Difference between revisions of "Template:StoryTimeline"

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| {{lang
  | en = While [[Saxton Hale]] and [[NPCs#Margret|Margret]] are beating panthers to death, [[NPCs#Charles Darling|Charles Darling]] kidnaps the panthers Hale and Margret were punching to put them in his new animal dungeon.
  | en = While [[Saxton Hale]] and [[NPCs#Margret|Margret]] are beating panthers to death, [[NPCs#Charles Darling|Charles Darling]] kidnaps the panthers Hale and Margret were punching to put them in his new animal dungeon.
  | de =  
  | de = Während [[Saxton Hale/de|Saxton Hale]] und [[NPCs/de#Margret|Margret]] Panther zu Tode prügeln, entführt [[NPCs/de#Charles Darling|Charles Darling]] die Panther, um sie in sein Tierverlies zu stecken.
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| {{lang
| {{lang
  | en = Margret's husband Roger's funeral is held. A giant snapping turtle attacks and Saxton Hale promptly strangles it with his suit jacket.
  | en = Margret's husband Roger's funeral is held. A giant snapping turtle attacks and Saxton Hale promptly strangles it with his suit jacket.
  | de =  
  | de = Die Beerdigung Rogers, dem Mann von Margret, findet statt. Eine gigantische Schnappschildkröte greift an und wird prompt von Saxton Hale mit dessen Anzugjacke erwürgt.
  | it =  
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| 1971 - that evening/night
| 1971 - that evening/night
| {{lang
| {{lang
  | en = After Grey Mann kills Redmond and Blutarch Mann and leaves the room, the brothers arise from their bodies as ghosts, or spirits. They immediately begin fighting over who was killed first, and therefore who won the Gravel War. The brothers visit the Soldier at Castle Merasmus for advice, who tells them that neither of them is dead until they "cross over into the next world". Both Redmond and Blutarch leave to go to separate pay phones to call their previous employees from life. Blutarch calls Miriam and Redmond calls Phyllis, both telling them to go to the Alamo's new location and retrieve their bodies, to have the mercenaries deliver the bodies of the other brother to ''Hell''.
  | en = After Grey Mann kills Redmond and Blutarch Mann and leaves the room, the brothers arise from their bodies as ghosts, or spirits. They immediately begin fighting over who was killed last, and therefore who won the Gravel War. The brothers visit the Soldier at Castle Merasmus for advice, who tells them that neither of them is dead until they "cross over into the next world". Both Redmond and Blutarch leave to go to separate pay phones to call their previous employees from life. Blutarch calls Miriam and Redmond calls Phyllis, both telling them to go to the Alamo's new location and retrieve their bodies, to have the mercenaries deliver the bodies of the other brother to ''Hell''.
  | de =  
  | de = Nachdem Grey Mann Redmond und Blutarch Mann getötet hatte, steigen die Seelen oder Geister von diesen auf. Sie beginnen sofort, sich darum zu streiten, wer als Letzter umgebracht wurde und damit den Kieskrieg gewonnen hatte. Die Brüder, auf der Suche nach Rat, besuchen im Schloss von Merasmus den Soldier, der ihnen sagt, dass keiner von beiden tot ist, solange sie noch nicht den Schritt in die nächste Welt getan haben. Redmond und Blutarch gehen zu verschiedenen Telefonzellen und rufen ihre ehemaligen Angestellten an. Blutarch ruft Miriam an und Redmond Phyllis. Beiden wird gesagt, dass sie ihre Körper zur neuen Alamo bewegen sollen, wo die Söldner die Leichname der Brüder in die ''Hölle'' befördern sollen.
  | ru = После того, как Грей Манн убивает своих братьев Рэдмонда и Блутарха, то они сразу же превращаются в призраков и начинают спорить кого убили первым и кто таки выиграл Войну За Гравий. За советом они идут к солдату в замок Маразмуса, который говорит им, что никто из них пока что не умер, пока они не пересекли "черту". Братья идут к телефонам, где Блутарх звонит Мириям, а Рэдмонд Филлис, при этом каждый сообщает им местоположение своего тела и задание наёмникам отправить тело другого брата прямиком в ''Ад''.
  | ru = После того, как Грей Манн убивает своих братьев Рэдмонда и Блутарха, то они сразу же превращаются в призраков и начинают спорить кого убили первым и кто таки выиграл Войну За Гравий. За советом они идут к солдату в замок Маразмуса, который говорит им, что никто из них пока что не умер, пока они не пересекли "черту". Братья идут к телефонам, где Блутарх звонит Мириям, а Рэдмонд Филлис, при этом каждый сообщает им местоположение своего тела и задание наёмникам отправить тело другого брата прямиком в ''Ад''.
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| - style="background:powderblue;" | {{lang
| - style="background:powderblue;" | {{lang
  | en = Saxton Hale is released from the Millhaven Ultra Prison for Dangerous Men after successfully burning down half of Charles Darling's zoo and is picked up by Margret, an old friend of his, and tells her he was originally there to ask Charles Darling for help in getting Mann Co. back from Gray Mann. Margret then takes Hale to her boss' office who turns out to be Charles Darling.
