File:Tf koreana.txt
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Tf_koreana.txt (file size: 1.26 MB, MIME type: text/plain)
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Recent changes
July 15, 2015 Patch (previous patches)
358358"TF_MapInfo" "맵 정보 보기"
359359"[english]TF_MapInfo" "Show Map Information"
360360"TF_Inspect" "대상 검사"
361N/A"[english]TF_Inspect" "Inspect Target"
N/A361"[english]TF_Inspect" "Inspect Target or Item"
362362"TF_voice_menu_A" "음성 선택 1"
363363"[english]TF_voice_menu_A" "Voice Menu 1"
364364"TF_voice_menu_B" "음성 선택 2"
10901090"Team_Progress_Blocked" "적군이\n점령을\n차단했습니다."
10911091"[english]Team_Progress_Blocked" "Progress\nblocked\nby enemy"
10921092"Cant_cap_stealthed" "은폐 상태일 때는\n지점을 장악할 수 없습니다."
1093N/A"[english]Cant_cap_stealthed" "Cannot capture point\n while stealthed."
N/A1093"[english]Cant_cap_stealthed" "Cannot capture point\n while invisible."
10941094"Cant_cap_disguised" "변장 상태일 때는\n 지점을 장악할 수 없습니다."
10951095"[english]Cant_cap_disguised" "Cannot capture point\n while disguised."
10961096"Cant_cap_invuln" "무적 상태에서는\n지점을 장악할 수 없습니다."
16881688"Hud_Menu_Build_Cancel" "취소하려면 '%lastinv%' 누름"
16891689"[english]Hud_Menu_Build_Cancel" "Hit '%lastinv%' to Cancel"
16901690"Hud_Menu_Spy_Minus_Toggle" "팀을 전환하려면 '%disguiseteam%' 키를 누르세요"
1691N/A"[english]Hud_Menu_Spy_Minus_Toggle" "Hit '%disguiseteam%' to Toggle Team"
N/A1691"[english]Hud_Menu_Spy_Minus_Toggle" "Hit '%disguiseteam%' or '%reload%' to Toggle Team"
16921692"Hud_Menu_Spy_Toggle" "팀 전환"
16931693"[english]Hud_Menu_Spy_Toggle" "Toggle Teams"
16941694"Hud_Menu_Spy_Select_Disguise" "변장 선택"
32473247"[english]TF_SOLDIER_KILL_DEMOMAN_GRIND_NAME" "Out, Damned Scot!"
32483248"TF_SOLDIER_KILL_DEMOMAN_GRIND_DESC" "적군 데모맨 500명을 처치하십시오."
32493249"[english]TF_SOLDIER_KILL_DEMOMAN_GRIND_DESC" "Kill 500 enemy Demomen"
N/A3250"TF_SOLDIER_KILL_PYRO_NAME" "'불'양심적 병역기피자"
32513251"[english]TF_SOLDIER_KILL_PYRO_NAME" "Backdraft Dodger"
32523252"TF_SOLDIER_KILL_PYRO_DESC" "10초 이내에 플레이어의 로켓을 압축 공기 분사로 반사시킨 파이로를 처치하십시오."
32533253"[english]TF_SOLDIER_KILL_PYRO_DESC" "Kill a Pyro who has airblasted one of your rockets in the last 10 seconds."
34073407"[english]TF_DEMOMAN_ENVIRONMENTAL_KILL_NAME" "He Who Celt It"
34083408"TF_DEMOMAN_ENVIRONMENTAL_KILL_DESC" "점착 폭탄 발사기를 사용하여 적 플레이어를 환경 피해로 처치하십시오."
34093409"[english]TF_DEMOMAN_ENVIRONMENTAL_KILL_DESC" "Use the Sticky Launcher to kill an enemy player via environmental damage."
34113411"[english]TF_DEMOMAN_DESTROY_X_STICKYBOMBS_NAME" "Robbed Royal"
34123412"TF_DEMOMAN_DESTROY_X_STICKYBOMBS_DESC" "스코틀랜드식 저항운동을 사용하여 100개의 적 점착 폭탄을 파괴하십시오."
34133413"[english]TF_DEMOMAN_DESTROY_X_STICKYBOMBS_DESC" "Destroy 100 enemy sticky bombs with the Scottish Resistance."
38863886"Attrib_OverhealDecay_Negative" "과치료 유지 시간 %s1% 감소"
38873887"[english]Attrib_OverhealDecay_Negative" "%s1% shorter overheal time"
38883888"Attrib_HealOnHit_Positive" "적중 시, 체력 %s1 회복"
3889N/A"[english]Attrib_HealOnHit_Positive" "On Hit: +%s1 health"
N/A3889"[english]Attrib_HealOnHit_Positive" "On Hit: Gain up to +%s1 health"
38903890"Attrib_HealOnHit_Negative" "적중 시, 체력 %s1 감소"
38913891"[english]Attrib_HealOnHit_Negative" "On Hit: %s1 health"
38923892"Attrib_CritChance_Positive" "치명타 확률 %s1 증가"
39483948"Attrib_SniperNoCharge" "조준경 사용 불가 및 충전 피해 없음"
39493949"[english]Attrib_SniperNoCharge" "No zoom or damage charge"
39503950"Attrib_CloakIsFeignDeath" "은폐 유형: 가짜 시체"
3951N/A"[english]Attrib_CloakIsFeignDeath" "Cloak Type: Feign Death"
N/A3951"[english]Attrib_CloakIsFeignDeath" "Cloak Type: Feign Death.\nLeave a fake corpse on taking damage\nand temporarily gain invisibility, speed and damage resistance."
39523952"Attrib_CloakIsMovementBased" "은폐 유형: 동작 감지"
3953N/A"[english]Attrib_CloakIsMovementBased" "Cloak Type: Motion Sensitive"
N/A3953"[english]Attrib_CloakIsMovementBased" "Cloak Type: Motion Sensitive.\nCloak drain rate based on movement speed."
39543954"Attrib_NoDoubleJump" "착용 시 이단 점프 불가능"
39553955"[english]Attrib_NoDoubleJump" "Disables double jump"
39563956"Attrib_AbsorbDmgWhileCloaked" "은폐 상태에서 피해량 %s1% 흡수"
40364036"Attrib_SRifleChargeRate_Decreased" "충전 속도 %s1% 감소"
40374037"[english]Attrib_SRifleChargeRate_Decreased" "%s1% slower power charge"
40384038"Attrib_ConstructionRate_Increased" "건설 속도 %s1% 증가"
4039N/A"[english]Attrib_ConstructionRate_Increased" "%s1% faster construction rate"
N/A4039"[english]Attrib_ConstructionRate_Increased" "Construction hit speed boost increased by %s1%"
40404040"Attrib_ConstructionRate_Decreased" "건설 속도 %s1% 감소"
4041N/A"[english]Attrib_ConstructionRate_Decreased" "%s1% slower construction rate"
N/A4041"[english]Attrib_ConstructionRate_Decreased" "Construction hit speed boost decreased by %s1%"
40424042"Attrib_RepairRate_Increased" "수리 효율 %s1% 증가"
40434043"[english]Attrib_RepairRate_Increased" "%s1% faster repair rate"
40444044"Attrib_RepairRate_Decreased" "수리 효율 %s1% 감소"
41084108"Attrib_Selfmade_Description" "내가 직접 만든 아이템!"
41094109"[english]Attrib_Selfmade_Description" "I made this!"
41104110"Attrib_DmgVsBuilding_Increased" "구조물 대상 %s1% 추가 피해"
4111N/A"[english]Attrib_DmgVsBuilding_Increased" "%s1% damage vs buildings"
N/A4111"[english]Attrib_DmgVsBuilding_Increased" "+%s1% damage vs buildings"
41124112"Attrib_DmgVsPlayer_Decreased" "플레이어 대상 %s1% 피해"
41134113"[english]Attrib_DmgVsPlayer_Decreased" "%s1% damage vs players"
41144114"Attrib_LunchboxAddsMaxHealth" "30초 동안 최대 체력 50 증가"
41804180"TF_Unique_Achievement_Sword_Desc" "이 무기는 공격 범위가 넓습니다.\n머리를 벨 때마다 이동 속도가 향상되며 체력이 증가합니다."
41814181"[english]TF_Unique_Achievement_Sword_Desc" "This weapon has a large melee range.\nGives increased speed and health\nwith every head you take."
41824182"TF_Unique_Achievement_Shield_Desc" "보조기능: 적에게 돌진하면 공격력이 향상됩니다."
4183N/A"[english]TF_Unique_Achievement_Shield_Desc" "Alt-Fire: Gain increased attack power by\ncharging toward your enemies."
N/A4183"[english]TF_Unique_Achievement_Shield_Desc" "Alt-Fire: Charge toward your enemies.\nGain a critical melee strike after impacting an enemy at distance."
41844184"TF_TTG_MaxGun_Desc" "거의 완벽하게 은닉할 수 있는 비밀 장비의 궁극 형태입니다.\n이 무기가 필요하단 것은 말할 필요도 없지만,\n문제가 있다면 도대체 어디에 숨기느냐 하는 것입니다."
