Difference between revisions of "File:Tf koreana.txt"

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m (Updated tf_koreana.txt for December 1, 2017 Patch.)
(MousseBOT uploaded a new version of File:Tf koreana.txt)
(No difference)

Revision as of 05:16, 20 October 2018

Recent changes

December 1, 2017 Patch (previous patches)

1141911419"[english]AbuseReport_GameServer" "Abusive Game Server"
1142011420"AbuseReport_TooMuchFailedMessageGameServer" "이미 이 서버에 관한 신고 보고서를 제출하셨거나, 짧은 시간 동안 너무 많은 신고 보고서를 제출하셨습니다."
1142111421"[english]AbuseReport_TooMuchFailedMessageGameServer" "You have either already submitted an abuse report for this server, or have submitted several abuse reports in a short time period."
11422N/A"TF_Halloween_Eyeball_Boss_LevelUp_Appeared" "조심하라! �(%level% 단계)� 모노큘러스가 숨어있으니...\n"
N/A11422"TF_Halloween_Eyeball_Boss_LevelUp_Appeared" "조심하십시오! �(%level% 단계)� 모노큘러스가 배회하고 있으니...\n"
1142311423"[english]TF_Halloween_Eyeball_Boss_LevelUp_Appeared" "Beware! �MONOCULUS! (LEVEL %level%)� is lurking about...\n"
1142411424"TF_Halloween_Eyeball_Boss_LevelUp_Killed" "(%level% 단계)� �모노큘러스가 패배하였습니다!\n"
1142511425"[english]TF_Halloween_Eyeball_Boss_LevelUp_Killed" "�MONOCULUS! (LEVEL %level%)� has been defeated!\n"
2473724737"[english]TF_Quest_RequiredItems" "Required Contract Items"
2473824738"TF_Quest_FindServer" "서버 찾기"
2473924739"[english]TF_Quest_FindServer" "Find Server"
24740N/A"TF_TauntAllClassAerobic" "도발: 에어로빅'만' 댄스"
N/A24740"TF_TauntAllClassAerobic" "도발: 만로빅"
2474124741"[english]TF_TauntAllClassAerobic" "Taunt: Mannrobics"
2474224742"TF_TauntAllClassAerobic_Desc" "모든 병과 단체 도발\n다 함께 기운 넘치는 에어로빅 댄스를!\n다른 플레이어가 무기 도발 단추를 눌러 참여할 수 있습니다.\n\n도발 칸에 지정한 단축키를 눌러 사용하거나 해제할 수 있습니다.\n공격 및 보조 기능 단추를 눌러 색다른 동작을 선보일 수 있습니다.\n춤을 추는 동안 전진, 후진 단추를 눌러 돌아다닐 수 있으며\n 좌회전, 우회전 단추로 회전할 수 있습니다."
2474324743"[english]TF_TauntAllClassAerobic_Desc" "All Class Group Taunt\nParty it up with this high energy aerobics dance\nOther players can join you by activating their weapon taunt\n\nPress the taunt slot key to toggle\nPrimary and Alt Fire show off different flair moves\nUse Forward and Back keys to move\n and the Strafe keys to rotate as you dance"
2648726487"[english]TF_Medal_SpecialSnowflake2016_Desc" "Golden snow? No, no, don't worry, it's lemon! Awarded to the participants of the Workshop Wonderland 2016 community showcase!"
2648826488"TF_Medal_GiftOfGiving2016" "기부 기증품 2016년판"
2648926489"[english]TF_Medal_GiftOfGiving2016" "Gift of Giving 2016"
N/A26490"TF_Medal_GiftOfGiving2016_Desc" "그렇게 누구나 게임을 할수 있게 말이지요. Workshop Wonderland 2016 커뮤니티 전시대 기부 운동에 참여하셨던 따뜻한 마음을 가진 분들께 주어집니다!"
N/A26491"[english]TF_Medal_GiftOfGiving2016_Desc" "So everyone can game. For the charitable hearts of gold during the charity drive of the Workshop Wonderland 2016 community showcase!"
2649026492"TF_rewind_lan_gold" "ESA Rewind 1위"
2649126493"[english]TF_rewind_lan_gold" "ESA Rewind 1st Place"
2649226494"TF_rewind_lan_silver" "ESA Rewind 2위"
2667526677"[english]TF_AutoBalanceVolunteer_ChatText" "You have a notification in the main menu about volunteering to switch teams..."
