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{{Show achievement|Halloween|Hat Out Of Hell
{{Show achievement|Halloween|Hat Out Of Hell
| obtain-level = Very Easy
| obtain-level = Very Easy
| obtain-text  = Once either team has pushed the [[Payload]] to the end of the track, both teams will be transported to [[Helltower#Hell|Hell]]. Even if your team lost the round, take this chance to run to the gate at the edge of Hell. Once the gate opens, travel up the stairs, and jump into the cage to obtain the [[Unfilled Fancy Spellbook]]. Defeat any nearby enemies if necessary.  
| obtain-text  =一旦任意一队将[[Payload/zh-hans|战车]] to the end of the track, both teams will be transported to [[Helltower#Hell|Hell]]. Even if your team lost the round, take this chance to run to the gate at the edge of Hell. Once the gate opens, travel up the stairs, and jump into the cage to obtain the [[Unfilled Fancy Spellbook]]. Defeat any nearby enemies if necessary.  
{{Show achievement|Halloween|Helltower- Competitive Spirit
{{Show achievement|Halloween|Helltower- Competitive Spirit

Revision as of 08:48, 16 October 2020



主条目: Halloween achievements#2009
通过引爆附近的南瓜炸弹杀死 5 名玩家。
难度: 一般
如何取得: 注意周围的南瓜,在敌人靠近的时候射击南瓜来引爆。南瓜的重生速度很快,可以在大范围造成大量伤害,别犹豫!

奖励: 令人不安的万圣节面具
难度: 容易
如何取得: 玩家死亡后有12.5%的概率掉落南瓜。然而谁都可以捡起这个南瓜来击杀更多的敌人。达成这个成就会奖励你令人不安的万圣节面具

难度: 容易
如何取得: 对任何可疑的人都执行检查间谍操作。这个成就即使不是万圣节也可以获得。

难度: 容易
如何取得: 找到一个戴着幽灵折叠礼帽的玩家进行针对攻击。这个成就即使不是万圣节也可以获得。达成这个成就会奖励你幽灵折叠礼帽

难度: 容易
如何取得: 在地图HarvestEyeaduct,玩家常常会在战斗区域遇到幽灵。在地图Mann Manor中,脱缰的无头骑士常常会惊吓附近攻击它的玩家。针对这些被吓到的敌人攻击。幽灵也在其他很多地图中出现。这个成就适用于任何其他的幽灵。

2010: Ghostchievements

主条目: Halloween achievements#2010
奖励: 脱缰的无头骑士南瓜头
难度: 一般
如何取得:Horseless Headless Horsemann重生时,与你的团队合作来击败他.最好选择速度快的兵种,比如 Scout, 这样就可以在地图上风筝脱缰的无头骑士, 或者是一名拥有高伤害输出的兵种,例如Soldier.脱缰的无头骑士死前最后三名对他造成伤害的玩家将解锁该成就并获得 Horseless Headless Horsemann's Head.

难度: 一般/困难
如何取得: 你必须在Horseless Headless Horsemann死前用你的近战武器伤害他.当你看到他战栗时动起来,这是他死亡动画的开始.击败脱缰的无头骑士后,你将得到一份Unusual Haunted Metal Scrap.

Mann Manor 地图中夺得摄魂石像鬼
难度: 容易
如何取得: 当服务器中至少有十名玩家时闹鬼的万圣节礼物将出现在Mann Manor, Eyeaduct, Ghost Fort,以及[Helltower]]上.当它出现在地图上时,寻找它并小心被其他玩家杀掉.

