Template:Did you know
Currently displayed facts
- ...that Abraham Lincoln invented stairs?
- ...that the music from the Kazotsky Kick taunt can be heard in the CS:GO map Train, coming from a small radio inside the kitchen?
- ...that the Clinical Trial is the only item set in the game that doesn't feature a cosmetic?
- ...that at point-blank range the Force-A-Nature deals more damage than Soldier's Rocket Launchers (except the Direct Hit)?
- ...that the BLU Team Fortress Classic Pyro is a woman named Beatrice?
- ...that the Candy Cane, Boston Basher, Pain Train, Holiday Punch, Killing Gloves of Boxing and the Machina are the only weapons whose stats have remained unchanged since release?
- ...that the Strange Bacon Grease, despite its name, is actually in Unique Quality?
- ...that the Minigun is named Sasha, the Brass Beast is named Oksana, the Huo-Long Heater is named Sheila, and the Tomislav is named Svetlana?
- ...that the Soldier's Stash does not in any way, shape, or form promote smoking or gambling?
![]() | Notice: Before you make an addition, check out the rules for adding new facts. REMEMBER: NEW FACTS GO AT THE END OF THIS SECTION. |
Facts suggestions
- ...that the voice actor for the Sniper, John Patrick Lowrie, is married to Ellen McLain, who voices the Administrator?
- ...that the Spy-Cicle instantly regenerates in Medieval Mode when the Spy gets ignited?
- ...that the Scout wears a left-handed Batter's Helmet, and he wields the Wrap Assassin with his left hand in A Smissmas Story, even though he is right-handed?
- ...that a Spy using the Invisibility Watch or the Dead Ringer can stay cloaked permanently if he is standing near a Level 3 Dispenser?
- ...that a Spy doesn't need to be disguised to take an enemy Teleporter?
- ...that the Engineer can use the Wrangler to shoot himself with his own Sentry to get to hard to reach areas?
- ...that a picture of Saxton Hale can be seen on a board on the background of Meet the Spy?
- ...that the Burst style on the Reggaelator bears the icon of the Quit button from the main menu?
Add facts below this title
- ...that the Gunboats were given to the Soldier after he won a competition against the Demoman in the WAR! Update?
- ...that the Flamethrower could not originally perform airblasts before the Pyro Update?
- ...that the Original is based off of the Rocket Launcher from Quake?
- ...that the Pyro's Detonator can be used to perform jumps similar to rocket jumping?
- ...that the Sandvich originally healed 120 health and could be reused immediately?
- ...that the RED Medic takes care of at least 3 doves?
- ...that when disguising as a different class, the hitboxes aren't completely accurate?
- ...that the Sniper has a mug in Meet the Sniper that says '#1 Sniper?'
- ...that you can see a short clip of Meet the Pyro teased in Valve's video "Perpetual Testing Initiative"?
- ...that all the Demoman's swords' critical hit animation is a vertical swing, yet enemies are decapitated horizontally?
- ...that you can't upgrade Dispensers or Teleporters in the Xbox or PS3 version of Team Fortress 2?
- ...that the number displayed when Display damage done as text over your target is enabled, the most damage that can show is −32,767, which is one less than the lower bound of a 16 bit value.
- ...that when you taunt right before you fall off a ledge it looks like you are taunting and moving around?
- ...that the Engineer's Pip-Boy changes the look of your construction and destruction tools' menu?
- ...that the Rocket Jumper protect the soldier from dying at the end of the Equalizer kill taunt?
- ...that any Sentry Gun aims at the center of your characters body?
- ...Sentry Guns can hit/kill the Engineer who built them?