Casca Tiranului
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“ | The last word out of your sorry mouth will be Sir, and it will be loud!
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— The Soldier
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Casca Tiranului este o pălărie pentru Soldat. Lansată cu Classless Update, ea reprezintă o Cască de viking de metal, colorată în culorile echipei.
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Articol principal: Paint Can
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- Today there is only one known example of a Viking helmet in existence. This Viking helmet was made of iron and was in the shape of a rounded or peaked cap made from four plates after the spangenhelm pattern. The helm was excavated from Gjermundbu, Norway, and dated to the 10th century.[1] From runestones and other illustrations, it is understood the Vikings wore simple helmets, often peaked caps with a simple nose-guard. It is unlikely that any Viking helmets had horns or wings mounted on them, but illustrations from the 19th Century popularized this representation.