41854185"[english]TF_TTG_MaxGun_Desc" "The ultimate in semi-concealed weaponry.\nThere's no question you need this gun,\nthe only question is: where will you keep it?"
41864186"TF_TTG_SamRevolver_Desc" "저지 능력과 멋을 모두 갖추다.\n프리랜서 경찰의 오랜 전유물이었으나\n이제 피에 굶주린 용병에게도 기회가 왔다."
50385038"TF_Weapon_Robot_Arm" "로봇 팔"
50395039"[english]TF_Weapon_Robot_Arm" "Robot Arm"
50405040"TF_Wrangler_Desc" "센트리 건을 직접 조종할 수 있습니다."
5041N/A"[english]TF_Wrangler_Desc" "Take manual control of your Sentry Gun"
N/A5041"[english]TF_Wrangler_Desc" "Take manual control of your Sentry Gun.\nWrangled sentries gain a shield that reduces\ndamage and repairs by 66%.\nSentries are disabled for 3 seconds after becoming unwrangled."
50425042"Thunderm_cap_1_A" "1단계 판교"
50435043"[english]Thunderm_cap_1_A" "Ramp deck, Stage One"
50445044"Thunderm_cap_1_B" "1단계 주 정거장"
52265226"RI_c" ", "
52275227"[english]RI_c" ", "
52285228"Attrib_WrenchBuildsMiniSentry" "빠르게 설치되는 소형 센트리로 센트리 대체"
5229N/A"[english]Attrib_WrenchBuildsMiniSentry" "Replaces the Sentry with a fast building Mini-Sentry"
N/A5229"[english]Attrib_WrenchBuildsMiniSentry" "Replaces the Sentry with a Mini-Sentry"
52305230"Attrib_SentryKilledRevenge" "센트리가 파괴되면 모든 센트리 사살\n횟수만큼 복수 치명타를 획득합니다."
5231N/A"[english]Attrib_SentryKilledRevenge" "When your sentry is destroyed you\ngain revenge crits for every sentry kill"
N/A5231"[english]Attrib_SentryKilledRevenge" "Gain 2 revenge crits for each sentry kill and\n1 for each sentry assist when your sentry is destroyed.\nRevenge crits are lost on death"
52325232"Attrib_BuildingCostReduction" "구조물 설치 시 금속 %s1 감소"
52335233"[english]Attrib_BuildingCostReduction" "%s1 metal reduction in building cost"
52345234"TF_Unique_Sentry_Shotgun" "개척자의 정의"
53065306"TF_Duel_Win_Disconnect" "%loser% 님이 게임에서 퇴장하여 %winner% 님이 %loser% 님을 누르고 승리했습니다."
53075307"[english]TF_Duel_Win_Disconnect" "�%winner%� defeated �%loser%� in a duel because �%loser%� left the game."
53085308"TF_Duel_Tie" "%initiator% 님과 %target% 님이 둘 다 %score% 점을 얻어 둘 사이의 결투가 무승부로 끝났습니다!"
5309N/A"[english]TF_Duel_Tie" "The duel between �%initiator%� and �%target%� ended in a draw with �%score%� points each!"
N/A5309"[english]TF_Duel_Tie" "The duel between �%initiator%� and �%target%� ended in a draw with �%score%� points each! A Dueling Mini-Game owned by �%initiator%� has not been consumed."
53105310"TF_Duel_Refund_LevelShutdown" "서버의 맵이 변경되어 �%initiator% �님과 �%target%� 님 사이의 결투가 종료되었습니다. %initiator% 님이 가지고 있는 '게임 속 게임 - 결투' 아이템이 소모되지 않았습니다."
53115311"[english]TF_Duel_Refund_LevelShutdown" "The duel between �%initiator%� and �%target%� has ended, because the level has changed. A Dueling Mini-Game owned by �%initiator%� has not been consumed."
53125312"TF_Duel_Refund_ScoreTiedAtZero" "0 대 0으로 비겨서 �%initiator%�님과 �%target%�님 사이의 결투가 종료되었습니다. %initiator%님이 가지고 있는 '게임 속 게임 - 결투' 아이템이 소모되지 않았습니다."
54865486"TF_OlSnaggletooth" "오래된 덧니"
54875487"[english]TF_OlSnaggletooth" "Ol' Snaggletooth"
54885488"TF_TheShortstop_Desc" "Mann Co.에서 최근 출시한 고자세\n중절식 개인 방어 장비입니다."
5489N/A"[english]TF_TheShortstop_Desc" "Mann Co.'s latest in high attitude\nbreak-action personal defense."
N/A5489"[english]TF_TheShortstop_Desc" "Holds a 4-shot clip and reloads its entire clip at once.\n\nMann Co.'s latest in high attitude\nbreak-action personal defense."
54905490"TF_TheHolyMackerel_Desc" "물고기에게 맞으면 아주 창피할 겁니다."
54915491"[english]TF_TheHolyMackerel_Desc" "Getting hit by a fish has got to be humiliating."
54925492"TF_MadMilk_Desc" "우유를 뒤집어쓴 상대를 공격한 플레이어는\n적에게 준 피해의 60%만큼 체력을 치료합니다."
5493N/A"[english]TF_MadMilk_Desc" "Players heal 60% of the damage done\nto an enemy covered with milk."
N/A5493"[english]TF_MadMilk_Desc" "Players heal 60% of the damage done\nto an enemy covered with milk.\nAlso handy for putting out a fire."
54945494"TF_Weapon_RocketLauncher_Jump_Desc" "전혀 피해가 없는 특수 로켓 발사기로,\n로켓 점프의 요령 및 유형을 배우는 데 사용합니다."
5495N/A"[english]TF_Weapon_RocketLauncher_Jump_Desc" "A special no-damage rocket launcher for learning\nrocket jump tricks and patterns."
N/A5495"[english]TF_Weapon_RocketLauncher_Jump_Desc" "A special rocket launcher for learning\nrocket jump tricks and patterns.\nThis weapon deals ZERO damage."
54965496"TF_ScoutBombingRun" "폭격 항정"
54975497"[english]TF_ScoutBombingRun" "Bombing Run"
54985498"TF_ScoutBombingRun_Desc" "하늘에서 죽음을!"
56305630"ToolPaintConfirmWarning" "(이 색상은 영구적이며 다른 유저들에게 보이게 됩니다)"
56315631"[english]ToolPaintConfirmWarning" "(This color will be publicly visible and permanent)"
56325632"ToolDecodeConfirm" "이 상자를 여시겠습니까?%optional_append%"
5633N/A"[english]ToolDecodeConfirm" "Are you sure you want to open this crate?%optional_append%"
N/A5633"[english]ToolDecodeConfirm" "Are you sure you want to open this crate?"
56345634"ToolDecodeInProgress" "전리품 상자를 여는중"
56355635"[english]ToolDecodeInProgress" "Uncrating your Loot"
56365636"LoadoutSlot_Action" "액션"
57205720"Attrib_DisguiseNoBurn" "변장 상태일 때 화염 피해에 면역"
57215721"[english]Attrib_DisguiseNoBurn" "Immune to fire damage while disguised"
57225722"Attrib_AddCloakOnKill" "처치 시 은폐에너지 %s1 증가"
5723N/A"[english]Attrib_AddCloakOnKill" "+%s1 cloak on kill"
N/A5723"[english]Attrib_AddCloakOnKill" "+%s1% cloak on kill"
57245724"Attrib_AddCloakOnHit" "적중 시, 은폐 에너지 %s1 증가"
5725N/A"[english]Attrib_AddCloakOnHit" "+%s1 cloak on hit"
N/A5725"[english]Attrib_AddCloakOnHit" "+%s1% cloak on hit"
57265726"Attrib_CloakBlinkTimePenalty" "은폐 점멸 시간 %s1 초 증가"
57275727"[english]Attrib_CloakBlinkTimePenalty" "%s1 sec longer cloak blink time"
57285728"Attrib_QuietUnstealth" "은폐 해제 음량 감소"
57525752"Attrib_FlameAmmoPerSec_Decreased" "초당 화염 방사기 탄약 소비량 %s1% 감소"
57535753"[english]Attrib_FlameAmmoPerSec_Decreased" "%s1% flamethrower ammo consumed per second"
57545754"Attrib_JarateDuration" "적중 시, 목표물에 %s1 초 동안 병수도 효과 적용"
5755N/A"[english]Attrib_JarateDuration" "On Hit: Jarate applied to target for %s1 seconds"
N/A5755"[english]Attrib_JarateDuration" "On Scoped Hit: Jarate target for 2 to %s1 seconds based on amount charged"
57565756"Attrib_NoDeathFromHeadshots" "착용 시 헤드샷으로 사망하지 않습니다."
57575757"[english]Attrib_NoDeathFromHeadshots" "The wearer cannot be killed by headshots"
57585758"Attrib_AchievementItem" "도전 과제 아이템: 거래 불가"
57785778"Attrib_GifterAccountID" "보낸 사람: %s1."
