 Stock Shotgun
Base: 60
Crit: 180
[6 damage × 10 pellets]
 Unlock Sandvich
With primary fire or taunt key, restores 300 health over about 4 seconds.
With secondary fire, throws it for another player to restore 50% health.
When thrown and then picked up, restores recharge bar.
If injured, after use it must recharge (over about 25.7 seconds or with any health pickup when at full health) to be used again.
 Promotional Robo-Sandvich
 Craft Dalokohs Bar
With primary fire or taunt key, restores 100 health over about 4 seconds
With secondary fire, throws it for another player to restore 20.5% health.
When thrown and then picked up, restores recharge bar.
Raises maximum health by 50 points for 30 seconds.
If injured, after use it must recharge (over about 10 seconds) to be used again.
If the player use when full health, the player grants 50 point of overheal.
 Promotional Fishcake
 Craft Buffalo Steak Sandvich
While active, all damage dealt is Mini-Crits.
While active, damage taken is increased by 25%.
Effects last for 15 seconds.
With secondary fire, throws it for another player to restore 50% health.
When thrown and then picked up, restores recharge bar.
After use it must recharge (over about 25.7 seconds or with any health pickup when at full health) to be used again.
While active, grants 35% faster speed movement.
While active, player can only use melee weapons.
 Craft Family Business
Base: 51
Crit: 153
[5.1 damage × 10 pellets]
+33% clip size.
+15% increased attack speed.
-15% damage done.
 Craft Panic Attack
Base: 6
Crit: 180
[6 damage × 10 pellets]
Upon pressing and holding down primary fire, the player will begin loading shells into the magazine port, and will continue to do so as long as primary fire is held down.
+50% faster reload time.
+50% faster weapon switch.
+30% faster fire rate.
Fire rate increases as health decreases.
Hold fire to load up to 4 shells.
Weapon spread increases as health decreases.
This template is meant to be used in localized versions of the Heavy article, replacing current weapon tables.
Make sure that section Template:Dictionary/common_strings#class_weapon_tables is also translated to your language.
 | This template uses translation switching. The correct language will be displayed automatically. Localized versions of this template (e.g. Template:Class weapons table heavy secondary/ru) are not necessary. Add your translations directly to this template by editing it. Supported languages for this template: cs, da, de, es, fi, fr, hu, it, ja, ko, nl, no, pl, pt, pt-br, ro, ru, sv (add)