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Death Run is a variant of [[VS Saxton Hale Mode]] and [[Freak Fortress 2]], which strongly involves teamwork and fast thinking. The objective in this game mode is to survive traps triggered by the opposite team.
Death Run является вариантом модов [[VS Saxton Hale Mode]] и [[Freak Fortress 2]], который превращается в настоящую командную работу и быстрое мышление. Основной цель в этом моде - выжить и дойти до конца карты не попадаясь на ловушки которые активирует вражеская команда.  
== Геймплей ==
== Gameplay ==
В Death Run, [[КРС]] команда состоит из "Жертв" и один член команды [[СИН]] является "Активатором". Жертвы должны пройти через полосу препятствий которая наполнена ловушками которые активирует Активатор, в форме отдельного босса [[Saxton Hale]]. Когда раунд начинается, активатор и жертвы появляются с двух разных сторон специальной стены которая позволяет только активатору видеть обе стороны - путь жертв и места для ловушек. На стороне активатора обычно есть платформа которая позволяет быстро переместиться к бегунам которые прошли дальше своей команды и к кнопкам, каждая из которых активирует ловушку, а те в свою очередь смешиваются с окружающей средой. Сторона жертв состоит из длинных коридоров набитых смертельным арсеналом ловушек, обычно среди них всегда есть двигающиеся платформы под которыми находится пропасть или ещё что-нибудь, что будет убивать при прямом контакте.
In Death Run, the [[RED]] team consists of the "Runners" and the lone member of the [[BLU]] team is the "Activator". The runners must run through an obstacle course which is filled with traps which are activated by the activator, in the form of a custom boss or [[Saxton Hale]]. When the round commences, the activator and runners spawn on two different sides of a special wall which allows only the activator to view both the players on the runners team and the trap sites. On the activator's side there is usually a platform which allows him to catch up with rushers and many buttons, each one triggering a trap, which usually blend into the environment. The runner's side consists of narrow hallways filled with a deadly arsenal of traps, usually including platforming sections that involve jumping onto  small platforms to cross a deadly pit below, instantly killing the player upon contact.
В конце некоторых карт игроки могут выбрать несколько концовок:
At the end of some maps, the remaining runners enter a room which allows them to choose one of these endings:
*Мини-игра - Выжившие жертвы и активатор будут перенаправлены в отдельную часть карты где будет проходить сама игра. Если жертвы выполняют задание данное в самом начале мини-игры, или активатор будет убит, или команда жертв просто мгновенно выиграет.
*Minigame- The surviving runners and the activator are transported into separate area of the map where a game is played. If the runners complete the objective given, either the activator will be killed or the team consisting of the runners instantly wins.
*Унижение - Оставшиеся жертвы телепортируются в комнату где активатор будет в ловушке, без любой возможности выжить. Обычно жертвам даётся набор кнопок которые активируют ловушки которые сразу убивают активатора, похожие на те, что были на карте. Иногда место смерти и смерть активатора будут похожи на сцену из фильма.
*Humiliation- The remaining runners are teleported into a room where the activator is helplessly trapped. The runners are usually given a set of buttons which trigger traps that instantly kill the activator, similar to the traps throughout the map. Sometimes a humiliation ending happens as a scene from a movie, where the runners watch the activator die.
*Мгновенная победа - Игрок телепортируется на сторону активатора, и его товарищи выигрывают раунд. Между раундами, друзья по команде могут убить активатора в зависимости от кол-ва его здоровья. Это концовка обычно закрыта кодовым замком.
