[List of companies/ru|Shiny's Bullion]].
| zh-hans = [[List of companies/zh-hans|闪亮贵重金属公司]]成立。
| zh-hant = [[List of companies/zh-hant|閃亮貴重金屬公司]]成立。}}
| [[:Image:Shinys_bullion.jpg|{{common string|link}}]]
| - style="background:powderblue;" | 1880
| - style="background:powderblue;" | 1880
| - style="background:powderblue;" | Emily begins her search for Australium.
| - style="background:powderblue;" | {{lang
| - style="background:powderblue;" | [http://www.teamfortress.com/loosecanon/09.html Link]
| en = Emily begins her search for Australium.
| de = Emily beginnt mit ihrer Suche nach Australium.
| es = Emily comienza su búsqueda del Aunstralium.
| it = Emily inizia la ricarca dell'Australium.
| ja = エミリー(Emily)がオーストラリウムの収集を開始。
| ko = 에밀리가 오스트레일리움의 수집을 시작함.
| pl = Emily rozpoczyna swoje poszukiwania Australium.
| pt-br = Emily começa sua busca pelo Austrálio.
| ru = Эмили начинает свои поиски австралия.
| zh-hans = 艾米莉开始寻找澳元素。
| zh-hant = 艾米莉開始尋找澳元素。}}
| - style="background:powderblue;" | [http://www.teamfortress.com/loosecanon/09.html {{common string|link}}]
| - style="background:powderblue;" | 1890
| - style="background:powderblue;" | 1890
| - style="background:powderblue;" | [[Blutarch Mann]] commissions [[Radigan Conagher]] to build a life extending machine.
| - style="background:powderblue;" | {{lang
| - style="background:powderblue;" | [http://www.teamfortress.com/loosecanon/05.html Link]
| en = [[Blutarch Mann]] commissions [[Radigan Conagher]] to build a life extending machine.
| de = [[Blutarch/de|Blutarch Mann]] beauftragt [[Radigan/de|Radigan Conagher]] mit dem Bau einer Lebensverlängerungsmaschine.
| es = [[Blutarch Mann/es|Blutarch Mann]] comisiona [[Radigan Conagher/es|Rdigan Conagher]] para construir una máquina extendedora de vida.
| it = [[Blutarch Mann/it|Blutarch Mann]] commissiona a [[Radigan Conagher/it|Radigan Conagher]] di costruire un estensore della vita.
| ja = [[Blutarch Mann/ja|ブルターク・マン]]が[[Radigan Conagher/ja|ラディガン・コナー]]に延命装置の作成を命令。
| ko = [[Blutarch Mann/ko|블루타치 맨]]이 [[Non-player characters/ko|래디건 코내거]]에게 생명 연장 장치의 건설을 명령함.
| pl = [[Blutarch Mann/pl|Blutarch Mann]] zleca [[Radigan Conagher/pl|Radiganowi Conagherowi]] zbudowanie maszyny przedłużającej życie.
| pt-br = [[Blutarch Mann/pt-br|Blutarch]] pede para [[Radigan Conagher/pt-br|Radigan Conagher]] para constuir uma máquina extesora de vida.
| ru = Блутарх просит [[Radigan Conagher/ru|Радигана Конагера]] построить машину продления жизни.
| zh-hans = [[Blutarch Mann/zh-hans|布鲁塔克•曼恩]]让[[Radigan Conagher/zh-hans|拉迪甘•科纳亨尔]]为他制造一台生命延长装置。
| zh-hant = [[Blutarch Mann/zh-hant|布魯塔克•曼恩]]讓[[Radigan Conagher/zh-hant|拉迪甘•科納亨爾]]為他製造一台生命延長裝置。}}
| - style="background:powderblue;" | [http://www.teamfortress.com/loosecanon/05.html {{common string|link}}]
| - style="background:powderblue;" | 1890
| - style="background:powderblue;" | 1890
| - style="background:powderblue;" | Emily requests Conagher to build a life extending machine for [[Redmond Mann]] as well.
| - style="background:powderblue;" | {{lang
| - style="background:powderblue;" | [http://www.teamfortress.com/loosecanon/09.html Link]
| en = Emily requests Conagher to build a life extending machine for [[Redmond Mann]] as well.
| de = Emily bittet Radigan, eine weitere Lebensverlängerungsmaschine für [[Redmond/de|Redmond Mann]] zu bauen.
| es = Emily persuade a Conagher para construirle otra a [[Redmond Mann/es|Redmond Mann]].
| it = Emily richiede a Conagher do costruire un estensore della vita anche per [[Redmond Mann/it|Redmond Mann]].
| ja = エミリーが[[Redmond Mann/ja|レドモンド・マン]]の延命装置も作成するようコナーに依頼。
| ko = 에밀리가 래디건 코내거에게 [[Blutarch Mann/ko|레드먼드 맨]]에게도 생명 연장 장치를 만들어 달라고 요구함.
| pl = Emily żąda od Conaghera wybudowania maszyny również dla [[Redmond Mann/pl|Redmonda Manna]].
| pt-br = Emily pede para Conagher construir uma para [[Redmond Mann/pt-br|Redmond]] também.
| ru = Эмили просит построить машину продления жизни для Редмонда.
| zh-hans = 艾米莉以澳元素作为报酬,要求拉迪甘•科纳亨尔为[[Redmond Mann/zh-hans|雷德蒙德•曼恩]]制造一台生命延长装置。
| zh-hant = 艾米莉以澳元素作為報酬,要求拉迪甘•科納亨爾為[[Redmond Mann/zh-hant|雷德蒙德•曼恩]]製造一台生命延長裝置。}}
| - style="background:powderblue;" | [http://www.teamfortress.com/loosecanon/09.html {{common string|link}}]
| 1890
| 1890
| [[List of companies|Biggs]] starts producing steel rods.
| {{lang
| en = [[List of companies|Biggs]] starts producing steel rods.
| de = [[List of companies/de|Biggs]] beginnt mit der Produktion von Stabstahl.
| es = [[List of companies/es|Biggs]] comienza a producir barras de acero.
| it = [[List of companies/it|Biggs]] inizia a costruire aste d'acciaio.
| ja = [[List of companies/ja|ビッグス(Biggs)]]が鋼棒の製造を開始。
| ko = [[List of companies/ko|Biggs]] 가 철골의 생산을 시작함.
| pl = Firma [[List of companies/pl|Biggs]] rozpoczyna produkcję stalowych prętów.
| pt-br = [[List of companies/pt-br|Biggs]] começa a produzir varas de aço.
| ru = [[List of companies/ru|Biggs]] начинает производство стальных стержней.
| zh-hans = [[List of companies/zh-hans|比格斯公司]]开始生产不锈钢材。
| zh-hant = [[List of companies/zh-hant|比格斯公司]]開始生產不銹鋼材。}}
| [[:File:Biggs steel rods.jpg|Link]]
| [[:File:Biggs steel rods.jpg|Link]]
| - style="background:powderblue;" | Unknown year - April 14th
| - style="background:powderblue;" | {{lang
| - style="background:powderblue;" | Radigan Conagher finishes a life extending machine for an undisclosed party (Probably Gray Mann)
| en = Unknown year - April 14th
| - style="background:powderblue;" | [http://www.teamfortress.com/loosecanon/13.html Link]
| de = Unbekanntes Jahr - 14. April
| es = 14 de Abril
| it = 14 Aprile
| ja = 4月14日
| ko = 4월 14일
| pl = 14 kwietnia
| pt-br = 14 de abril
| ru = Неизвестный год — 14-ое апреля
| zh-hans = 4月14号(年份不详)
| zh-hant = 4月14號(年份不詳)}}
| - style="background:powderblue;" | {{lang
| en = Radigan Conagher finishes a life extending machine for an undisclosed party (Probably Gray Mann)
| de = Radigan Conagher stellt eine dritte Lebensverlängerungsmaschine her, die vermutlich für Gray Mann gedacht ist.
| es = Radigan Conagher termina una máquina extendora de vida para una persona desconocida.
| it = Radigan Conagher finisce l'estensore della vita per una festa riservata.
| ja = ラディガン・コナーが未知の人物のための延命装置を完成させる。
| ko = 래디건 코내거가 의문의 인물을 위한 생명 연장 장치를 완성시킴.
| pl = Radigan Conagher kończy budowę trzeciej maszyny przedłużającej życie dla nieznanej osoby.
| pt-br = Radigan Conagher termina sua terceira Máquina Extensora de Vida para um desconhecido.
| ru = Радиган Конагер заканчивает сборку машины продления жизни для неизвестного лица.
| zh-hans = 拉迪甘•科纳亨尔绘制了第三台生命延长装置的蓝图,使用者身份不详,推测是格雷•曼恩。
| zh-hant = 拉迪甘•科納亨爾繪製了第三台生命延長裝置的藍圖,使用者身份不詳,推測是格雷•曼恩。}}
| - style="background:powderblue;" | [http://www.teamfortress.com/loosecanon/13.html {{common string|link}}]
| - style="background:powderblue;" | 1894 - July 17th
| - style="background:powderblue;" | 1894 - {{lang
| - style="background:powderblue;" | Radigan Conagher finishes building a life extending machine for Blutarch Mann.
| en = July 17th
| - style="background:powderblue;" | [http://www.teamfortress.com/loosecanon/13.html Link]
| de = 17. Juli
| es = 17 de Julio
| it = 17 Luglio
| ja = 7月17日
| ko = 7월 17일
| pl = 17 lipca
| pt-br = 17 de julho
| ru = 17-ое июля
| zh-hans = 7月17号
| zh-hant = 7月17號}}
| - style="background:powderblue;" | {{lang
| en = Radigan Conagher finishes building a life extending machine for Blutarch Mann.
| de = Radigan Conagher stellt die Lebensverlängerungsmaschine für Blutarch Mann fertig.
| es = Radigan Conagher termina una máquina extendedora de vida para Blutarch Mann.
| it = Radigan Conagher finise di cotruire l'estensore della vita per Blutarch Mann.
| ja = ラディガン・コナーがブルターク・マンのための延命装置を完成させる。
| ko = 래디건 코내거가 블루타치 맨을 위한 생명 연장 장치를 완성시킴.
| pl = Radigan Conagher kończy budowę maszyny przedłużającej życie dla Blutarcha Manna.
| pt-br = Radigan Conagher termina sua Máquina Extensora de Vida para Blutarch Mann.
| ru = Радиган Конагер заканчивает сборку машины продления жизни для Блутарха.
