Difference between revisions of "Template:Dictionary/descriptions"
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scream fortress xvi war paint case: | scream fortress xvi war paint case: | ||
en: Paint your master piece with one of these community-made War Paints.<br><br>Contains an item from the Scream Fortress XVI Collection. | en: Paint your master piece with one of these community-made War Paints.<br><br>Contains an item from the Scream Fortress XVI Collection. | ||
+ | cs: Komunitní válečná maskování té nejstrašidelnější kvality.<br><br>Obsahuje předměty z kolekce Scream Fortress XVI. | ||
+ | da: Mal dit mesterværk med en af disse fællesskabsskabte krigsmalinger.<br><br>Indeholder en krigsmaling fra Scream Fortress XVI-samlingen. | ||
+ | es: Pinta tu obra maestra con una de estas Pinturas de Guerra creadas por la comunidad.<br><br>Contiene un artículo de la colección Scream Fortress XVI. | ||
+ | fi: Maalaa oma mestariteoksesi jollakin näistä yhteisön tekemistä sotamaaleista.<br><br>Sisältää esineen Scream Fortress XVI -kokoelmasta. | ||
+ | fr: Peignez votre chef-d’œuvre à l'aide de l'une de ces peintures de guerre créées par la communauté.<br><br>Comprend un item de la collection Scream Fortress XVI. | ||
+ | hu: Fesd meg mesterműved e közösség-készítette harci festések egyikével.<br><br>Egy tárgyat tartalmaz a Scream Fortress XVI Gyűjteményből. | ||
+ | it: Dipingi il tuo capolavoro con una di queste Vernici di Guerra create dalla comunità.<br><br>Contiene un oggetto della collezione "Scream Fortress XVI". | ||
+ | ko: 커뮤니티 제작 전투 도색으로 여러분의 명작을 도색해보세요.<br><br>스크림 포트리스 XVI 수집품의 아이템이 들어있습니다. | ||
+ | no: Mal et mesterverk med en av disse samfunnsskapte krigsmalingene.<br><br>Inneholder en gjenstand fra Scream Fortress XVI-kolleksjonen. | ||
+ | pt: Pinta a tua arma favorita com uma destas Tintas de Guerra criadas pela Comunidade.<br><br>Contém um item da Coleção Scream Fortress XVI. | ||
+ | pt-br: Pinte a sua obra-prima usando uma tinta de guerra criada pela comunidade.<br><br>Contém um item da Coleção do Scream Fortress XVI. | ||
+ | ro: Vopsește-ți capodopera cu una dintre aceste vopsele de război create de comunitate.<br><br>Conține un obiect din colecția Scream Fortress XVI. | ||
ru: Нарисуйте свой шедевр одной из этих боевых красок от сообщества.<br><br>Содержит предмет из коллекции «Вииизг Фортресс XVI». | ru: Нарисуйте свой шедевр одной из этих боевых красок от сообщества.<br><br>Содержит предмет из коллекции «Вииизг Фортресс XVI». | ||
+ | sv: Måla ett mästerverk med en av krigsfärgerna skapade av gemenskapen.<br><br>Innehåller ett föremål från Scream Fortress XVI-kollektionen. | ||
# halloween2024_collection_case_desc | # halloween2024_collection_case_desc | ||
terrifying trove case: | terrifying trove case: | ||
en: This Case is locked and requires a<br>Terrifying Trove Key to open.<br><br>Contains a community made item<br>from the Terrifying Trove Collection. | en: This Case is locked and requires a<br>Terrifying Trove Key to open.<br><br>Contains a community made item<br>from the Terrifying Trove Collection. | ||
+ | cs: Tato bedna je uzamčená a pro otevření<br>vyžaduje klíč Terrifying Trove Key.<br><br>Obsahuje předměty z kolekce kosmetických předmětů Terrifying Trove. | ||
+ | es: Esta caja está cerrada y se necesita una<br>Llave del Tesoro Aterrador para abrirla.<br><br>Contiene un artículo creado por la comunidad<br>de la colección Tesoro Aterrador. | ||
+ | fi: Arkku on lukittu, ja avaamiseen vaaditaan<br>Aavemainen aarre -avain.<br><br>Sisältää yhteisön tekemän esineen<br>Aavemainen aarre -kokoelmasta. | ||