2667626678"TF_ShowPromotionalCodesButton" "'판촉 코드 보기' 단추 표시"
2667726679"[english]TF_ShowPromotionalCodesButton" "Show 'View Promotional Codes' button"
N/A26680"TF_TournamentMedal_RallyCall_Charity_2017_Gold" "Rally Call 2017 - 1위 메달"
N/A26681"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RallyCall_Charity_2017_Gold" "Rally Call 2017 - 1st place Medal"
N/A26682"TF_TournamentMedal_RallyCall_Charity_2017_Silver" "Rally Call 2017 - 2위 메달"
N/A26683"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RallyCall_Charity_2017_Silver" "Rally Call 2017 - 2nd Place Medal"
2667826684"TF_TournamentMedal_RallyCall_Charity_2017_Silver_Desc" "Rally Call Charity 6의 대회에서 우승할 뻔했으나 결국 탈락하고 만 플레이어들에게 주어지는 훈장입니다. 아쉽게 됐군요."
2667926685"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RallyCall_Charity_2017_Silver_Desc" "The owner of this medal got close to being in the winning team for Rally Call Charity 6's Tournament but couldn't cut it, maybe next time."
N/A26686"TF_TournamentMedal_RallyCall_Charity_2017_White" "Rally Call 2017 참가자/도우미 메달"
N/A26687"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RallyCall_Charity_2017_White" "Rally Call 2017 Participant/Helper Medal"
2668026688"TF_TournamentMedal_RallyCall_Charity_2017_White_Desc" "패배자들은 승리가 아닌 참여 자체에 의미를 둡니다. 이 장식을 가진 사람들은 패배자는 아닐 지라도 행사에 도움을 줬기에 그들만큼 의미가 있습니다. 잘했다고 등을 가볍게 두드려 줄 정도로 큰 의미 말이죠."
2668126689"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RallyCall_Charity_2017_White_Desc" "Losers say it's not winning but taking part that counts, well these guys certainly counted as they helped the event happen and deserve a pat on the back."
N/A26690"TF_TournamentMedal_RallyCall_Charity_2017_Purple" "Rally Call 2017 기부자 메달"
N/A26691"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RallyCall_Charity_2017_Purple" "Rally Call 2017 Donator Medal"
2668226692"TF_TournamentMedal_RallyCall_Charity_2017_Purple_Desc" "나누는 이에게는 행운이 찾아온다고 하죠. 그 행운이 치명타 로켓이 아니기를 바랍니다.\n이 훈장의 소유자는 세계 곳곳의 위험에 처한 동물들을 위해 돈을 기부했습니다."
2668326693"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RallyCall_Charity_2017_Purple_Desc" "They say those that give are destined to receive, let's just hope it isn't a crit rocket.\nThe owner of this medal gave money to help animals around the world."
N/A26694"TF_TournamentMedal_72hr_winter_jimijam" "TF2Maps 동계 72시간 즉흥 제작 참가상"
N/A26695"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_72hr_winter_jimijam" "TF2Maps 72hr TF2Jam Winter Participant"
N/A26696"TF_SurveyQuestion_MapQuality" "방금 플레이한 맵의 수준을 평가해주세요."
N/A26697"[english]TF_SurveyQuestion_MapQuality" "Please rate the quality of the map you just played:"
2668426698"TF_SurveyQuestion_CompInquiry" "경쟁 모드를 자주 이용하지 않는다면 그 이유를 하나 골라 주세요:"
2668526699"[english]TF_SurveyQuestion_CompInquiry" "If you don't play competitive mode regularly, please select one of the following: "
2668626700"TF_SurveyQuestion_CompInquiry_Answer0" "6 대 6으로 경기하는 형식이 마음에 들지 않습니다."