| zh-hans = 拉迪甘•科纳亨尔完成了第一台生命延长装置。
| zh-hant = 拉迪甘•科納亨爾完成了第一台生命延長裝置。}}
| - style="background:powderblue;" | [http://www.teamfortress.com/loosecanon/13.html {{common string|link}}]
| - style="background:powderblue;" | 1894 - August 3rd
| - style="background:powderblue;" | 1894 - {{lang
| - style="background:powderblue;" | Radigan Conagher finishes another life extending machine for Redmond Mann as well.
| en = August 3rd
| - style="background:powderblue;" | [http://www.teamfortress.com/loosecanon/13.html Link]
| de = 3. August
| es = 3 de Agosto
| it = 3 Agosto
| ja = 8月3日
| ko = 8월 3일
| pl = 1894 - 3 sierpnia
| pt-br = 3 de agosto
| ru = 3-е августа
| zh-hans = 8月3号
| zh-hant = 8月3號}}
| - style="background:powderblue;" | {{lang
| en = Radigan Conagher finishes another life extending machine for Redmond Mann as well.
| de = Radigan Conagher stellt nun auch die Lebensverlängerungsmaschine für Redmond Mann fertig.
| es = Radigan Conagher termina otra máquina extendedora de vida para Redmond Mann.
| it = Radigan Conagher finisce un altro estensore della vita per Redmond Mann.
| ja = ディガン・コナーがレドモンド・マンのための延命装置を完成させる。
| ko = 래디건 코내거가 레드먼드 맨을 위한 생명 연장 장치를 완성시킴.
| pl = Radigan Conagher kończy budowę maszyny przedłużającej życie dla Redmonda Manna.
| pt-br = Radigan Conagher termina outra máquina extensora de vida para Redmond Mann.
| ru = Радиган Конагер заканчивает сборку машины продления жизни для Редмонда.
| zh-hans = 拉迪甘•科纳亨尔完成了第二台生命延长装置。
| zh-hant = 拉迪甘•科納亨爾完成了第二台生命延長裝置。}}
| - style="background:powderblue;" | [http://www.teamfortress.com/loosecanon/13.html {{common string|link}}]
| 1895 - January 25th
| 1895 - {{lang
“Hills Discovered!The ''Here's Some News, Mate!'' newspaper runs a story about Australia stating “Mysterious new geographic lumps confound men of Australian science."
| en = January 25th
| [http://www.teamfortress.com/classless/hidden/geographic_lumps/ Link]
| de = 25. Januar
| es = 25 de Enero
| it = 25 Gennaio
| ja = 1月25日
| ko = 1월 25일
| pl = 25 stycznia
| pt-br = 25 de janeiro
| ru = 25-ое января
| zh-hans = 1月25号
| zh-hant = 1月25號}}
|  {{lang
  | en = "Hills Discovered!" The ''Here's Some News, Mate!'' newspaper runs a story about Australia stating "Mysterious new geographic lumps confound men of Australian science."
| de = "Hügel entdeckt!" Die "Here's Some News, Mate!"-Zeitung berichtet über Australien mit der Geschichte "Mysteriöse neue Brocken hinterlassen australische Forscher ratlos."
| es = “¡Colinas descubiertas!” en Australia, “La Misteriosa Nueva Geografía Confunde a los Hombres de la Ciencia Aunstraliana"
| it = “Colline Scoperte!” Il giornale ''Here's Some News, Mate!'' avvia la storia dell'Australia affermando “Misteriosi nuovi nodi geografici confondono gli scienziati Australiani”
| ja = オーストラリアにて“丘が発見!”、“不可解な新しい地理学上の塊はオーストラリアの科学者を混乱させます。"
| ko = 호주에서 "언덕이 발견!", "미스테리하고 새로운 지질 구조는 호주 과학자들을 혼란스럽게 했습니다."
| pl = "Odkryto wzgórza!" W Australii "tajemnicze nowe geograficzne bryły wprawiają w zakłopotanie australijskich naukowców".
| pt-br = “Colinas Descobertas!” Na Austrália, “Novos Modelos Geográficos Misteriosos Confundem Homens da Ciência Australiana."
| ru = “Холмы открыты!” В Австралии, “новые таинственные географические объекты будоражат умы австралийских ученых».
| zh-hans = '''这里有些新闻,伙计!'''报社当天出版的报纸头条标题为'''发现山了!''',相关文章报道了关于“神秘的地里肿块让澳大利亚科学界的男人们迷惑不解”的内容。
| zh-hant = '''這裡有些新聞,夥計!'''報社當天出版的報紙頭條標題為'''發現山了!''',相關文章報導了關於“神秘的地裡腫塊讓澳大利亞科學界的男人們迷惑不解”的內容。}}
| [http://www.teamfortress.com/classless/hidden/geographic_lumps/ {{common string|link}}]
| 1895 - March 6th
| 1895 - {{lang
| “War, Mate!Two months later, the king of Australia declares war on hills stating “There will be time to study these so-called hills after they are dead.”
| en = March 6th
| [http://www.teamfortress.com/classless/hidden/war/ Link]
| de = 6. März
| es = 6 de Marzo
| it = 6 Marzo
| ja = 3月6日
| ko = 3월 6일
| pl = 6 marca
| pt-br = 6 de março
| ru = 6-ое марта
| zh-hans = 3月6号
| zh-hant = 3月6號}}
| {{lang
| en = "War, Mate!" Two months later, the king of Australia declares war on hills stating "There will be time to study these so-called hills after they are dead."
| de = "War, Mate!" Zwei Monate später erklärt der König von Australien den Hügeln den Krieg mit den Worten: "Es wird genug Zeit geben, diese sogenannten Hügel zu untersuchen, wenn sie tot sind."
| es = “¡Guerra, Tío!” Dos meses después, el rey de Australia declara la guerra sobre las colinas, diciendo “Ya habrá tiempo de estudiar estas cosas llamadas colinas cuando esten muertos.”
| it = “Guerra, Compagno!” Due mesi dopo, il sovrano dell'Australia dichiara guerra nelle colline affermando “Ci sarà il tempo di studiare queste cosiddette colline dopo che saranno morti”.
| ja = “仲間よ、戦争だ!” 2ヵ月後、オーストラリアの王は“奴らが死んだ後、このいわゆる丘を研究する時間ができるだろう”と述べると共に丘に宣戦布告。
| ko = "동료여, 전쟁이다!" 2개월 후, 호주의 왕이 "그들이 죽고 나서 이 소위 언덕이라 불리는 곳을 연구해보아야겠군" 이라며 언덕에 선언.
| pl = "Wojna, stary!" Dwa miesiące później król Australii wypowiada wojnę wzgórzom, zaznaczając: "Będzie wystarczająco dużo czasu na poznanie tych tak zwanych wzgórz po tym, jak wyginą".
| pt-br = ''“Guerra, Amigo!”'' Dois meses depois, o Rei da Australia declara guerra nas Colinas, dizendo “Irá chegar o tempo para estudar estas tão faladas colinas depois que eles estiverem mortos.”
| ru = «Война, приятель!» Два месяца спустя, король Австралии объявляет войну на холмах, заявив: «Будет время, чтобы изучить эти так называемые холмы после того, как они погибнут.»
| zh-hans = 头条新闻'''战争,伙计!''',由'''这里有些新闻,伙计!'''报社报道。在'''发现山了!'''新闻报道后的两个月,澳大利亚国王向这些'''山'''宣战。国王表示:“等它们死后就有的是时间去研究这些所谓的'''山'''是什么了”。
| zh-hant = 頭條新聞'''戰爭,夥計!''',由'''這裡有些新聞,夥計!'''報社報導。在'''發現山了!'''新聞報導後的兩個月,澳大利亞國王向這些'''山'''宣戰。國王表示:“等它們死後就有的是時間去研究這些所謂的'''山'''是什麼了”。}}
| [http://www.teamfortress.com/classless/hidden/war/ {{common string|link}}]
| 1895 - April 5th
| 1895 - {{lang
| “King Conquers Hill!It is reported by the ''Here's Some News, Mate!'' newspaper that the “Coward Mound Surrendered Without a Fight.”
| en = April 5th
| [http://www.teamfortress.com/classless/hidden/coward_mound/ Link]
| de = 5. April
| es = 5 de Abril
| it = 5 Aprile
| ja = 4月5日
| ko = 4월 5일
| pl = 5 kwietnia
| pt-br = 5 de abril
| ru = 5-ок апреля
| zh-hans = 4月5号
| zh-hant = 4月5號}}
| {{lang
| en = "King Conquers Hill!" It is reported by the ''Here's Some News, Mate!'' newspaper that the "Coward Mound Surrendered Without a Fight."
| de = "König erobert Hügel!" Die "Here's Some News, Mate!"-Zeitung berichtet, dass "der Feigling von einem Hügel ohne einen Kampf aufgab."
| es = “¡El Rey Conquista las Colinas!” Informan que “Los Cobardes Montículos se Rindieron Sin Luchar.”
| it = “Il Sovrano Conquista la Collina!” E' segnalato dal giornale ''Here's Some News, Mate!'' che “Coward Mound si Arrese Senza Combattere”.
| ja = “王が丘を打ち倒す!” それはこう報告されている。 “臆病者の小山は戦うこと無く降伏した。”
| ko = "왕이 언덕을 점령!" 이라고 뉴스에 보도됨. 신문엔 "겁쟁이들이 싸움없이 항복함" 이라 보도됨.
| pl = "Król podbija wzgórza!" Odnotowano, że "tchórzliwe wzgórki poddały się bez walki".
| pt-br = ''“Rei Conquista a Colina!”'' É reportado como ''“Monte de Covardes Se Entregaram sem Lutar.”''
| ru = «Король побеждает холмы!» Он сообщил, что «трусливый холм сдался без боя».
| zh-hans = 头条新闻'''国王征服了山!''',依然由'''这里有些新闻,伙计!'''报社报道。报道概述内容为'''胆小的土墩不战而降'''。
| zh-hant = 頭條新聞'''國王征服了山!''',依然由'''這裡有些新聞,夥計!'''報社報導。報導概述內容為'''膽小的土墩不戰而降'''。}}
| [http://www.teamfortress.com/classless/hidden/coward_mound/ {{common string|link}}]
!colspan="3" | 20th Century
!colspan="3" | {{lang
| en = 20th Century
| de = 20. Jahrhundert
| es = Siglo XX
| it = Ventesimo Secolo
| ja = 20世紀
| ko = 20세기
| pl = XX wiek
| ru = 20-ый век
| zh-hans = 20世纪
| zh-hant = 20世紀}}
| 1900 - January 23rd
| 1900 - {{lang
| "[[Mann Co.]] invents 'ro-bot'." It is revealed by an Australian newspaper that Mann Co., an Australian weapons giant, has invented the "robot". In the article, Mann Co. officials attempt to assure public concerns over their 'ro-bot' by stating that "These automatons will only be used for violence." On a minor note, a poll shows that "Robin" is the most popular Australian girl’s name.
