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*La chanson que l'ingénieur interprête est similaire à  'Someone Else's Song', chanson crée par le groupe américain Wilco, tirée de l'album ''Being There.'' Elle a été ensuite publiée sous le nom de ''[[More Gun (Soundtrack)|More Gun]]''.
*La chanson que l'ingénieur interprête est similaire à  'Someone Else's Song', chanson crée par le groupe américain Wilco, tirée de l'album ''Being There.'' Elle a été ensuite publiée sous le nom de ''[[More Gun (Soundtrack)|More Gun]]''.
*L'ingénieur sourit quand le bras du scout arrive à ses pieds.
*L'ingénieur sourit quand le bras du Scout arrive à ses pieds.
:*Though the owner of the severed arm sounds like the Scout, the hand that lands in front of the Engineer has a fingerless glove and a watch, making it the left arm of a Sniper. It could be an extremely ironic coincidence, having the Scout having his arm destroyed in the explosion, and a Sniper having everything BUT his arm destroyed.
:*Though the owner of the severed arm sounds like the Scout, the hand that lands in front of the Engineer has a fingerless glove and a watch, making it the left arm of a Sniper. It could be an extremely ironic coincidence, having the Scout having his arm destroyed in the explosion, and a Sniper having everything BUT his arm destroyed.

Revision as of 18:01, 8 December 2010

À la rencontre de l'Engineer
Intertitre de « À la rencontre du Engineer »
Informations sur la vidéo
Date de sortie : 11 Septembre 2007
Durée : 1:27

Transcript Vidéo "À La Rencontre De L'Engineer"

("A La Rencontre de l'Engineer" , Le texte apparait)

(La Camera montre l'Engineer assis sur sa caisse a outils , jouant 'More Gun' sur sa Guitare.)

L'Engineer: Hé mec, je suis un Engineer, ça veut dire que je résous les problèmes.

(Un coup de feu ricoche sur la camionnette proche de l'Engineer; il l'ignore.)

L'Engineer: Pas les problèmes du genre "Qu'est-ce que la beauté?", parce que c'est du domaine de la philosophie.

(Deux autres coups de feu ricochent sur la camionette , pres de la tete de l'Engineer. Il lance un rapide coup d'œil aux impacts.)

L'Engineer: Je résous des problèmes pratiques.

(L'Engineer prend une bouteille de bière dans la caisse a coté et la secoue pendant que la Mitrailleuse de niveau 1 à coté de lui se met a tirer sur un Heavy caché.)

Heavy: (hurlements)

(L'Engineer repose sa bière et continue a jouer.Le compteur de victimes passe de 209 a 210.)

L'Engineer: Par exemple...

(La Camera montre un BLU Sniper dans le décor essayant de se faufiler vers L'Engineer.)

L'Engineer: ...Comment empêcher une espèce de gros salopard de venir me percer un deuxième trou de balle structurellement redondant ?

(La Mitrailleuse repère le Snipeur et le tue. Le compteur de victimes passe a 211.)

L'Engineer: La réponse...

(Une Mitrailleuse de niveau 2 se met a tirer et tue un Scout et un ennemi caché.)

Scout: (hurlements)

(Le compteur de victimes monte a 213.)

L'Engineer: ...Utiliser une arme. Et si ça ne marche pas.... [Une Mitrailleuse de niveau 3 tire ses roquettes ] ...Utiliser plus d'armes.

(L'Engineer s'arrette de jouer. Une grande explosion se fait entendre et L'Engineer se met a sourire]

Assaillant inconnu: Mon Bras! (d'en dehors de l'écran)

(Le compteur de victimes monte a 214. Une main arrachée atterrit devant L'Engineer, qui continue de jouer. Une Mitrailleuse niveau 1 vise la main sans tirer.)

L'Engineer Comme ces armes automatisées gros calibre montées sur trépied conçues par moi...

(L'Engineer met un coup de pied dans la main, et la Mitrailleuse niveau 1 se met a lui tirer dessus et l'envoit dans les airs.)

L'Engineer ...Construites par moi...

(Une Mitrailleuse niveau 1 se met a tirer sur un autre Soldier. Le compteur de victimes monte a 215.)

L'Engineer: "... Et espérez-le...pas pointées sur vous."

(La camera recule de L'Engineer et ses Mitrailleuses continuent a massacrer les attaquants. On découvre que la camionnette de L'Engineer est pleine de documents BLU, et que son "Feu De Camp" est en réalité le corps calciné d'un BLU Sniper.)

(Hurlements Variés)

(Les bruits de la guitare de L'Engineer se fondent dans l'ambiance, avant que la pièce se close par le thème de fin de Team Fortress 2.)


