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Dies ist eine Liste der fiktionalen Firmen, die in Team Fortress 2 vorkommen. Viele von ihnen sind Teile von RED und BLU.

Besitztümer sind die Karten, auf denen die Firma Gebäude besitzt. Team ist das Team, dessen Bauart diese Firma benützt. Manche Firmen haben keine Besitztümer aber tauchen trotzdem in Werbeplakaten oder Promotionen auf.

Logo Firma (und/oder Produkte) Besitztümer Team Reference to...
Alliance towing.jpg Alliance Towning (Badlands, Mannhattan...) RED Unbekannt
Alpha electric.png Alpha Electric.png Alpha Electric Hydro
Unbekannt Unbekannt
Alto Elevators.png Alto Elevators Vanguard Unbekannt Unbekannt
ASG.png Army Surplus General (Enclosure) Unbekannt Mapper AsG_Alligator, contributor to Mossrock, Enclosure, and Gravestone
Ballfortress.jpg Ball Fortress
Ball des Sandmanns Unbekannt Ball des Sandmanns
Ballinger.png Ballinger (Barnblitz...) Unbekannt Jeff Ballinger, ein Künstler bei Valve.
Banana Bay Exports.png Banana Bay Exports Banana Bay Unbekannt Unbekannt
Bayou Shipping.png Bayou Shipping (Mountain Lab, Moonshine Event...) Unbekannt A bayou is a slow-moving stream, river, marshy lake, wetland, or creek.
Beacon.jpg Beacon (Badlands, ...) BLU Unbekannt
Biggs steel rods.jpg Biggs (Foundry, 2Fort...) BLU Unbekannt
Binder's Popsicles.png Binder's Popsicles (Doomsday...) BLU Unbekannt
Logo logging001.png Binksi Logging Lumberyard, Sawmill...
BLU Unbekannt
Logo logging002.png Binski Paper Co Lumberyard RED Unbekannt
Blue Mountain Pioneering.png Blue Mountain Pioneering (Landfall) Unbekannt Blue Mountain of the Trainyard Skybox, seen from Lumberyard and others, notably End of the Line[1] and behind the burning BLU base on Snowplow (same mountain, later skybox).
Team blu.png Builders League United Process, Badwater Basin... BLU Unbekannt
Blu blast complex.jpg BLU Blast Complex Foundry BLU Blast furnace, a factory where iron ore is refined into steel.
(Paired with RED Iron Works)
Blu Streak.png BLU Brewery
(Blu Streak Beer)
Ring of Fired, Grave Matters
Der Engineer stellt sich vor, Mann vs. Machine
Rancho Relaxo
BLU Unbekannt
(Paired with Red Shed)
Sign098.png BLU Co Granary, Doomsday BLU Blue Corn Co. (graphic art logo)
Blufreight.png BLU Freight & Shipping Freight BLU Unbekannt

(Paired with Redstone Cargo)

BLU Industries.png BLU Industries Incorporated Double Cross BLU Unbekannt
Blue Corn Co..png Blue Corn Co. Granary
(Mannhattan, Foundry...)
BLU Blue corn, the main variety of flint corn grown in New Mexico.
(Paired with RED Bread)
BLU Steel.png BLU Steel Foundry BLU Blue Steel, referencing the color and toughness of tempered steel.
(Paired with RED Iron)
Blu warehouse.png BLU Warehouse Unbekannt BLU Unbekannt
Boggy Brook's.png Boggy Brook's Mountain Lab Keine Unbekannt
Bonk logo.png Bonk!
(Bonk! Atomenergie-Drink, Krit-a-Cola, Soda-Popper, Flügelstürmer, Atomisierer, Bonk Boy, Bonk Batteries), Turkeys
'Bonk' Energy Drink
Grave Matters
The Days Have Worn Away
Keine Die Lieblingsfirma des Scouts
Boucherie.png Boucherie Pier Unbekannt "Butchery"
Brown nugget.jpg Brown Nugget Prospecting (Goldrush, Foundry, Badwater Basin...) RED Unbekannt
Buckshot.png Buckshot Cauldron Keine Mapper Lauren "Yrrzy" Godfrey, Creator of Cauldron and contributor to Slasher and Snowfall
Bullseye Bill's.png Bullseye Bill's Slasher Keine The Super Mario enemy Bullet Bill.
Cafe et bistro.png Café et bistro Pier Unbekannt "Cafe and bistro"
Captain Dan's Wood Pulp.PNG Captain Dan's

(Edible Wood Pulp, Precooked Meat Product, Army Surplus Beans, Bread in a Can, Kapitäns-Cocktails, ...)

