获得 Foundry 成就
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达成 Foundry 成就包里的成就, 在 2015年7月3日补丁的澳大利亚圣诞节 2011 更新里发布。
全兵种杀手 在一局游戏中,使用全部9个兵种,并且各获得至少一次杀敌。 难度: 一般 如何取得: 玩家必须进入战斗, 获得杀戮, 然后换兵种 9次。所以这个成就需要很长时间, 玩家获得杀戮然后必须马上换兵种。 |
扫荡屋顶 在一次生命内,杀死中央控制点屋顶上的两个敌人。 难度: 非常困难 如何取得: Mobile enemies, such as Scouts, Soldiers, or Demomen, could make use of high ground to gain the advantage in combat. Still, it's not common for the enemies to jump in and fight at the platform. If they show up on the rooftop, either target them using one of the aforementioned classes or pick them off from afar as the Sniper. |
真正的偷点 在敌人试图占领我方的最后一个控制点之后,仍然赢得此局。 难度: 困难 如何取得: 敌人队伍试图捕获你的最后一个控制点过后, 取得强势复出胜利。 |
同样终结 将一个敌人推入炉火中烧死。 难度: 非常困难 如何取得: The cauldron fire is located behind the final control point of either team. You need to be credited as having "finished off" an opponent in the cauldron fire. While any source of knockback can be used to propel an enemy into the fire, the difficult part is doing so while fighting over the final control point. The cauldron fire is higher than and significantly past the final control point, so it would be easiest to use the Pyro's compression blast to perform this feat. |
难分高下 在一局游戏中,两方共占领据点15次而未分胜负。 难度: 困难 如何取得: 两个团队必须保持平衡并不断攻击。第十五次捕获过后玩家会获得这个成就。 |
瓮中捉鳖 使用一发爆击杀死一名正在占领控制点的敌人。 难度: 容易 如何取得: 玩家可以造成爆击伤害通过使用火焰兵的偷袭烈焰喷射器, 工程师的边境裁决者, 狙击手的爆头, 医生的闪电战医疗枪, 和间谍的背刺来攻击敌人。 |
铸场五人组 与至少 5 名在你好友名单上的玩家进行一次游戏。 难度: 一般 如何取得: 聚集了一群朋友之后, 玩一整轮。 |
两分钟战争 在两分钟内赢得一次胜利。 难度: 一般 如何取得: Coordinate with your teammates to begin a round strongly. Your team will almost always need to take the third, fourth, and fifth control points in rapid succession to obtain this achievement, as losing the initial battle over the central control point will cost too much time. |
严酷考验 累计赢得 137 次胜利。 难度: 容易 如何取得: 玩家在 Foundry 玩够久过后自然会获得这个成就。 |
最速五秒 在你的队友占领上个控制点的五秒内占领最终控制点。 难度: 一般 如何取得: As your team pushes up to the fourth control point, run ahead of them and prepare to immediately capture the final control point once they finish. The Scout captures points quickly and can run through the corridors of Foundry the fastest while the Spy can sneak past enemies and camp near the control point. |
领土主张 在走出传送装置后的 12 秒内占领一个控制点。 难度: 一般 如何取得: To expedite the process, you can play as the Engineer yourself, placing a Teleporter Exit close to a highly contested control point. If performing this feat on any but the last control point, wait until your teammates have partially captured the point before taking the Teleporter; capture times can be rather significant, especially if you have to spend time traveling from the Teleporter Exit. |