*Instant Win- The player is teleported into the activator's side and the runners instantly win. Between rounds, teammates are able to attack and possibly kill the activator, depending on his amount of health. Usually this ending is locked with a code.
*Битва - одна или все жертвы телепортируются в место битвы и должны драться с активатором насмерть.
*Fight- One or all of the runners and the activator are teleported into a pit where they must fight to the death.
* Рекомендуется выбрать мгновенную победу или унижение если в команде осталось мало людей.
*It is recommended to choose Instant Win if you are the last one alive or there is a small amount of players left.
* Множество карт имеют секретные окончания до которых можно дойти через "пасхальные проходы" или набрав определённую комбинацию клавиш.
*''Many maps contain secret endings, which can be accessed through an easter egg or entering a valid combination of numbers on a keypad.''
* Некоторые карты позволяют жертвам выиграть просто так, даже не добравшись до конца.
*Some maps simply cause the runners to win without any special endings upon reaching the end.
== Стратегия ==
== Death Run strategy==
* Обращайте внимание на спреи. Некоторые игроки помечают места ловушек или "пасхальные проходы".
* Pay attention to sprays throughout the map, for most experienced players use sprays to mark both breakable floors and traps which are impossible to escape from.
* Множество карт имеют пол который проваливается. Поэтому проходя через коридор в котором "ничего нет" будьте наготове и бейти оружием ближнего боя по полу чтобы избежать смерти.
* Many maps have breakable floors to prevent rushing, so always be careful when walking through normal looking walkways. It is recomended to hit the floor with a weapon to avoid mistakes.  
* Некоторые карты имеют ворота которые открываются при активации ловушек, или когда Активатор перешёл в другую часть карты.
* Some maps have a gate or wall which opens only when the activator has used a certain trap or has gotten through a part of the map.
* Всегда ищите пасхальные яйца ( секреты ) на картах. Они намного облегчают прохождение карт. Чтобы найти пасхальные яйца требуется время и навыки. Обычно в секретных местах находятся спец. предметы или безопасные проходы.
* Always look for easter eggs, which are usually very well hidden and require skill to access. Some can be beneficial, however most are aesthetic and can be things such as music or a special effect on the player who activated it.
* Предметы [[Бонк! Атомный залп]] и [[Убер-заряд]] позволяют вам пережить сталкивающие и взрывающиеся ловушки, но не забывайте об отталкивании и ловушках которые мгновенно убивают.  
* Both [[Bonk! Atomic Punch]] and [[Übercharge]] allow you to survive crushing traps and a few exploding traps, but watch out for knockback and traps that drain health.
* Некоторые карты имеют "Смертостену", специальную 'ловушку' которая появляется через определённое кол-во времени и начинает медленно двигаться по карте убивая всех кто к ней прикоснётся.  
* Some maps have a "Deathwall", a special 'trap' which appears when a certain amount of time has passed and slowly traverses through the map killing anyone slow or delayed enough for it to meet up with it.  
* Многие карты имеют 2 прохода из которых только 1 Безопасный. Ждите пока какой-нибудь человек покажет вам безопасный путь, или вы сами можете пожертвовать собой ради всей команды.
* Many maps have a section with passageways, which only one is safe to pass. Always wait for somebody to show you the door to prevent using invalid advice. If you know that the "Kill-Doorway" has an activation button which causes it to change the door which kills you, think before going through the door everyone else has recently entered, as the activator may use it when enough people go through the correct door.
* Многие сервера с этим модом отключают первичные и вторичные оружия. Одевайте на себя те оружия, которые увеличивают вашу скорость, чтобы можно было пробежать через ловушку и не отставать от команды.
