File:Tf koreana.txt
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Revision as of 04:37, 18 December 2015 by MousseBOT (talk | contribs) (Updated tf_koreana.txt for December 17, 2015 Patch.)
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Tf_koreana.txt (file size: 1.26 MB, MIME type: text/plain)
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Recent changes
December 17, 2015 Patch (previous patches)
74017401"[english]TF_SoldierKatana_Desc" "Soldiers and Demos\nCan duel with katanas\nFor a one-hit kill"
74027402"TF_DemoKabuto" "공포의 외눈무사"
74037403"[english]TF_DemoKabuto" "Samur-Eye"
7404N/A"TF_DemoKabuto_Desc" "술꾼 데모맨\n투구 쓰자 넋잃어\n전쟁 놓치네"
N/A7404"TF_DemoKabuto_Desc" "술꾼 데모맨\n투구 쓰자 넋 잃어\n전쟁 놓치네"
74057405"[english]TF_DemoKabuto_Desc" "One-eyed Scottish drunk\nDons his helmet for battle\nBlacks out, misses war"
74067406"Gametype_AttackDefense" "공격 및 수비"
74077407"[english]Gametype_AttackDefense" "Attack / Defense"
1073710737"[english]TF_SpyGlasses_Desc" "So mysterious. So deadly. So nearsighted."
1073810738"TF_ScoutGlasses" "입체 안경"
1073910739"[english]TF_ScoutGlasses" "The Stereoscopic Shades"
10740N/A"TF_ScoutGlasses_Desc" "눈을 감으면 아군 중 한 명이 사라진다고 합니다. 그러니까 눈 감지 마세요."
N/A10740"TF_ScoutGlasses_Desc" "한쪽 눈을 감으면 한 팀은 사라집니다. 그러니 그런 짓은 하지 마세요!"
1074110741"[english]TF_ScoutGlasses_Desc" "If you close an eye, one of the teams will disappear. So don't do that."
1074210742"TF_SoldierHat2" "이름 없는 모자"
1074310743"[english]TF_SoldierHat2" "The Hat With No Name"
1109711097"[english]TF_Bundle_EngineerHalloween2011" "The Brundle Bundle Bundle"
1109811098"TF_Bundle_EngineerHalloween2011_Desc" "핼러윈을 이 아이템들로 즐겨봅시다!"
1109911099"[english]TF_Bundle_EngineerHalloween2011_Desc" "Celebrate Halloween using these items:"
11100N/A"TF_Bundle_Halloween2011" "2011년 핼러윈 복장 묶음의 묶음"
N/A11100"TF_Bundle_Halloween2011" "2011년 핼러윈 복장 꾸러미의 꾸러미"
1110111101"[english]TF_Bundle_Halloween2011" "Halloween 2011 Costume Bundle of Bundles"
1110211102"TF_Bundle_Halloween2011_Desc" "핼러윈을 이 아이템들로 즐겨봅시다!"
1110311103"[english]TF_Bundle_Halloween2011_Desc" "Celebrate Halloween using these items:"
2167921679"[english]KillEaterEvent_DucksDiscovered" "Ducks Discovered"
2168021680"KillEaterEvent_DucksCollected" "수집한 오리"
2168121681"[english]KillEaterEvent_DucksCollected" "Ducks Collected"
N/A21682"Journal_DuckBadge0" "
N/A21684"[english]Journal_DuckBadge0" ""
2168221685"Journal_DuckBadge1" "부스러기를 쫓는"
2168321686"[english]Journal_DuckBadge1" "Crumb Chasing "
2168421687"Journal_DuckBadge2" "오리 가튼"
2182521828"[english]TF_brimstone_hat" "Brimstone"
2182621829"TF_CrossingGuard" "건널목지기"
2182721830"[english]TF_CrossingGuard" "The Crossing Guard"
N/A21831"TF_CrossingGuard_Desc" "
N/A21833"[english]TF_CrossingGuard_Desc" ""
2182821834"TF_EOTL_winter_coat" "한파 외투"
2182921835"[english]TF_EOTL_winter_coat" "Cold Snap Coat"
2183021836"TF_short2014_engineer_nerd_hair_style0" "안전모 없음"
2184121847"[english]TF_WinterCrate2014_Nice_Desc" "This crate contains limited community cosmetics.\nOnly Nice Keys fit the lock.\nSome, but not all, of the items in this crate are Strange...\n\nIts contents will be limited and only come from this crate.\nAfter 2/16/2015 this crate can no longer be opened."
