Difference between revisions of "Template:Class weapons table engineer primary"

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m (needs re translated note)
(Added zh-hans translations.)
Line 127: Line 127:
{{Con}}上膛數只有 3 發。<br />
{{Con}}上膛數只有 3 發。<br />
{{Con}}沒有隨機爆擊。<br />
{{Con}}沒有隨機爆擊。<br />
  | zh-hans =
{{Pro}}在你的步哨枪被摧毁时,步哨枪积累的每次杀敌可提供 2 次复仇爆击。<br />
{{Pro}}每次助攻可提供 1 次复仇爆击。<br />
{{Info}}积累的复仇爆击 (最多 35) 只在步哨枪被摧毁时给玩家。<br />
{{Con}}弹匣容量减少 50%。<br />
{{Con}}无随机爆击。<br />
Line 140: Line 147:
   | ja = 弾薬の補給無しに打てる発射数の上限。詳細は武器ページを参照
   | ja = 弾薬の補給無しに打てる発射数の上限。詳細は武器ページを参照
   | zh-hant = 金屬消耗完時武器也會沒有子彈可射。詳見武器個別頁面
   | zh-hant = 金屬消耗完時武器也會沒有子彈可射。詳見武器個別頁面
  | zh-hans = 在用完金属之前所可有的空射数。详情请见武器的页面。
Line 151: Line 159:
   | ja = 1発毎にプレイヤーのメタル(200)を30消費する。詳細は武器ページを参照
   | ja = 1発毎にプレイヤーのメタル(200)を30消費する。詳細は武器ページを参照
   | zh-hant = 每一發攻擊會從攜帶的金屬中消耗 30 單位金屬。詳見武器個別頁面
   | zh-hant = 每一發攻擊會從攜帶的金屬中消耗 30 單位金屬。詳見武器個別頁面
  | zh-hans = 每一次攻击将会耗费 30 单位金属 (玩家总共 200 单位金属)。详情请见武器的页面。
Line 239: Line 248:
{{Con}}使用金屬作為彈藥來源。<br />
{{Con}}使用金屬作為彈藥來源。<br />
{{Con}}發射一發需消耗 30 單位金屬。<br />
{{Con}}發射一發需消耗 30 單位金屬。<br />
  | zh-hans =
{{Pro}}击中后伤害值作为弹药量归还。<br />
{{Pro}}对步哨枪正在攻击的目标伤害增加 10%。<br/>
{{Pro}}不需要重新装填弹药。<br />
{{Con}}使用金属作为弹药。<br />
{{Con}}每次射击后弹药数减少 30 单位。<br />
Line 385: Line 400:
{{Con}}對建築物的傷害值只剩 20%。<br />
{{Con}}對建築物的傷害值只剩 20%。<br />
{{Con}}子彈上膛數減少 33%。<br />
{{Con}}子彈上膛數減少 33%。<br />
  | zh-hans =
{{Pro}}击中时:被击中者损失至多 10% 的医疗枪能量。<br />
{{Pro}}击中时:被击中者损失至多 20% 的隐身能量。<br />
{{Con}}对建筑物只造成 20% 的伤害。<br/>
{{Con}}弹匣容量减少 33%。<br />
Line 459: Line 483:
{{Con}}裝備者主要武器彈藥最大值減少 50%(只能攜帶 16 發)。<br />
{{Con}}裝備者主要武器彈藥最大值減少 50%(只能攜帶 16 發)。<br />
{{Con}}搬運建築物時玩家自身會有死亡標記。<br />
{{Con}}搬運建築物時玩家自身會有死亡標記。<br />
  | zh-hans =
{{Pro}}辅助开火能力:消耗 10 单位金属,远距离搬取建筑。<br />
{{Pro}}发射特殊箭矢,可以修复友方建筑。<br />
{{Con}}弹匣容量减少 34%。<br />
{{Con}}穿戴时主弹药上限减少 50%。<br />
{{Con}}搬运建筑以及放下建筑几秒后时,为自己打上死亡标记。<br />
Line 514: Line 544:
{{Pro}}按住開火鍵可裝填至最多 4 發子彈。<br />
{{Pro}}按住開火鍵可裝填至最多 4 發子彈。<br />
{{Con}}彈丸散射程度會隨生命值減少而加大。<br />
{{Con}}彈丸散射程度會隨生命值減少而加大。<br />
  | zh-hans =
{{Info}}当玩家按住开火键装弹时,玩家会开始装弹,而且会一直装弹直到弹匣满或玩家松开开火键。<br />
{{Pro}}装弹速度加快 50%。<br />
{{Pro}}部署速度增加 50%。<br />
{{Pro}}射速增加 30%。<br />
{{Pro}}射速随生命值减少而增加。<br />
{{Pro}}按住开火键装弹,最多可装 4 发。<br />
{{Con}}弹道散布随生命值减少而增加。<br />
Line 522: Line 560:
[[Category:Formatting templates]]
[[Category:Formatting templates]]
{{translation switching|en, de, ja, zh-hant}}
{{translation switching|en, de, ja, zh-hant, zh-hans}}
[[Category:Class Weapons Tables|E]]
[[Category:Class Weapons Tables|E]]