* Most servers disable all primary and secondary weapons that can inflict damage. Try to equip melee weapons that increase your speed to rush through traps.  
* Многие сервера с этой модификаций запрещают выбор Разведчика как за класс. Берите медика, он 2-ой по бысроте во всей игре. Также нужно не забывать про солдатов с уравнителями и подрывников с Штурмовым щитом.
* Most servers also disable the usage of Scouts, unless the map is large enough for the activator to easily catch them should they rush. The Medic is the next fastest class, excluding the Escape Plan Soldier and Chargin' Targe Demoman, etc.
* Рекомендуется взять [[Бутерброд]] или [[Плитка «Далокош»]]/[[Рыбный батончик]] если вы [[Пулеметчик]] чтобы восстановить здоровье.
* It is recommended to equip a [[Sandvich]] or [[Dalokohs Bar]]/[[Fishcake]] while playing as a  [[Heavy]] to restore health. This is also helpful for surviving traps that drain health.
* Если вы [[Медик]] используйте [[Ампутатор]] чтобы лечить союзников которые угодили в ловушку отнимающюю здоровье.  
* As a [[Medic]] you can heal a player stuck in an enclosed trap by using the [[Amputator]]. You can also Ubercharge to help yourself and your patient to potentially survive an explosive trap.
* Будучи классом [[Подрывник]], берите [[Штурмовой щит]] чтобы пробежать через большие ловушки которые не могут пройти другие классы. Но всё-же будьте осторожны, ломающиеся полы и дыры могут помешать вам пройти. Используйте [[Персидский заклинатель]] для более быстрого накопления заряда рывка. Или-же используйте [[Клеймор]] если такового не имеется.
*As a [[Demoman]], take advantage of the [[Chargin' Targe]] to speed through long traps other classes wouldn't be fast enough to pass. However, you must be extra careful about breakable floors and holes when charging. Consider equipping the [[Persian Persuader]] to increase your charging speed, or the [[Claidheamh Mòr]] if you don't have one.
* Если вы [[Шпион]], вы можете использовать ваши [[Часы невидимости]]/[[Часы ярого поклонника]] чтобы пробежать всю карту незамеченным. Также можно использовать [[Звон смерти]] чтобы пережить подрывные ловушки.
* As a [[Spy]], you can use your [[Invisibility Watch]]/[[Enthusiast's Timepiece]] to rush the map. You can also use your [[Dead Ringer]]'s explosive damage resistance to survive traps other classes normally wouldn't.  
* Если вы [[Солдат]], используйте [[План эвакуации]] чтобы быстрее перемещаться.  
*As a [[Soldier]], use your [[Escape Plan]] to travel faster through the map, but watch out for falling damage. It is also recommended as well to equip a [[Buff Banner]] to slow down in platforming sections.  
* Класс [[Солдат]], может использовать [[Дисциплинарное взыскание]] чтобы помочь себе и другим пробежать через ловушку, однако в местах с платформами будьте осторожны. Чрезмерная скорость может погубить как вас, так и товарищей.
* As a [[Soldier]], using the [[Disciplinary Action]] can help you or another person rush with a higher chance of success, but it is often looked down upon due to it often being used before players begin a platforming section, ultimately causing them to fail and most likely die because of the Soldier.
* Если вы [[Шпион]], будет полезно входить в невидимость перед ловушкой. Войдите в невидимость и сделайте несколько кругов возле ловушки. Таким образом, Активатор подумает, что вы проходите ловушку, и активирует её. Так вы спасёте своих товарищей и время.
* As a [[Spy]], when you're cloaked in front of a trap, you can run in a little circle so the activator hears the footsteps and thinks you are passing by the trap and the activator should hopefully activate the trap with nobody in the trap, therefore tricking the activator.
== См. также ==
== See also ==
* [[Freak Fortress 2]]
* [[Freak Fortress 2]]
* [[VS Saxton Hale Mode]]
* [[VS Saxton Hale Mode]]
* [[The Hidden]]
* [[The Hidden]]