  | en = Saxton Hale is released from the Millhaven Ultra Prison for Dangerous Men after successfully burning down half of Charles Darling's zoo and is picked up by Margret, an old friend of his, and tells her he was originally there to ask Charles Darling for help in getting Mann Co. back from Gray Mann. Margret then takes Hale to her boss' office who turns out to be Charles Darling.
  | de =  
  | de = Saxton Hale wird aus dem Milhaven Ultra-Gefängnis für Gefährliche Männer entlassen, nachdem er erfolgreich die Hälfte von Charles Darlings Zoo niedergebrannt hatte und wird von Margret, einer alten Freunsin, mitgenommen. Er erzählt ihr, dass er eigentlich da war, um Charles Darling um Hilfe für die Verteidigung von Mann Co. gegen Grey Mann zu bitten. Margret bringt ihn zu ihrem Chef: Charles Darling.
  | ru =
  | ru =
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Line 1,160: Line 1,160:
| - style="background:powderblue;" | {{lang
| - style="background:powderblue;" | {{lang
  | en = While Miss Pauling and Pyro are at the Teufort Library, Soldier and Demoman try and free Scout and Spy from their trial. Unfortunately, Scout began telling the court about how Soldier was never actually in the army. Soldier, completely enraged, objects, kills the town Counselor and reveals to the town who he and Demoman are, and are promptly arrested and added to trial. At the gallows, it is revealed that Spy, Scout, Soldier and Demoman aren't actually on trial for any murders and destruction they did commit, but for acts of civil mismanagement that Mike the Mayor did to Teufort. Miss Pauling arrives from the library just in time to save scout from being hung and reveals to the town that the Mercs couldn't have done any of their accused crimes because the political power to do so, but are all things a mayor could do, and also tells the town that a mayor can't hang people and saves Scout, Spy, Soldier and Demoman.
  | en = While Miss Pauling and Pyro are at the Teufort Library, Soldier and Demoman try and free Scout and Spy from their trial. Unfortunately, Scout began telling the court about how Soldier was never actually in the army. Soldier, completely enraged, objects, kills the town Counselor and reveals to the town who he and Demoman are, and are promptly arrested and added to trial. At the gallows, it is revealed that Spy, Scout, Soldier and Demoman aren't actually on trial for any murders and destruction they did commit, but for acts of civil mismanagement that Mike the Mayor did to Teufort. Miss Pauling arrives from the library just in time to save scout from being hung and reveals to the town that the Mercs couldn't have done any of their accused crimes because the political power to do so, but are all things a mayor could do, and also tells the town that a mayor can't hang people and saves Scout, Spy, Soldier and Demoman.
  | de =  
  | de = Während Miss Pauling und der Pyro in der Bibliothek von Teufort bleiben, versuchen der Soldier und der Demoman, den Scout und den Spy von deren Gerichtsverfahren zu befreien. Allerdings beginnt der Scout dem Gericht zu erzählen, dass der Soldier nie jemals in einer Armee gewesen wäre. Der Soldier, völlig außer sich, tötet den städtischen Ratgeber und offenbart der Stadt, wer er und der Demoman wirklich sind. Damit werden beide ebenfalls verhaftet und zu dem Gerichtsverfahren gestellt. Am Galgen wird enthüllt, dass der Spy, Scout, Soldier und Demoman nicht wegen Morde und Zerstörung angeklagt sind, sondern wegen Wirtschaftsfehlsteuerung, die der Bürgermeister Mike der Stadt Teufort angetan hat. Miss Pauling erreicht die Hinrichtung gerade noch rechtzeitig, um zu verhindern, dass der Scout erhängt wird und zeigt, dass die Söldner keins der Verbrechen begangen haben können, da sie einige Sachen nicht können, die der Bürgermeister kann. Außerdem kann ein Bürgermeister niemanden erhängen lassen und so befreit dieser den Spy, Scout, Soldier und Demoman.
  | ru =
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| {{lang
| {{lang
  | en = The lease for Teufort's Federal Pedophile Sanctuary expires.
  | en = The lease for Teufort's Federal Pedophile Sanctuary expires.
  | de =  
  | de = Die Miete der Bundespädophilenzuflucht von Teufort läuft aus.
  | ru =  
  | ru =  
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  | zh-hans =  
Line 1,177: Line 1,177:
!colspan="3" | {{lang
!colspan="3" | {{lang
  | en = 71st Century
  | en = 71st Century
  | de = 71. Jahrhundert}}
  | de = 71. Jahrhundert
  | ru = 71 век
  | ru = 71 век}}
| 7039
| 7039

Revision as of 21:49, 7 December 2013

Important event

Actually there are some other supported languages, but they are not complete. Only complete translations count.

Partial translated: /es /it /ja /ko /pl /pt-br /zh-hans /zh-hant