2697726991"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_TFCL_4v4_Bronze" "TFCL 4v4 3rd Place"
2697826992"TF_TournamentMedal_TFCL_4v4_Participant" "TFCL 4 대 4 경기 참가상"
2697926993"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_TFCL_4v4_Participant" "TFCL 4v4 Participant"
N/A26994"TF_TournamentMedal_TFCL_bball_Gold" "TFCL bball 1위"
N/A26995"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_TFCL_bball_Gold" "TFCL bball 1st Place"
N/A26996"TF_TournamentMedal_TFCL_bball_Silver" "TFCL bball 2위"
N/A26997"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_TFCL_bball_Silver" "TFCL bball 2nd Place"
N/A26998"TF_TournamentMedal_TFCL_bball_Bronze" "TFCL bball 3위"
N/A26999"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_TFCL_bball_Bronze" "TFCL bball 3rd Place"
N/A27000"TF_TournamentMedal_TFCL_bball_Participant" "TFCL bball 참가상"
N/A27001"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_TFCL_bball_Participant" "TFCL bball Participant"
2698027002"TF_Medal_TipOfTheHatsTier1_2017" "쾌활한 모험가"
2698127003"[english]TF_Medal_TipOfTheHatsTier1_2017" "Jaunty Adventurer"
2698227004"TF_Medal_TipOfTheHatsTier2_2017" "쾌활한 여행가"
2698327005"[english]TF_Medal_TipOfTheHatsTier2_2017" "Jaunty Voyager"
N/A27006"TF_Medal_TipOfTheHatsTier3_2017" "쾌활한 세계여행자"
N/A27007"[english]TF_Medal_TipOfTheHatsTier3_2017" "Jaunty Globetrotter"
2698427008"TF_Medal_TipOfTheHats2017_Desc" "Tip of the Hats 2017 자선 행사에 기여한 플레이어들에게 수여됩니다."
2698527009"[english]TF_Medal_TipOfTheHats2017_Desc" "Awarded to those who contributed to the Tip of the Hats 2017 charity event"
N/A27010"TF_TournamentMedal_CappingTV_WinterGold" "CappingTV Ultiduo 겨울 성배 1위"
N/A27011"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_CappingTV_WinterGold" "CappingTV Ultiduo Winter Chalice 1st Place"
N/A27012"TF_TournamentMedal_CappingTV_WinterSilver" "CappingTV Ultiduo 겨울 성배 2위"
N/A27013"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_CappingTV_WinterSilver" "CappingTV Ultiduo Winter Chalice 2nd Place"
N/A27014"TF_TournamentMedal_CappingTV_WinterBronze" "CappingTV Ultiduo 겨울 성배 3위"
N/A27015"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_CappingTV_WinterBronze" "CappingTV Ultiduo Winter Chalice 3rd Place"
N/A27016"TF_TournamentMedal_CappingTV_WinterParticipant" "CappingTV Ultiduo 겨울 성배 참가상"
N/A27017"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_CappingTV_WinterParticipant" "CappingTV Ultiduo Winter Chalice Participant"
2698627018"TF_TournamentMedal_Insomnia61_Gold" "제61회 Insomnia 게임 축제 1위"
2698727019"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Insomnia61_Gold" "Insomnia 61 First Place"
2698827020"TF_TournamentMedal_Insomnia61_Silver" "제61회 Insomnia 게임 축제 2위"
2701127043"[english]TF_Map_Mossrock" "Mossrock"
2701227044"TF_MapToken_Mossrock" "맵 후원 우표 - Mossrock"
2701327045"[english]TF_MapToken_Mossrock" "Map Stamp - Mossrock"
N/A27046"TF_MapToken_Mossrock_Desc" "점령 지점 공격 및 수비 맵\n\n 제작자: Freyja, E-Arkham, Michał 'AsG_Alligator' Byczko, PEAR, Andrew 'Dr. Spud' Thompson, Jake 'Xi.Cynx' Handlovic, Fuzzymellow, Aeon 'Void' Bollig, Neal 'Blade x64' Smart, Harlen 'UEAKCrash' Linke\n\n이 아이템을 구매하시면 커뮤니티 맵 Mossrock의 제작자들을 직접 후원하실 수 있습니다. 여러분의 성원을 보여주세요!"
N/A27047"[english]TF_MapToken_Mossrock_Desc" "An Attack/Defend Control Point Map\n\nMade by Freyja\nE-Arkham\nMichał 'AsG_Alligator' Byczko\nPEAR\nAndrew 'Dr. Spud' Thompson\nJake 'Xi.Cynx' Handlovic\nFuzzymellow\nAeon 'Void' Bollig\nNeal 'Blade x64' Smart\nand Harlen 'UEAKCrash' Linke\n\nPurchasing this item directly supports the creators of the Mossrock community map. Show your support today!"