Revision as of 08:51, 27 June 2013

Death Run is a variant of VS Saxton Hale Mode and Freak Fortress 2, which strongly involves teamwork and fast thinking. The objective in this game mode is to survive traps triggered by the opposite team.


In Death Run, the RED team consists of the "Runners" and the lone member of the BLU team is the "Activator". The runners must run through an obstacle course which is filled with traps which are activated by the activator, in the form of a custom boss or Saxton Hale. When the round commences, the activator and runners spawn on two different sides of a special wall which allows only the activator to view both the players on the runners team and the trap sites. On the activator's side there is usually a platform which allows him to catch up with rushers and many buttons, each one triggering a trap, which usually blend into the environment. The runner's side consists of narrow hallways filled with a deadly arsenal of traps, usually including platforming sections that involve jumping onto small platforms to cross a deadly pit below, instantly killing the player upon contact.


At the end of some maps, the remaining runners enter a room which allows them to choose one of these endings:

  • Minigame- The surviving runners and the activator are transported into separate area of the map where a game is played. If the runners complete the objective given, either the activator will be killed or the team consisting of the runners instantly wins.
  • Humiliation- The remaining runners are teleported into a room where the activator is helplessly trapped. The runners are usually given a set of buttons which trigger traps that instantly kill the activator, similar to the traps throughout the map. Sometimes a humiliation ending happens as a scene from a movie, where the runners watch the activator die.
  • Instant Win- The player is teleported into the activator's side and the runners instantly win. Between rounds, teammates are able to attack and possibly kill the activator, depending on his amount of health. Usually this ending is locked with a code.
  • Fight- One or all of the runners and the activator are teleported into a pit where they must fight to the death.
  • It is recommended to choose Instant Win if you are the last one alive or there is a small amount of players left.
  • Many maps contain secret endings, which can be accessed through an easter egg or entering a valid combination of numbers on a keypad.
  • Some maps simply cause the runners to win without any special endings upon reaching the end.

Death Run strategy

  • Pay attention to sprays throughout the map, for most experienced players use sprays to mark both breakable floors and traps which are impossible to escape from.
  • Many maps have breakable floors to prevent rushing, so always be careful when walking through normal looking walkways. It is recomended to hit the floor with a weapon to avoid mistakes.
  • Some maps have a gate or wall which opens only when the activator has used a certain trap or has gotten through a part of the map.
  • Always look for easter eggs, which are usually very well hidden and require skill to access. Some can be beneficial, however most are aesthetic and can be things such as music or a special effect on the player who activated it.
  • Both Bonk! Atomic Punch and Übercharge allow you to survive crushing traps and a few exploding traps, but watch out for knockback and traps that drain health.
  • Some maps have a "Deathwall", a special 'trap' which appears when a certain amount of time has passed and slowly traverses through the map killing anyone slow or delayed enough for it to meet up with it.
  • Many maps have a section with passageways, which only one is safe to pass. Always wait for somebody to show you the door to prevent using invalid advice. If you know that the "Kill-Doorway" has an activation button which causes it to change the door which kills you, think before going through the door everyone else has recently entered, as the activator may use it when enough people go through the correct door.
  • Most servers disable all primary and secondary weapons that can inflict damage. Try to equip melee weapons that increase your speed to rush through traps.
  • Most servers also disable the usage of Scouts, unless the map is large enough for the activator to easily catch them should they rush. The Medic is the next fastest class, excluding the Escape Plan Soldier and Chargin' Targe Demoman, etc.
  • It is recommended to equip a Sandvich or Dalokohs Bar/Fishcake while playing as a Heavy to restore health. This is also helpful for surviving traps that drain health.
  • As a Medic you can heal a player stuck in an enclosed trap by using the Amputator. You can also Ubercharge to help yourself and your patient to potentially survive an explosive trap.
  • As a Demoman, take advantage of the Chargin' Targe to speed through long traps other classes wouldn't be fast enough to pass. However, you must be extra careful about breakable floors and holes when charging. Consider equipping the Persian Persuader to increase your charging speed, or the Claidheamh Mòr if you don't have one.
  • As a Spy, you can use your Invisibility Watch/Enthusiast's Timepiece to rush the map. You can also use your Dead Ringer's explosive damage resistance to survive traps other classes normally wouldn't.
  • As a Soldier, use your Escape Plan to travel faster through the map, but watch out for falling damage. It is also recommended as well to equip a Buff Banner to slow down in platforming sections.
  • As a Soldier, using the Disciplinary Action can help you or another person rush with a higher chance of success, but it is often looked down upon due to it often being used before players begin a platforming section, ultimately causing them to fail and most likely die because of the Soldier.
  • As a Spy, when you're cloaked in front of a trap, you can run in a little circle so the activator hears the footsteps and thinks you are passing by the trap and the activator should hopefully activate the trap with nobody in the trap, therefore tricking the activator.

See also