2184221848"TF_EOTL_medal" "선로의 끝 커뮤니티 업데이트 훈장"
2184321849"[english]TF_EOTL_medal" "End of the Line Community Update Medal"
N/A21850"TF_EOTL_medal_Desc" "
N/A21852"[english]TF_EOTL_medal_Desc" ""
2184421853"TF_Weapon_FestiveShotgun" "축제장식 산탄총"
2184521854"[english]TF_Weapon_FestiveShotgun" "Festive Shotgun"
2184621855"TF_Weapon_FestiveRevolver" "축제장식 리볼버"
2192121930"[english]Attrib_FireRateBonusWithReducedHealth" "Fire rate increases as health decreases"
2192221931"Attrib_PanicAttackNegative" "탄환 집탄도는 체력이 줄어든 만큼 줄어듭니다."
2192321932"[english]Attrib_PanicAttackNegative" "Weapon spread increases as health decreases"
N/A21933"Attrib_AutoFiresFullClipNegative" "
N/A21935"[english]Attrib_AutoFiresFullClipNegative" ""
N/A21936"Attrib_AutoFiresWhenFull" "
N/A21938"[english]Attrib_AutoFiresWhenFull" ""
2192421939"TF_Weapon_GrapplingHook" "기동 갈고리"
2192521940"[english]TF_Weapon_GrapplingHook" "Grappling Hook"
2192621941"TF_Weapon_GrapplingHook_desc" "액션 아이템 사용 단추를 누르고 유지하여\n갈고리를 빠르게 발사하십시오.\n\n6번 단추를 눌러서 전환할 수도 있으며\n공격 단추를 눌러서 수동으로 발사할 수도 있습니다.\n\nC단, 기동 갈고리는 인력충만 모드가 활성화된 서버에서만 사용이 가능합니다."
2209922114"[english]TF_Medal_6v9_Event_Desc" "Awarded to the participants of the Pubstars vs. Pros 6vs9 events"
2210022115"TF_Wearable_Holster" "권총집"
2210122116"[english]TF_Wearable_Holster" "Holster"
N/A22117"TF_tr_jungle_booty_Desc" "
N/A22119"[english]TF_tr_jungle_booty_Desc" ""
N/A22120"TF_tr_crown_of_the_old_kingdom_Desc" "
N/A22122"[english]TF_tr_crown_of_the_old_kingdom_Desc" ""
N/A22123"TF_tomb_readers_Desc" "
N/A22125"[english]TF_tomb_readers_Desc" ""
2210222126"TF_tr_bootenkhamuns" "부탕카멘"
2210322127"[english]TF_tr_bootenkhamuns" "The Bootenkhamuns"
N/A22128"TF_tr_bootenkhamuns_Desc" "
N/A22130"[english]TF_tr_bootenkhamuns_Desc" ""
2210422131"TF_tr_orions_belt" "오리온의 허리띠"
2210522132"[english]TF_tr_orions_belt" "Orion's Belt"
N/A22133"TF_tr_orions_belt_Desc" "
N/A22135"[english]TF_tr_orions_belt_Desc" ""
2210622136"TF_pocket_raiders" "호주머니 도굴꾼들"
2210722137"[english]TF_pocket_raiders" "The Pocket Raiders"
N/A22138"TF_pocket_raiders_Desc" "
N/A22140"[english]TF_pocket_raiders_Desc" ""
2210822141"TF_pocket_raiders_Style0" "Lara"
2210922142"[english]TF_pocket_raiders_Style0" "Lara"
2211022143"TF_pocket_raiders_Style1" "Carter"
2270722740"[english]TF_InactiveOperationPass_AdText" "-The Gun Mettle Campaign Coin\n-Contribute to community map makers\n-Access to contracts that reward event-exclusive items when completed"
2270822741"TF_ActivatedOperationPass" "총기 패기 작전 기념 주화"
2270922742"[english]TF_ActivatedOperationPass" "Gun Mettle Campaign Coin"
N/A22743"TF_ActivatedOperationPass_desc" "총기 패기 작전은 2015년 9월 30일 종료되었습니다.\n\n총기 패기 작전 주화는 작전 기간 동안 계약을 맺고 통계 자료를 열람할 수 있게 했습니다. 주화는 계약을 완수하고 계약 점수를 얻어 단계를 올릴 수 있었습니다. 주화는 계약 점수가 1000점, 2000점, 3000점일 때 단계가 올랐습니다."
N/A22744"[english]TF_ActivatedOperationPass_desc" "The Gun Mettle Campaign ended on September 30, 2015.\n\nThe Gun Mettle Campaign Coin granted access to contracts and tracked stats during the campaign. You could level up the coin by earning Contract Points from completed contracts. The coin would level up at 1000, 2000, and 3000 Contract Points."