Sackston Hale
Sackston Hale
难度: 一般

2011: Eye-chievements

主条目: Halloween achievements#2011
奖励: 独眼怪胎!
难度: 一般
如何取得: 魔眼仅在出现后的90秒后就消失了,所以两队需要停止争斗并齐力杀死魔眼.魔眼漂浮在半空中,能抵抗高射速武器如转轮机枪火焰喷射器 ,并且它有着吓人的精准度.然而,它是一个大型目标并且不会受到武器的伤害衰减.灵活的兵种可以有效地攻击空中目标,例如侦察兵士兵.当魔眼传送时,它会短暂留下一个通往地狱的入口.进入地狱并离开可以使你获得一些时效性增益并允许你在攻击魔眼时击晕它.在魔眼死前的最后三位对它造成上海的玩家将解锁该成就.完成该成就将使你获得一顶独眼怪胎 帽子.这项成就不在Hellstone上生效,因为在此地图最终点会同时出现两个魔眼。

奖励: 炸弹魔书
难度: 容易
如何取得:魔眼被击败时,他将会爆炸并对周围玩家施加尿瓶效果并在短时间内留下一个紫色传送门.就算你没有帮助击杀他,你也可以进入传送门来到达一个独立的地狱区块-劫掠岛.设法走上楼梯,等待笼子降下来,并跳入魔书中来解锁该成就.因为所有人都能进入传送门,小心那些可能会杀死你的敌人.完成该成就将使你受到一项炸弹魔书 饰品.

2012: Necromannchievements

主条目: Halloween achievements#2012
奖励: 骷髅岛主
难度: 一般
如何取得:马拉莫斯被击败时,他将爆炸并短时间内留下一个中央有炸弹魔书的红色传送门.即使你没有参与击杀马拉莫斯,你也可以进入传送门来到达骷髅岛.设法走上楼梯并进入房间,等待笼子降下来,并跳到帽子上来解锁该成就.任何进入传送门并通过的人都可解锁成就.小心那些可能无故攻击你的敌对成员. 完成成就将使你获得一顶 骷髅岛主帽子.

难度: 困难
如何取得: 就像魔眼, 马拉莫斯仅在地图上停留90秒,所以两队可能需要停止争斗来达成该成就.马拉莫斯会使用他的手杖进行基础的近战攻击,用炸弹魔书投掷炸弹,或者将玩家抛上空中并将他们点燃.他偶尔也在控制点周围上方盘旋并释放炸弹轰炸该区域,或者在地图上到处传送.如果他正在轰炸控制点,保持攻击;此时对马拉莫斯的所有攻击都将是暴击.当他传送时,两名随机玩家的头部会变成炸弹;他们需要在一定时间内跑向马拉莫斯来击晕他并解除炸弹.一旦马拉莫斯的生命值达到50%或10%,他将伪装成场景道具来拖延时间;玩家应分头行动,找到被攻击时会流血的道具.可以从远处攻击的职业如士兵与狙击手,可以轻松地躲避马拉莫斯的近战攻击与他的投掷炸弹.

2013: Bereavements

主条目: Halloween achievements#2013
难度: 非常容易
如何取得: 一旦任意一队将战车 to the end of the track, both teams will be transported to Hell. Even if your team lost the round, take this chance to run to the gate at the edge of Hell. Once the gate opens, travel up the stairs, and jump into the cage to obtain the Unfilled Fancy Spellbook. Defeat any nearby enemies if necessary.

赢得 142 局游戏
难度: 一般
如何取得: This achievement will naturally be obtained after playing on Helltower for a long amount of time. Only the team that is victorious in Hell gains credit towards the achievement.

雷德蒙德 / 布鲁塔克送入地狱 10 次
难度: 一般
如何取得: In order to progress with this achievement, you must be on the cart's elevator as your team wins. Play as a class that can more easily survive the ascent without dying, such as the Heavy, or utilize the explosive jumps from the Soldier and Demoman to reinforce your allies.

难度: 容易
如何取得: At the edge of Helltower, near the cliff, two ghostly white bridges that lead to the clocktower will appear when it is 12 o'clock. Cross these and enter the door at the end whilst avoiding enemy fire to obtain a rare spell, then use it whenever you see fit. Rare spells can also be obtained by killing the Skeleton King and spawn regularly in Hell at set locations.

