Gourd Grin

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Gourd Grin-ul este un obiect cosmetic creat de comunitate pentru toate clasele. Este o bandană cu tematica de Dovleac (English) care se infășură pe partea de jos a capului unei clase.

Gourd Grin-ul era contribuit pe Atelierul Stean.

Variante vopsite

Articol principal: Paint Can
Mişcaţi cursorul mouse-ului peste chenare pentru a vedea imaginea pe un fundal întunecat.
Vopsele individuale
Painted Gourd Grin E6E6E6.png Painted Gourd Grin D8BED8.png Painted Gourd Grin C5AF91.png Painted Gourd Grin 7E7E7E.png
An Extraordinary Abundance of Tinge Color No. 216-190-216 Peculiarly Drab Tincture Aged Moustache Grey
Painted Gourd Grin 141414.png Painted Gourd Grin 2D2D24.png Painted Gourd Grin 694D3A.png Painted Gourd Grin 7C6C57.png
A Distinctive Lack of Hue After Eight Radigan Conagher Brown Ye Olde Rustic Colour
Painted Gourd Grin A57545.png Painted Gourd Grin CF7336.png Painted Gourd Grin E7B53B.png Painted Gourd Grin F0E68C.png
Muskelmannbraun Mann Co. Orange Australium Gold The Color of a Gentlemann's Business Pants
Painted Gourd Grin E9967A.png Painted Gourd Grin FF69B4.png Painted Gourd Grin 7D4071.png Painted Gourd Grin 51384A.png
Dark Salmon Injustice Pink as Hell A Deep Commitment to Purple Noble Hatter's Violet
Painted Gourd Grin 2F4F4F.png Painted Gourd Grin 424F3B.png Painted Gourd Grin 808000.png Painted Gourd Grin 729E42.png
A Color Similar to Slate Zepheniah's Greed Drably Olive Indubitably Green
Painted Gourd Grin 32CD32.png Painted Gourd Grin BCDDB3.png
The Bitter Taste of Defeat and Lime A Mann's Mint
Vopsele de echipă
Painted Gourd Grin A89A8C.png Painted Gourd Grin 839FA3.png Painted Gourd Grin 3B1F23.png Painted Gourd Grin 18233D.png
Waterlogged Lab Coat (RED) Waterlogged Lab Coat (BLU) Balaclavas Are Forever (RED) Balaclavas Are Forever (BLU)
Painted Gourd Grin B8383B.png Painted Gourd Grin 5885A2.png Painted Gourd Grin 483838.png Painted Gourd Grin 384248.png
Team Spirit (RED) Team Spirit (BLU) Operator's Overalls (RED) Operator's Overalls (BLU)
Painted Gourd Grin 803020.png Painted Gourd Grin 256D8D.png Painted Gourd Grin 654740.png Painted Gourd Grin 28394D.png
The Value of Teamwork (RED) The Value of Teamwork (BLU) An Air of Debonair (RED) An Air of Debonair (BLU)
Painted Gourd Grin C36C2D.png Painted Gourd Grin B88035.png Painted Gourd Grin UNPAINTED.png
Cream Spirit (RED) Cream Spirit (BLU) Nevopsit

Istoria actualizăriilor

Patch-ul din 1 octombrie 2020 (Scream Fortress XII)

  • Gourd Grin-un a fost adăugat in joc.

Patch-ul din 8 octombrie 2020