  • Le début de cette vidéo est peut être inspiré du film Eight is Enough [1] oû Grant Goodeve joue de la guitare
  • La chanson que l'ingénieur interprête est similaire à 'Someone Else's Song', chanson crée par le groupe américain Wilco, tirée de l'album Being There. Elle a été ensuite publiée sous le nom de More Gun.
  • L'ingénieur sourit quand le bras du Scout arrive à ses pieds.
  • Though the owner of the severed arm sounds like the Scout, the hand that lands in front of the Engineer has a fingerless glove and a watch, making it the left arm of a Sniper. It could be an extremely ironic coincidence, having the Scout having his arm destroyed in the explosion, and a Sniper having everything BUT his arm destroyed.
  • The Engineer in this video has somehow built himself four Sentry Guns.
  • The Engineer's "campfire" is a burning BLU Sniper's corpse.
  • Amusing Sign: Drinking a beer called BLU Streak. While this may be a reference to the 'Blue Streak' missile, it is more likely a reference to his killing spree. This may also be a reference to Red Stripe beer.
  • Amusing Sign: There is a wooden Skull and Crossbones sign to the left of the dead Heavy at the end of the movie.
  • It can also be noted that the Heavy's Class Badge was a Skull and Crossbones during Beta.
  • Body Count: 224 (209 kills occurred off screen, and 15 are shown in the video)
  • The Engineer is seated on his toolbox. Both the one he is seated on and the one from the "Meet the Engineer" image are painted with a yellow 24.
  • When the Sniper appears on the ledge, the level 1 Sentry Gun in front of the Engineer targets him, NOT the level 3 Sentry Gun on the cliff directly below the Sniper, NOR the level 1 Sentry Gun on the top of the truck.
  • The aforementioned level 1 Sentry Gun on top of the truck is clearly visible throughout the entire movie, yet is never seen firing a single shot.
  • The Engineer's Shotgun is visible behind the crate, leaning on the side of the truck.
  • The Heavy somehow goes down in 2 shots of a level 1 Sentry Gun. Perhaps he was already badly injured.
  • The level one Sentry Gun fires at the Sniper 3 times, but kills him on the second shot. Listen carefully to the death cry.
  • The Engineer's truck is, in fact, a BLU truck, and the BLU "B" logo is occasionally visible from behind the Engineer. The truck is also filled with BLU Intelligence briefcases.
  • A few of the kills the Sentry Guns get are severely out of range. The more noticeable ones being near the end when the camera is zooming out.
  • The Wrench is not seen except in the title card, making this the only "Meet the Team" video to date where the titular character's melee weapon is never shown until the title card.
  • The Sniper that is killed at 0:39 emits the death scream of a Soldier.
  • From the looks of things, the Engineer has been sitting there for a while, so if the kill count is 224, the Sentry Guns would likely have run out of ammo by that point. (That may be the case with the one on top of the truck.)
  • Seeing the Engineer by the makeshift campfire with his Sentry Guns doing the work may indirectly imply the gameplay style of the Engineer as many Engineers tend to "camp" around/behind their Sentry Guns in actual gameplay.
  • That one Sniper that attempted to snipe the Engineer could have easily stayed far away, out of the Sentry Gun's range, and succeeded.
  • When the level 2 Sentry Gun starts firing at (and killing) a Scout, it ejects Shotgun shells.
  • From the arrangement of bodies and the angle of the Sentry Gun, unknown attacker #215 seems to be a Spy.
  • Judging from the angle of the impact sparks, the BLU Heavy (kill 210) fired 1 shot (nigh on impossible given the Minigun's firing rate) and the BLU Scout (kill 212) fired 2 shots (plausible; as Scouts have pistols).
  • The level 2 Sentry Gun in front of the truck manages to fire a cluster of missiles, which appear out of thin air since the level 2 Sentry Gun does not have a Rocket Launcher and is not facing the direction that the rockets were fired.
  • The level 3 Sentry Gun on the cliff fires its machine guns and a cluster of rockets into the air for no apparent reason.
  • The level 1 Sentry Gun beside the Engineer only targets the arm when it is kicked in front of it, despite Sentry Guns being able to target anything in range in a 360 degree angle. It is also strange that it is targeting the arm at all.
  • As the camera pans outwards from the Engineer and his Sentry Guns, a BLU Soldier is seen being killed but his death cry is out of sync by about a second.
  • At around 1:15, a Medic charges down the hill in the wrong direction and seems to be walking, rather than running. In Team Fortress 2 there's no in-game option to walk. With a 360/PS3 controller however, you can gently push the left thumbstick halfway forward to receive a walking-like animation.
  • A few seconds later, at around 1:17, a Soldier is seen being blown up for no apparent reason and his body disappears without a trace.
  • The Engineer is seen taking a swig of beer. His voice actor, Grant Goodeve, is a teetotaler as the result of a car crash.
  • Meet the Engineer Video was released 11 September 2007. Current language versions include:
    • English
    • Russian
  • The Russian Engineer laughs at end of the group-shot.
  • The Kill counter appears to be the same model as one of the level two Sentry Gun gibs.
  • At around 1:10, during the final pull-out, a dead Scout can be seen draped on top of the stack of Intelligence cases.
  • The Engineer didn't really design the Sentry Guns, they were designed by his grandfather.
  • The location this video takes place in does not directly correspond to any part of any playable TF2 map to date. It and Meet the Spy are the only Meet the Team videos which do not include any scenes taking place in actual maps present in TF2.
  • The sky textures used in this video were formerly present in the TF2 game files, as "sky_night_01". They were later removed, and the files now at this location are for the sky from Pipeline.

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