(Coal Town)
WAR!, Ring of Fired
Unbekannt See Captain Dan
Casali shafting.jpg Casali Shafting Co. (Badwater Basin, Coal Town, Bigrock...) Unbekannt Dario Casali, ein Leveldesigner bei Valve
Cave Raiders.png Cave Raiders Swiftwater Unbekannt Unbekannt
Cerveza Royale.png Cerveza Royale Expiration Date Unbekannt Cerveza, Spanish word meaning beer, which itself references Demoman's South of the Border beer run in Expiration Date.
Chaps Dry Goods.png Chaps Dry Goods Coal Town
Unbekannt Unbekannt
Chateau de fleurs.png Château de Fleurs Pier Unbekannt "Castle of Flowers"
Enclosure Preserve Sign.png Charles Darling's Triassic Preserve Enclosure Unbekannt Charles Darling,
Jurassic Park
Chairman.jpg Chairman Steel Unbekannt 1958 Cadillac Eldorado Brougham, a favorite car of Frank Sinatra, who owned several, and who was nicknamed the Chairman.
Rpc chemicalprocessing faded.png Chemical Processing Facility Swiftwater Unbekannt Unbekannt
Clems.jpg Clem's Barnblitz, Foundry, Pier, Citizen Pain Minigun Unbekannt Unbekannt
Cliffe rocks inc.jpg Cliffe Rocks Inc. Goldrush, Foundry Unbekannt Jess Cliffe, ein Leveldesigner und Künstler bei Valve
Conagher Railroads.png Conagher Railroads Wutville BLU The Engineer's surname.
Conagher's Tool & Munitions.png Conagher's Tool & Munitions Stimmungskanone Unbekannt Radigan Conagher, der einzige bekannte Vorfahr des Engineers.
Conga Boots.png Conga
(Professional Grade Dancing Boots)
(Wutville) Unbekannt The Polonaise taunt.
Conquistador Fried Giblets.png Conquistador Fried Giblets Expiration Date Unbekannt Kentucky Fried Chicken, whose early "chicken buckets" had red and white stripes.
Cornwell sign.png Cornwell Dustbowl, 2Fort, Foundry, Doomsday RED Der im 20. Jahrhundert lebende Illustrator Dean Cornwell, einer der Künstler, der das Erscheinungsbild von Team Fortress 2 geprägt hat.
Cracky Pop.png Cracky Pop! (Badwater Basin, Cloak...) Unbekannt Unbekannt
Crash Construction.png Crash Construction Probed, Moonshine Event Keine References the username of the creator of Probed, [UEAK]Crash. It also appears on other maps he has made or helped work on.
Crummys burgers.jpg Crummy's Burgers (Foundry, Badwater Basin, Doomsday...) Unbekannt Unbekannt
Galleria business signs15.png Carmack Computers Galleria BLU References Doom co-creator John Carmack.
Dalokohs Chocolate.png Dalokohs Dalokohs-Riegel Unbekannt Dalokohs ist shokolad, das russische Wort für Schokolade, rückwärts geschrieben.
Dapper Cadaver.png Dapper Cadaver Expiration Date Unbekannt Fashion magazine the Spy reads in the film Expiration Date.
Darling Zoos.PNG Darling Zoos Bidwell's Big Plan Unbekannt Charles Darling, nemesis of Saxton Hale
Der Architect.png Der Architect Hassle Castle Unbekannt Unbekannt
Discount Alchemist.PNG Discount Alchemist
(Australium exchange)
Rottenburg Unbekannt Australium
Discount Delicatessen.png Diedrich's Discount Delicatessen Pier Unbekannt Unbekannt
Auto-Borax.png Doctor Wilson's Auto-Borax (Foundry, ...) RED Tobor, an unused texture and, as "robot" spelled backwards, was part of the ARG tease for Mann vs. Machine.
Sign111.png Driller (Foundry, Granary...) RED Dave Riller, ein Spieldesigner bei Valve
Duck Duck Goos 1.png
Duck Duck Goos 2.png
Duck Duck Goos
(Salted Sweet Cream Butter)
(Wutville) Unbekannt The Entenlogbuch action item.
The game Duck, Duck, Goose.
Elliphany Electric Trains.png Elliphany Electric Trains Cauldron Keine Elliphany is the name of mapper Harlen "UEAKCrash" Linke's daughter.