| en = January 23rd
| [http://www.teamfortress.com/classless/hidden/populace/ Link]
| de = 23. Januar
| es = 23 de Enero
| it = 23 Gennaio
| ja = 1月23日
| ko = 1월 23일
| pl = 23 stycznia
| pt-br = 23 de janeiro
| ru = 23 января
| zh-hans = 1月23号
| zh-hant = 1月23號}}
| {{lang
| en = "[[Mann Co.]] invents 'ro-bot'." It is revealed by an Australian newspaper that Mann Co., an Australian weapons giant, has invented the "robot". In the article, Mann Co. officials attempt to assure public concerns over their 'ro-bot' by stating that "These automatons will only be used for violence." On a minor note, a poll shows that "Robin" is the most popular Australian girl's name.
| de = "Mann Co./de|Mann Co.]]" erfindet den 'ro-bot'. Dies wurde von einer australischen Zeitung enthüllt. Mann Co. Sagt in diesem Artikel aus, dass "dieser Automat nur für Gewalt benutzt wird." In einer Notiz steht, dass "Robin" der beliebteste Mädchenname in Australien ist.
| es = "[[Mann Co]] inventa el 'Ro-Bot' Aquí se revela que Mann Co., en el cambio de síglo, es ahora un "Gigante de las Armas Australianas." En el artículo, Mann Co. intenta oficialmente calmar las preocupaciones del público acerca su "Ro-Bot," diciendo que "estas automatizaciones solo serán usadas para la violencia". En una nota menor, una encuesta enseña que "Robin" es el nombre más popular para las niñas Australianas.
| it = "[[Mann Co./it|Mann Co.]] inventa il 'ro-bot'." Viene rivelato da un giornale Australiano che la Mann Co., un gigante Australiano, ha inventato il "robot". Nell'articolo, i funzionari Mann Co. tentano di assicurare il pubblico dalle preoccupazioni per i loro 'ro-bot' affermando che "Questi automi verranno utilizzato solamente per la violenza." In una nota minore, un sondaggio mostra che "Robin" è il nome più popolare tra le ragazze Australiane.
| ja = “[[Mann Co/ja|マン・カンパニー]]が'Ro-Bot'を発明” 世紀の変わり目にマン・カンパニーが “オーストラリアの巨大武器産業” である事が明らかにされる。記事ではマン・カンパニーの職員が “これらの機械人形は単に暴力のためだけに使用されるだろう” と述べ、 “Ro - Bot” に対する人々の不安を和らげようと試みた。その他、世論調査によってオーストラリアで最も人気がある少女の名前は “ロビン” であることがで明らかとなった。
| ko = [[Mann Co./ko|Mann Co.]] 가 '로-봇' 을 발명함. 호주 신문에 의해 "로봇" 을 발명한것이 호주의 거대 무기 산업인 Mann Co. 였단 것이 밝혀짐.
기사에서 Mann Co. 직원이 "이 기계 인형은 단지 폭력만을 위해 사용되는 것입니다." 라며 불안해 하는 사람들의 심리를
완화 시키려고 노력함. 다른 여론 조사로는 호주에서 가장 인기있는 소녀의 이름은 "로빈" 임이 밝혀짐.
| pl = "[[Mann Co./pl|Mann Co.]] wynajduje "Ro-Bota"" - zostaje ujawnione, że Mann Co. na przełomie wieków jest już "australijskim gigantem zbrojnym". W artykule przedstawiciele Mann Co. próbują uspokoić obawy społeczności na temat "Ro-Bota", twierdząc, że "te maszyny będą używane wyłącznie do przemocy". Dodatkowo wyniki sondy wykazują, że "Robin" jest najpopularniejszym dziewczęcym imieniem w Australii.
| pt-br = "[[Mann Co/pt-br|Mann Co]] Inventa 'Ro-Bot'" que é revelado que a Mann Co., na virada do século, é uma gigante "Arma Australiana". No artigo, Mann Co. oficialmente tenta acalmar a preocupação pública sobre seu ''"Ro-Bot,"'' dizendo que "estes ''automatons'' irá somente ser usado para violência." Em uma nota pequena,uma votação diz que "Robin" é nome de mulheres Australianas.
| ru = «[[Mann Co/ru|Манн Ко]] изобретает „Ro-Bot“а». Здесь выясняется, что [[Mann Co/ru|Манн Ко]] является «гигантом австралийского оружия».
| zh-hans = [[Mann Co./zh-hans|曼恩公司]]发明了'''极奇人'''。而一家澳大利亚报社在其报纸上报道说:澳大利亚武器巨头曼恩公司发明了'''机器人'''。在报道中,曼恩公司的一位官员向民众保证:“这些自动化机器只会被用在暴力方面”。而在一份小说明中,一份民意调查显示:'''罗宾'''是澳大利亚最多女性使用的名字。
| zh-hant = [[Mann Co./zh-hant|曼恩公司]]發明了'''極奇人'''。而一家澳大利亞報社在其報紙上報導說:澳大利亞武器巨頭曼恩公司發明了'''機器人'''。在報導中,曼恩公司的一位官員向民眾保證:“這些自動化機器只會被用在暴力方面”。而在一份小說明中,一份民意調查顯示:'''羅賓'''是澳大利亞最多女性使用的名字。}}
| [http://www.teamfortress.com/classless/hidden/populace/ {{common string|link}}]
| 1900
| 1900
| Australia tries to colonize space by this time. They seem to have failed.
| {{lang
| [http://www.teamfortress.com/engineerupdate/v00.php Link]
| en = Australia tries to colonize space by this time. They seem to have failed.
| de = Australien versucht, das Weltall zu besiedeln, scheint aber gescheitert zu sein.
| es = Australia intenta colonizar el espacio en esta época. Parecen haber fallado.
| it = L'Australia tenta di colonizzare, fallendo nell'impresa
| ja = オーストラリアはこの時点で宇宙を植民地化しようとしていたが、失敗したと思われる。
| ko = 호주가 우주를 식민지화 하려 했지만 실패한 것으로 보임.
| pl = Australia podejmuje nieudaną próbę skolonizowania kosmosu do końca tego roku.
| pt-br = Australia tentou colonizar o espaço desta vez. Mas eles perecem ter falhado.
| ru = [[Wikipedia:ru:Australia|Австралия]] пытается колонизировать космические пространства. К сожалению, попытки терпят неудачу.
| zh-hans = 澳大利亚尝试向太空发展殖民地,但看似失败了。
| zh-hant = 澳大利亞嘗試向太空發展殖民地,但看似失敗了。}}
| [http://www.teamfortress.com/engineerupdate/v00.php {{common string|link}}]
| 1901
| 1901
| Newell and Sons debuts a "turnless" board game ''Teams and Fortresses 2'' with explosive "real-time" gameplay.
| {{lang
| [http://www.teamfortress.com/119/teams_and_fortresses.html Link]
| en = Newell and Sons debuts a "turnless" board game - ''Teams and Fortresses 2'' - with explosive "real-time" gameplay.
| de = Newell and Sons veröffentlichen ein "nicht rundenbasiertes" Brettspiel - "Teams and Fortresses 2" - mit explosivem "Echtzeit"-Gameplay.
| es = Newell e Hijos debuta con su juego de tablero sin turnos ''Teams and Fortresses 2'', con explosivo juego a "tiempo real".
| it = Newell and Sons debuttano con un gioco da tavolo - ''Teams and Fortresses 2'' - con un'esplosiva modalità di gioco in "tempo-reale".
| ja = ニューウェル・アンド・サンズ(Newell and Sons)から、爆発性の“リアルタイム”ゲームプレイが楽しめる“ターン不要”のボードゲーム、''Teams and Fortresses 2''がデビュー。
| ko = Newell and Sons 에서 폭발적으로 "실시간" 게임플레이를 즐길 수 있고 "턴이 필요 없는" 보드 게임 - ''팀 포트리스 2'' - 를 발표함.
| pl = Newell i Synowie debiutują z "bezturową" grą planszową ''Teams and Fortresses 2'' oferującą wybuchową rozgrywkę "w czasie rzeczywistym".
| pt-br = Newell e Filhos estreiam um jogo ''"sem rodadas" de ''Teams and Fortresses 2'', com explosivos e jogadas em tempo real
| zh-hans = '''纽维尔(Newell)与孩子'''公司推出了一块'''无限制式'''棋盘游戏——'''军团与要塞2'''——能让玩家体验到'''爆炸性的即时感'''。
| zh-hant = '''紐維爾(Newell)與孩子'''公司推出了一塊'''無限制式'''棋盤遊戲——'''軍團與要塞2'''——能讓玩家體驗到'''爆炸性的即時感'''。}}
| [http://www.teamfortress.com/119/teams_and_fortresses.html {{common string|link}}]
| 1907 - June 15th
| 1907 - {{lang
| [[Mann Co.]] wins safest workplace in Badlands.
| en = June 15th
| [[Coal Town|Link]]
| de = 15. Juni
| zh-hans = 6月15号
| zh-hant = 6月15號}}
| {{lang
| en = [[Mann Co.]] wins safest workplace in Badlands.
| de = [[Mann Co./de|Mann Co.]] gewinnt den sichersten Arbeitsplatz in Badlands.
| zh-hans = [[Mann Co./zh-hans|曼恩公司]]获得了“荒芜之地最安全的工作地点”荣誉称号。
| zh-hant = [[Mann Co./zh-hant|曼恩公司]]獲得了“荒蕪之地最安全的工作地點”榮譽稱號。}}
| [[Coal Town{{if lang}}|{{common string|link}}]]
| - style="background:powderblue;" | 1910 - January 24th
| - style="background:powderblue;" | 1910 - {{lang
| - style="background:powderblue;" | [[Mann Co.]] wins their bid to be the sole munitions supplier to [[Reliable Excavation and Demolition]] and [[Builder's League United]] mercenaries.
| en = January 24th
| - style="background:powderblue;" | [[Coal Town|Link]]
| de = 24. Januar
| zh-hans = 1月24号
| zh-hant = 1月24號}}
| - style="background:powderblue;" | {{lang
| en = [[Mann Co.]] wins their bid to be the sole munitions supplier to [[Reliable Excavation and Demolition]] and [[Builder's League United]] mercenaries.
