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{{Quotation|'''Heavy'''|Kiitos kyydistä!|sound=Heavy_thanksfortheteleporter01.wav}} | {{Quotation|'''Heavy'''|Kiitos kyydistä!|sound=Heavy_thanksfortheteleporter01.wav}} | ||
+ | {{DISPLAYTITLE:Teleportti}} | ||
+ | {{trans}} | ||
'''Teleportit''' (tunnetaan myös nimellä '''Telemax-teleportit''') ovat Telemax-korporaation tuottamia [[building/fi|rakennuksia]], joita [[Engineer/fi|Engineer]] voi rakentaa [[PDA/fi|rakennustyökalullaan]]. Täydelliseen, toimivaan teleporttikokonaisuuten tarvitaan kaksi osaa: '''teleportin sisäänkäynti''' ja '''teleportin uloskäynti'''. Kumpikin pää on tiiminvärinen laite, joka pyörii nopeasti ja muodostaa hehkuvan, pyöreän alustan. | '''Teleportit''' (tunnetaan myös nimellä '''Telemax-teleportit''') ovat Telemax-korporaation tuottamia [[building/fi|rakennuksia]], joita [[Engineer/fi|Engineer]] voi rakentaa [[PDA/fi|rakennustyökalullaan]]. Täydelliseen, toimivaan teleporttikokonaisuuten tarvitaan kaksi osaa: '''teleportin sisäänkäynti''' ja '''teleportin uloskäynti'''. Kumpikin pää on tiiminvärinen laite, joka pyörii nopeasti ja muodostaa hehkuvan, pyöreän alustan. |
Revision as of 15:22, 6 May 2014
“ | Kiitos kyydistä!
— Heavy
” |
![]() | Tätä sivua ollaan kääntämässä suomeksi. Jos pystyt puhumaan suomea, kirjoita keskustelusivulle tai puhu niille jotka ovat parantaneet sivua (katsomalla sivuhistoriaa). |
Teleportit (tunnetaan myös nimellä Telemax-teleportit) ovat Telemax-korporaation tuottamia rakennuksia, joita Engineer voi rakentaa rakennustyökalullaan. Täydelliseen, toimivaan teleporttikokonaisuuten tarvitaan kaksi osaa: teleportin sisäänkäynti ja teleportin uloskäynti. Kumpikin pää on tiiminvärinen laite, joka pyörii nopeasti ja muodostaa hehkuvan, pyöreän alustan.
Pelaajat, jotka seisovat täyteen ladatulla teleportin sisäänkäynnillä, siirtyvät välittömästi teleportin uloskäynnille kirkkaassa välähdyksessä. Lyhyen latausajan jälkeen teleportti on jälleen käyttövalmis. Koska teleportit voivat kuljettaa tiimikavereita nopeasti miten kauas tahansa, ne ovat tärkeitä apuvälineitä mille tahansa tiimille, joka ei ole joutunut perääntymään kotiovelleen asti. Täyteen päivitetyt teleportit nimittäin toimittavat jälleensyntyneet tiimikaverit taas etulinjaan paljon nopeammin kuin kävellen tai erikoisimmillakaan [[jump/fi|hypyillä]. Hyvänkin tiimin hyökkäysaalto tai puolustusrakennelma voi helposti murtua, jos ripeitä vahvistuksia ei saada, kun taas viisaasti asetettu uloskäynti voi pitää yllä jatkuvaa painetta tai jopa avata salatien varomattoman vihollisen selustaan.
Teleportin rakennus maksaa 125 metallia, päivitys kakkostasolle 200 metallia ja vielä toiset 200 päivittämiseen tasolle 3. Teleportin päivittäminen vähentää sen latausaikaa noin puolella. Teleportin yhden pään päivittäminen päivittää myös toista päätä. Jos toinen pää kuitenkin tuhoutuu, jäljellä oleva palautuu tasolle 1. Vaikka teleporttilaite itsessään ei muutu päivitysten yhteydessä, sitä ympäröivien hiukkasten nopeus ja voimakkuus kasvavat, ja se pitää kovempaa ja korkeampaa ääntä.
Jos Spy laittaa tyhjentäjän yhteen teleportin päähän, uusi tyhjentäjä ilmestyy toiseen päähän, jos sellainen on. Vastavuoroisesti Engineer voi poistaa molemmat tyhjentäjät tuhoamalla kumman tahansa niistä. Engineer voi seuraavaksi korjata molempia teleportteja lyömällä jakoavaimellaan jompaakumpaa. Koska Spy voi kuitenkin laittaa tyhjentäjiään niin paljon kuin haluaa, Engineer ei ehdi korjata teleporttiaan ennen kuin Spy laittaa lisää tyhjentäjiä. Koko systeemi siis tuhoutuu, ellei Spyta tapeta tai säikytetä tiehensä.