Revision as of 14:44, 25 February 2017


Weapon Kill icon Ammo
Damage Range Notes / Special Abilities
Killicon shotgun.png 6 32 Base: 60

Crit: 180

[6 damage × 10 pellets]

Frontier Justice
Frontier Justice
Killicon frontier justice.png 3 32 Base: 60

Crit: 180

[6 damage × 10 pellets]

Pictogram plus.png Stores 2 guaranteed critical shots for every Sentry Gun kill.

Pictogram plus.png Stores 1 guaranteed critical shot for every Sentry Gun kill assist.
Pictogram info.png Stored critical shots (up to 35) are granted only upon Sentry Gun destruction/demolition.
Pictogram minus.png Has half the normal clip size.
Pictogram minus.png No random Critical hits.
Pictogram minus.png Revenge crits are lost on death.

Promotional / Craft
Killicon widowmaker.png ∞ / 6 6 Base: 60

Crit: 180

[6 damage × 10 pellets]

Pictogram plus.png On hit: damage dealt is returned as ammo.

Pictogram plus.png +10% damage to the same target as your sentry.
Pictogram plus.png No reload necessary.
Pictogram minus.png Uses metal as ammo.
Pictogram minus.png Per Shot: -30 metal.

Pomson 6000
Pomson 6000
Killicon pomson 6000.png 4 Base: 48

Crit: 108-180

Pictogram info.png Shoots an electric projectile instead of shotgun pellets.

Pictogram info.png Can light up friendly Huntsman arrows.
Pictogram plus.png Does not require ammo (replaced with an ammo meter).
Pictogram plus.png Projectile cannot be deflected.
Pictogram plus.png On Hit: Victim loses up to 10% Medigun charge.
Pictogram plus.png On Hit: Victim loses up to 20% cloak.
Pictogram minus.png Deals only 20% damage to buildings.
Pictogram minus.png Has a 33% smaller clip size.

Rescue Ranger
Rescue Ranger
Killicon rescue ranger.png 4 16 Base: 35

Crit: 105

Pictogram plus.png Alt-Fire: Use 100 metal to pick up buildings from long range.

Pictogram plus.png Fires a special bolt that can repair friendly buildings.
Pictogram minus.png -34% clip size.
Pictogram minus.png -50% max primary ammo on wearer.
Pictogram minus.png Self mark for death on building pick up, and a few seconds after redeployment.

Panic Attack
Panic Attack
Killicon panic attack.png 0 32 Base: 60

Crit: 180

[6 damage × 10 pellets]

Pictogram info.png Upon pressing and holding down primary fire, the player will begin loading shells into the magazine port, and will continue to do so as long as primary fire is held down.

Pictogram plus.png +50% faster reload time.
Pictogram plus.png This weapon deploys 50% faster.
Pictogram plus.png +30% faster fire rate.
Pictogram plus.png Fire rate increases as health decreases.
Pictogram plus.png Hold fire to load up to 4 shells.
Pictogram minus.png Bullet spread increases as health decreases.

This template is meant to be used in localized versions of the Engineer article, replacing current weapon tables.

Make sure that section Template:Dictionary/common_strings#class_weapon_tables is also translated to your language.