2271022745"TF_Tool_OperationSummer2015Key" "총기 패기 열쇠"
2271122746"[english]TF_Tool_OperationSummer2015Key" "Gun Mettle Key"
2271222747"TF_Tool_OperationSummer2015Key_Desc" "은폐한 암살자 무기 상자나\nPowerhouse 무기 상자를 여는 데 씁니다."
2280922844"[english]powerhouse_pistol_blackdahlia" "The Black Dahlia"
2281022845"powerhouse_shotgun_lightningrod" "피뢰침"
2281122846"[english]powerhouse_shotgun_lightningrod" "The Lightning Rod"
N/A22847"powerhouse_stickybomblauncher_pinkelephant" "부농꼬끼리"
N/A22848"[english]powerhouse_stickybomblauncher_pinkelephant" "The Pink Elephant"
2281222849"powerhouse_flamethrower_flashfryer" "튀는 튀김기"
2281322850"[english]powerhouse_flamethrower_flashfryer" "Flash Fryer"
2281422851"powerhouse_medigun_sparkoflife" "생명의 불꽃"
2281522852"[english]powerhouse_medigun_sparkoflife" "The Spark of Life"
N/A22853"powerhouse_revolver_deadreckoner" "추측 사살법"
N/A22854"[english]powerhouse_revolver_deadreckoner" "The Dead Reckoner"
2281622855"powerhouse_rocketlauncher_shellshocker" "포탄충격 유발"
2281722856"[english]powerhouse_rocketlauncher_shellshocker" "The Shell Shocker"
2281822857"powerhouse_scattergun_currentevent" "짜릿짜릿한 현상"
2285522894"[english]teufort_shotgun_civicduty" "The Civic Duty"
2285622895"TF_ContractReward" "계약 보상"
2285722896"[english]TF_ContractReward" "Contract Reward"
N/A22897"TF_ContractReward_Desc" "잠긴 '만'물박사 공돌이 상자나\n특공대 수집품에 있는 아이템이 들어있습니다."
N/A22898"[english]TF_ContractReward_Desc" "Contains a Locked Craftsman Case\nor an item from the Commando Collection"
N/A22899"TF_ContractReward_Ad" "이 상자에는 특공대 수집품에 있는 16가지 무기 스킨이 들어있습니다."
N/A22900"[english]TF_ContractReward_Ad" "This case contains 16 skinned weapons from the Commando Collection"
2285822901"TF_CraftsmanCase" "잠긴 '만'물박사 공돌이 상자"
2285922902"[english]TF_CraftsmanCase" "Locked Craftsman Case"
2286022903"TF_CraftsmanCase_Desc" "열쇠가 필요한 잠긴 상자입니다.\n'만'물박사 공돌이 수집품이 들어있습니다"
2287322916"[english]TF_Checkmark" "✔ "
2287422917"TF_Checkmark_Unusual" "★"
2287522918"[english]TF_Checkmark_Unusual" "★ "
N/A22919"TF_LackOfCheckmark" "
N/A22921"[english]TF_LackOfCheckmark" " "
2287622922"Rarity_Default" "기본"
2287722923"[english]Rarity_Default" "Stock"
2287822924"Rarity_Default_Weapon" "기본"
2290722953"[english]Rarity_Contraband_Weapon" "Immortal"
2290822954"Footer_StrangeUnusualWeapon" "내용물은 이상하거나 범상찮습니다."
2290922955"[english]Footer_StrangeUnusualWeapon" "Contents may be Strange or Unusual"
N/A22956"TFUI_InvTooltip_None" "
N/A22958"[english]TFUI_InvTooltip_None" ""
2291022959"TFUI_InvTooltip_FactoryNew" "신제품"
2291122960"[english]TFUI_InvTooltip_FactoryNew" "Factory New"
2291222961"TFUI_InvTooltip_MinimalWear" "거의 깨끗한"
2305123100"[english]TF_UseOperationPassAlreadyActive_Text" "A campaign coin is already active.\n\nOnly one campaign coin may be active at a time."
2305223101"TF_UseOperationPass_Title" "참가권을 사용할까요?"
2305323102"[english]TF_UseOperationPass_Title" "Activate Pass?"
N/A23103"TF_UseOperationPass_Text" "작전 참여권을 사용할 경우 작전 기간 동안 계약을 맺을 수 있게 됩니다.\n\n받은 작전 기념 주화는 거래할 수 없습니다."
N/A23104"[english]TF_UseOperationPass_Text" "Redeeming the campaign pass grants access to contracts for the duration of the campaign.\n\nThe resulting campaign coin cannot be traded."