Kummankin teleportin terveys kasvaa niiden rakentuessa, kunnes ne valmistuessaan saavuttavat 150 terveyspistettä. Valmistunut teleportin sisäänkäynti latautuu välittömästi jos uloskäynti on olemassa, mutta seuraavat lataukset kestävät kymmenen sekuntia ellei teleporttia päivitetä. Tuhoutuneet teleportit jättävät romua 60 metallia.
Äskettäin teleportanneita pelaajia ympäröi selväpiirteinen, hehkuva hiukkaskenttä 18 sekunnin ajan teleporttauksesta. Ilmiön voi nähdä katsomalla jalkoihinsa teleporttauksen jälkeen. Tämä ei vaikuta verhoutuneisiin tai valepukuisiin Spyihin. Tavalliset pelaajat eivät voi käyttää vihollistiimin teleportteja. Spyt voivat kuitenkin käyttää niitä, jopa ollessaan verhoutuneita tai valepuvuttomia. Jos seisot teleportin uloskäynnillä vihollisen teleportatessa sille (oli se sitten vihollisen uloskäynti tai vihollis-Spyn käyttämä oma uloskäynti), seuraa kuolettava teletappo.
By default, players appear facing the direction the Engineer was facing when he placed the Teleporter Exit. The Teleporter Exit can be rotated by clicking the player's secondary attack button before placing the building, with an arrow on the blueprint indicating the direction a teammate will be facing upon use. The Teleporter Entrance can be rotated too, though this has no gameplay effect. The entrance has an arrow that automatically points towards the exit (if it exists), which is unaffected by the rotation of the Teleporter Entrance. This arrow shows the player the general direction in which they will travel. The builder earns half of a point each time a team member other than himself uses his Teleporter.
While the Teleporter's blueprints are out, the Teleporter Entrance shows an arrow pointing to the ground while the Teleporter Exit shows an arrow pointing away from the ground. This is to distinguish the entrance and the exit while building.
Players who are carrying the Intelligence cannot use a Teleporter.
In Mann vs. Machine mode, Teleporters can be upgraded at Upgrade Stations to increase their health and activate the ability to teleport in both directions, allowing one to stand on the Exit and teleport to the Entrance (in which case the rotation of the Entrance will affect the direction of players teleporting "backwards"). Using an Upgrade Buildings Canteen will also instantly upgrade Teleporters to level 3.
Teleporter Levels
Taso | Terveys | Hinta (Metalli) | Latautumisaika | |
Without Ahaa-elämys | With Ahaa-elämys | |||
1 | 150 | 50 | 25 | 10 sekuntia |
2 | 180 | 250 | 125 | 5 sekuntia |
3 | 216 | 450 | 225 | 3 sekuntia |
Related achievements
Update history
- Fixed bug with placement of Teleporters that could result in players being unable to move.
- Demomen grenades now collide with players and Engineer buildings after the first bounce, but still won't explode on contact
- Engineer buildings now explode when the Engineer dies during sudden death.
- Fixed scoring problem where destroying a buildable added a phantom point, not attributed to any scoring bucket but still included in total score
- Fixed some edge cases where grenades could go through player or buildings
- The Engineer's "build X" commands will now behave properly when bound directly to keys
- Engineers no longer earn points for using their own Teleporters.
- Fixed a bug in scoring Engineer building destruction.
- Fixed exploit that allowed players to teleport with the intelligence
21. marraskuuta 2007 -päivitys
- Fixed building bone merge cache from dormant entities. Fixes weapons in SourceTV attached to wrong bones
- Fixed the teleporter's player shaped particles not drawing.
- Sapped buildings now take slightly less damage from the Spy who sapped them.
- Added server log entry for buildings destroyed by their owner
- Changed Engineer buildings to detonate when a player disconnects instead of blinking out.
- Fixed Engineer being able to detonate buildings that are being sapped.
29. huhtikuuta 2008 -päivitys (Gold Rush Update)
- Teleporter effect no longer shows up on invisible or disguised Spies.
- Fixed "times used" entry in Teleporters maxing out at 32.
- Mapmakers can now place Engineer buildings directly into a map, with an option for them to be invulnerable
- Teleporters can now be upgraded to level three. It will recharge faster the higher level it is.
- Added teleporter sounds for level 2 and 3 Teleporters.
- Fixed teleporter entrance/exit effects being drawn when they don't have a matching teleporter entrance/exit.
24. helmikuuta 2009 -päivitys (Scout Update)
- Added new sounds for upgraded Teleporters.