| de = [[Mann Co./de|Mann Co.]] erwirbt das Angebot und wird einziger Munitionslieferant für [[RED/de|RED]] und [[BLU/de|BLU]].
| zh-hans = [[Mann Co./zh-hans|曼恩公司]]中标,成为了[[Reliable Excavation and Demolition/zh-hans|红]][[Builder's League United/zh-hans|蓝]]两队佣兵唯一指定武器供应商。
| zh-hant = [[Mann Co./zh-hant|曼恩公司]]中標,成為了[[Reliable Excavation and Demolition/zh-hant|紅]][[Builder's League United/zh-hant|藍]]兩隊傭兵唯一指定武器供應商。}}
| - style="background:powderblue;" | [[Coal Town{{if lang}}|{{common string|link}}]]
| 1915 - August 13th
| 1915 - {{lang
| A mineshaft collapses on top of [[Bilious Hale]] and his employees, but Bilious Hale punches his way out saving himself and his living employees. 14 die from cave-in and punch-related injuries.
| en = August 13th
| [[Coal Town|Link]]
| de = 13. August
| zh-hans = 8月13号
| zh-hant = 8月13號}}
| {{lang
| en = A mineshaft collapses on top of [[Bilious Hale]] and his employees, but Bilious Hale punches his way out saving himself and his living employees. 14 die from cave-in and punch-related injuries.
| de = Ein Schacht stürzt über [[Bilious Hale/de|Bilious Hale]] und seinen Angestellten ein, Bilious schlägt sich seinen Weg frei und entkommt mit seinen lebenden Angestellten. 14 von ihnen sterben durch Verletzungen des Einsturzes und durch Schläge.
| zh-hans = 煤城发生了一次严重的煤矿坍塌事故,时任煤城老板的'''[[Bilious Hale/zh-hans|比利亚斯•霍尔]]'''和他的员工被困于矿井中,最后比利亚斯•霍尔用自己的双拳击碎堵路的巨石,就出了自己和其他幸存的员工。在这次事故中有14名员工死亡,均死于坍塌的巨石以及跟拳头有关的伤害。
| zh-hant = 煤城發生了一次嚴重的煤礦坍塌事故,時任煤城老闆的'''[[Bilious Hale/zh-hant|比利亞斯•霍爾]]'''和他的員工被困於礦井中,最後比利亞斯•霍爾用自己的雙拳擊碎堵路的巨石,就出了自己和其他倖存的員工。在這次事故中有14名員工死亡,均死於坍塌的巨石以及跟拳頭有關的傷害。}}
| [[Coal Town{{if lang}}|{{common string|link}}]]
| 1921
| 1921
| Franklin D. Roosevelt loses both of his legs while rocket jumping. As a result, he perfects the modern staircase.
| {{lang
| [http://www.teamfortress.com/war/victory/ Link]
| en = Franklin D. Roosevelt loses both of his legs while rocket jumping. As a result, he perfects the modern staircase.
| de = Franklin D. Roosevelt verliert beide Beine beim Raketenspringen. Als Ergebnis perfektioniert er die moderne Treppe.
| es = Franklin D. Roosevelt pierde sus dos piernas intentando hacer un salto cohete. Como resultado, perfecciona las escaleras modernas.
| it = Franklin D. Roosevelt perde entrambe le sue game durante un salto razzo. Come risultato, prefreziona la moderna casa.
| ja = フランクリン・D・ルーズベルト(Franklin D. Roosevelt)がロケットジャンプで両脚を失う。その結果、彼は現在あるような階段を完成させる。
| ko = 프랭클린 D.루즈벨트 가 로켓점프를 하다가 양쪽다리를 잃음. 그 결과, 현재 모습의 계단이 만들어짐.
| pl = Franklin D. Roosevelt traci obie nogi podczas rakietowego skoku. Z tego powodu doprowadza do perfekcji nowoczesne schody.
| pt-br = Franklin D. Roosevelt perde suas pernas enquando tentando fazer rocket jumping. Como resultado, he aprimora as escadas para casas.
| ru = Франклин Д. Рузвельт теряет обе ноги во время прыжка на ракете. Как результат, он совершенствует современные лестницы.
| zh-hans = 富兰克林•D•罗斯福在一次火箭跳事故中失去了双腿。在他康复后,开始大力推行楼梯的使用。
| zh-hant = 佛蘭克林•D•羅斯福在一次火箭跳事故中失去了雙腿。在他康復後,開始大力推行樓梯的使用。}}
| [http://www.teamfortress.com/war/victory/ {{common string|link}}]
| 1921
| 1921
| [[Bilious Hale]], eager to re-ignite the nation's waning interest in coal, introduced the [[Full Head of Steam|steam-powered hat]] at the Paris World Fashion Expo.
| {{lang
| [[Coal Town|Link]]
| en = [[Bilious Hale]], eager to re-ignite the nation's waning interest in coal, introduced the [[Full Head of Steam|steam-powered hat]] at the Paris World Fashion Expo.
| de = [[Bilious Hale/de|Bilious Hale]], begierig, die sich Australien auf einem absteigendem Ast befindende Kohle wieder aufleben zu lassen, stellt den [[Full Head of Steam|dampfbetriebenen Hut]] bei der Pariser World Fashion Expo vor.
| zh-hans = [[Bilious Hale/zh-hans|比利亚斯•霍尔]]为了重新点燃世界对煤炭能源的兴趣,他在同年的巴黎世界时尚博览会上展示了[[Full Head of Steam/zh-hans|蒸汽动力帽子]]。
| zh-hant = [[Bilious Hale/zh-hant|比利亞斯•霍爾]]為了重新點燃世界對煤炭能源的興趣,他在同年的巴黎世界時尚博覽會上展示了[[Full Head of Steam/zh-hant|蒸汽動力帽子]]。}}
| [[Coal Town{{if lang}}|{{common string|link}}]]
| 1922 - March 13th
| 1922 - {{lang
| Bilious Hale permanently halts production of all coal-powered weapons.
| en = March 13th
| [[Coal Town|Link]]
| de = 13. März
| zh-hans = 3月13号
| zh-hant = 3月13號}}
| {{lang
| en = Bilious Hale permanently halts production of all coal-powered weapons.
| de = Bilious Hale stoppt permanent die Produktion aller mit Kohle betriebenen Waffen.
| zh-hans = 比利亚斯•霍尔决定永久性停止生产以煤炭为动力的武器。
| zh-hant = 比利亞斯•霍爾決定永久性停止生產以煤炭為動力的武器。}}
| [[Coal Town{{if lang}}|{{common string|link}}]]
| 1922 - March 13th
| 1922 - {{lang
| Mann Co. shuts down their duel coal mine and munitions factory as 50 years of operation but preserves it as a museum of Mann Co. history.
| en = March 13th
| [[Coal Town|Link]]
| de = 13. März
| zh-hans = 3月13号
| zh-hant = 3月13號}}
| {{lang
| en = Mann Co. shuts down their duel coal mine and munitions factory as 50 years of operation but preserves it as a museum of Mann Co. history.
| de = Mann Co. schließt sein Kohlenbergwerk und seine Munitionsfabrik nach 50 Jahren, lässt sie allerdings als Museum der Mann Co.-Geschichte weiter bestehen.
| zh-hans = 曼恩公司在煤城建立的50年后将其关闭,并将其改建成一间'''曼恩公司历史博物馆'''。
| zh-hant = 曼恩公司在煤城建立的50年後將其關閉,並將其改建成一間'''曼恩公司歷史博物館'''。}}
| [[Coal Town{{if lang}}|{{common string|link}}]]
| 1923
| 1923
| [[List of companies|Red Shed]] beers are distilled in Tougaloo.
| {{lang
| [[:File:Tf2 red shed.jpg|Link]]
| en = [[List of companies|Red Shed]] beers are distilled in Tougaloo.
| de = [[List of companies/de|Red Shed]]-Bier wird in Tougaloo destilliert.
| es = Las cervezas [[List of companies/es|Red Shed]] son destiladas en Tougaloo.
| it = La birra [[List of companies/it|Red Shed]] viene distillata in Tougaloo.
| ko = [[List of companies/ko|Red Shed]] 맥주는 Tougaloo를 증류시켜 얻음.
| pl = Piwa marki [[List of companies/pl|Red Shed]] są destylowane w Tougaloo.
| pt-br = As cervejas [[List of companies/pt-br|Red Shed]] são destiladas em Tougaloo.
| ru = Пиво [[List of companies/ru|Red Shed]]'а дистиллируют в Tougaloo.
| zh-hans = [[List of companies/zh-hans|红棚啤酒公司]]成立。
| zh-hant = [[List of companies/zh-hant|紅棚啤酒公司]]成立。}}
| [[:File:Tf2 red shed.jpg|{{common string|link}}]]
| 1932
| {{lang
| en = American soft drink magnate Theophilus Bonk added sugar to the same mixture as the first set of batteries, creating [[Bonk! Atomic Punch| Bonk!]] Cola.
| de = Der amerikanische Softdrink-Magnat Theophilus Bonk fügt Zucker zu der von den ersten Batterien verwendeten Mixtur hinzu und erfindet damit die [[Bonk! Atomic Punch/de|Bonk Cola]].}}
| [[Bonk Leadwear{{if lang}}|{{common string|link}}]]
| 1937
| 1937
| [[List of companies|Redstone Cargo]] is established.
| {{lang
| [[:File:Redstone.png|Link]]
| en = [[List of companies|Redstone Cargo]] is established.
| de = [[List of companies/de|Redstone Cargo]] wird gegründet.
| es = Se establece [[List of companies/es|Redstone]].
| it = [[List of companies/it|Redstone Cargo]] viene stabilita.
| ja = [[List of companies/ja|レッドストーン(Redstone)]]が設立。
| ko = [[List of companies/ko|Redstone Cargo]]가 창립됨.
| pl = Firma [[List of companies/pl|Redstone]] rozpoczyna swoją działalność.
| pt-br = [[List of companies/pt-br|Redstone]] é fundada.
| ru = Основана компания [[List of companies/ru|Redstone]].
| zh-hans = [[List of companies/zh-hans|红石货运公司]]成立。
| zh-hant = [[List of companies/zh-hant|紅石貨運公司]]成立。}}
| [[:File:Redstone.png|{{common string|link}}]]
| 1939 - September 1st
| 1939 - {{lang
| World War II begins. Though he wanted desperately to fight in World War II, the Soldier was rejected from every branch of the U.S. military. Undaunted, he bought his own ticket to Europe. After arriving and finally locating Poland, the Soldier taught himself how to load and fire a variety of weapons before embarking on a Nazi killing spree for which he was awarded several medals that he designed and made himself.
