Difference between revisions of "Engineer/no"

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(Added the DISPLAYTITLE template to this article and added Jag to the Melee Section not translated.)
m (PDA)
Line 193: Line 193:
! class="header"            | Notes / Special abilities
! class="header"            | Notes / Special abilities
| {{Icon weapon|weapon=Builder|icon-size=100x100px}}
| {{Icon weapon|weapon=PDA Build|icon-size=100x100px}}
| '''[[PDA|Build Tool]]'''
| '''[[PDA|Build Tool]]'''
* Allows to build the Engineer's buildings.
* Allows to build the Engineer's buildings.
| {{Icon weapon|weapon=Destroy|icon-size=100x100px}}
| {{Icon weapon|weapon=PDA Destroy|icon-size=100x100px}}
| '''[[PDA|Demolish Tool]]'''
| '''[[PDA|Demolish Tool]]'''

Revision as of 07:27, 20 March 2011

Generell informasjon
Symbol: Leaderboard class engineer.png
Type: Defensive
Helse: 125 / 185
150 / 225 with the Gunslinger equipped
Fart: 100%
75% while hauling a building
Meet the Engineer
Hey look buddy, I'm an engineer; that means I solve problems.
Not problems like 'What is beauty?', because that would fall within the purview of your conundrums of philosophy.
I solve practical problems.
The Engineer når det gjelder hans jobb

En lavmælt, elskverdig Texaner med talent for alt som har med mekanikk å gjøre, Engineer (virkelig navn Dell Conagher) velger å bygge og vedlikeholde bygninger som er til nytte for laget sitt, i stedet for å delta noe særlig i kamper. Blant hans arsenal finner man blant annet Sentry Gun, en automatisert drone som skyter på enhver fiende innenfor skuddlinjen, Dispenseren, som gir ammunisjon og helse til lagkamerater i nærheten og Teleporterene som raskt transporterer hans lagkamerater til frontlinjen.

Men Engineers geniale oppfinnelser er under konstant trussel fra eksplosiver og slue fiendtlige spioner, og en god Engineer må holde et våkent øye på utstyret sitt og sørge for at det blir reparert til enhver tid. Og når Engineer må få hendene sine skittene, kan hans trio av generiske, men samtidig brukbare våpen med assistanse fra sitt hjelpsomme utstyr gjøre ham i stand til å holde fortet.

Engineer er også i stand til å forflytte bygninger og utstyr som har allerede blitt plassert og plassere dem på et nytt sted, på bekostning av hans gangfart mens han bærer dem. Bygninger og utstyr er sårbart under forflytting, ettersom de vil bli ødelagt dersom Engineer blir drept, og de krever litt tid før de kan konstruere seg etter å ha blitt flyttet på.

Stemmen til Engineer utføres av Grant Goodeve.


Basic Strategy

Hovedartikler: Engineer tips, Engineer strategy
  • Use the build tool to place Sentry Guns, Dispensers, and Teleporters.
  • You need metal to build, repair, and upgrade your Buildings. Collect fallen weapons to get more metal.
  • Hit your Sentry Gun with your Wrench to upgrade it with metal. Each level adds more health and firepower.
  • Build Dispensers to provide your teammates with health and ammo. They also generate metal for you to use.
  • Build Teleporters to help your team reach the front line faster.
  • Keep an eye out for enemy Spies attaching Sappers to your Buildings. Use your Wrench to remove Sappers.

Engineer needed class


Hovedartikkel: Weapons

Note: Weapon damage is approximate and listed at base value. See individual weapon pages for additional figures.


Weapon Ammo
Damage Range Notes / Special Abilities
Item icon Shotgun.png
Shotgun 6 32 Base: 60

Crit: 180
[6 dmg. × 10 pellets]

Item icon Frontier Justice.png
Frontier Justice 3 32 Base: 60

Crit: 180
[6 dmg. × 10 pellets]

  • For every Sentry Gun's kill stores 2 guaranteed critical shots.
  • For every Sentry Gun's kill assist stores 1 guaranteed critical shot.
  • Stored critical shots (up to 35) are granted only upon Sentry Gun destruction/demolition.
  • Has half ammo loaded.
  • No random Critical hits.


Weapon Ammo
Damage Range Notes / Special Abilities
Item icon Pistol.png
Pistol 12 200 Base: 15

Crit: 45
[6 rounds / sec.]

Item icon Lugermorph.png
Sam & Max variant
Lugermorph 12 200 Base: 15

Crit: 45
[6 rounds / sec.]

Item icon Wrangler.png
Wrangler N/A N/A N/A
  • Allows to take manual control of own Sentry Gun.
  • The Sentry Gun gains double firing rate and a laser pointer to assist in aiming.
  • The Sentry Gun gains a shield which blocks 66% of incoming damage.
  • Upon switching to another weapon or death, the Sentry Gun remains shielded but deactivated for 3 seconds.