57795779"[english]Attrib_GifterAccountID" "\nGift from: %s1"
57805780"Attrib_AttachedParticle" "효과: %s1"
5781N/A"[english]Attrib_AttachedParticle" "Effect: %s1"
N/A5781"[english]Attrib_AttachedParticle" "★ Unusual Effect: %s1"
57825782"Attrib_SupplyCrateSeries" "상자 시리즈 #%s1"
57835783"[english]Attrib_SupplyCrateSeries" "Crate Series #%s1"
57845784"Attrib_PreserveUbercharge" "사망 시 충전된 우버차지 중\n최대 %s1%가 유지됩니다."
66766676"TF_HalloweenBoss_Axe" "말도 없고 머리도 없는 기만병의 목따개"
66776677"[english]TF_HalloweenBoss_Axe" "The Horseless Headless Horsemann's Headtaker"
66786678"TF_HalloweenBoss_Axe_Desc" "아이랜더에 잠들어있는 어둠의 영혼의 저주가\n이 도끼에도 깃들어 있습니다."
6679N/A"[english]TF_HalloweenBoss_Axe_Desc" "Cursed by dark spirits similar to\nthose that dwell within the Eyelander."
N/A6679"[english]TF_HalloweenBoss_Axe_Desc" "This weapon has a large melee range.\nCursed by dark spirits similar to\nthose that dwell within the Eyelander."
66806680"Item_GiftWrapped" "�%s1� 가 선물을 포장했습니다:: %s2 %s3"
66816681"[english]Item_GiftWrapped" "�%s1� has wrapped a gift:: %s2 %s3"
66826682"Store_Halloween" "핼러윈"
70447044"Attrib_Particle20" "맵 후원 씰"
70457045"[english]Attrib_Particle20" "Map Stamps"
70467046"TF_UllapoolCaber_Desc" "얼굴을 날려버릴 위력만큼 충격에 민감한\n스코틀랜드제 폭탄입니다.\n정신이 제대로 박힌 사람이라면\n이걸 던지겠지만..."
7047N/A"[english]TF_UllapoolCaber_Desc" "High-yield Scottish face removal.\nA sober person would throw it..."
N/A7047"[english]TF_UllapoolCaber_Desc" "High-yield Scottish face removal.\nA sober person would throw it...\n\nThe first hit will cause an explosion"
70487048"TF_BuffaloSteak_Desc" "효과 발동 시 이동 속도가 증가하고\n공격이 소형 치명타로 적용되며, 받는 피해가 25% 증가하며,\n플레이어는 근접무기만 쓸 수 있습니다.\n\n빵이 왜 필요하겠나요?"
7049N/A"[english]TF_BuffaloSteak_Desc" "While under the effects, move speed is increased,\nattacks mini-crit, damage taken will be increased 25%,\nand the player may only use melee weapons.\n\nWho needs bread?"
N/A7049"[english]TF_BuffaloSteak_Desc" "While under the effects, move speed is increased,\nattacks mini-crit, damage taken will be increased 25%,\nand the player may only use melee weapons.\nAlt-fire: Share with a friend (Medium Health Kit)\n\nWho needs bread?"
70507050"TF_Unique_MediGun_QuickFix_Desc" "자신보다 빠른 대상을 치료할 경우 이동 속도가 치료대상과 동일해집니다."
7051N/A"[english]TF_Unique_MediGun_QuickFix_Desc" "Move at the speed of any faster heal target."
N/A7051"[english]TF_Unique_MediGun_QuickFix_Desc" "Move at the speed of any faster heal target.\nMirror blast jumps of patients."
70527052"TF_SacredMedicine_Desc" "이 효과를 받는 동안\n이동 속도가 증가하며,\n받는 피해와 가하는 피해가 소형 치명타로 적용됩니다."
70537053"[english]TF_SacredMedicine_Desc" "While under the effects, damage done\nand damage taken will be mini-crits.\nYou will also move much faster."
70547054"Store_Maps" "맵"
74367436"Attrib_NewUsersHelped" "도움을 준 신규 유저: %s1명"
74377437"[english]Attrib_NewUsersHelped" "New Users Helped: %s1"
74387438"TF_Weapon_Flaregun_Detonator_Desc" "보조기능: 조명탄을 폭파시킵니다."
7439N/A"[english]TF_Weapon_Flaregun_Detonator_Desc" "Alt-Fire: Detonate flare."
N/A7439"[english]TF_Weapon_Flaregun_Detonator_Desc" "Alt-Fire: Detonate flare.\nThis weapon will reload automatically when not active."
74407440"TF_Unique_BattleSaw_Desc" "적의 체력을 볼 수 있습니다."
74417441"[english]TF_Unique_BattleSaw_Desc" "Allows you to see an enemy's health."
74427442"TF_SaveReplay" "여러분의 현재 플레이나 지난 플레이를 리플레이로 저장합니다"
82648264"TR_Eng_Sentry" "센트리 건은 강력한 방어용 구조물입니다.� %slot4% 단추를 눌러 설치 도구를 들어서 표시된 곳에 센트리 건을 설치해 보십시오. 3단계까지 개선해 보십시오."
82658265"[english]TR_Eng_Sentry" "The �sentry gun� is a powerful defensive building. Bring up the build tool by pressing �%slot4%� and build a sentry on the indicated position. Upgrade it to level 3."
82668266"TR_Eng_SentryBuilt" "센트리 건을 렌치로 두들겨서 3단계로 개선해 보십시오. 떨어진 무기나 탄약 상자에서도 금속을 얻을 수 있습니다!"
8267N/A"[english]TR_Eng_SentryBuilt" "�Upgrade� the sentry to level 3 by hitting it with your wrench. You can also get �metal� from dropped �weapons� or �ammo boxes�!"
N/A8267"[english]TR_Eng_SentryBuilt" "�Upgrade� the sentry to level 3 by hitting it with your wrench. You can also get �metal� from �ammo boxes�!"
82688268"TR_Eng_SentryHint" "이곳에 센트리 건을 설치하십시오"
82698269"[english]TR_Eng_SentryHint" "Build Sentry Here"
82708270"TR_Eng_SentryErrorTitle" "이런!"
88968896"TF_SpaceChem_Fishcake" "어육완자"
88978897"[english]TF_SpaceChem_Fishcake" "Fishcake"
88988898"TF_SpaceChem_Fishcake_Desc" "포슬러 산업의 완전 자연산 인공 어육으로 만든 음식물입니다"
8899N/A"[english]TF_SpaceChem_Fishcake_Desc" "Vossler Industries All-Natural Artificial-Fish-Derived Food Product"
N/A8899"[english]TF_SpaceChem_Fishcake_Desc" "Eat to gain up to 100 health.\nAlt-fire: Share with a friend (Small Health Kit)\n\nVossler Industries All-Natural Artificial-Fish-Derived Food Product"
89008900"TF_PolishWarBabushka" "헤트만의 모자"
89018901"[english]TF_PolishWarBabushka" "Hetman's Headpiece"
89028902"TF_PolishWarBabushka_Desc" "코사크와 전쟁은 양배추롤과 보드카처럼 붙어 다니죠."
96009600"TF_Overdose" "약물 남용"
96019601"[english]TF_Overdose" "The Overdose"
96029602"TF_Overdose_Desc" "이동 속도가 우버차지 충전률에 따라 최대 10%까지 향상됩니다."
9603N/A"[english]TF_Overdose_Desc" "Movement speed increases based on ÜberCharge percentage to a maximum of +10%"
N/A9603"[english]TF_Overdose_Desc" "While active, movement speed increases based on ÜberCharge percentage to a maximum of +10%"
96049604"TF_Weapon_Riding_Crop" "승마용 채찍"
96059605"[english]TF_Weapon_Riding_Crop" "Riding Crop"
96069606"TF_Wearable_Uniform" "제복"
96089608"TF_SodaPopper" "탄산총"
96099609"[english]TF_SodaPopper" "The Soda Popper"
96109610"TF_SodaPopper_Desc" "달리면 폭주가 쌓입니다. 폭주 측정기가 완전히 찬 상태에서 보조 기능 단추를 누르면 경우 공중에서 더 많은 점프를 할 수 있는 폭주 모드가 발동됩니다."
9611N/A"[english]TF_SodaPopper_Desc" "Builds Hype as you run.\nWhen full, Alt-Fire to activate Hype mode for multiple air jumps."
N/A9611"[english]TF_SodaPopper_Desc" "Builds Hype as you run.\nWhen full, Alt-Fire to activate Hype mode for multiple air jumps.\nThis weapon reloads its entire clip at once."
96129612"TF_Winger" "윙어"
96139613"[english]TF_Winger" "The Winger"
96149614"TF_Atomizer" "인수분해"
98269826"Attrib_CloakRate" "은폐 요구 시간 %s1 초 증가"
98279827"[english]Attrib_CloakRate" "%s1 sec increase in time to cloak"
98289828"Attrib_AmmoBecomesHealth" "탄약을 얻으면 체력으로 전환됩니다"
9829N/A"[english]Attrib_AmmoBecomesHealth" "All ammo collected becomes health"
N/A9829"[english]Attrib_AmmoBecomesHealth" "Ammo collected from ammo boxes becomes health"
98309830"Attrib_BootsFallingStomp" "밟힌 플레이어에게 낙하 피해량의 3배 피해를 입힘"
98319831"[english]Attrib_BootsFallingStomp" "Deals 3x falling damage to the player you land on"
98329832"Attrib_SeeEnemyHealth" "적의 체력을 볼 수 있습니다."