| en = September 1st
|  [http://www.teamfortress.com/classes.php?class=soldier#classBioText Link]
| de = 1. September
| it = 1 Settembre
| ko = 9월 1일
| zh-hans = 9月1号
| zh-hant = 9月1號}}
| {{lang
| en = World War II begins. Though he wanted desperately to fight in World War II, the Soldier was rejected from every branch of the U.S. military. Undaunted, he bought his own ticket to Europe. After arriving and finally locating Poland, the Soldier taught himself how to load and fire a variety of weapons before embarking on a Nazi killing spree for which he was awarded several medals that he designed and made himself.
| de = Der Zweite Weltkrieg beginnt. Da der Soldier unbedingt darin kämpfen wollte, wurde er von jedem Posten ausgeschlossen. Unbeeindruckt kaufte er sich ein Ticket nach Europa und kam in Polen an. Dort brachte er sich selbst bei, wie man eine Vielzahl von Waffen abfeuert, bevor er schlussendlich wild Nazis tötete. Dafür wurde er mit unzähligen Medaillen ausgezeichnet, die er selbst herstellte.
| it = Inizia la Seconda Guerra Mondiale. Anche se lui voleva disperatamente combattere la Seconda Guerra Mondiale, il Soldato venne respinto da ogni ramo dell' U.S. Military. Imperterrimo, comprò il suo biglietto per l'Europa. Dopo essere arrivato ed essersi fermato in Polnia, il Soldato ha imparato come caricare e sparare con varie armi per poi imbarcarsi in una strage Nazista per la quale fu premiato con numerose medaglie che si è disegnato e costruito da solo.
| ko = 제 2차 세계대전 발발. 솔저는 2차 세계대전에서의 전투를 필사적으로 원했지만 모든 미군 부대에서 거부당함.
그러나 흔들림없이, 유럽행 티켓을 사서 폴란드에 도착한 후 무기의 장전과 발사 방법을 익히고 나치들만 골라죽인후에
자기가 만든 훈장을 스스로 달고다님.
| zh-hans = 第二次世界大战爆发。'''士兵'''想要上战场为国效力,但是美国军队所有征兵的部门没有一个肯要他。吃了一堆闭门羹后,士兵自己买票前往欧洲并最后抵达了波兰。士兵自行学习了各种武器的操作,然而他还没有来得及'''上战场去大杀特杀'''时,战争就结束了。最后,士兵只能授予自己一些由自己设计、制造的勋章以纪念自己在这场战争中的“贡献”。
| zh-hant = 第二次世界大戰爆發。'''火箭兵'''想要上戰場為國效力,但是美國軍隊所有徵兵的部門沒有一個肯要他。吃了一堆閉門羹後,火箭兵自己買票前往歐洲並最後抵達了波蘭。火箭兵自行學習了各種武器的操作,然而他還沒有來得及'''上戰場去大殺特殺'''時,戰爭就結束了。最後,火箭兵只能授予自己一些由自己設計、製造的勳章以紀念自己在這場戰爭中的“貢獻”。}}
|  [http://www.teamfortress.com/classes.php?class=soldier#classBioText {{common string|link}}]
| 1941 - September
| 1941 - {{common string|month-9}}
| The [[Heavy]]'s father, a counter-revolutionary, is killed. The Heavy and his family are deported to a North Siberian gulag.
| {{lang
| [http://www.teamfortress.com/meetthedirector/?p=4 Link]
| en = The [[Heavy]]'s father, a counter-revolutionary, is killed. The Heavy and his family are deported to a North Siberian gulag.
| de = Der Vater des [[Heavy/de|Heavys]], ein Gegenrevolutionär, wird getötet. Der Heavy und seine Familie werden in ein nordsibirisches Gulag verlegt.
| es = El padre del [[Heavy/es|Heavy]], un contrarrevolucionario, fue asesinado. Heavy y su familia fueron deportados a un Gulag (prisión de la Unión Sovietica) de Siberia del Norte.
| it = Il padre del [[Heavy/it|Grosso]], un contro-rivoluzionario, viene ucciso. Il Grosso e la sua famiglia vengono deportati in un gulag nel Nord della Siberia.
| ja = [[Heavy/ja|ヘビー]]の父親が反革命によって殺害され、ヘビーとその家族は北シベリア矯正労働収容所に送られる。
| ko = 혁명가인 [[Heavy/ko|헤비]]의 아버지가 사망함. 헤비와 그 가족들은 북쪽 시베리아 강제 노동 수용소에 보내짐.
| zh-hans = '''[[Heavy/zh-hans|机枪手]]'''的父亲被冠以反革命分子的罪名并被杀害。机枪手和其他家人则被押送往西伯利亚北部的劳改营。
| zh-hant = '''[[Heavy/zh-hant|重裝兵]]'''的父親被冠以反革命分子的罪名並被殺害。重裝兵和其他家人則被押送往西伯利亞北部的勞改營。}}
| [http://www.teamfortress.com/meetthedirector/?p=4 {{common string|link}}]
| 1941 - December
| 1941 - {{common string|month-12}}
| The North Siberian gulag burns to the ground with all its guards tortured to death and all prisoners, including the [[Heavy]] and his family, escape.
| {{lang
| [http://www.teamfortress.com/meetthedirector/?p=4 Link]
| en = The North Siberian gulag burns to the ground with all its guards tortured to death and all prisoners, including the [[Heavy]] and his family, escape.
| de = Das nordsibirische Gulag brennt bis auf die Grundmauern nieder, alle Wachen werden zu Tode gequält und alle Gefangen, inklusive dem Heavy und seiner Familie, entkommen.
| es = El Gulag de Siberia del Norte es incendiado con todos sus guardias torturados hasta la muerte y todos los prisioneros, incluyendo a el [[Heavy/es|Heavy]] y su familia, escapan.
| it = Il gulag del Nord della Siberia brucia assieme alle guardie e tutti i prigionieri, inclusi il [[Heavy/it|Grosso]] e la sua famiglia, scappano.
| ja = 北シベリア矯正労働収容所が全焼し全ての警備員が拷問を受けて死亡。[[Heavy/ja|ヘビー]]とその家族を含む全ての囚人が脱走する。
| ko = 북쪽 시베리아 강제 노동 수용소가 전소하고 모든 경비원이 고문을 받고 사망함. [[Heavy/ko|헤비]]와 그 가족들을 포함한 모든 죄수가 탈옥함.
| zh-hans = 西伯利亚北部的劳改营被大火烧毁,劳改营所有的看守都被折磨至死,而所有的囚犯——包括[[Heavy/zh-hans|机枪手]]和他的家人——都逃脱了。
| zh-hant = 西伯利亞北部的勞改營被大火燒毀,勞改營所有的看守都被折磨至死,而所有的囚犯——包括[[Heavy/zh-hant|重裝兵]]和他的家人——都逃脫了。}}
| [http://www.teamfortress.com/meetthedirector/?p=4 {{common string|link}}]
| 1945 - September 2nd
| 1945 - {{lang
| World War II ends.
| en = September 2nd
| de = 2. September
| it = 2 Settembre
| ja = 9월 2일
| zh-hans = 9月2号
| zh-hant = 9月2號}}
| {{lang
| en = World War II ends.
| de = Der Zweite Weltkrieg endet.
| it = La Seconda Guerra Mondiale finisce.
| ja = 2차 세계대전 종결.
| zh-hans = 第二次世界大战结束。
| zh-hant = 第二次世界大戰結束。}}
| 1949
| 1949
| The [[Soldier]] ends his Nazi killing spree in Poland upon hearing that World War II had already ended in 1945.
| {{lang
| [http://www.teamfortress.com/classes.php?class=soldier#classBioText Link]
| en = The [[Soldier]] ends his Nazi killing spree in Poland upon hearing that World War II had already ended in 1945.
| de = Das wilde Nazi-Metzeln des [[Soldier/de|Soldiers]] hört auf, nachdem er gehört hatte, dass der zweite Weltkrieg schon 1945 geendet hatte.
| es = El [[Soldier/es|Soldier]], en su matanza de Nazis en Polonia, se entera de que la guerra había acabado hace cuatro años.
| it = Il [[Soldier/it|Soldato]] finisce la sua strage Nazista in Polonia dopo aver sentito che la Seconda Guerra Mondiale era finita nel 1945.
| ja = ポーランドでナチを殺しまくっていた[[Soldier/ja|ソルジャー]]は戦争が4年以上も前に終わっていた事を知る。
| ko = [[Soldier/ko|솔저]]는 이미 4년전에 2차 세계대전이 끝났다는것을 듣고나서 나치 죽이는 일을 그만둠.
| pl = [[Soldier/pl|Żołnierz]] podczas swojego szału zabijania nazistów w Polsce dowiaduje się, że wojna zakończyła się cztery lata wcześniej.
| pt-br = O [[Soldier/pt-br|Soldier]], em sua matança de Nazistas na Polônia, descobre que a guerra havia acabao à quatro anos.
| ru = [[Soldier/ru|Солдат]] узнает, что война 4 года как закончилась, во время его ряда убийств в [[Wikipedia:ru:Poland|Польше]].
| zh-hans = [[Soldier/zh-hans|士兵]]结束了自己的'''在战场上大杀特杀'''的训练,却发现战争已经在1945年结束了。
| zh-hant = [[Soldier/zh-hant|火箭兵]]結束了自己的'''在戰場上大殺特殺'''的訓練,卻發現戰爭已經在1945年結束了。}}
| [http://www.teamfortress.com/classes.php?class=soldier#classBioText {{common string|link}}]
| 1959
| 1959
| [[List of companies|Primaprime]] comes out with a series of instructional films.
| {{lang
| [[:File:Primaprime.png|Link]]
| en = [[List of companies|Primaprime]] comes out with a series of instructional films.
| de = [[List of companies/de|Primaprime]] wird mit einer Reihe von Einführungsvideos eröffnet.
| it = [[List of companies/it|Primaprime]] arriva con una serie di fimati istruttivi.
| ko = [[List of companies/ko|Primaprime]]이 교육용 영화 시리즈와 함께 나타남.