Weapon Ammo
Damage Range Notes / Special Abilities
Item icon Wrench.png
Wrench N/A N/A Base: 65

Crit: 195

Item icon Golden Wrench.png
Golden Wrench N/A N/A Base: 65

Crit: 195

Wrench alternative:
  • Same specs as Wrench.
  • Killed enemies freeze into solid Australium statues (purely cosmetic feature).
Item icon Gunslinger.png
Gunslinger N/A N/A Base: 65

Crit: 195

Wrench alternative:
  • Increases maximum health by 25 points.
  • Guarantees a Critical hit on the third, consecutive punch.
  • Replaces standard Sentry Gun with Combat Mini-Sentry Gun.
  • No random Critical hits.
Item icon Southern Hospitality.png
Southern Hospitality N/A N/A Base: 65
Crit: 195
Wrench alternative:
  • On hit causes bleed for 5 seconds.
  • Raises fire vulnerability by 20%.
  • No random Critical hits.
Item icon Jag.png
Killicon jag.png N/A N/A Base: 49
Crit: 146

Pictogram info.png Builds, repairs and upgrades buildings.

Pictogram info.png Able to remove Electro Sappers.

Pictogram plus.png +30% Faster construction rate.

Pictogram minus.png -25% Damage done.


Weapon Notes / Special abilities
Item icon PDA Build.png Build Tool
  • Allows to build the Engineer's buildings.
Item icon PDA Destroy.png Demolish Tool
  • Allows to demolish the Engineer's buildings.

Taunt Attacks

Angrep Våpen Varighet Skade
Dischord Item icon Frontier Justice.png
Frontier Justice
4 sekunder.
  • 500 hp (umiddelbart drap) på treff.
Organ Grinder Item icon Gunslinger.png
4 sekunder
  • 14 hp (14 treff for 1 hp hver i som circa et sekund) pluss stun effekt.
  • 500 hp (umiddelbart drap) på siste treff.


Hovedartikkel: Buildings
Toolboxengineer cropped.png
Bygning Level Kostnad Liv Skade/Etterfylle/Lade verdier
Spor en
Sentry Våpen En 130 150 Gjennomsnittlig DPS: 64
To 330 180 Gjennomsnittlig DPS: 128
Tre 530 216 Kuler gjennomsnittlig DPS: 128
Raketter (på direkte treff): 100
Red Mini Sentry.png
Spor en
Kamp Mini-Sentry Våpen N/A 100 100 Gjennomsnittlig DPS: 48
Spor to
Dispenser En 100 150 Liv: 10/sec
Ammunisjon: 20%/sec
Metall: 40/5 sec
To 300 180 Liv: 15/sec
Ammunisjon: 30%/sec
Metall: 50/5 sec
Tre 500 216 Liv: 20/sec
Ammunisjon: 40%/sec
Metall: 60/5 sec
RED Teleporter.png
Spor tre & fire
Teleportør Inngang
Teleportør Utgang
En 125 150 Lade: 10 sekunder
To 325 180 Lade: 5 sekunder
Tre 525 216 Lade: 3 sekunder


Hovedartikkel: Hats

Official class avatars

Offisielle klasseavatarer
Originalt sett RED ÜberLadet sett BLU ÜberLadet sett
Engineerava.jpg Buffed red engineer.jpg Buffed blu engineer.jpg
Få TF2-avatarer på Steam: Orginal


Hovedartikkel: Engineer achievements


  • The Engineer is the shortest class in the game.
  • The Engineer wears his default helmet backwards.
  • The Engineer rarely removes his welding goggles. In fact the only official time his naked eyes were revealed was in the "Loose Canon" comic.
  • The Engineer designed and built the Sentry Gun under contract from 'TF Industries' in 1965. The PDF manual for the game that is listed in Steam shows a blueprint and promotional guide to using the Sentry Gun.
  • The Engineer's favorite equation is in fact part of the equation that governs character lighting in-game.
  • The Engineer's equivalent in the original team of mercenaries BLU hired was supposedly Nikola Tesla, armed with a bag of blueprints instead of a PDA.
The Team Fortress Classic Engineer overlooking a small boy wearing his first pair of goggles, the boy is assumed to be Team Fortress 2's Engineer.
  • The song the Engineer plays during Meet the Engineer is titled 'More Gun', which is based on Someone Else's Song and was originally written by Jeff Tweedy of the American Country band Wilco.
  • A photograph on the Engineer update page displays a young boy (presumably the Engineer) trying on his first pair of goggles, as the Engineer from Team Fortress Classic looks on proudly and pats him on the shoulder.

See also

External links