Ellis' Crawdads.png Ellis' Crawdads Moonshine Event, Pier RED "Do you know what 'suck the heads' means? 'Cause I came down here with Keith once, and he didn't know, and― I mean, it ain't nothin' bad. It's about eatin'―"
Ellis quote from Left 4 Dead 2
(Paired with Spawn-N-Go)
Emmerich's.png Emmerich's Pier Unbekannt Hal Emmerich from the Metal Gear series
Revolver Ocelot reference: "It's a nice gun, I'll give you that. But the engraving gives you no tactical advantage whatsoever"
Finest Hour.png Finest Hour Ale House Pier Unbekannt Winston Churchill's 1940 Finest Hour speech.
Freeman Airboat Tours.png Tour Sign.png Freeman Airboat Tours Mountain Lab, Lakeside Unbekannt Eine Anspielung auf Gordon Freeman und sein Luftkissenboot, mit dem er in den Half-Life und Left 4 Dead Franchises reist. "C17" ist ine Abkürzung für City 17, ein Ort der Half-Life-Spiele.
Freyja's Sushi.png Freyja's Sushi Mossrock RED Mapper Freyja, creator of Mossrock and Suijin, and contributor to Banana Bay, Cauldron, and Enclosure.
Galleria business signs18.png FGD Luxury Automobiles Galleria RED Refers to FGD5 who created various assets for the map including the cars in the showroom and the ice resurfacer.
General industries co.jpg General Industries Co. (Badwater Basin, Coldfront...) BLU Unbekannt
Gilded Gold.png Gilded Gold (Hoodoo, Foundry...) BLU False or fool's gold.
Gilding looks like gold, but it is not.
(Paired with Shiny's Bullion)
Miningcrate001.jpg Gold Medal (Goldrush...) Keine Gold Medal Dynamites waren Produkte eine echten Firma, Illinois Powder Mfg. Co.
Goldbloom logo.png Goldbloom Tropical Flora Export Enclosure Keine Jurassic Park actor Jeff Goldblum
Goldstream fuel.jpg Goldstream Fuel Co. (Foundry...) BLU Unbekannt
Gray Gravel.png Gray Gravel Co. Gravel Pit, Frontier
(Goldrush, Foundry...)
Gray Mann Gray Mann, CEO.
Green Valley Post.png Green Valley Post Landfall Unbekannt Unbekannt
Griffivore.png Griffivore Banana Co. Laughter Keine Reference to a video of entertainer Griffin McElroy eating an unpeeled banana.
Hammond Amber Mining.png Hammond's Amber Mining Co. Enclosure Unbekannt John Hammond and his source of Dino DNA
Hampshire's Heavy Lifting Equipment.png Hampshire's Heavy Lifting Equipment (Byre) Unbekannt The "Hampshire Heavies" TF2 community
Handyhoe.png Handy Hoe (Hoodoo, Nightfall...) RED Unbekannt
Happy Farmers.png Happy Farmers Cooperative 2Fort, Hightower, Viaduct RED A happy face emoticon is incorporated into the circular form logo commonly used by cooperative agricultural groups.
RedTractorSign.PNG Happy Farmers Cooperative
(Thundermountain, Foundry, Well...) RED From a promotional artwork for the famous International Harvester Red tractors; the largest selling row crop tractors of the middle 20th Century.
(Paired with Industrial Tractor)
Hotel D'Amour.png Hôtel D'amour Pier Unbekannt "Hotel of Love"
Humbolt's Pharmacy.png Humboldt's Pharmacy Rottenburg Unbekannt 19th century German natural scientist Alexander von Humboldt known to have studied electrical animation of dead tissue.
Humbult Sauermilch.png Humboldt Sauermilch Molkerei GMBH Rottenburg Unbekannt The Mad Milk Syringes upgrade for Medic's syringe guns in Mann vs. Machine
Hurg.png Hurg Spaceship Parts Brazil Unbekannt Unbekannt
Husky Acres.png Husky Acres (Granary, Decoy...) RED Unbekannt
Icarus Airliners.png Icarus Airliners (Coldfront) Unbekannt Eric "Icarus" Wong, der Ersteller der Karte Coldfront, wo dieses Plakat erscheint.
IDO.png I.D.O. Byre Keine Ian "idolon" Spadin, the mapper that created Byre
Imperial Mining.png Imperial Mining Goldrush, Upward, Nightfall RED Unbekannt