+ | fr: Cette caisse est verrouillée et une<br>clé du Trésor terrifiant est nécessaire pour l'ouvrir.<br><br>Elle contient un item créé par la communauté<br>de la collection du Trésor terrifiant. | ||
+ | hu: Ez a táska zárva van, és a kinyitásához<br>Kísérteties Kincslelet Kulcs szükséges.<br><br>Egy közösség-készítette tárgyat tartalmaz<br>a Kísérteties Kincslelet Gyűjteményből. | ||
+ | it: Questa cassa è chiusa e serve una<br>Chiave dello Scrigno terrificante per aprirla.<br><br>Contiene un oggetto della Comunità<br>della collezione "Scrigno terrificante". | ||
+ | ko: 이 상자는 잠겨있으며<br>매서운 매장물 열쇠로 열 수 있습니다.<br><br>상자에는 매서운 매장물 수집품<br>커뮤니티 제작 아이템이 들어있습니다. | ||
+ | no: Denne kassen er låst og må åpnes med<br>en Fælt funn-nøkkel.<br><br>Inneholder en samfunnsskapt gjenstand<br>fra Fælt funn-kolleksjonen. | ||
+ | pt: Esta caixa está trancada e necessita de uma<br>Chave Terrifying Trove para ser aberta.<br><br>Contém um item comunitário da Coleção Terrifying Trove. | ||
+ | pt-br: Esta caixa está trancada e requer uma Chave do Tesouro Terrível para ser aberta.<br><br>Contém um item criado pela comunidade da Coleção do Tesouro Terrível. | ||
+ | ro: Această cutie este încuiată și necesită o<br>cheie Terrifying Trove pentru a fi deschisă.<br><br>Conține un obiect creat de comunitate<br>din colecția Terrifying Trove. | ||
ru: Этот кейс закрыт. Чтобы его открыть,<br>необходим ключ от кейса страшащих сокровищ.<br><br>Содержит один из аксессуаров<br>коллекции «Страшащие сокровища». | ru: Этот кейс закрыт. Чтобы его открыть,<br>необходим ключ от кейса страшащих сокровищ.<br><br>Содержит один из аксессуаров<br>коллекции «Страшащие сокровища». | ||
+ | sv: Väskan är låst och öppnas med en<br>Skräckgömman-nyckel.<br><br>Innehåller ett föremål skapat av gemenskapen<br>från Skräckgömman-kollektionen. | ||
--> | --> | ||
Line 27,649: | Line 27,674: | ||
scream fortress xvi war paint key: | scream fortress xvi war paint key: | ||
en: Used to Open a Scream Fortress XVI War Paint Case | en: Used to Open a Scream Fortress XVI War Paint Case | ||
+ | cs: Použitelný k otevření beden Scream Fortress XVI War Paint Case | ||
+ | da: Bruges til at åbne en Scream Fortress XVI-krigsmalingskasse | ||
+ | es: Se usa para abrir una Caja de Pintura de Guerra Scream Fortress XVI | ||
+ | fi: Käytetään Scream Fortress XVI -sotamaalisalkun avaamiseen | ||
+ | fr: Utilisée pour ouvrir une caisse de peintures Scream Fortress XVI | ||
+ | hu: Scream Fortress XVI Harci Festés Táska kinyitására szolgál. | ||
+ | it: Si usa per aprire le Casse di Vernici "Scream Fortress XVI" | ||
+ | ko: 스크림 포트리스 XVI 전투 도색 상자를 여는 데 사용됩니다. | ||
+ | no: Brukes til å åpne en Scream Fortress XVI-krigsmalingskasse | ||
+ | pt: Usada para abrir uma Caixa de Tintas de Guerra Scream Fortress XVI | ||
+ | pt-br: Usada para abrir uma Caixa de Tintas de Guerra do Scream Fortress XVI | ||
+ | ro: Folosită pentru a deschide o cutie cu vopsea de război Scream Fortress XVI. | ||
ru: Отпирает кейс с боевой краской «Вииизг Фортресс XVI» | ru: Отпирает кейс с боевой краской «Вииизг Фортресс XVI» | ||
+ | sv: Används för att öppna en Scream Fortress XVI-krigsfärgväska | ||
# halloween2024_collection_key_desc | # halloween2024_collection_key_desc | ||
terrifying trove key: | terrifying trove key: | ||
en: Used to Open the Terrifying Trove Case | en: Used to Open the Terrifying Trove Case | ||
− | ru: Отпирает кейс страшащих сокровищ | + | cs: Použitelný k otevření beden Terrifying Trove Case. |