地狱利用环境造成 17 次击杀
难度: 一般
如何取得: When the round ends, switch to a class with knock back, like the Pyro. Once both teams arrive in Hell, push an enemy into the lava. Alternatively, if an enemy approaches any exploding pumpkins, shoot them to gain an environmental kill.

杀死 99 名骷髅战士
难度: 一般
如何取得: Green-tinted Skeletons spawn on every other Witching Hour, use that period of time to hunt them down. All varieties of Skeletons count towards the achievement. Destroying Skeletons from an opponent's Summon Skeleton Magic Spell contributes to the achievement as well.

使用魔咒杀死 25 名玩家
难度: 容易
如何取得: Frequently take advantage of Magic Spells to deal with enemies and always be on the look out for a Magic Spell pick-up. Magic Spells can be found in a number of locations on the map during the Witching Hour, by killing an opponent, spawned whilst pushing the cart and by defeating the Skeleton King.

获得 4 项 Helltower 成就
难度: 非常容易
如何取得: This achievement will automatically be obtained after earning 4 Bereavements. Earning Hat Out Of Hell will not contribute to this achievement. Obtaining this achievement will reward the player with a Spellbook Page.

2014: Merasmachievements

主条目: Halloween achievements#2014
Carnival of Carnage:碰碰大丰收
Carnival of Carnage:碰碰大丰收
将 30 名敌人的碰碰车撞出赛道,让他们摔死。
难度: 一般
如何取得: Bump into enemy players to increase their damage percentage and knock them back. When aiming at enemy cars, try to avoid frontal collisions, as these will knock both of you away. Use the boost to get through their defences and cast spells to your advantage.

Carnival of Carnage:抓鸭子
Carnival of Carnage:抓鸭子
收集 250 只鸭子。
难度: 一般
如何取得: Ducks will spawn initially spawn in the middle of the map, then will randomly switch between either side or the middle randomly. Bumping into an enemy will also drop additional ducks depending on the damage dealt. If you focus on collecting these, the achievement will come naturally after some time.

Carnival of Carnage:帽子戏法
Carnival of Carnage:帽子戏法
在碰碰车足球赛中进球 3 次。
难度: 一般
如何取得: To score a goal, work with your team to bump the ball towards the enemy goal. Strategies include passing the ball back and forth, using teammates to body block enemies, and rushing directly at the goal once the enemy team scores. You must be the last one to touch the ball for the goal to count towards the achievement.

Carnival of Carnage:车上复活
Carnival of Carnage:车上复活
在碰碰车游戏中复活 30 名变成鬼魂的队友。
难度: 一般
如何取得: If you stay alive and outlast your allies, they might rely on you so that they can respawn. The falling platforms minigame tends to have the most casualties.

Carnival of Carnage:武器降级
Carnival of Carnage:武器降级
在受到马拉莫斯的只能使用近战武器的诅咒时,杀死 15 个敌人。
难度: 一般
如何取得: The melee-only curse not only restricts you to melee weapons, but increases run speed, making it difficult to hit each other. Classes with good melee capabilities such as the Demoman are well suited to this; consider running a melee-friendly loadout just in case. Kills made while being affected by the shrinking spell will also count towards the achievement.

Carnival of Carnage:碰,碰,碰
Carnival of Carnage:碰,碰,碰
难度: 容易
如何取得: You need to win each one of the three bumper cars games once for this achievement. Successfully delivering the tickets will get your team an advantage in the bumper cars mini-game (the other team starts at 66%), making it easier to win the game. Obtaining this achievement will reward you with the Halloween Gift Cauldron.

Carnival of Carnage:毫不犹豫
Carnival of Carnage:毫不犹豫
完成 4 项 Carnival of Carnage 成就。
奖励: 大力碎尸锤
难度: 非常容易
如何取得: This achievement will be obtained automatically after earning 4 Merasmachievements. Obtaining this achievement will reward you with the Necro Smasher.