(Paired with Regal Plumbing Supplies)

Industrial.png Industrial
(Dustbowl, Gravel Pit, Hydro, 2Fort, Viaduct, Foundry, Badwater Basin...) BLU Caterpillar D10
The first commercially successful tractor to use the iconic "high-drive system" invented by C. L. Best, founding CEO of Caterpillar Inc.
(Paired with Happy Farmers Tractor)
Jenkin Coal.png Jenkin Coal Co. Dustbowl, Upward, Mountain Lab, Doomsday... Keine Unbekannt
Jimi jam.jpg Jimi Jam (Foundry, Hightower, Citizen Pain Minigun) BLU
RED (Citizen Pain Minigun)
(Paired with Driller)
Jobbs Orchards.png Jobbs Orchards Mac Update trailer BLU Steve Jobs, der frühere CEO von Apple.
Klints Hocks.PNG Klintz Hocks Rottenburg Unbekannt Unbekannt
Krithaus.png Kritzhaus Rottenburg Unbekannt Unbekannt
Sign056.jpg Lucky Plucker (Foundry...) BLU Unbekannt
Lumpy Bros.png Lumpy Bros
(Butter for Less)
Mannhattan Unbekannt Unbekannt
Manhattan Used Fireworks.png Mannhattan Used Fireworks Mannhattan Keine Unbekannt
Mann Co. Tag.png Mann Co.

(Waffen, Kosmetische Gegenstände)