| zh-hans = [[List of companies/zh-hans|佩玛派恩公司]]发行了一系列教育影片。
| zh-hant = [[List of companies/zh-hant|佩瑪派恩公司]]發行了一系列教育影片。}}
| [[:File:Primaprime.png|{{common string|link}}]]
| Early 1960's
| {{lang
| ''Saxton Hale's Barbershop Action'' debuts in the U.S. It is followed by ancillary titles ''Saxton Hale's Barbershop Romance'' and ''Haircut Horrors Starring Saxton Hale's Ghost''.
| en = Early 1960's
| [http://www.teamfortress.com/images/posts/001/barbershop.jpg Link]
| de = Frühe 1960er
| it = Inizio del 1960
| ko = 1960년대 초기
| zh-hans = 1960年代早期
| zh-hant = 1960年代早期}}
| {{lang
| en = ''Saxton Hale's Barbershop Action'' debuts in the U.S. It is followed by ancillary titles ''Saxton Hale's Barbershop Romance'' and ''Haircut Horrors Starring Saxton Hale's Ghost''.
| de = ''Saxton Hale's Barbershop Action'' wird in den US erstmals vorgestellt, gefolgt von ''Saxton Hale's Barbershop Romance'' und ''Haircut Horrors Starring Saxton Hale's Ghost''.
| it = ''Saxton Hale's Barbershop Action'' debutta negli U.S. Viene seguita da titoli come ''Saxton Hale's Barbershop Romance'' e ''Haircut Horrors Starring Saxton Hale's Ghost''.
| ko = ''색스턴 헤일의 이발소 액션''이 미국에 출시됨. 이것은 ''색스턴 헤일의 미용실 로맨스''와 ''색스턴 헤일 유령 주연의 이발 호러''의 후속임.
| zh-hans = 《萨克斯顿•霍尔的理发店行动》首次在美国发布。此外还有《萨克斯顿•霍尔的理发店冒险》以及《惊悚发型 - 主演萨克斯顿•霍尔的鬼魂》。
| zh-hant = 《薩克斯頓•霍爾的理髮店行動》首次在美國發佈。此外還有《薩克斯頓•霍爾的理髮店冒險》以及《驚悚髮型 - 主演薩克斯頓•霍爾的鬼魂》。}}
| [http://www.teamfortress.com/images/posts/001/barbershop.jpg {{common string|link}}]
| 1961
| 1961
| ''Saxton Hale’s Thrilling Tales'' first arrives on newsstands.
| {{lang
| [http://teamfortress.com/images/posts/001/sharks.jpg Link]
| en = ''Saxton Hale's Thrilling Tales'' first arrives on newsstands.
| de = ''Saxton Hale's Thrilling Tales'' erreicht als Erstes den Zeitungskiosk.
| es = ''Saxton Hale’s Thrilling Tales''(Las Emocionantes Aventuras de Saxton Hale)  llegan a los quioscos de prensa.
| it = ''Saxton Hale’s Thrilling Tales'' arriva in edicola.
| ja = ''Saxton Hale’s Thrilling Tales''がニューススタンドに初登場。
| ko = ''색스턴 헤일의 스릴만점 이야기''가 처음 가판대에 도착함.
| pl = Komiks ''Porywające powieści Saxtona Hale'a'' pojawiają się po raz pierwszy w stoiskach z gazetami.
| pt-br = ''Contos de Suspense da Saxton Hale'' chega das bancas.
| ru = ''Захватывающие россказни [[Saxton Hale/ru|Сакстона Хейла]]'' появляются в газетных киосках.
| zh-hans = 《萨克斯顿•霍尔的惊心动魄大冒险》首次发售。
| zh-hant = 《薩克斯頓•霍爾的驚心動魄大冒險》首次發售。}}
| [http://teamfortress.com/images/posts/001/sharks.jpg {{common string|link}}]
| 1962
| 1962
| ''Saxton Hale's Jungle Brawl'' debuts in the U.S.
| {{lang
| [http://teamfortress.com/images/posts/001/ape.jpg Link]
| en = ''Saxton Hale's Jungle Brawl'' debuts in the U.S.
| de = ''Saxton Hale's Jungle Brawl'' wird in den US vorgestellt.
| es = ''Saxton Hale's Jungle Brawl''(La pelea en la jungla de Saxton Hale)  debuta en los Estados Unidos.)
| it = ''Saxton Hale's Jungle Brawl'' debutta negli U.S.
| ja = ''Saxton Hale's Jungle Brawl''がアメリカ合衆国でデビュー。
| ko = ''색스턴 헤일의 정글 난투''가 미국에서 발매됨.
| pl = Komiks ''Walka w dżungli Saxtona Hale'a'' po raz pierwszy debiutuje w Stanach Zjednoczonych.
| pt-br = ''Aventuras na Selva com Saxton Hale'' é publicado nos E.U.A
| zh-hans = 《萨克斯顿•霍尔的丛林干架实录》在美国发售。
| zh-hant = 《薩克斯頓•霍爾的叢林幹架實錄》在美國發售。}}
| [http://teamfortress.com/images/posts/001/ape.jpg {{common string|link}}]
| 1963
| 1963
| Only four items are being produced for the elderly: hats, meat, caskets, and ''Saxton Hale's Mildly Thrilling Tales''. ''Saxton Hale Visits His Mother Monthly'' and ''Soothing Stories of Familiar Things'' soon follow.
| {{lang
| [http://teamfortress.com/images/posts/001/mild.jpg Link]
| en = Only four items are being produced for the elderly: hats, meat, caskets, and ''Saxton Hale's Mildly Thrilling Tales''. ''Saxton Hale Visits His Mother Monthly'' and ''Soothing Stories of Familiar Things'' soon follow.
| de = Nur vier Gegenstände werden für ältere Leute hergestellt: Hüte, Fleisch, Schatullen und ''Saxton Hale's Mildly Thrilling Tales''. ''Saxton Hale Visits His Mother Monthly'' und ''Soothing Stories of Familiar Things'' folgen bald darauf.
| es = Solo se producen cuatro objetos para los ancianos: sombreros, carne, ataúdes, y ''Saxton Hale's Mildly Thrilling Tales'' (Las Aventuras Medianamente Emocionantes de Saxton Hale).
| it = Solo quattro oggetti iniziano ad essere prodotti per gli anziani: cappelli, carne, cofanetti, e ''Saxton Hale's Mildly Thrilling Tales''. ''Saxton Hale Visits His Mother Monthly'' and ''Soothing Stories of Familiar Things'' presto lo seguirono.
| ja = 高齢者には4つのアイテムだけが生産されています。帽子、肉、棺、そして''Saxton Hale's Mildly Thrilling Tales''です。
| ko = 노년층을 위한 품목은 단 4개만 남음: 모자,고기,장식함, 그리고 ''색스턴 헤일의 좀 스릴있는 이야기''. ''월간 색스턴 헤일이 엄마를 만나다'' 와
| pl = Dla starszych ludzi produkowane są tylko cztery przedmioty: kapelusze, mięso, trumny oraz ''Łagodnie porywające powieści Saxtona Hale'a''.
| pt-br = Somente quatro itens têm sido produzidos para os idosos: chapéus, comida, caixões e ''Contos de Meio Suspense do Saxton Hale''.
| ru = Только 4 предмета производятся для пожилых: [[hats/ru|шляпы]], мясо, шкатулки и ''Слегка захватывающие россказни [[Saxton Hale/ru|Сакстона Хейла]]''.
| zh-hans = 目前市面上为老年人生产的东西只有四样:帽子、肉制品、棺材以及《萨克斯顿•霍尔的轻度惊悚冒险》。后来又很快推出了《萨克斯顿•霍尔的每月都去拜访他的母亲实录》以及《熟悉之物的欣慰故事》。
| zh-hant = 目前市面上為老年人生產的東西只有四樣:帽子、肉製品、棺材以及《薩克斯頓•霍爾的輕度驚悚冒險》。後來又很快推出了《薩克斯頓•霍爾的每月都去拜訪他的母親實錄》以及《熟悉之物的欣慰故事》。}}
| [http://teamfortress.com/images/posts/001/mild.jpg {{common string|link}}]
| 1964 - March
| 1964 - {{common string|month-3}}
| The first, and possibly only, issue of ''Saxton Hale's Mail Storm'' is published.
| {{lang
| [[:File:Mailstorm_large.jpg|Link]]
| en = The first, and possibly only, issue of ''Saxton Hale's Mail Storm'' is published.
| de = Die erste und wahrscheinlich einzige Ausgabe von ''Saxton Hale's Mail Storm'' wird veröffentlicht.
| es = La primera y única entrega de ''Saxton Hale's Mail Storm''(La tormenta de correo de Saxton Hale) es publicada.
| it = La prima, e sola, edizione di ''Saxton Hale's Mail Storm'' viene pubblicata.
| ja = 最初で最後の巻となる''Saxton Hale's Mail Storm''が発行。
| ko = 처음이자 마지막으로 ''색스턴 헤일의 우편 폭풍''이 출간됨.
| pl = Zostaje wydany jedyny numer czasopisma ''Mailowego sztormu Saxtona Hale'a''.
| pt-br = A primeira e única ''Saxton Hale's Mail Storm'' é publicada.
| zh-hans = 第一期,可能也是唯一一期的《萨克斯顿•霍尔的邮件风暴》发行。
| zh-hant = 第一期,可能也是唯一一期的《薩克斯頓•霍爾的郵件風暴》發行。}}
| [[:File:Mailstorm_large.jpg|{{common string|link}}]]
| - style="background:powderblue;" | 1965
| - style="background:powderblue;" | 1965
| - style="background:powderblue;" | The [[Engineer]] creates several mechanical contraptions, including the [[Sentry Gun]], while under contract with TF Industries.
| - style="background:powderblue;" | {{lang
| - style="background:powderblue;" | [http://storefront.steampowered.com/Manuals/440/SentryManual_web.pdf Link]
| en = The [[Engineer]] creates several mechanical contraptions, including the [[Sentry Gun]], while under contract with TF Industries.
| de = Der [[Engineer/de|Engineer]] erfindet mehrere mechanische Gerätschaften wie die [[Sentry Gun/de|Sentry Gun]], während er bei TF Industries unter Vertrag ist.
| es = El [[Engineer/es|Engineer]] crea varios artilugios mecánicos, incluyendo el [[Sentry Gun/es|Arma Centinela]], mientras estaba contratado por  TF Industries.
| it = L'[Engineer/it|Ingegnere]] crea molti aggeggi meccanici, come la [[Sentry Gun/it|Torretta Automatica]], mentre era sotto il contratto delle Industrie TF.