98369836"TF_BazaarBargain" "시장 흥정품"
98379837"[english]TF_BazaarBargain" "The Bazaar Bargain"
98389838"TF_BazaarBargain_Desc" "조준 상태로 머리를 명중 시킬 때마다 무기의 충전 속도가 가속됩니다.\n조준 상태로 몸을 맞히거나 사격이 빗나가면 충전 속도가 감소합니다.\n"
9839N/A"[english]TF_BazaarBargain_Desc" "Each scoped headshot decreases the weapon's charge time.\nA scoped body shot or miss reduces the bonus.\n"
N/A9839"[english]TF_BazaarBargain_Desc" "Each scoped headshot kill increases the weapon's charge rate by 25% up to 200%."
98409840"TF_PersianPersuader" "페르시아식 설득 도구"
98419841"[english]TF_PersianPersuader" "The Persian Persuader"
98429842"TF_Ali_Babas_Wee_Booties" "알리 바바의 조막만한 신발"
1022810228"Attrib_Sniper_FiresTracer" "탄환의 궤적이 노출됩니다."
1022910229"[english]Attrib_Sniper_FiresTracer" "Fires tracer rounds"
1023010230"Attrib_ElectricalAirblast" "발사 시, 모든 투사체를 파괴하고\n전방의 적에게 피해를 가하는 전자장을 발생시킵니다.\n투사체가 파괴될 경우 금속 15 단위가 소모됩니다."
10231N/A"[english]Attrib_ElectricalAirblast" "On Fire: Generates an electrical field that destroys\nprojectiles and damages enemies in front of the player.\nConsumes 15 ammo per projectile destroyed."
N/A10231"[english]Attrib_ElectricalAirblast" "Alt-Fire: -15 ammo, destroy projectiles"
1023210232"Attrib_Particle29" "폭풍우"
1023310233"[english]Attrib_Particle29" "Stormy Storm"
1023410234"Attrib_Particle30" "폭풍설"
1155811558"TF_ManMelter" "인간 융해 장치"
1155911559"[english]TF_ManMelter" "The Manmelter"
1156011560"TF_ManMelter_Desc" "이 장비는 인간 신체를 이루는 분자들이 '정해진' 방식대로 배열되어 있어야 한다는 과학적 합의을 비웃는 장비입니다. 그러니까, 그 분자들이 1 평방 마일에 걸쳐 어질러져 있지 말아야 한다는 거죠."
11561N/A"[english]TF_ManMelter_Desc" "Being a device that flouts conventional scientific consensus that the molecules composing the human body must be arranged \"just so\", and not, for example, across a square-mile radius."
N/A11561"[english]TF_ManMelter_Desc" "This weapon will reload automatically when not active.\n\nBeing a device that flouts conventional scientific consensus that the molecules composing the human body must be arranged \"just so\", and not, for example, across a square-mile radius."
1156211562"TF_Bubble_Helmet" "방울 담뱃대"
1156311563"[english]TF_Bubble_Helmet" "The Bubble Pipe"
1156411564"TF_Bubble_Helmet_Desc" "홀란드 남작부터 웰링턴 공작에 이르는 모든 위대한 과학자들의 인도주의적 목표를 달성하는 발명품으로 진정한 신사들이 우주에서 파이프 담배를 피울 수 있도록 합니다."
1181211812"Attrib_AirblastDisabled" "압축 공기 분사 사용 불가"
1181311813"[english]Attrib_AirblastDisabled" "No airblast"
1181411814"Attrib_SubtractVictimCloakOnHit" "적중 시, 희생자의 은폐 에너지 %s1% 감소"
11815N/A"[english]Attrib_SubtractVictimCloakOnHit" "On Hit: Victim loses %s1% cloak"
N/A11815"[english]Attrib_SubtractVictimCloakOnHit" "On Hit: Victim loses up to %s1% cloak"
1181611816"Attrib_SubtractVictimMedigunChargeOnHit" "적중 시, 희생자의 메디 건 충전율 %s1% 감소"
11817N/A"[english]Attrib_SubtractVictimMedigunChargeOnHit" "On Hit: Victim loses %s1% Medigun charge"
N/A11817"[english]Attrib_SubtractVictimMedigunChargeOnHit" "On Hit: Victim loses up to %s1% Medigun charge"
1181811818"Attrib_RevealCloakedVictimOnHit" "스파이 적중 시, 은폐 상태의 스파이가 보입니다"
1181911819"[english]Attrib_RevealCloakedVictimOnHit" "On Hit Spy: Reveal cloaked Spy"
1182011820"Attrib_RevealDisguisedVictimOnHit" "스파이 적중 시, 변장하고 있는 스파이의 정체를 밝혀냅니다."
1183611836"Attrib_CritForcesLaugh" "치명타는 상대를 웃도록 만듭니다."
1183711837"[english]Attrib_CritForcesLaugh" "Critical hit forces victim to laugh"
1183811838"Attrib_MeltsInFire" "불에 닿으면 %s1 초 동안 사용할 수 없습니다"
11839N/A"[english]Attrib_MeltsInFire" "Melts in fire, regenerates after %s1 seconds"
N/A11839"[english]Attrib_MeltsInFire" "Melts in fire, regenerates in %s1 seconds and by picking up ammo"
1184011840"Attrib_BecomeFireproofOnHitByFire" "불에 닿았을 경우, %s1 초 동안은 불이 붙지 않습니다."
11841N/A"[english]Attrib_BecomeFireproofOnHitByFire" "On Hit by Fire: Become fireproof for %s1 seconds"
N/A11841"[english]Attrib_BecomeFireproofOnHitByFire" "On Hit by Fire: Fireproof for 1 second and Afterburn immunity for %s1 seconds"
1184211842"Attrib_CritFromBehind" "뒤에서 공격하면 항상 치명타가 들어갑니다."
1184311843"[english]Attrib_CritFromBehind" "Always critical hit from behind"
1184411844"Attrib_CritDoesNoDamage" "치명타는 피해를 입히지 않습니다."
1243312433"[english]Attrib_AimingKnockbackResistance" "Knockback reduced by %s1% when aiming"
1243412434"Attrib_SniperAimingMoveSpeed_Decreased" "조준 시 이동 속도 %s1% 감소"
1243512435"[english]Attrib_SniperAimingMoveSpeed_Decreased" "%s1% slower move speed when aiming"
12436N/A"TF_CozyCamper" "편리한 야영 장비"
N/A12436"TF_CozyCamper" "안락한 야영 장비"
1243712437"[english]TF_CozyCamper" "The Cozy Camper"
1243812438"TF_CozyCamper_Desc" ""
1243912439"[english]TF_CozyCamper_Desc" ""
1279612796"TF_ScorchShot" "그슬린 한 방"
1279712797"[english]TF_ScorchShot" "The Scorch Shot"
1279812798"TF_ScorchShot_Desc" ""
12799N/A"[english]TF_ScorchShot_Desc" ""
N/A12799"[english]TF_ScorchShot_Desc" "This weapon will reload automatically when not active."
1280012800"TF_Rainblower" "무지개 뿌리개"
1280112801"[english]TF_Rainblower" "The Rainblower"
1280212802"TF_Rainblower_Desc" "여러분의 친구(적)들은 이 반짝이는 무지개(화끈한 불길)로 뒤덮힐 때 기뻐(불에 타 고통스러워) 죽을 듯이 소리칠 겁니다. (파이로 시야경 장착)"
1305013050"Attrib_SelfMarkForDeath" "무기를 들고 있거나 다른 무기로 막 바꾸었을 때 죽음의 표식이 새겨짐"
1305113051"[english]Attrib_SelfMarkForDeath" "You are marked for death while active, and for short period after switching weapons"
1305213052"Attrib_FlaregunPelletsWithKnockback" "적을 맞히면 적을 밀쳐냅니다.\n또한 그 주변에 매우 가까이 있는 적들을 불태웁니다."
13053N/A"[english]Attrib_FlaregunPelletsWithKnockback" "Flare knocks back target on hit\nand ignites enemies in a small radius"
N/A13053"[english]Attrib_FlaregunPelletsWithKnockback" "Flare knocks back target on hit\nand explodes when it hits the ground.\nIncreased knock back on burning players"
1305413054"Attrib_CanOverload" "과다 장전할 경우 불발의 원인이 됩니다."
1305513055"[english]Attrib_CanOverload" "Overloading the chamber will cause a misfire"
1305613056"Attrib_HypeOnDamage" "적중 시, 추진력이 늘어납니다.\n추진력에 따라 이동 속도가 증가합니다."
