Doctor Tophat
Basic information
Health: |
Speed: |
Team Fortress 2
Favourite maps: |
Favourite weapons: |
The Black Rose
Favourite hats: |
Détective Noir
Something about me
Hello everyone!
My name is Andrew, and i wanna help my favourite game's wiki translating articles.
I enjoy modding, level designing and kicking some ass.
Playing TF2 and HL2DM pretty well, so you can challenge me if you want :P
Also Playing Terraria, Minecraft and indie games like SpaceChem, VVVVVV, Bastion, The Binding of Isaac and many others.
Working via Valve Hammer Editor, Adobe Photoshop, Game maker and some similiar programmes.
TF2 backpack
What i'm doing?
I love drawing and somposing some kind of music.
Now i want to help russian translators and try to additional information in articles and fill new ones.
This user has advanced knowledge of English.
Для этого участника русский язык является родным.
This user just wants his damn Hoverboard already.