- Added a "player_teleported" game event that is sent when a player is teleported.
21. toukokuuta 2009 -päivitys (Sniper vs. Spy Update)
- Spies can now use enemy Teleporters.
- Fixed Spies not being telefragged when standing on an enemy teleporter exit with the Dead Ringer enabled.
- Fixed Teleporters not being buildable in some places where they should be (such as within the pit at the end of Badwater Basin).
13. elokuuta 2009 -päivitys (Classless Update)
- Engineers wrenching a teleporter will repair the other end as well, and remove Sappers from both if they exist.
- Fixed being able to burn buildings that are in the water while standing outside the water.
- Fixed teleporting Spies getting stuck in enemy players standing on the exit.
- Fixed server log not listing telefrag kills as weapon "telefrag".
29. huhtikuuta 2010 -päivitys (119th Update)
- Fixed Teleporters not reverting to level 1 when their other side is destroyed.
- Fixed Teleporter exit using the wrong particle effect.
- Fixed the Engineer being able to build more than 1 of each type of building.
8. heinäkuuta 2010 -päivitys (Engineer Update)
- Engineers can now pickup & move their buildings.
- Fixed a server crash related to carrying buildings.
- Fixed a bug that allowed sapped buildings to be picked up by the Engineer
- Fixed a bug where players would go into reference poses when switching classes while carrying a building.
- Engineers can no longer pick up buildings while stunned or in loser state.
- Fixed a server crash in the player death code, related to building carrying.
- Fixed a server crash related to carrying buildings at round start.
- Fixed players picking up buildings before a round has started.
- Fixed a problem with not being able to pick-up buildings in Arena mode.
- Fixed a bug where Teleporters could be given more than their normal amount of health.
- Fixed Engineers being able to destroy sapped buildings by issuing the command directly in the console.
- [Dokumentoimaton] Several particle effects, including Teleporters, were altered to appear brighter. These changes do not apply to ATI graphics card users and some others.
- Fixed teleporter progress being displayed incorrectly after upgrading a teleporter while it was recharging
- Fixed being able to place buildings in nobuild zones
- Fixed Sappers attaching incorrectly to Teleporters that are still building
- [Dokumentoimaton] Teleporters now have an upgrade animation. If unconnected, its active rings glow for a moment as if connected. If connected, it temporarily appears disabled.
- [Dokumentoimaton] Teleporter Exits now point towards their Entrance.
- [Dokumentoimaton] Teleporters can no longer be wrenched during an upgrade animation.
- Fixed a bug where you could come out of a teleporter facing the wrong way in VR mode mode.
- If a teleporter exit is on a significantly sloped ground, or is within the bounding box of certain props (typically large and/or rotated), any attempts to teleport will instead destroy the exit and leave the player on the entrance. This appears to be a too-sensitive safeguard against getting stuck in objects by teleporting.
- Sometimes the teleporter circle effects are upright instead of flat on top of the teleporter.
- It is impossible to use an entrance that is underwater as the game will not see you as standing on top of it.
- Levelled-up Teleporters may attempt to and fail at teleporting players as they progress through their "upgrade animations".
- Sometimes when a teleporter is placed in a tight corner of two walls, any player that uses the teleporter will travel through but be stuck at the exit.[1]
- In rare cases, the Teleporter will appear sideways when built. This glitch does not affect the teleporter in any way.
- Placing a Teleporter entrance at the top of a slope with the exit in the spot on the slope directly in front of it, so that the exit is beneath the entrance, the teleporting player will get stuck in the entrance and constantly teleport into the exit.
- After placing and fully upgrading both parts of Teleporters, if the exit is picked up and placed back before the Engineer destroy the entrance to build it up and upgrade again, it will cause the Teleporters' health to stack up, as if it wasn't upgraded.[2]
- Teleporters in Mann vs. Machine sometimes apply the Building Health upgrade too many times, resulting in having more health then other buildings of the same level.
- The Engineer's Teleporters are manufactured by Telemax, a division of TF Industries.
- According to the Team Fortress comics, teleportation was invented under the effects of Australium.[3]
- There is a small extra cost in Metal to upgrade a Teleporter to the next level if a completed entrance or exit is being upgraded while the other end is still in the process of constructing. It is unclear if this is a bug or intentional. It may be that the extra cost is the result of the game interpreting the incomplete state of one end of the Teleporter as being "damaged" since an incomplete building does not possess the maximum health of a completed building, and thus a small repair cost in Metal is incurred. The phenomenon occurs only once per construction.
- Teleporters may have more health than other buildings in Mann vs. Machine mode.
- Rotating the Teleporter entrance, while allowed, does not affect it in any way.