N/A27048"TF_MapToken_Mossrock_AdText" "-이 아이템을 구매하시면 커뮤니티 맵 Mossrock의 제작자들을 직접 후원하실 수 있습니다."
N/A27049"[english]TF_MapToken_Mossrock_AdText" "-Purchasing this item directly supports the creators of the Mossrock community map."
2701427050"TF_Map_Lazarus" "Lazarus"
2701527051"[english]TF_Map_Lazarus" "Lazarus"
N/A27052"TF_MapToken_Lazarus" "맵 후원 우표 - Lazarus"
N/A27053"[english]TF_MapToken_Lazarus" "Map Stamp - Lazarus"
N/A27054"TF_MapToken_Lazarus_Desc" "언덕의 왕 맵\n\n제작자: Aeon 'Void' Bollig, Fuzzymellow, Tim 'SedimentarySocks' BL, Tim 'Sky' Dunnett, Benjamin 'Badgerpig' Blåholtz, Stiffy360\n\n이 아이템을 구매하시면 커뮤니티 맵 Lazarus의 제작자들을 직접 후원하실 수 있습니다. 여러분의 성원을 보여주세요!"
N/A27055"[english]TF_MapToken_Lazarus_Desc" "A King of the Hill Map\n\nMade by Aeon 'Void' Bollig\nFuzzymellow\nTim 'SedimentarySocks' BL\nTim 'Sky' Dunnett\nBenjamin 'Badgerpig' Blåholtz\nand Stiffy360\n\nPurchasing this item directly supports the creators of the Lazarus community map. Show your support today!"
N/A27056"TF_MapToken_Lazarus_AdText" "-이 아이템을 구매하시면 커뮤니티 맵 Lazarus의 제작자들을 직접 후원하실 수 있습니다."
N/A27057"[english]TF_MapToken_Lazarus_AdText" "-Purchasing this item directly supports the creators of the Lazarus community map."
2701627058"TF_Map_BananaBay" "Banana Bay"
2701727059"[english]TF_Map_BananaBay" "Banana Bay"
N/A27060"TF_MapToken_BananaBay" "맵 후원 우표 - Banana Bay"
N/A27061"[english]TF_MapToken_BananaBay" "Map Stamp - Banana Bay"
N/A27062"TF_MapToken_BananaBay_Desc" "수레 경주 맵\n\n\\제작자: Neal 'Blade x64' Smart, Jennifer 'NeoDement' Burnett, PEAR, Stiffy360, Fuzzymellow, Aeon 'Void' Bollig, Freyja\n\n이 아이템을 구매하시면 커뮤니티 맵 Banana Bay 의 제작자들을 직접 후원하실 수 있습니다. 여러분의 성원을 보여주세요!"
N/A27063"[english]TF_MapToken_BananaBay_Desc" "A Payload Race Map\n\nMade by Neal 'Blade x64' Smart\nJennifer 'NeoDement' Burnett\nPEAR\nStiffy360\nFuzzymellow\nAeon 'Void' Bollig\nand Freyja\n\nPurchasing this item directly supports the creators of the Banana Bay community map. Show your support today!"
N/A27064"TF_MapToken_BananaBay_AdText" "-이 아이템을 구매하시면 커뮤니티 맵 Banana Bay 의 제작자들을 직접 후원하실 수 있습니다."
N/A27065"[english]TF_MapToken_BananaBay_AdText" "-Purchasing this item directly supports the creators of the Banana Bay community map."
2701827066"TF_Map_Enclosure" "Enclosure"
2701927067"[english]TF_Map_Enclosure" "Enclosure"
N/A27068"TF_MapToken_Enclosure" "맵 후원 우표 - Enclosure"
N/A27069"[english]TF_MapToken_Enclosure" "Map Stamp - Enclosure"
N/A27070"TF_MapToken_Enclosure_Desc" "수레 밀기 맵\n\n제작자: Michał 'AsG_Alligator' Byczko, Aeon 'Void' Bollig, E-Arkham, PEAR, Stiffy360, Andrew 'Dr. Spud' Thompson, Fuzzymellow, Maxime Dupuis, Freyja, Ivan 'Crowbar' Sokolov\n\n이 아이템을 구매하시면 커뮤니티 맵 Enclosure의 제작자들을 직접 후원하실 수 있습니다. 여러분의 성원을 보여주세요!"
