Kills on goomba stomp -X% knockback received from damage from enemies +X% weapon switch speed
Liberty Launcher
Does not require ammo when rocket-jumping +X% explosion radius +X% knockback to enemies and self -X% damage to enemies and self
Reserve Shooter
Minicrits enemies launched into the air by explosions
Market Gardener
Crits enemies when airborne and 1 second after landing
Soldier's Stash
-X% movement speed
Direct Hit
Rockets can be directed with crosshair +X% damage Deals no splash damage Does not benefit from ramp-up
Buff Banner
Consumable that affects only the Artillery Soldier Lasts X seconds and recharges X seconds after use Causes all attacks to minicrit Gives -X% damage resistance
Escape Plan
When active: Movement speed increases as health decreases Crits when it would normally minicrit -X% damage Blocks healing when active
Armored Authority
Nearby allies share your movement speed if you are faster than them
Prize Shotgun
Based on Scattergun Dealing damage collects rage
Movement speed increase with rage
Disciplinary Action
Hit allies to give both of you a movement speed boost Hitting allies consumes X rage
Brigade Helm
+X% weapon switch speed Alt-fire to propel self forwards
Air Cannon
Cannot shoot flames Airblast ignites enemies Airblast ignites projectiles Ignited projectiles ignite enemies on hit Ignited projectiles crit already-burning enemies
Flare Gun
Ignites enemies on hit Crits already-burning enemies
Fire Axe
Crits burning enemies
Gas Jockey
All afterburn damage heals the Gas Jockey -X max health
Afterburn lasts forever if not manually put out Afterburn ends if the Gas Jockey dies Deals no direct damage