+ | da: Bruges til at åbne en Frygteligt Fund-kasse | ||
+ | es: Se usa para abrir la Caja del Tesoro Aterrador | ||
+ | fi: Käytetään Aavemaisen aarrearkun avaamiseen | ||
+ | fr: Utilisée pour ouvrir une caisse du Trésor terrifiant. | ||
+ | hu: A Kísérteties Kincslelet Táska kinyitására szolgál. | ||
+ | it: Utilizzata per aprire la Cassa dello Scrigno terrificante | ||
+ | ko: 매서운 매장물 상자를 여는 데 사용됩니다. | ||
+ | no: Brukes til å åpne en Fælt funn-kasse | ||
+ | pt: Este item serve para abrir uma Caixa Terrifying Trove | ||
+ | pt-br: Usada para abrir a Caixa do Tesouro Terrível | ||
+ | ro: Folosită pentru a deschide cutii Terrifying Trove. | ||
+ | ru: Отпирает кейс страшащих сокровищ. | ||
+ | sv: Används för att öppna Skräckgömman-väskan | ||
--> | --> |
Revision as of 15:03, 19 October 2024
List of translatable strings
Non-translatable strings
See also
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Important! It is strongly recommended not to edit this whole page at once, as the page size is very large. Use the [edit] section links and make multiple edits instead.
- 1 Weapons
- 2 Cosmetic items
- 2.1 Scout cosmetic items
- 2.2 Soldier cosmetic items
- 2.3 Pyro cosmetic items
- 2.4 Demoman cosmetic items
- 2.5 Heavy cosmetic items
- 2.6 Engineer cosmetic items
- 2.7 Medic cosmetic items
- 2.8 Sniper cosmetic items
- 2.9 Spy cosmetic items
- 2.10 Multi-class cosmetic items
- 2.11 All class cosmetic items
- 2.12 Community medals
- 2.13 Tournament medals
- 2.14 Other
- 3 Taunts
- 4 Tools
- 5 Action items
- 6 Craft items
- 7 Case footers
Some entries in this section are either partially or fully translated by a bot. Text changes might be lost.
Scout weapons
Scout Primary
Scout Secondary
Scout Melee
Soldier weapons
Soldier Primary
Soldier Secondary
Pyro weapons
Pyro Primary
Pyro Secondary
Pyro Melee
Demoman weapons
Demoman Primary
Demoman Secondary
Demoman Melee
Heavy weapons
Heavy Secondary
Heavy Melee
Engineer weapons
Engineer Primary
Engineer Secondary
Engineer Melee
Medic weapons
Medic Primary
Medic Secondary
Medic Melee
Sniper weapons
Sniper Primary
Sniper Secondary
Spy weapons
Spy Secondary
Spy Melee
Spy Building
Multi-class weapons
Multi-class Secondary
Multi-class Melee
All class weapons
Cosmetic items
Some entries in this section are either partially or fully translated by a bot. Text changes might be lost.
Scout cosmetic items
Soldier cosmetic items
Pyro cosmetic items
Demoman cosmetic items
Heavy cosmetic items
Engineer cosmetic items
Medic cosmetic items
Sniper cosmetic items
Spy cosmetic items
Multi-class cosmetic items
All class cosmetic items
Community medals
Tournament medals
Some entries in this section are either partially or fully translated by a bot. Text changes might be lost.
Special taunts
Scout special taunts
Soldier special taunts
Pyro special taunts
Demoman special taunts
Heavy special taunts
Engineer special taunts
Medic special taunts
Sniper special taunts
Spy special taunts
All class special taunts
Some entries in this section are either partially or fully translated by a bot. Text changes might be lost.
Crates & Cases
Halloween Spells
Costume Transmogrifiers
Robot Parts
Other tools
Action items
Some entries in this section are either partially or fully translated by a bot. Text changes might be lost.
Craft items
Some entries in this section are either partially or fully translated by a bot. Text changes might be lost.
Voodoo-Cursed Items
Removed craft items
Other craft items
Some entries in this section are either partially or fully translated by a bot. Text changes might be lost.