2305423105"TF_CannotDeleteOperationPass_Title" "삭제 불가"
2305523106"[english]TF_CannotDeleteOperationPass_Title" "Cannot Delete"
2305623107"TF_CannotDeleteOperationPass_Text" "작전이 진행되고 있을 때 작전 주화를 삭제할 수 없습니다."
2306923120"[english]TF_MVM_Tour_ExpertDifficulty_Denied" "ATTENTION: Expert missions are MUCH HARDER than advanced missions.\n\nYou must prove your mettle by completing at least one advanced tour before you will be allowed to undertake this challenge.\n"
2307023121"TF_MVM_NoClassUpgradeUI" "개선실을 이용하고 있을 때는 병과를 바꿀 수 없습니다."
2307123122"[english]TF_MVM_NoClassUpgradeUI" "You cannot change class while using an Upgrades station."
N/A23123"TF_Matchmaking_HeaderCompetitive" "대전 모드"
N/A23124"[english]TF_Matchmaking_HeaderCompetitive" "Competitive"
2307223125"TF_Matchmaking_MissingTicket" "%s1 님에게 이용권이 없습니다."
2307323126"[english]TF_Matchmaking_MissingTicket" "%s1 doesn't have a ticket"
N/A23127"TF_Matchmaking_MissingPass" "%s1 님은 대전 주선 베타 참가권을 가지고 있지 않습니다."
N/A23128"[english]TF_Matchmaking_MissingPass" "%s1 doesn't have a Competitive Matchmaking Beta Pass"
N/A23129"TF_Matchmaking_CompetitiveExplanation" "대전 모드에서는, 자동적으로 귀하와 비슷한 실력을 가진 플레이어들과 붙게 됩니다.\n\n다른 플레이어들과 한 판 붙기 전에 친구를 초대하고 싶으시다면, 아래 단추를 눌러 파티를 생성하세요."
N/A23130"[english]TF_Matchmaking_CompetitiveExplanation" "In competitive games, you are automatically matched against players of similar skill rating.\n\nTo invite friends before being matched, start a Party by clicking the button below."
2307423131"TF_Matchmaking_StartSearchChat" "'검색 시작'을 눌러 게임을 시작하세요.\n"
2307523132"[english]TF_Matchmaking_StartSearchChat" "Press 'Start Search' to start a game.\n"
2307623133"TF_Matchmaking_InviteFriendsChat" "친구들과 같이 하고 싶다면 파티에 친구들을 초대하세요.\n"
2308323140"[english]TF_Matchmaking_AddedToQueue" "Added to matchmaking queue.\n"
2308423141"TF_Matchmaking_RemovedFromQueue" "매치메이킹 대기열에서 빠짐.\n"
2308523142"[english]TF_Matchmaking_RemovedFromQueue" "Removed from matchmaking queue.\n"
N/A23143"TF_Competitive_Pass" "대전 주선 베타 참가권"
N/A23144"[english]TF_Competitive_Pass" "Competitive Matchmaking Beta Pass"
N/A23145"TF_Competitive_Pass_Desc" "이 참가권을 제출하여 대전 모드 베타의 등급전에 대한 접근권을 얻을 수 있습니다."
N/A23146"[english]TF_Competitive_Pass_Desc" "Present this pass in the Competitive Mode Beta to gain access to ranked ladder games."
2308623147"TF_Competitive_RequiresPass_Title" "베타 참가권 필요"
23087N/A"[english]TF_Competitive_RequiresPass_Title" "Beta Access Pass Required"
N/A23148"[english]TF_Competitive_RequiresPass_Title" "Pass Required"
N/A23149"TF_Competitive_RequiresPass" "대전 모드 등급전에서 플레이하시려면, 대전 주선 베타 참가권을 가지고 있어야 합니다."
N/A23150"[english]TF_Competitive_RequiresPass" "To play in competitive modes, you must own a Competitive Matchmaking Beta Pass."
2308823151"TF_Competitive_Disconnect" "경기가 끝났습니다. 플레이해 주셔서 감사합니다!"
2308923152"[english]TF_Competitive_Disconnect" "The match is over. Thanks for playing!"
2309023153"TF_ItemDynamicQuest_Use" "살펴보기"
2341323476"[english]Item_TradeUp" "�%s1� has traded up for:: %s2 %s3"
2341423477"TradeUpsExplanation_Overview_Title" "무기 거래"
2341523478"[english]TradeUpsExplanation_Overview_Title" "Trade-Ups"
N/A23479"TradeUpsExplanation_Overview_Text" "여기서 같은 희귀도와 같은 이상한 등급을 지닌 아이템을 주어진 수집품 목록에서 더 희귀하고 같은 이상한 등급을 지닌 아이템으로 바꿀 수 있습니다."
