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[[Image:Class engired.png|link=Engineer|85px]]
Image:Class engired.png|80x80px|RED Engineer
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[[Image:Class sniperred.png|link=Sniper|85px]]
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[[Image:Class spyred.png|link=Spy|85px]]
Image:80px-Class spyblue2.png|80x80px|RED Spy?
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! style="text-align: center" | [[Scout/zh-hans|侦察兵]]
! style="text-align: center" | [[Scout]]
! style="text-align: center" | [[Soldier/zh-hans|火箭兵]]
! style="text-align: center" | [[Soldier]]
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! style="text-align: center" | [[Pyro]]
! style="text-align: center" | [[Demoman/zh-hans|威胁者]]
! style="text-align: center" | [[Demoman]]
! style="text-align: center" | [[Heavy/zh-hans|重机枪手]]
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default [[Maps#Arena/zh-hans|竞技场]]
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desc none
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'''卢德米拉(Ludmila)'''曾经是[[Heavy/zh-hans|重机枪手]]的主要解锁武器。我们可以说它是有两个开火模式的[[Minigun/zh-hans|急射小机枪(Minigun)]]:第一种开火模式与急射小机枪一样,第二种开火模式会减少25%的伤害值,但是像医生的[[Blutsauger/zh-hans|吸血注射器(Blutsauger)]]一样,吸取敌人的血。该武器缺点是无法提前旋转机枪。Valve起初计划将其作为重机枪手的解锁武器,然而最终用[[Natascha/zh-hans|娜塔莎]]代替了[[Ludmila/zh-hans|卢德米拉]]。细心的朋友或许发现发现,娜塔莎模型的文件名仍然叫做“Ludmila”。此外,卢德米拉的遗留武器代码被玩家们重新挖掘出来,并做了演示,显示出其超强的攻击力——[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_VojpMJxun8 查看视频]。
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Revision as of 06:53, 4 July 2010

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Featured article Did you know...

  • ...that the music from the Kazotsky Kick taunt can be heard in the CS:GO map Train, coming from a small radio inside the kitchen?
  • ...that the Clinical Trial is the only item set in the game that doesn't feature a cosmetic?
  • ...that the Soldier's Stash does not in any way, shape, or form promote smoking or gambling?
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  • February 18, 2025 - TF2 Official Blog updated. The TF2 SDK has arrived! Valve released a massive update to the Source SDK that includes all the Team Fortress 2 client and server game code. This update allows content creators to build completely new games based on TF2.
  • February 9, 2023 - TF2 Official Blog updated. Attention, Steam Workshop Creators! Valve teased a full-on update-sized update to be released around the summer! Submit your workshop creations before May 1st, 2023 for a chance to have them included.
    • February 14, 2023 (edited): Valve made some revisions to the wording of this blog post. The updated post now states that they plan to ship a "full-on holiday-sized update" with "other community-contributed fixes" instead of a "full-on update-sized update" with "who knows what else?!"
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