| ja = [[Engineer/ja|エンジニア]]がTFインダストリーズ(TF Industries)との契約の下、[[Sentry Gun/ja|セントリーガン]]などの機械兵器を開発。
| ko = [[Engineer/ko|엔지니어]]가 TF Industries와 계약 하에 [[Sentry Gun/ko|센트리 건]]을 포함한 몇가지 기계들을 만듬.
| pl = [[Engineer/pl|Inżynier]] tworzy kilka urządzeń mechanicznych, m.in. [[Sentry Gun/pl|Działko Strażnicze]], będąc na kontrakcie z TF Industries.
| pt-br = O [[Engineer/pt-br|Engineer]] cria várias engenhocas mecânicas incluindo a [[Sentry Gun/pt-br|Sentry Gun]], enquando ainda com um contrato estabelecido com as ''Indústrias TF''.
| ru = [[Engineer/ru|Инженер]] создает несколько механических приспособлений, в том числе и [[Sentry Gun/ru|турель]], по контракту с TF Industries.
| zh-hans = 根据与 TF 工业公司之间的协议,'''[[Engineer/zh-hans|工程师]]'''制作出了一些机器装置,其中包括[[Sentry Gun/zh-hans|步哨枪]]。
| zh-hant = 根據與 TF 工業公司之間的協議,'''[[Engineer/zh-hant|工程師]]'''製作出了一些機器裝置,其中包括[[Sentry Gun/zh-hant|步哨槍]]。}}
| - style="background:powderblue;" | [http://storefront.steampowered.com/Manuals/440/SentryManual_web.pdf {{common string|link}}]
| 1968
| 1968
| ''Boy's Adventure Starring Saxton Hale'' comes under fire from the Senate Subcommittee on Juvenile Delinquency. Pressured by the Senate, Mann Co. changes the title to ''Girl's Adventure Starring Saxton Hale''.
| {{lang
| [http://teamfortress.com/images/posts/001/girlscouts.jpg Link]
| en = ''Boy's Adventure Starring Saxton Hale'' comes under fire from the Senate Subcommittee on Juvenile Delinquency. Pressured by the Senate, Mann Co. changes the title to ''Girl's Adventure Starring Saxton Hale''.
| de = ''Boy's Adventure Starring Saxton Hale'' wird stark von einem Unterausschuss des Senats kritisiert. Erzwungernerweise wird der Titel von Mann Co. in ''Girl's Adventure Starring Saxton Hale'' abgeändert.
| es = ''Boy's Adventure with Saxton Hale'' (Aventuras para chicos con Saxton Hale) acaba bajo el fuego de la Comisión del Senado de Delincuencia Juvenil.
| it = ''Boy's Adventure Starring Saxton Hale'' è sotto attacco dalla Sottocommissione del Senato contro la Delinquenza Giovanile. Sotto pressione dal Senato, la Mann Co. cambia il titolo in ''Girl's Adventure Starring Saxton Hale''.
| ja = ''Boy's Adventure with Saxton Hale''が青少年に悪影響を与えると、上院小委員会から非難を受ける。
| ko = ''색스턴 헤일 주연 소년들의 모험''이 청소년에게 악영향을 주고 상원 위원회로부터 압력을 받은 Mann Co. 는 이름을 ''색스턴 헤일 주연 소녀들의 모험''으로 이름을 바꿈.
| pl = Komiks ''Przygody chłopca z Saxtonem Hale'em'' zostaje skrytykowany przez Podkomisję Senatu jako przestępczość nieletnich.
| pt-br = ''Aventuras de Garotos com Saxton Hale'' vem com críticas do senado sobre a apologia à Delinquencia Juvenil.
| ru = ''Мальчишечьи приключения с [[Saxton Hale/ru|Сакстоном Хейлом]]'' попадает под внимание подкомитета сената по преступности несовершеннолетних.
| zh-hans = 《男孩子的大冒险 – 主演萨克斯顿•霍尔》发行,但受到了来自参议院下属的青少年犯罪调查委员会的起诉。迫于来自参议院的压力,曼恩公司只好将标题改为《女孩子的大冒险 – 主演萨克斯顿•霍尔》。
| zh-hant = 《男孩子的大冒險 – 主演薩克斯頓•霍爾》發行,但受到了來自參議院下屬的青少年犯罪調查委員會的起訴。迫於來自參議院的壓力,曼恩公司只好將標題改為《女孩子的大冒險 – 主演薩克斯頓•霍爾》。}}
| [http://teamfortress.com/images/posts/001/girlscouts.jpg {{common string|link}}]
| - style="background:powderblue;" | 1968 - June
| - style="background:powderblue;" | 1968 - {{common string|month-6}}
| - style="background:powderblue;" | The [[Gravel War]] - the main setting for ''[[Team Fortress 2]]''.
| - style="background:powderblue;" | {{lang
| - style="background:powderblue;" | [[:File:Calendar B.jpg|Link]]
| en = The Gravel War - the main setting for ''[[Team Fortress 2]]''.
| de = Der Gravel War (''Kieskrieg'') - der Rahmen von [[Team Fortress 2/de|Team Fortress 2]].
| es = Comienza [[Team Fortress 2/es|Team Fortress 2]]
| it = Il settaggio principale per ''[[Team Fortress 2/it|Team Fortress 2]]''.
| ja = [[Team Fortress 2/ja|Team Fortress 2]]の主設定。
| ko = ''[[Team Fortress 2/ko|팀 포트리스 2]]''의 주 배경
| pl = Akcja gry [[Team Fortress 2/pl|Team Fortress 2]].
| pt-br = O palco principal para os fatos do [[Team Fortress 2/pt-br|Team Fortress 2]]
| zh-hans = '''[[Gravel War/zh-hans|砾石战争]]'''开始 – 《[[Team Fortress 2/zh-hans|军团要塞2]]》的故事正式开始。
| zh-hant = '''[[Gravel War/zh-hant|礫石戰爭]]'''開始 – 《[[Team Fortress 2/zh-hant|軍團要塞2]]》的故事正式開始。}}
| - style="background:powderblue;" | [[:File:Calendar B.jpg|{{common string|link}}]]
|1969 - August
|1969 - {{common string|month-8}}
| Saxton Hale firebombs Woodstock from a helicopter due to a longtime feud with hippies.
| {{lang
| [http://www.teamfortress.com/images/posts/001/barbershop.jpg Link]
| en = Saxton Hale firebombs Woodstock from a helicopter due to a longtime feud with hippies.
| de = Saxton Hale schleudert Woodstock  wegen einer längeren Auseinandersetzung mit Hippies mit einer Feuerbombe von einem Helikopter.
| it = Saxton Hale lancia delle bombe incendiarie contro un elicottero a causa di una faida durata molto tempo con gli hippies.
| ko = 색스턴 헤일이 히피와의 오랜 불화로 우드스탁을 헬리콥터로 융단폭격함.
| zh-hans = 由于与嬉皮士之间的长期宿怨,萨克斯顿•霍尔乘坐直升机轰炸了伍德斯托克。
| zh-hant = 由於與嬉皮士之間的長期宿怨,薩克斯頓•霍爾乘坐直升機轟炸了伍德斯托克。}}
| [http://www.teamfortress.com/images/posts/001/barbershop.jpg {{common string|link}}]
| 1972
| 1972
| ''Saxton Hale's Jungle Brawl'' ends publication.
| {{lang
| [http://teamfortress.com/images/posts/001/ape.jpg Link]
| en = ''Saxton Hale's Jungle Brawl'' ends publication.
| de = Die Veröffentlichung von ''Saxton Hale's Jungle Brawl'' endet.
| it = ''Saxton Hale's Jungle Brawl'' finisce di essere pubblicato.
| ko = ''색스턴 헤일의 정글 난투''의 출판이 끝남.
| zh-hans = 《萨克斯顿•霍尔的丛林干架实录》停止发行。
| zh-hant = 《薩克斯頓•霍爾的叢林幹架實錄》停止發行。}}
| [http://teamfortress.com/images/posts/001/ape.jpg {{common string|link}}]
| - style="background:powderblue;" | 1972
| - style="background:powderblue;" | 1972
| - style="background:powderblue;" | Gray Mann assassinates Redmond and Blutarch Mann to gain control of their respective corporations. This also marks the end of The Gravel War.
| - style="background:powderblue;" | {{lang
| - style="background:powderblue;" | [http://www.teamfortress.com/bloodbrothers/#f=42 Link]
| en = Gray Mann assassinates Redmond and Blutarch Mann to gain control of their respective corporations. This also marks the end of The Gravel War.
| de = Gray Mann ermordet Redmond und Blutarch Mann, um  Kontrolle über ihre Firmen zu erlangen. Das bedeutet das Ende des Gravel Wars.
| ru = Грей Манн убивает Редмонда и Блутарха Маннов, чтобы получить контроль над их компаниями. Конец Войны за гравий
| zh-hans = 格雷•曼恩杀死了雷德蒙德和布鲁塔克并接管了两人旗下所有的公司。这也标志着砾石战争的结束。
| zh-hant = 格雷•曼恩殺死了雷德蒙德和布魯塔克並接管了兩人旗下所有的公司。這也標誌著礫石戰爭的結束。}}
| - style="background:powderblue;" | [http://www.teamfortress.com/bloodbrothers/#f=42 {{common string|link}}]
| - style="background:powderblue;" | 1972
| - style="background:powderblue;" | 1972
| - style="background:powderblue;" | Saxton Hale, catching wind of Gray Mann's plans to gain control of [[Mann Co.]], re-hires both RED and BLU unemployed mercenary teams to protect his company and kill robots without pay.
| - style="background:powderblue;" | {{lang
| - style="background:powderblue;" | [http://www.teamfortress.com/fateworsethanchess/#f=28 Link]
| en = Saxton Hale, catching wind of Gray Mann's plans to gain control of [[Mann Co.]], re-hires both RED and BLU unemployed mercenary teams to protect his company and kill robots without pay.
| de = Saxton Hale erfährt von den Plänen Gray Manns und stellt die arbeitslosen RED- und BLU-Söldner wieder ein, damit sie die Roboter vernichten.
| ru = Сакстон Хейл, узнав о плане захвата Манн Ко Греем Манном, принимает на работу уволенных наемников КРС и СИН, чтобы защитить свою компанию от вторжения роботов.