Decoy, Mannworks, Coal Town
Mann Co. Katalog
Mann Co. Store
Mann Co. Im Moment im Besitz von Saxton Hale. Beliefert die TF2-Söldner mit Waffen.
Menschnapps.png Menschnapps Mannhattan Mann Co. Unbekannt
2fort invasion poster5.png
2fort invasion poster8.png
Mann Co.
(The Mann Co. Genuine Spacesuit)
(2Fort Invasion) Mann Co. The Mann Co. Genuine Spacesuit is a sponsor of radio KKBC
Refers to the original Alien tagline.
2fort invasion poster3.png Sleepy Dog
(Meaty Chunks dog food)
(2Fort Invasion) Keine Sleepy Dog's Meaty Chunks dog food is a sponsor of radio KKBC
Mcj power.png McJohn Power Powerhouse BLU (Opposes Wood Electric)
Metal Co.png (Metal) (Cactus Canyon) RED Ralston Purina, famous feed mill and cereal company, which in the 1960s was well-known for this "checkerboard square" logo.
(Paired with Seed)
Mhanko.png Mhankö Mannhattan Mann Co. (Saxton Hale's boutique line)
Sign bananaland.png Neal's Bananaland Ice Cream (Pier) Unbekannt Mapper Neal "Blade x64" Smart, creator of Pier and contributor to Mossrock.
STAR_ Team Fortress Classic video.
Newell and Sons.png Newell and Sons Get games faster with Steam Unbekannt Gabe Newell, der Co-Gründer und Geschäftsführer von Valve.
Newell Sons Steam Deliveing.png Newell & Sons Steam Delivering (Pier) Unbekannt
NJ Productions.png NJ Productions Lakeside Unbekannt Mapper Valentin "3DNJ" Levillain, creator of Mountain Lab, Kong King, and Lakeside
Nile archaeo.png Nile Archaeo Lakeside BLU (Red Raiders' archaeologist rivals)
Train.png Northern Express Freight, Well Unbekannt Southern Pacific and other railroads
Odessa Mining Logistics.png Odessa Mining Logistics Odyssey RED Unbekannt
Sign063.png Old Geezer Brew
Grave Matters
(Foundry, Badwater Basin...)
RED Erfand die Wackelkopffigur aus der Sniper stellt sich vor.
Otto's Cafe.png Otto's Cafe Rottenburg Unbekannt Unbekannt
Petite Chou-Fleur Floral.png Petite Chou-Fleur Floral Sunshine, Pier Keine "Ma petite chou-fleur"
French for "My little flower"
Quote from Meet the Spy
Poco Coop.png Poco Coop Wutville Unbekannt Unbekannt
Primaprime.png P.R.P. Keine Keine Unbekannt
Pinkerpaw packaging.png Pinkerpaw Packaging Mannhattan Keine Unbekannt
Piper & Piper.png Piper & Piper Pipeworks Inc. (Badwater Basin, Double Cross...) BLU Valve
Primaprime.png Primaprime Projector screen for instructional films that may be available in Mission Briefings. Keine Unbekannt
Projecto.png Projecto
(Projector Screens)
Projector screen for instructional films. Keine Unbekannt
(Pyroland Vision Experience)
(Wutville) Unbekannt The Pyrovision Goggles
Team red.png Reliable Excavation Demolition Process... RED Unbekannt
RED Bread.png Red Bread Granary
(Thundermountain, Hightower...)
Expiration Date
Red Bread (Soundtrack)
RED Red wheat, the primary classification of bread wheat grown in United States and Soviet Union (now, Russia and Ukraine).
(Paired with Blue Corn Co.)
Red Forest Fur Company.png Red Forest Fur Company Landfall RED Fess Parker's frontiersmen characters, such as Daniel Boone in 1968, made coonskin caps popular with school children.
Red Ind. Trading.png Red Ind. Trading Landfall RED Unbekannt
Red Industries Unc.png Red Industries Unincorporated Highpass RED Unbekannt
RED Iron.png RED Iron Foundry RED Red Iron, referencing the color and strength of structural steel.
(Paired with BLU Steel)
Red iron works.jpg RED Iron Works Foundry RED Ironworks, a factory where iron ore is refined into steel.
(Paired with BLU Blast Complex)
Red Planet Chemicals.png Red Planet Chemicals
Swiftwater RED Swiftwater's premise is RED is poluting BLU's bottle's water supply. In 1968, DDT was a major environmental concern.
Red raiders.png Red Raiders Lakeside RED (Nile Archaeo's treasure hunting rivals)
RED Shed.png Red Shed.png Red Shed
(Red Shed Whiskey)
(Red Shed Beer)
(Badwater Basin, Coal Town...)
Ring of Fired
Das Sandvich stellt sich vor
Der Medic stellt sich vor
Rancho Relaxo RED
RED Unbekannt
Red Valley Mining.png Red Valley Mining Badlands RED Unbekannt
Redstone.png Redstone Cargo Freight RED Unbekannt

(Paired with BLU Freight & Shipping)

Sign062.png Regal Plumbing Supplies Goldrush
(Dustbowl, Thundermountain...)
BLU Unbekannt

(Paired with Imperial Mining)

