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m (Pushed changes from Template:Dictionary/achievements/heavy for string "rationing-desc".)
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{{#switch:{{{lang|{{SUBPAGENAME}}}}}|en=Kill an enemy with your [[shotgun]] while you're out of [[minigun]] ammo.|ar=قتل عدو مع [[الشوتجون]] الخاص في حين نفدت الذخيرة [[الناتاشا]].|de=Töten Sie einen Feind mit Ihrer Schrotflinte, während Sie keine Munition für Ihre Minigun haben.|es=Mata a un enemigo con la escopeta mientras tu ametralladora está sin munición.|fi=Tapa vihollinen [[shotgun/fi|haulikolla]], kun [[minigun/fi|konekiväärin]] ammukset ovat loppu.|fr=Tuez un ennemi avec le fusil à pompe quand vous êtes à court de munitions de Minigun.|ja=ミニガンの弾薬が切れた状態で、ショットガンを使って敵を一人倒す。|ko=미니건 탄약이 떨어졌을 때 샷건으로 적을 킬하십시오.|nl=Dood een vijand met je shotgun terwijl je geen munitie meer hebt voor je minigun.|pl=Zabij przeciwnika za pomocą strzelby po tym, jak skończy ci się amunicja do Miniguna.|pt=Mate um inimigo com a caçadeira quando já não tiver munições de mini-arma.|pt-br=Mate um inimigo com sua [[shotgun/pt-br|shotgun]] enquanto você não tem munição de [[minigun/pt-br|minigun]].|ro=Omoară un adversar cu pușca în timp ce nu mai ai muniție pentru Minigun.|ru=Убейте врага из дробовика, в то время как патроны для пулемёта уже закончились.|zh-hant=用完格林機槍子彈後,以霰彈槍殺死敵人。|#default=Kill an enemy with your [[shotgun]] while you're out of [[minigun]] ammo.}}<noinclude><hr style="margin: 1em 0em;" /><div style="font-size: 95%;">
{{#switch:{{{lang|{{SUBPAGENAME}}}}}|en=Kill an enemy with your [[shotgun]] while you're out of [[minigun]] ammo.|ar=قتل عدو مع [[الشوتجون]] الخاص في حين نفدت الذخيرة [[الناتاشا]].|de=Töten Sie einen Feind mit Ihrer Schrotflinte, während Sie keine Munition für Ihre Minigun haben.|es=Mata a un enemigo con la escopeta mientras tu ametralladora está sin munición.|fi=Tapa vihollinen [[shotgun/fi|haulikolla]], kun [[minigun/fi|konekiväärin]] ammukset ovat loppu.|fr=Tuez un ennemi avec le fusil à pompe quand vous êtes à court de munitions de Minigun.|ja=ミニガンの弾薬が切れた状態で、ショットガンを使って敵を一人倒す。|ko=미니건 탄약이 떨어졌을 때 샷건으로 적을 킬하십시오.|nl=Dood een vijand met je shotgun terwijl je geen munitie meer hebt voor je minigun.|pl=Zabij przeciwnika za pomocą strzelby po tym, jak skończy ci się amunicja do Miniguna.|pt=Mate um inimigo com a caçadeira quando já não tiver munições de mini-arma.|pt-br=Mate um inimigo com sua [[shotgun/pt-br|shotgun]] enquanto você não tem munição de [[minigun/pt-br|minigun]].|ro=Omoară un adversar cu pușca în timp ce nu mai ai muniție pentru Minigun.|ru=Убейте врага из дробовика, в то время как патроны для пулемёта уже закончились.|zh-hant=用完格林機槍子彈後,以霰彈槍殺死敵人。|#default=Kill an enemy with your [[shotgun]] while you're out of [[minigun]] ammo.}}<noinclude><hr style="margin: 1em 0em;" /><div style="font-size: 95%;">
:[[File:Pictogram info.png|15px|text-top|link=]]&nbsp;'''Note''': Any changes made here will be automatically overwritten by a bot. Please ''do not'' make changes here as they will be lost. Edit '''[[:Template:Dictionary/achievements/heavy|the master page]]''' instead.
:[[File:Pictogram info.png|15px|text-top|link=]]&nbsp;'''Note''': Any changes made here will be automatically overwritten by a bot. Please ''do not'' make changes here as they will be lost. Edit '''[[:Template:Dictionary/achievements/heavy|the master page]]''' instead.
:'''Languages missing''': cs, da, hu, it, no, sv, zh-hans</div>[[Category:Template dictionary|achievements/heavy/rationing-desc]]</noinclude>
:'''Languages missing''': cs, da, hu, it, no, sv, tr, zh-hans</div>[[Category:Template dictionary|achievements/heavy/rationing-desc]]</noinclude>

Revision as of 15:42, 11 June 2011

Kill an enemy with your shotgun while you're out of minigun ammo.

Pictogram info.png Note: Any changes made here will be automatically overwritten by a bot. Please do not make changes here as they will be lost. Edit the master page instead.
Languages missing: cs, da, hu, it, no, sv, tr, zh-hans