N/A27071"[english]TF_MapToken_Enclosure_Desc" "A Payload Map\n\nMade by Michał 'AsG_Alligator' Byczko\nAeon 'Void' Bollig\nE-Arkham\nPEAR\nStiffy360\nAndrew 'Dr. Spud' Thompson\nFuzzymellow\nMaxime Dupuis\nFreyja\nand Ivan 'Crowbar' Sokolov\n\nPurchasing this item directly supports the creators of the Enclosure community map. Show your support today!"
N/A27072"TF_MapToken_Enclosure_AdText" "-이 아이템을 구매하시면 커뮤니티 맵 Enclosure의 제작자들을 직접 후원하실 수 있습니다"
N/A27073"[english]TF_MapToken_Enclosure_AdText" "-Purchasing this item directly supports the creators of the Enclosure community map."
2702027074"TF_Map_Brazil" "Brazil"
2702127075"[english]TF_Map_Brazil" "Brazil"
N/A27076"TF_MapToken_Brazil" "맵 후원 우표 - Brazil"
N/A27077"[english]TF_MapToken_Brazil" "Map Stamp - Brazil"
N/A27078"TF_MapToken_Brazil_Desc" "언덕의 왕 맵\n\n제작자: Jérémie 'RaVaGe' Nicolas, Tyler 'Yyler' King, Sean 'Heyo' Cutino, Nassim 'NassimO' Sadoun\n\n이 아이템을 구매하시면 커뮤니티 맵 Brazil의 제작자들을 직접 후원하실 수 있습니다. 여러분의 성원을 보여주세요!"
N/A27079"[english]TF_MapToken_Brazil_Desc" "A King of the Hill Map\n\nMade by Jérémie 'RaVaGe' Nicolas\nTyler 'Yyler' King\nSean 'Heyo' Cutino\nand Nassim 'NassimO' Sadoun\n\nPurchasing this item directly supports the creators of the Brazil community map. Show your support today!"
N/A27080"TF_MapToken_Brazil_AdText" "-이 아이템을 구매하시면 커뮤니티 맵 Brazil의 제작자들을 직접 후원하실 수 있습니다."
N/A27081"[english]TF_MapToken_Brazil_AdText" "-Purchasing this item directly supports the creators of the Brazil community map."
2702227082"TF_Map_cp_mercenarypark" "Mercenary Park"
2702327083"[english]TF_Map_cp_mercenarypark" "Mercenary Park"
2702427084"TF_Map_Mossrock_StrangePrefix" " 피어나는"
2706327123"[english]Lair_RED_Setup_Goal" "Defend all Control points against team BLU!"
2706427124"Lair_BLU_Setup_Goal" "세 곳의 점령 지점을 모두 장악하여 이번 라운드에서 승리하십시오!"
2706527125"[english]Lair_BLU_Setup_Goal" "Capture all three Control Points to win the round!"
N/A27126"Enclosure_cap_3_B" "티라노사우루스 격리소"
N/A27127"[english]Enclosure_cap_3_B" "T-Rex enclosure"
2706627128"TF_RocketPack_Heat" "열기"
2706727129"[english]TF_RocketPack_Heat" "HEAT"
2706827130"TF_RocketPack_Charges" "충전량"
2711727179"[english]Attrib_DisguiseConsumesCloak" "Normal disguises require (and consume) a full cloak meter"
2711827180"Attrib_MaxHealthDrain" "아이템을 들고 있을 시 최대 체력이 서서히 감소함"
2711927181"[english]Attrib_MaxHealthDrain" "Maximum health is drained while item is active"
27120N/A"Attrib_ImpactPushback" "착지 지점의 적을 밀쳐냄 (속력에 따라 밀쳐지는 반경과 위력이 변함)"
N/A27182"Attrib_ImpactPushback" "착지 지점의 적을 밀쳐냅니다. (속력에 따라 밀쳐지는 반경과 위력이 변합니다.)"
2712127183"[english]Attrib_ImpactPushback" "Push enemies back when you land (force and radius based on velocity)"
2712227184"Attrib_ImpactStun" "적을 밟으면 기절시킴"
2712327185"[english]Attrib_ImpactStun" "Stun enemies when you land"
2714927211"[english]WeaponPatternsExplanation_Title" "War Paints"
2715027212"TF_UsePaintkit_Explanation_Title" "전투 도색 사용"
2715127213"[english]TF_UsePaintkit_Explanation_Title" "Using War Paint"
N/A27214"TF_MM_QueueState_Format" "%s1 대기열에 추가됨"
N/A27215"[english]TF_MM_QueueState_Format" "Queued for %s1"
N/A27216"TF_MM_QueueState_Standby" "내 파티의 매치 대기열에 추가됨"
N/A27217"[english]TF_MM_QueueState_Standby" "Queued for your party's match"
N/A27218"TF_MM_JoinPartyLobby_Prompt" "현재 파티가 경기 중입니다."