1339013390"Attrib_Sapper_Health_Penalty" "전자 교란기 내구도 %s1% 감소"
1339113391"[english]Attrib_Sapper_Health_Penalty" "%s1% sapper health penalty"
1339213392"Attrib_Ring_Of_Fire_While_Aiming" "총열 회전 시 불의 고리 생성"
13393N/A"[english]Attrib_Ring_Of_Fire_While_Aiming" "Sustains a ring of flames while deployed"
N/A13393"[english]Attrib_Ring_Of_Fire_While_Aiming" "Creates a ring of flames while spun up"
1339413394"Attrib_Uses_Ammo_While_Aiming" "총열 회전 시 초당 %s1 탄약 소모"
13395N/A"[english]Attrib_Uses_Ammo_While_Aiming" "%s1 ammo consumed per second while deployed"
N/A13395"[english]Attrib_Uses_Ammo_While_Aiming" "Consumes an additional %s1 ammo per second while spun up"
1339613396"Attrib_Sapper_Degenerates_Buildings" "적 구조물의 건설 상태를 역행시킵니다."
1339713397"[english]Attrib_Sapper_Degenerates_Buildings" "Reverses enemy building construction"
1339813398"Attrib_Cleaver_Description" "적에게 이 식칼을 던져서 피를 흘리도록 하십시오!\n장거리 피격 시 소형 치명타 발생."
1659516595"TF_Tool_WinterKey2012_Nice_Desc" "2012년형 착한 겨울 보급 상자를 여는 데 사용됩니다.\n이 열쇠는 못된 겨울 보급 상자를 열지 못합니다.\n\n2013년 1월 3일 이후에는 일반 열쇠로 바뀝니다."
1659616596"[english]TF_Tool_WinterKey2012_Nice_Desc" "Used to open Nice Winter Crate 2012.\nThis key will not open Naughty crates.\n\nAfter 1/3/2013 this will turn into a normal key."
1659716597"Attrib_Medigun_Resists" "장전 단추를 누르면 피해 저항 유형을 선택할 수 있습니다.\n치료하는 동안 치료자와 치료대상은 선택된 저항 유형에 해당하는 피해에 10%만큼의 저항력을 얻습니다."
16598N/A"[english]Attrib_Medigun_Resists" "Press your reload key to cycle through resist types.\nWhile healing, provides you and your target with a constant 10% resistance to the selected damage type."
N/A16598"[english]Attrib_Medigun_Resists" "Press your reload key to cycle through resist types.\nWhile healing, provides you and your target with a constant 10% resistance to the selected damage type.\nYou are healed for 10% of the matched incoming damage on your patient."
1659916599"Attrib_SoldierBackpackRange" "유효 범위 %s1% 증가"
1660016600"[english]Attrib_SoldierBackpackRange" "Effect Radius +%s1%"
1660116601"Attrib_LifeleechOnDamage" "생명력 흡수 %s1%"
1662916629"Attrib_MeleeCleaveAttack" "베어가르기"
1663016630"[english]Attrib_MeleeCleaveAttack" "Cleave Attack"
1663116631"Attrib_Sentry_Build_Rate" "센트리 건설 속도 %s1% 증가"
16632N/A"[english]Attrib_Sentry_Build_Rate" "Increases sentry build speed by %s1%."
N/A16632"[english]Attrib_Sentry_Build_Rate" "Sentry build speed increased by %s1%"
1663316633"Attrib_Teleporter_Build_Rate" "텔레포터 건설 속도 %s1% 증가"
1663416634"[english]Attrib_Teleporter_Build_Rate" "Increases teleporter build speed by %s1%."
1663516635"Attrib_Grenade_Launcher_Mortar_Mode" "포탄은 1초 동안 타는 도화선을 지녔습니다. 발사 단추를 누르고 있으면 미리 도화선을 태워 포탄이 더 빨리 폭발하도록 조절할 수 있습니다."
1663916639"Attrib_Grenade_Damage_Reduction_On_World_Contact" "표면 접촉 시 %s1% 피해"
1664016640"[english]Attrib_Grenade_Damage_Reduction_On_World_Contact" "%s1% damage on contact with surfaces"
1664116641"Attrib_Building_Telporting_PickUp" "보조기능: 금속을 소모하여 멀리 떨어진 구조물을 주워옵니다."
16642N/A"[english]Attrib_Building_Telporting_PickUp" "Alt-Fire: Use metal to pick up buildings from long range"
N/A16642"[english]Attrib_Building_Telporting_PickUp" "Alt-Fire: Use %s1 metal to pick up your targeted building from long range"
1664316643"Attrib_EngineerBuildingRescueRage" "피해를 입힐 때마다 구조물 구조 에너지를 충전합니다."
1664416644"[english]Attrib_EngineerBuildingRescueRage" "Generate building rescue energy on damage"
1664516645"Attrib_MarkedForDeathOnBuildingPickup" "구조물을 들고 있으면 죽음의 표식이 새겨집니다."
16646N/A"[english]Attrib_MarkedForDeathOnBuildingPickup" "Self mark for death on building pick up"
N/A16646"[english]Attrib_MarkedForDeathOnBuildingPickup" "Self mark for death when hauling buildings"
1664716647"Attrib_ArrowHealsBuildings" "아군 구조물을 수리할 수 있는 특수한 발사체를 발사합니다."
1664816648"[english]Attrib_ArrowHealsBuildings" "Fires a special bolt that can repair friendly buildings"
1664916649"Attrib_Cannonball_Push_Back" "포탄은 접촉한 플레이어를 밀어냅니다."
1665516655"TF_Unique_MediGun_Resist" "예방접종기"
1665616656"[english]TF_Unique_MediGun_Resist" "The Vaccinator"
1665716657"TF_Unique_MediGun_Resist_Desc" "우버차지를 발동시키면 선택된 저항 유형에 해당하는 피해에 75%만큼의 저항력을 부여합니다. 치료자는 치료대상이 입는 피해의 25%만큼 체력이 회복됩니다."
16658N/A"[english]TF_Unique_MediGun_Resist_Desc" "ÜberCharge provides 75% resistance to a selected damage type. You are healed for 25% of the matched incoming damage on your heal target."
N/A16658"[english]TF_Unique_MediGun_Resist_Desc" "ÜberCharge provides a 2.5 second resistance bubble that blocks 75% base damage and 100% crit damage of the selected type to the Medic and Patient."
1665916659"Store_Nope" "아니"
1666016660"[english]Store_Nope" "Nope"
1666116661"Store_ConfirmStampDonationAddTitle" "커뮤니티 맵 제작자를 지원하시겠습니까?"
1794617946"standin_cap_C" "C 지점, 제어실"
1794717947"[english]standin_cap_C" "cap C, the Control Room"
1794817948"GetKey" "열쇠 보기"
17949N/A"[english]GetKey" "Get key"
N/A17949"[english]GetKey" "Get a key"
1795017950"TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapProcess" "이상한 여과기: Process (커뮤니티)"
1795117951"[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapProcess" "Strange Filter: Process (Community)"
1795217952"TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapProcess_Desc" "이상한 품질의 무기에 이 이상한 여과기를 덧붙이고 원하는 점수를 고르면 해당 무기로 Process 맵에서 세운 그 점수를 기록하게 됩니다."
1805218052"Attrib_AirBlastVulnerabilityMultipier" "압축 공기 분사에 %s1% 더 취약해짐"
1805318053"[english]Attrib_AirBlastVulnerabilityMultipier" "+%s1% increased airblast vulnerability"
1805418054"Attrib_HealingReceivedBonus" "장착 시 치료량 %s1% 증가"
18055N/A"[english]Attrib_HealingReceivedBonus" "+%s1% bonus healing while deployed."
N/A18055"[english]Attrib_HealingReceivedBonus" "+%s1% bonus healing from all sources"
1805618056"Attrib_AfterburnImmunity" "화상 면역"
1805718057"[english]Attrib_AfterburnImmunity" "Immune to the effects of afterburn."
1805818058"Attrib_TauntParticles" "도발 시 추가 효과 발생"
1862818628"NewItemMethod_RecipeOutput" "조합법의 결과물:"
18629N/A"[english]NewItemMethod_RecipeOutput" "You Received from a Recipe:"
N/A18629"[english]NewItemMethod_RecipeOutput" "You �Received from a Recipe�:"
1863018630"TransmogrifyUpgradeApplyConfirm" "정말로 본 아이템을 변환하겠습니까?l\n해당 아이템은 없어지고 %output_class% 전용의\n새로운 아이템으로 변경됩니다."
1863118631"[english]TransmogrifyUpgradeApplyConfirm" "Are you sure you want to transmogrify this item? This will\ndestroy the current item and replace it with a new item\nthat the %output_class% class can use."
1863218632"SpellbookPageApplyConfirm" "정말로 본 낱장을 이 주문서에 넣으시겠습니까?\n주문서를 개선하면\n본 낱장은 사라집니다."