| zh-hans = 萨克斯顿•霍尔了解到格雷•曼恩想要夺取[[Mann Co./zh-hans|曼恩公司]]的控制权,因此重新雇佣了红蓝两队的佣兵来对抗机器人、保护曼恩公司,而且不发薪水。
| zh-hant = 薩克斯頓•霍爾瞭解到格雷•曼恩想要奪取[[Mann Co./zh-hant|曼恩公司]]的控制權,因此重新雇傭了紅藍兩隊的傭兵來對抗機器人、保護曼恩公司,而且不發薪水。}}
| - style="background:powderblue;" | [http://www.teamfortress.com/fateworsethanchess/#f=28 {{common string|link}}]
| 1972 - {{lang
| en = October 29th
| de = 29. Oktober
| zh-hans = 10月29号
| zh-hant = 10月29號}}
| {{lang
| en = [[Merasmus]] the Magician attends WizardCon MCLVI as a guest speaker, giving a two-hour talk titled "Living with a Non-Wizard".
| de = [[Merasmus/de|Merasmus]] der Magier reist als Gastredner mit seiner Rede "Living with a Non-Wizard" (''Leben mit einem nicht-Zauberer'') zur WizardCon MCLVI.
| zh-hans = 魔法师[[Merasmus/zh-hans|马拉莫斯]]以嘉宾的身份参加了巫师嘉年华会,并以“与一个非巫师人士住在一起”为题进行了长达两个小时的访谈。
| zh-hant = 魔法師[[Merasmus/zh-hant|魔拉斯莫斯]]以嘉賓的身份參加了巫師嘉年華會,並以“與一個非巫師人士住在一起”為題進行了長達兩個小時的訪談。}}
| [http://www.teamfortress.com/wizardcon/ {{common string|link}}]
| - style="background:powderblue;" | 1972 - {{lang
| en = October 30th
| de = 30. Oktober
| zh-hans = 10月30号
| zh-hant = 10月30號}}
| - style="background:powderblue;" | {{lang
| en = Merasmus returns from WizardCon to find that the RED [[Soldier]], now a park ranger, has let his castle be overrun by raccoons and turned into a raccoon sanctuary. Being evicted from his own home as a result, Merasmus snaps and transforms into a powerful ghost version of himself, vowing to kill everyone the Soldier cares about.
| de =  Als Merasmus von der WizardCon zurückkommt, ist sein Schloss von Waschbären überrannt  worden und und wird nun vom RED [[Soldier/de|Soldier]], der nun ein  Parkaufseher ist, als ein Waschbärunterschlupf genutzt.
| zh-hans = 马拉莫斯从巫师嘉年华会回到家中,发现自己居住的城堡被浣熊弄了一团糟,而且红队[[Soldier/zh-hans|士兵]]还当起了护林员,把城堡变成了浣熊保护区。在被赶出自己家后,马拉莫斯将自己变成了一个强大的鬼魂,发誓要杀光所有士兵所在乎的人。
| zh-hant = 魔拉斯莫斯從巫師嘉年華會回到家中,發現自己居住的城堡被浣熊弄了一團糟,而且紅隊[[Soldier/zh-hant|火箭兵]]還當起了護林員,把城堡變成了浣熊保護區。在被趕出自己家後,魔拉斯莫斯將自己變成了一個強大的鬼魂,發誓要殺光所有火箭兵所在乎的人。}}
| - style="background:powderblue;" | [http://www.teamfortress.com/doommates/ {{common string|link}}]
| 1972 - October 29th
| - style="background:powderblue;" | 1972 - {{common string|month-12}}
| [[Merasmus]] the Magician attends WizardCon MCLVI as a guest speaker, giving a two-hour talk titled "Living with a Non-Wizard".
| - style="background:powderblue;" | {{lang
| [http://www.teamfortress.com/wizardcon/ Link]
| en = In the midst of the Robot War, the RED team and [[NPCs#Miss Pauling|Miss Pauling]] discuss where Gray Mann's army are going to attack next. Soldier reveals that he was able to infiltrate Gray Gravel Co. and learn their battle plans while wearing a [[Tin Soldier|cardboard robot costume]] the day before. Miss Pauling orders him to make more, and her, the Soldier and the Heavy do the same a week later, witnessing the unveiling of the [[Engineer Robot|Mecha-Engineer]] in the process.
| de = Mitten im Robo-Krieg beraten sich das RED Team und [[NPC/de#Miss Pauling|Miss Pauling]], wo die Roboter von Gray Mann als nächstes angreifen würden. Der Soldier hat am Tag zuvor das Lager der Roboter mit einem [[Tin Soldier/de|Roboterkostüm aus Pappe]] infiltriert. Miss Pauling bittet ihn, mehr Kostüme herzustellen und in der nächste Woche wohnen sie der Enthüllung des [[Engineer Robot/de|Mecha-Engineers]] bei.
| zh-hans = 在于机器人的战争中,红队成员与[[NPCs#Miss Pauling/zh-hans|鲍林小姐]]讨论格雷•曼恩的机器大军的进攻目标,这时士兵说了格雷接下来的进攻目标以及准确的进攻时间。接下来,士兵说出曾将自己打扮成[[Tin Soldier/zh-hans|机器人]]并成功潜入格雷砾石公司打探到了这个消息。后来,鲍林小姐、士兵以及机枪手三人用相同的方法潜入了格雷砾石公司,并且惊讶地发现格雷制造出了[[Engineer Robot/zh-hans|机器工程师]]。
| zh-hant = 在於機器人的戰爭中,紅隊成員與[[NPCs#Miss Pauling/zh-hant|鮑林小姐]]討論格雷•曼恩的機器大軍的進攻目標,這時火箭兵說了格雷接下來的進攻目標以及準確的進攻時間。接下來,火箭兵說出曾將自己打扮成[[Tin Soldier/zh-hant|機器人]]並成功潛入格雷礫石公司打探到了這個消息。後來,鮑林小姐、火箭兵以及重裝兵三人用相同的方法潛入了格雷礫石公司,並且驚訝地發現格雷製造出了[[Engineer Robot/zh-hant|機器工程師]]。}}
| - style="background:powderblue;" | [http://www.teamfortress.com/shadowboxers/ {{common string|link}}]
| - style="background:powderblue;" | 1972 - October 30th
| - style="background:powderblue;" | 1973
| - style="background:powderblue;" | Merasmus returns from WizardCon to find that the RED [[Soldier]], now a park ranger, has let his castle be overrun by raccoons and turned into a raccoon sanctuary. Being evicted from his own home as a result, Merasmus snaps and transforms into a powerful ghost version of himself, vowing to kill everyone the Soldier cares about.
| - style="background:powderblue;" | {{lang
| - style="background:powderblue;" | [http://www.teamfortress.com/doommates/ Link]
| en = Gray Mann, on the verge of bankruptcy, reprograms his robot army to, instead of trying to kill the mercs, sell them robot themed hats to recoup his losses and to edge-in on Mann Co.'s ever growing lucrative hat sales revenue.
| de = Gray Mann, am Rande des Bankrotts, programmiert seine Roboter um, sodass sie sich nicht mehr auf das Töten der Söldner, sondern auf das Verkaufen von Hüten konzentrieren, um sich in das lukrative Geschäft von Mann Co. einzuklinken.}}
| - style="background:powderblue;" | [http://www.teamfortress.com/roboticboogaloo/comic.php {{common string|link}}]
| - style="background:powderblue;" | 1972 - December
| 1996
| - style="background:powderblue;" | In the midst of the Robot War, the RED team and [[NPCs#Miss Pauling|Miss Pauling]] discuss where Gray Mann's army are going to attack next. Soldier reveals that he was able to infiltrate Gray Gravel Co. and learn their battle plans while wearing a [[Tin Soldier|cardboard robot costume]] the day before. Miss Pauling orders him to make more, and her, the Soldier and the Heavy do the same a week later, witnessing the unveiling of the [[Engineer Robot|Mecha-Engineer]] in the process.
| {{lang
| - style="background:powderblue;" | [http://www.teamfortress.com/shadowboxers/ Link]
| en = Kisses von Butternubs, a pomeranian in a sweater, is elected president of America by popular vote.
| de = Kisses von Butternubs, eine Deutsche Spitze in einem Pulli, wird durch die Volksabstimmung zum Präsidenten von Amerika gewählt.}}
| [http://www.teamfortress.com/roboticboogaloo/comic.php {{common string|link}}]
| - style="background:powderblue;" | 1999
| - style="background:powderblue;" | {{lang
| en = Future Dell Conagher (Engineer), now very old and his arm replaced with a cybernetic one, and Pyro, who is now a floating head in a bubble, travel back in time to 1973 to warn the all the mercs not to open Gray Mann's [[robocrate]]s to stop the impending '''Hat Wars''' of the 1990s very briefly before being teleported back to 1999.  
| de = Dell Conagher, der Engineer, stark gealtert und mit einem bionischem Arm ausgestattet, und der Pyro, der nun ein fliegender Kopf in einer Blase ist, reisen ins Jahr 1973 zurück, um die Söldner vor dem Öffnen von Gray Manns [[RoboCrate/de|RoboCrates]] zu bewahren, damit die '''Hat Wars''' in den 90ern verhindert werden können. Er hat allerdings nur kurz Zeit, dies alles zu erklären, bevor er wieder nach 1999 zurückteleportiert wird.}}
| - style="background:powderblue;" | [http://www.teamfortress.com/roboticboogaloo/comic.php {{common string|link}}]
!colspan="3" | {{lang
| en = 71th Century
| de = 71. Jahrhundert}}
| 7039
| 7039
| [[Saxton Hale]]'s ownership rights of the [[Sniper]]'s likeness expire.
| {{lang
| [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=9574 Link]
| en = [[Saxton Hale]]'s ownership rights of the [[Sniper]]'s likeness expire.
| de = [[Saxton Hale/de|Saxton Hales]] Eigentumsrecht an der Ähnlichkeit des [[Sniper/de|Snipers]] läuft aus.
| zh-hans = [[Saxton Hale/zh-hans|萨克斯顿•霍尔]]对'''[[Sniper/zh-hans|狙击手]]'''的肖像所有权到期。
| zh-hant = [[Saxton Hale/zh-hant|薩克斯頓•霍爾]]對'''[[Sniper/zh-hant|狙擊手]]'''的肖像所有權到期。}}
| [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=9574 {{common string|link}}]
<noinclude>{{translation switching|en}}</noinclude>
<noinclude>{{translation switching|en, de}}
Actually there are some other supported languages, but they are not complete. Only complete translations count.
Partial translated:

Revision as of 21:51, 21 June 2013

Important event

Actually there are some other supported languages, but they are not complete. Only complete translations count.

Partial translated: /es /it /ja /ko /pl /pt-br /ru /zh-hans /zh-hant