N/A27219"[english]TF_MM_JoinPartyLobby_Prompt" "Your party is in a match"
2715227220"TF_MM_JoinPartyLobby_Join" "참가"
2715327221"[english]TF_MM_JoinPartyLobby_Join" "Join"
N/A27222"TF_MM_OpenSettings" "경기 주선 설정"
N/A27223"[english]TF_MM_OpenSettings" "Matchmaking Settings"
N/A27224"TF_MM_InviteMode" "파티 초대 방식"
N/A27225"[english]TF_MM_InviteMode" "Party invite mode"
N/A27226"TF_MM_InviteMode_Open" "친구는 자유롭게 참가 가능"
N/A27227"[english]TF_MM_InviteMode_Open" "Friends can freely join"
N/A27228"TF_MM_InviteMode_Invite" "친구는 초대 요청을 보내야 가능"
N/A27229"[english]TF_MM_InviteMode_Invite" "Friends can request an invite"
N/A27230"TF_MM_InviteMode_Closed" "친구는 초대를 받아야 가능"
N/A27231"[english]TF_MM_InviteMode_Closed" "Friends must be invited"
2715427232"TF_MM_PingSetting" "핑 제한: %s1"
2715527233"[english]TF_MM_PingSetting" "Ping Limit: %s1"
2715627234"TF_MM_PingSetting_Auto" "핑 제한: 자동 조정"
2715727235"[english]TF_MM_PingSetting_Auto" "Ping Limit: Auto"
N/A27236"TF_MM_IgnoreInvites" "파티 초대 무시"
N/A27237"[english]TF_MM_IgnoreInvites" "Ignore invites to parties"
N/A27238"TF_MM_PartySameTeam" "파티 구성원은 같은 팀에 소속"
N/A27239"[english]TF_MM_PartySameTeam" "Keep party members on the same team"
N/A27240"TF_MM_KickFromParty" "파티에서 추방"
N/A27241"[english]TF_MM_KickFromParty" "Kick from party"
N/A27242"TF_MM_PromoteToLeader" "파티장으로 임명"
N/A27243"[english]TF_MM_PromoteToLeader" "Promote to Party Leader"
N/A27244"TF_MM_AcceptJoinRequest" "참가 요청 수락"
N/A27245"[english]TF_MM_AcceptJoinRequest" "Accept join request"
N/A27246"TF_MM_RejectInvite" "참가 요청 거부"
N/A27247"[english]TF_MM_RejectInvite" "Reject join request"
N/A27248"TF_MM_CancelInvite" "초대 취소"
N/A27249"[english]TF_MM_CancelInvite" "Cancel invite"
N/A27250"TF_MM_ComingSoon" "곧 나옵니다!"
N/A27251"[english]TF_MM_ComingSoon" "Coming soon!"
N/A27252"TF_Friends_InviteParty" "파티 초대"
N/A27253"[english]TF_Friends_InviteParty" "Invite to party"
2715827254"TF_Friends_JoinParty" "파티 참여"
2715927255"[english]TF_Friends_JoinParty" "Join party"
N/A27256"TF_Friends_JoinServer" "게임 참가"
N/A27257"[english]TF_Friends_JoinServer" "Join game"
N/A27258"TF_Friends_SendMessage" "메시지 보내기"
N/A27259"[english]TF_Friends_SendMessage" "Send message"
N/A27260"TF_Friends_JoinRequest_Incoming" "�%other%�님이 파티에 참가하고자 합니다."
N/A27261"[english]TF_Friends_JoinRequest_Incoming" "�%other%� would like to join your party."
N/A27262"TF_Friends_InviteRequest_Incoming" "�%other%�님이 파티에 초대했습니다."
N/A27263"[english]TF_Friends_InviteRequest_Incoming" "�%other%� has invited you to their party."