2010120101"TF_Quickplay_DamageSpread" "피해량 변화"
2010220102"[english]TF_Quickplay_DamageSpread" "Damage spread"
2010320103"TF_Quickplay_DamageSpread_Default" "활성화 (기본)"
20104N/A"[english]TF_Quickplay_DamageSpread_Default" "Enabled (default)"
N/A20104"[english]TF_Quickplay_DamageSpread_Default" "Disabled (default)"
2010520105"TF_Quickplay_DamageSpread_Disabled" "비활성화"
2010620106"[english]TF_Quickplay_DamageSpread_Disabled" "Disabled"
2010720107"TF_Quickplay_DamageSpread_Disabled_Summary" "피해량 변화 없음"
2012220122"[english]TF_sbox2014_trenchers_tunic" "The Trencher's Tunic"
2012320123"TF_sbox2014_soldier_major" "지상 관제"
2012420124"[english]TF_sbox2014_soldier_major" "Ground Control"
20125N/A"TF_sbox2014_killers_kit" "죽여주는 장비"
N/A20125"TF_sbox2014_killers_kit" "죽이는 자의 장비"
2012620126"[english]TF_sbox2014_killers_kit" "The Killer's Kit"
2012720127"TF_sbox2014_stylish_degroot" "개성적인 디그룻"
2012820128"[english]TF_sbox2014_stylish_degroot" "Stylish DeGroot"
2073320733"Attrib_SniperIndependentZoom" "조준경 사용 여부는 충전에 영향이 없습니다."
2073420734"[english]Attrib_SniperIndependentZoom" "Zoom does not affect charge"
2073520735"Attrib_KillsRefillMeter" "돌격 중 처치 시 돌격 충전량을 %s1% 재충전."
20736N/A"[english]Attrib_KillsRefillMeter" "Kills while charging refill %s1% of your charge meter."
N/A20736"[english]Attrib_KillsRefillMeter" "Melee kills refill %s1% of your charge meter."
2073720737"Attrib_AirControl" "공중 제어력 %s1% 증가"
2073820738"[english]Attrib_AirControl" "%s1% increased air control."
2073920739"Attrib_HypeDecays" "폭주는 시간이 지나면서 감소합니다."
2077520775"TF_TideTurner" "조류 조타기"
2077620776"[english]TF_TideTurner" "The Tide Turner"
2077720777"TF_TideTurner_Desc" ""
20778N/A"[english]TF_TideTurner_Desc" ""
N/A20778"[english]TF_TideTurner_Desc" "Alt-Fire: Charge toward your enemies.\nGain a critical melee strike after impacting an enemy at distance."
2077920779"TF_Weapon_BreadBite" "빵으로 물기"
2078020780"[english]TF_Weapon_BreadBite" "The Bread Bite"
2078120781"TF_Weapon_BreadBite_Desc" "팀포2 동영상 'Expiration Date'에서 영감을 받아 제작되었습니다."
2155121551"TF_Welcome_eotl_launch" "환영합니다"
2155221552"[english]TF_Welcome_eotl_launch" "Welcome"
2155321553"TF_Weapon_Wrench_Desc" "타격 시 아군 구조물의 건설, 개선, 수리 속도가 향상됩니다."
21554N/A"[english]TF_Weapon_Wrench_Desc" "Speeds up construction, upgrades, and repairs friendly buildings on hit"
N/A21554"[english]TF_Weapon_Wrench_Desc" "Upgrades, repairs and speeds up construction of friendly buildings on hit"
2155521555"TF_Wearable_Shorts" "짧은 바지"
2155621556"[english]TF_Wearable_Shorts" "Shorts"
2155721557"TF_Wearable_Sweater" "스웨터"
2176521765"Context_Trade" "다른 플레이어와 거래"
2176621766"[english]Context_Trade" "Trade to Another Player"
2176721767"Context_MarketPlaceSell" "Steam 장터에서 팔기"
21768N/A"[english]Context_MarketPlaceSell" "Sell on Steam Marketplace"
N/A21768"[english]Context_MarketPlaceSell" "Sell on Steam Community Market"
2176921769"Context_Delete" "삭제"
2177021770"[english]Context_Delete" "Delete"
2177121771"TF_TauntPyroPoolParty" "도발: 수영장 놀이"
2180421804"[english]TF_EOTL_thermal_sleeves" "Thermal Tracker"
2180521805"TF_EOTL_soldierhat" "콘도르 모자"
2180621806"[english]TF_EOTL_soldierhat" "Condor Cap"
21807N/A"TF_EOTL_demopants" "또 도박 두는 데모맨의 바지"
N/A21807"TF_EOTL_demopants" "대담하게 두 배로 도전하여 되갚는 데모맨의 바지"
2180821808"[english]TF_EOTL_demopants" "Double Dog Dare Demo Pants"
2180921809"TF_EOTL_ursa_major" "시베리아에서 민소매"
2181021810"[english]TF_EOTL_ursa_major" "Sleeveless in Siberia"
2197221972"[english]TF_dec2014_engineer_detectiveradio" "Cop Caller"
2197321973"TF_dec2014_engineer_detectiveglasses" "코내거의 빗어 넘긴 머리"
2197421974"[english]TF_dec2014_engineer_detectiveglasses" "Conagher's Combover"
N/A21975"TF_dec2014_engineer_seal" "물개 (사냥) 동호회"
N/A21976"[english]TF_dec2014_engineer_seal" "Clubsy The Seal"
2197521977"TF_dec2014_medic_unknown_mann" "이름만 없는 용사"
2197621978"[english]TF_dec2014_medic_unknown_mann" "Unknown Mann"
2197721979"TF_dec2014_surgeons_shako" "군의관의 샤코 모자"
2225622258"[english]TF_Medal_TipOfTheHats2015_Desc" "Awarded to those who contributed to or participated in the Tip of the Hats charity event"
2225722259"TF_Scout_Hat_1_style2" "모자 없음"
2225822260"[english]TF_Scout_Hat_1_style2" "No Hat"
N/A22261"ItemHistory_Action_GenericAdd" "추가됨"
N/A22262"[english]ItemHistory_Action_GenericAdd" "Added"
N/A22263"ItemHistory_Action_GenericRemove" "제거 및 수정됨"
N/A22264"[english]ItemHistory_Action_GenericRemove" "Removed or modified"
N/A22265"ItemHistory_Action_Traded" "거래됨"
N/A22266"[english]ItemHistory_Action_Traded" "Traded"
N/A22267"ItemHistory_Action_Delete" "삭제했습니다."
N/A22268"[english]ItemHistory_Action_Delete" "You deleted this"
N/A22269"ItemHistory_Action_Banned" "차단됨"
N/A22270"[english]ItemHistory_Action_Banned" "Banned"
N/A22271"ItemHistory_Action_CraftDestroy" "제작에 사용됨"
N/A22272"[english]ItemHistory_Action_CraftDestroy" "Used in crafting"
N/A22273"ItemHistory_Action_LimitExceeded" "배낭칸 초과로 인하여 파괴됨"
N/A22274"[english]ItemHistory_Action_LimitExceeded" "Destroyed by backpack limit"
N/A22275"ItemHistory_Action_SupportDelete" "Steam 고객지원에서 삭제함"
N/A22276"[english]ItemHistory_Action_SupportDelete" "Deleted by Steam Support"
N/A22277"ItemHistory_Action_SupportDeletedByUndo" "Steam 고객지원에서 삭제함"
N/A22278"[english]ItemHistory_Action_SupportDeletedByUndo" "Deleted by Steam Support"
N/A22279"ItemHistory_Action_NameChanged_Remove" "이름 변경됨"
N/A22280"[english]ItemHistory_Action_NameChanged_Remove" "Name changed"
N/A22281"ItemHistory_Action_UnlockCrate_Remove" "상자를 여는데 사용함"
N/A22282"[english]ItemHistory_Action_UnlockCrate_Remove" "Used to unlock crate"
N/A22283"ItemHistory_Action_PaintItem_Remove" "아이템 색칠됨"
N/A22284"[english]ItemHistory_Action_PaintItem_Remove" "Item painted"
N/A22285"ItemHistory_Action_CustomizeItemTexture_Remove" "텍스처가 맞춤 변형됨"
N/A22286"[english]ItemHistory_Action_CustomizeItemTexture_Remove" "Texture customized"
N/A22287"ItemHistory_Action_ItemTraded_Remove" "거래됨"
N/A22288"[english]ItemHistory_Action_ItemTraded_Remove" "Traded"
N/A22289"ItemHistory_Action_UseItem" "사용됨"
N/A22290"[english]ItemHistory_Action_UseItem" "Used"
N/A22291"ItemHistory_Action_SupportRename_Remove" "Steam 고객지원에서 이름 변경함"