Rio Grande.png Rio Grande Coal Co. Badlands, Bigrock, Thundermountain BLU A.D.M., whose molecule in green leaf logo from the 1960s and 70s symbolized making chemicals from plants instead of oil or coal.
SpaceChem: A.D.M.'s 4 atoms are replaced by SpaceChem's 3-atom logo.
Rolling Stone.png Rolling Stone Mining Logistics Unbekannt RED Unbekannt
Sanders bbq.jpg Sanders BBQ Foundry RED Colonel Sanders, Gründer von Kentucky Fried Chicken.
Sapper Sour Candy.png Sapper Sour Candy Pier, Landfall Unbekannt Sapper Mega Sour Bubble Gum
Schucker & Sons.png Schucker & Sons Decoy Unbekannt Unbekannt
Scoots canoe.jpg Scoot's Canoe Foundry BLU Ein Fan-Spitzname des Scouts.
Sea Side Exports.PNG Sea Side Exports Mannhattan RED This sign takes the place of the circle C sign that would normally mark the Mannhattan defender's last of three points, or "C side".
Seed Co.png (Seed) (Cactus Canyon) BLU (Paired with Metal)
Shifty's Quick Shot.png Shifty's Quick Shot Swiftwater Unbekannt The sign designates a Sniper camp on Swiftwater. Darrell "Shifty" Powers was a WWII sniper with Easy Company in the 101st Airborne.
Shiny's Bullion.png Shiny's Bullion (Hoodoo, Foundry...) RED False or fool's gold.
(Paired with Gilded Gold)
Sign smart blade.png Smart
(double-edged blades)
(Pier) Unbekannt Mapper Neal "Blade x64" Smart, creator of Pier and contributor to Mossrock
Smart Fireworks.png Smart Fireworks Pier RED Mapper Neal "Blade x64" Smart, creator of Pier and contributor to Mossrock
Spawn-N-Go.png Spawn-N-Go Moonshine Event, Pier BLU 20 sec. is the maximum for Respawn Times.
(Paired with Ellis' Crawdads)
Strongarm Lifting.png Strongarm Lifting Vanguard Unbekannt Unbekannt
Sign106 sunny hay.jpg Sunny Hay Barnblitz
(Foundry, Thundermountain...)
RED "Grass grows, ... sun shines, ...."
— a tagline of the Scout.
(Paired with Scoot's Canoe)
Swift Billboard.png Swift Swiftwater BLU Unbekannt
Telemax-logo.png Telemax
Unbekannt Unbekannt Unbekannt
TF Industries Logo.png TF Industries
Saxton Series of action comics)
WAR!, ...
Sentry Operating Manual
Keine Eine Anspielung auf Valve und Team Fortress 2 gleichermaßen.
Tree Feller 2 Million.png Tree Feller 2 Million Landfall Unbekannt TF2M is an abbreviation for
Trench Diggers First Union.png Trench Diggers FIRST UNION Landfall Unbekannt TF2M is an abbreviation for
Tycho logo 3.png Tycho Corp Off-World Excavations Bread Space Unbekannt Unbekannt
Vier Augen Optical Co.png Vier Augen Optical Co. Pier Unbekannt Vier Augen is a German phrase, literally meaning "Four Eyes"; in other words, a German wearing glasses, e.g., the Medic.
Wade Canoes.png Wade Canoes Moonshine Event Unbekannt Unbekannt
Wedge.png Wedge Vanguard Unbekannt Reskin of Biggs
Wood electric.png Wood Electric Powerhouse RED (Opposes McJohn Power)
Wright shipping.jpg Wright Shipping (Mannhattan...) BLU matt & Danika Wright, 3D-Künstler bei Valve
XXX.png XXX Flasche Keine Das Logo, das auf der Flasche des Demomans erscheint.
Yeti park logo.png Yeti Park Mercenary Park Keine Logo of the Yeti fight park; although, the image is of a bear forepaw print.
Yti logo.png YTI
Institute for Research and Development.
Mercenary Park Keine Logo of the facility that altered the Yeti for greater strength and aggression.
Yti-Hale shipping.png Yti-Hale Shipping Mercenary Park Keine Saxton Hale's amalgamated violent animal shipping company.
Sign055.png Zippy Plow (Foundry, Goldrush, Badlands, ...) RED The Ferguson System, later known as the three-point hitch.

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