N/A27264"TF_Friends_JoinRequest_Outgoing" "�%other%�의 파티 참가를 요청합니다."
N/A27265"[english]TF_Friends_JoinRequest_Outgoing" "Requesting to join �%other%'s� party."
2716027266"TF_Matchmaking_HeaderModeSelect" "모드 선택"
2716127267"[english]TF_Matchmaking_HeaderModeSelect" "Mode Selection"
N/A27268"TF_Matchmaking_CantQueue_Ban" "현재 경기 주선에서 차단되었습니다."
N/A27269"[english]TF_Matchmaking_CantQueue_Ban" "You are currently Banned from Matchmaking."
N/A27270"TF_Matchmaking_CantQueue_VerbSingle" "%s1 님은"
N/A27271"[english]TF_Matchmaking_CantQueue_VerbSingle" "%s1 is"
N/A27272"TF_Matchmaking_CantQueue_VerbPlural" "%s1 님들은"
N/A27273"[english]TF_Matchmaking_CantQueue_VerbPlural" "%s1 are"
N/A27274"TF_Matchmaking_CantQueue_NoTicket" "대기열에 참가하려면 모든 파티 구성원들이 복무권을 가지고 있어야 합니다."
N/A27275"[english]TF_Matchmaking_CantQueue_NoTicket" "All party members must have a Tour of Duty Ticket in order to queue."
N/A27276"TF_Matchmaking_OnlyLeaderCanChange" "파티장이 아니기 때문에 이 설정을 바꿀 수 없습니다."
N/A27277"[english]TF_Matchmaking_OnlyLeaderCanChange" "You are not the party leader and cannot change this setting."
N/A27278"TF_Matchmaking_ViewLeader" "파티장이 아닙니다. 아래의 단추를 눌러 현재 경기 설정을 볼 수 있습니다."
N/A27279"[english]TF_Matchmaking_ViewLeader" "You are not the party leader. Click the button below to see the current match settings."
N/A27280"TF_Matchmaking_NoMatchSelected" "파티장이 아직 경기 유형을 선택하지 않았습니다."
N/A27281"[english]TF_Matchmaking_NoMatchSelected" "Your party leader has not selected a match type yet."
2716227282"TF_Matchmaking_PartyMember_CasualBanned" "빠른대전 경기 주선에서 차단됨"
2716327283"[english]TF_Matchmaking_PartyMember_CasualBanned" "Banned from Casual Matchmaking"
2716427284"TF_Matchmaking_PartyMember_CompetitiveBanned" "경쟁전 경기 주선에서 차단됨"
2726327383"[english]TF_fall17_forest_footwear" "Forest Footwear"
2726427384"TF_fall17_forest_footwear_Desc" " "
2726527385"[english]TF_fall17_forest_footwear_Desc" ""
N/A27386"TF_fall17_cammy_jammies" "위장 의복"
N/A27387"[english]TF_fall17_cammy_jammies" "The Cammy Jammies"
2726627388"TF_fall17_cammy_jammies_Desc" " "
2726727389"[english]TF_fall17_cammy_jammies_Desc" ""
2726827390"TF_fall17_conspicuous_camouflage_Desc" " "

File info

Note: this encoding of this file has been changed from UCS-2 Little Endian (UTF-16) to UTF-8 (without BOM) to reduce filesize. The content of the file still matches the original version from root\tf\resource.


File history

Click on a date/time to view the file as it appeared at that time.

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current23:46, 2 August 2024 (1.26 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_koreana.txt for August 2, 2024 Patch.
20:04, 25 July 2024 (1.19 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_koreana.txt for July 25, 2024 Patch.
01:09, 10 January 2024 (1.19 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_koreana.txt for January 9, 2024 Patch.
19:06, 20 December 2023 (1.12 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_koreana.txt for December 20, 2023 Patch.
02:04, 19 December 2023 (1.12 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_koreana.txt for December 18, 2023 Patch.
21:06, 15 December 2023 (1.12 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_koreana.txt for December 15, 2023 Patch.
22:23, 12 July 2023 (1.1 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_koreana.txt for July 12, 2023 Patch.
18:38, 20 March 2023 (1.1 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_koreana.txt for March 20, 2023 Patch.
21:21, 1 March 2023 (1.1 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_koreana.txt for March 1, 2023 Patch.
15:15, 6 January 2023 (1.07 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_koreana.txt for January 5, 2023.
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