N/A22292"[english]ItemHistory_Action_SupportRename_Remove" "Renamed by Steam Support"
N/A22293"ItemHistory_Action_SupportDescribe_Remove" "Steam 고객지원에서 맞춤 설명을 추가함"
N/A22294"[english]ItemHistory_Action_SupportDescribe_Remove" "Custom description added by Steam Support"
N/A22295"ItemHistory_Action_SupportStrangify_Remove" "Steam 고객지원에서 이상한 품질로 변경한 아이템"
N/A22296"[english]ItemHistory_Action_SupportStrangify_Remove" "Steam Support Strangified item"
N/A22297"ItemHistory_Action_UnpackItemBundle" "개봉됨"
N/A22298"[english]ItemHistory_Action_UnpackItemBundle" "Unpacked"
N/A22299"ItemHistory_Action_Unpurchase" "환불됨"
N/A22300"[english]ItemHistory_Action_Unpurchase" "Refunded"
N/A22301"ItemHistory_Action_RemoveItemName_Remove" "맞춤 이름 지워짐"
N/A22302"[english]ItemHistory_Action_RemoveItemName_Remove" "Custom name removed"
N/A22303"ItemHistory_Action_RemoveItemPaint_Remove" "색칠 제거됨"
N/A22304"[english]ItemHistory_Action_RemoveItemPaint_Remove" "Paint removed"
N/A22305"ItemHistory_Action_GiftWrap_Remove" "선물 포장됨"
N/A22306"[english]ItemHistory_Action_GiftWrap_Remove" "Gift wrapped"
N/A22307"ItemHistory_Action_GiftDelivery_Remove" "선물 발송됨"
N/A22308"[english]ItemHistory_Action_GiftDelivery_Remove" "Gift sent"
N/A22309"ItemHistory_Action_GiftUnwrap_Remove" "선물 개봉됨"
N/A22310"[english]ItemHistory_Action_GiftUnwrap_Remove" "Unwrapped"
N/A22311"ItemHistory_Action_PackageItem_Revoked" "구매 철회됨"
N/A22312"[english]ItemHistory_Action_PackageItem_Revoked" "Revoked"
N/A22313"ItemHistory_Action_VACBanned_Remove" "VAC 차단으로 인해 삭제됨"
N/A22314"[english]ItemHistory_Action_VACBanned_Remove" "Deleted due to VAC ban"
N/A22315"ItemHistory_Action_UpgradeThirdPartyPromo" "제3자 판촉물 개선"
N/A22316"[english]ItemHistory_Action_UpgradeThirdPartyPromo" "Third-party promo upgrade"
N/A22317"ItemHistory_Action_Expired" "만료됨"
N/A22318"[english]ItemHistory_Action_Expired" "Expired"
N/A22319"ItemHistory_Action_RemoveItemCraftIndex_Remove" "제작 지수 제거에 따라 제거됨"
N/A22320"[english]ItemHistory_Action_RemoveItemCraftIndex_Remove" "Removed by craft index removal"
N/A22321"ItemHistory_Action_RemoveItemKillStreak_Remove" "연속 처치 제거에 의해 삭제됨"
N/A22322"[english]ItemHistory_Action_RemoveItemKillStreak_Remove" "Removed by Killstreak removal"
N/A22323"ItemHistory_Action_TradeRollback_Remove" "거래를 되돌렸음"
N/A22324"[english]ItemHistory_Action_TradeRollback_Remove" "Trade was rolled back"
N/A22325"ItemHistory_Action_CollectItem_RemoveCollection" "이전 수집 아이템 제거"
N/A22326"[english]ItemHistory_Action_CollectItem_RemoveCollection" "Removed old collection item"
N/A22327"ItemHistory_Action_CollectItem_CollectedItem" "수집 아이템에 추가됨"
N/A22328"[english]ItemHistory_Action_CollectItem_CollectedItem" "Added to a collection"
N/A22329"ItemHistory_Action_EconSetUnowned" "거래됨"
N/A22330"[english]ItemHistory_Action_EconSetUnowned" "Traded"
N/A22331"ItemHistory_Action_StrangePartApply_Remove" "이상한 부품 적용 시 제거됨"
N/A22332"[english]ItemHistory_Action_StrangePartApply_Remove" "Removed when applying Strange Part"
N/A22333"ItemHistory_Action_StrangeScoreReset_Remove" "이상한 점수 초기화함"
N/A22334"[english]ItemHistory_Action_StrangeScoreReset_Remove" "Strange score reset"
N/A22335"ItemHistory_Action_StrangePartRemove_Remove" "이상한 부품을 제거할 때 삭제됨"
N/A22336"[english]ItemHistory_Action_StrangePartRemove_Remove" "Removed when removing Strange Part"
N/A22337"ItemHistory_Action_Transmogrify_Remove" "아이템 변환에 사용됨"
N/A22338"[english]ItemHistory_Action_Transmogrify_Remove" "Used to Transmogrify"
N/A22339"ItemHistory_Action_HalloweenSpellPageAdd_Remove" "주문서 쪽 추가에 사용됨"
N/A22340"[english]ItemHistory_Action_HalloweenSpellPageAdd_Remove" "Used to add Spell Page"
N/A22341"ItemHistory_Action_MvM_ChallengeCompleted_RemoveTicket" "MvM 복무에 사용됨"
N/A22342"[english]ItemHistory_Action_MvM_ChallengeCompleted_RemoveTicket" "MvM ticket used"
N/A22343"ItemHistory_Action_MvM_UpdateBadgeStamps_Remove" "증표 아이템 갱신됨"
N/A22344"[english]ItemHistory_Action_MvM_UpdateBadgeStamps_Remove" "Updated badge item"
N/A22345"ItemHistory_Action_MvM_RemoveSquadSurplusVoucher" "사용됨"
N/A22346"[english]ItemHistory_Action_MvM_RemoveSquadSurplusVoucher" "Used"
N/A22347"ItemHistory_Action_Halloween_UpdateMerasmusLootLevel_Remove" "메라즈무스 보상 단계 갱신에 사용됨"
N/A22348"[english]ItemHistory_Action_Halloween_UpdateMerasmusLootLevel_Remove" "Used to update Merasmus loot level"
N/A22349"ItemHistory_Action_StrangifyItem_Remove" "이상한 품질 제작에 사용됨"
N/A22350"[english]ItemHistory_Action_StrangifyItem_Remove" "Used to Strangify item"
N/A22351"ItemHistory_Action_ConsumeItem_Consume_ToolRemove" "조합법 재료로 사용됨"
N/A22352"[english]ItemHistory_Action_ConsumeItem_Consume_ToolRemove" "Used as input to recipe"
N/A22353"ItemHistory_Action_ConsumeItem_Consume_InputRemove" "조합법 재료로 사용됨"
N/A22354"[english]ItemHistory_Action_ConsumeItem_Consume_InputRemove" "Used as input to recipe"
N/A22355"ItemHistory_Action_ConsumeItem_Complete_ToolRemove" "조합법 완성에 사용됨"
N/A22356"[english]ItemHistory_Action_ConsumeItem_Complete_ToolRemove" "Used to complete recipe"
N/A22357"ItemHistory_Action_SupportAddOrModifyAttribute_Remove" "Steam 고객지원에서 수정함"
N/A22358"[english]ItemHistory_Action_SupportAddOrModifyAttribute_Remove" "Modified by Steam Support"
N/A22359"ItemHistory_Action_PreviewItem_EndPreviewPeriodExpired" "체험 기간 만료"
N/A22360"[english]ItemHistory_Action_PreviewItem_EndPreviewPeriodExpired" "Preview period ended"
N/A22361"ItemHistory_Action_PreviewItem_EndPreviewPeriodItemBought" "구매 후 체험용 아이템 제거됨"
N/A22362"[english]ItemHistory_Action_PreviewItem_EndPreviewPeriodItemBought" "Preview item removed after purchase"
N/A22363"ItemHistory_Action__UpdateDuckBadgeLevel_Remove" "오리 일지 단계 갱신에 사용됨"
N/A22364"[english]ItemHistory_Action__UpdateDuckBadgeLevel_Remove" "Used to update Duck Journal level"
N/A22365"ItemHistory_Action_Market_Remove" "Steam 장터에 등록됨"
N/A22366"[english]ItemHistory_Action_Market_Remove" "Listed on the Steam Community Market"
N/A22367"ItemHistory_ItemIsInInventory" "보관함에 있음"
N/A22368"[english]ItemHistory_ItemIsInInventory" "In your inventory"
N/A22369"TF_PublishFile_kInvalidMapName" "잘못된 맵 이름입니다. 맵 이름은 반드시 소문자이고 cp_foo.bsp 같은 형식이어야 합니다."
N/A22370"[english]TF_PublishFile_kInvalidMapName" "Invalid name for map. Map names must be lowercase and of the form cp_foo.bsp"
N/A22371"TF_SteamWorkshop_AcceptableFilesMaps" "맵 파일 (*.bsp)"
N/A22372"[english]TF_SteamWorkshop_AcceptableFilesMaps" "Map Files (*.bsp)"
N/A22373"TF_SteamWorkshop_Tag_Night" "밤"
N/A22374"[english]TF_SteamWorkshop_Tag_Night" "Night"
N/A22375"TF_SteamWorkshop_Tag_Smissmas" "스미스마스"
N/A22376"[english]TF_SteamWorkshop_Tag_Smissmas" "Smissmas"
N/A22377"TF_SteamWorkshop_Tag_CTF" "깃발 탈취전"
N/A22378"[english]TF_SteamWorkshop_Tag_CTF" "Capture the Flag"
N/A22379"TF_SteamWorkshop_Tag_CP" "지점 점령"
N/A22380"[english]TF_SteamWorkshop_Tag_CP" "Control Points"
N/A22381"TF_SteamWorkshop_Tag_Escort" "수레 밀기"
N/A22382"[english]TF_SteamWorkshop_Tag_Escort" "Payload"
N/A22383"TF_SteamWorkshop_Tag_Arena" "아레나"
N/A22384"[english]TF_SteamWorkshop_Tag_Arena" "Arena"
N/A22385"TF_SteamWorkshop_Tag_EscortRace" "수레 경주"
N/A22386"[english]TF_SteamWorkshop_Tag_EscortRace" "Payload Race"
N/A22387"TF_SteamWorkshop_Tag_Koth" "언덕의 왕"
N/A22388"[english]TF_SteamWorkshop_Tag_Koth" "King of the Hill"
N/A22389"TF_SteamWorkshop_Tag_AttackDefense" "공격 및 수비"
N/A22390"[english]TF_SteamWorkshop_Tag_AttackDefense" "Attack / Defense"
N/A22391"TF_SteamWorkshop_Tag_Specialty" "특수"
N/A22392"[english]TF_SteamWorkshop_Tag_Specialty" "Specialty"
N/A22393"TF_SteamWorkshop_Tag_SD" "특별 배달"
N/A22394"[english]TF_SteamWorkshop_Tag_SD" "Special Delivery"
N/A22395"TF_SteamWorkshop_Tag_RobotDestruction" "로봇 파괴"
N/A22396"[english]TF_SteamWorkshop_Tag_RobotDestruction" "Robot Destruction"
N/A22397"TF_SteamWorkshop_Tag_MVM" "Mann 대 기계"
N/A22398"[english]TF_SteamWorkshop_Tag_MVM" "Mann vs. Machine"
N/A22399"TF_SteamWorkshop_Tag_Powerup" "인력충만"
N/A22400"[english]TF_SteamWorkshop_Tag_Powerup" "Mannpower"
N/A22401"TF_SteamWorkshop_Tag_Medieval" "중세 모드"
N/A22402"[english]TF_SteamWorkshop_Tag_Medieval" "Medieval"
N/A22403"TF_PublishFile_Maps" "맵..."
N/A22404"[english]TF_PublishFile_Maps" "Maps..."
N/A22405"TF_PublishFile_Other" "기타..."
N/A22406"[english]TF_PublishFile_Other" "Other..."
N/A22407"TF_PublishFile_Cosmetics" "장식..."
N/A22408"[english]TF_PublishFile_Cosmetics" "Cosmetics..."
N/A22409"TF_PublishFile_kFailedToPrepareFile" "맵을 준비하지 못했습니다! 유효한 BSP가 선택되었는지 확인해주십시오."
N/A22410"[english]TF_PublishFile_kFailedToPrepareFile" "Failed to prepare map! Ensure you have selected a valid BSP."
N/A22411"TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL13_6v6_Premier_Division_First_Place" "OWL 제13회 최강자전 디비전 1위"
N/A22412"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL13_6v6_Premier_Division_First_Place" "OWL 13 Premier Division First Place"
N/A22413"TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL13_6v6_Premier_Division_Second_Place" "OWL 제13회 최강자전 디비전 2위"
N/A22414"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL13_6v6_Premier_Division_Second_Place" "OWL 13 Premier Division Second Place"
N/A22415"TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL13_6v6_Premier_Division_Third_Place" "OWL 제13회 최강자전 디비전 3위"
N/A22416"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL13_6v6_Premier_Division_Third_Place" "OWL 13 Premier Division Third Place"
N/A22417"TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL13_6v6_Premier_Division_Participant" "OWL 제13회 최강자전 디비전 참가상"
N/A22418"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL13_6v6_Premier_Division_Participant" "OWL 13 Premier Division Participant"
N/A22419"TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL13_6v6_Division2_First_Place" "OWL 제13회 디비전 제2차 1위"
N/A22420"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL13_6v6_Division2_First_Place" "OWL 13 Division 2 First Place"
N/A22421"TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL13_6v6_Division2_Second_Place" "OWL 제13회 디비전 제2차 2위"
N/A22422"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL13_6v6_Division2_Second_Place" "OWL 13 Division 2 Second Place"
N/A22423"TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL13_6v6_Division2_Third_Place" "OWL 제13회 디비전 제2차 3위"
N/A22424"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL13_6v6_Division2_Third_Place" "OWL 13 Division 2 Third Place"
N/A22425"TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL13_6v6_Division2_Participant" "OWL 제13회 디비전 제2차 참가상"
N/A22426"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL13_6v6_Division2_Participant" "OWL 13 Division 2 Participant"
N/A22427"TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL13_6v6_Division3_First_Place" "OWL 제13회 디비전 제3차 1위"
N/A22428"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL13_6v6_Division3_First_Place" "OWL 13 Division 3 First Place"
N/A22429"TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL13_6v6_Division3_Second_Place" "OWL 제13회 디비전 제3차 2위"
N/A22430"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL13_6v6_Division3_Second_Place" "OWL 13 Division 3 Second Place"
N/A22431"TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL13_6v6_Division3_Third_Place" "OWL 제13회 디비전 제3차 3위"
N/A22432"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL13_6v6_Division3_Third_Place" "OWL 13 Division 3 Third Place"
N/A22433"TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL13_6v6_Division3_Participant" "OWL 제13회 디비전 제3차 참가상"
N/A22434"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL13_6v6_Division3_Participant" "OWL 13 Division 3 Participant"
N/A22435"TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL13_6v6_Division4_First_Place" "OWL 제13회 디비전 제4차 1위"
N/A22436"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL13_6v6_Division4_First_Place" "OWL 13 Division 4 First Place"
N/A22437"TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL13_6v6_Division4_Second_Place" "OWL 제13회 디비전 제4차 2위"
N/A22438"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL13_6v6_Division4_Second_Place" "OWL 13 Division 4 Second Place"
N/A22439"TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL13_6v6_Division4_Third_Place" "OWL 제13회 디비전 제4차 3위"
N/A22440"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL13_6v6_Division4_Third_Place" "OWL 13 Division 4 Third Place"
N/A22441"TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL13_6v6_Division4_Participant" "OWL 제13회 디비전 제4차 참가상"
N/A22442"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL13_6v6_Division4_Participant" "OWL 13 Division 4 Participant"
N/A22443"TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL13_6v6_Division5_First_Place" "OWL 제13회 디비전 제5차 1위"
N/A22444"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL13_6v6_Division5_First_Place" "OWL 13 Division 5 First Place"
N/A22445"TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL13_6v6_Division5_Second_Place" "OWL 제13회 디비전 제5차 2위"
N/A22446"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL13_6v6_Division5_Second_Place" "OWL 13 Division 5 Second Place"
N/A22447"TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL13_6v6_Division5_Third_Place" "OWL 제13회 디비전 제5차 3위"
N/A22448"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL13_6v6_Division5_Third_Place" "OWL 13 Division 5 Third Place"
N/A22449"TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL13_6v6_Division5_Participant" "OWL 제13회 디비전 제5차 참가상"
N/A22450"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL13_6v6_Division5_Participant" "OWL 13 Division 5 Participant"
File info
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![]() | Do not delete this file even if it appears as 'unused' by the Special:UnusedFiles list. It is externally linked (which does not qualify as "used" by the software) and deleting it without consultation will disrupt its use. |
![]() | This media is extracted from the game Team Fortress 2. The copyright for it is held by Valve Corporation, who created the software. |
File history
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Date/Time | Dimensions | User | Comment | |
current | 23:46, 2 August 2024 | (1.26 MB) | PhoneWave (talk | contribs) | Uploaded new revision of tf_koreana.txt for August 2, 2024 Patch. |
20:04, 25 July 2024 | (1.19 MB) | PhoneWave (talk | contribs) | Uploaded new revision of tf_koreana.txt for July 25, 2024 Patch. | |
01:09, 10 January 2024 | (1.19 MB) | PhoneWave (talk | contribs) | Uploaded new revision of tf_koreana.txt for January 9, 2024 Patch. | |
19:06, 20 December 2023 | (1.12 MB) | PhoneWave (talk | contribs) | Uploaded new revision of tf_koreana.txt for December 20, 2023 Patch. | |
02:04, 19 December 2023 | (1.12 MB) | PhoneWave (talk | contribs) | Uploaded new revision of tf_koreana.txt for December 18, 2023 Patch. | |
21:06, 15 December 2023 | (1.12 MB) | PhoneWave (talk | contribs) | Uploaded new revision of tf_koreana.txt for December 15, 2023 Patch. | |
22:23, 12 July 2023 | (1.1 MB) | PhoneWave (talk | contribs) | Uploaded new revision of tf_koreana.txt for July 12, 2023 Patch. | |
18:38, 20 March 2023 | (1.1 MB) | PhoneWave (talk | contribs) | Uploaded new revision of tf_koreana.txt for March 20, 2023 Patch. | |
21:21, 1 March 2023 | (1.1 MB) | PhoneWave (talk | contribs) | Uploaded new revision of tf_koreana.txt for March 1, 2023 Patch. | |
15:15, 6 January 2023 | (1.07 MB) | PhoneWave (talk | contribs) | Uploaded new revision of tf_koreana.txt for January 5, 2023. |
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