N/A23480"[english]TradeUpsExplanation_Overview_Text" "Here you're able to exchange ten items of identical rarity and strangeness for one item of the next highest rarity, with the same strangeness, and from a collection of one of the items provided."
2341623481"TradeUpsExplanation_ItemSlots_Text" "거래하고 싶은 아이템을 여기에 부착하세요. 모든 아이템들은 등급 및 아이템의 이상한 등급 여부가 같아야 합니다. 범상찮은 아이템은 허용되지 않습니다.\n\n혹은 귀하의 보관함에서 여러 개의 아이템을 선택하고 \"Mann Co. 무기 거래\"를 선택하여 이용할 수 있습니다."
2341723482"[english]TradeUpsExplanation_ItemSlots_Text" "Click here to attach items you're willing to trade in. All items must be of the same rarity and strangeness. Unusual items are not allowed.\n\nYou can also select multiple items from your backpack and choose \"Mann Co. Trade Up\"."
2341823483"TradeUpsExplanation_ItemSlots_Title" "무기 거래할 아이템"
2370723772"[english]TF_Invasion2015Case01" "Quarantined Collection Case"
2370823773"TF_Invasion2015Case01_Desc" "침공 커뮤니티 업데이트 상자\n\n침공 커뮤니티 업데이트 열쇠로 열 수 있습니다.\n\n내용물은 침공을 주제로한 범상찮은 효과를 지녔습니다."
2370923774"[english]TF_Invasion2015Case01_Desc" "Invasion Community Update Case\n\nRequires Invasion Community Update Key to open\n\nContains Invasion-themed Unusual effects"
N/A23775"TF_Invasion2015Case01_AdText" "-커뮤니티 상자\n-침공 커뮤니티 업데이트 열쇠가 있어야 열 수 있습니다\n-내용물은 이상하거나\n-침공을 주제로 한 범상찮은 효과가 붙어있을 수 있습니다."
N/A23776"[english]TF_Invasion2015Case01_AdText" "-Community case\n-Requires Invasion Community Update Key to open\n-Contents may be Strange\n-Contains Invasion-themed Unusual effects"
2371023777"TF_Invasion2015Case02" "기밀 처리된 수집품 상자"
2371123778"[english]TF_Invasion2015Case02" "Confidential Collection Case"
N/A23779"TF_Invasion2015Case02_Desc" "침공 커뮤니티 업데이트 상자\n\n열기 위해서는 침공 커뮤니티 업데이트 열쇠가 필요합니다.\n\n침공을 주제로 한 범상찮은 효과가 들어있습니다."
N/A23780"[english]TF_Invasion2015Case02_Desc" "Invasion Community Update Case\n\nRequires Invasion Community Update Key to open\n\nContains Invasion-themed Unusual effects"
N/A23781"TF_Invasion2015Case02_AdText" "-커뮤니티 상자\n-침공 커뮤니티 업데이트 열쇠가 있어야 열 수 있습니다\n-내용물은 이상하거나\n-침공을 주제로 한 범상찮은 효과가 붙어있을 수 있습니다."
N/A23782"[english]TF_Invasion2015Case02_AdText" "-Community case\n-Requires Invasion Community Update Key to open\n-Contents may be Strange\n-Contains Invasion-themed Unusual effects"
2371223783"Attrib_Particle91" "납치"
2371323784"[english]Attrib_Particle91" "Abduction"
2371423785"Attrib_Particle92" "원자"
2373323804"[english]TF_GameModeDetail_Community_Update" "Select this option to join a game server that continually runs the maps for the Invasion Community Update."
2373423805"TF_invasion_taunt_burstchester" "도발: 버스트체스터"
2373523806"[english]TF_invasion_taunt_burstchester" "Taunt: Burstchester"
N/A23807"TF_invasion_captain_space_mann" "우주 비행사 '만' 선장"
N/A23808"[english]TF_invasion_captain_space_mann" "Captain Space Mann"
2373623809"TF_invasion_phononaut" "전화비행사"
2373723810"[english]TF_invasion_phononaut" "Phononaut"
2373823811"TF_invasion_corona_australis" "호주왕관자리"
2388423957"[english]KillEater_HalloweenSoulsRank4" "Happy"
2388523958"TF_Halloween2015Pass" "영혼 가고일"
2388623959"[english]TF_Halloween2015Pass" "Soul Gargoyle"
N/A23960"TF_Halloween2015Pass_desc" "제 7차 스크림 포트리스 행사는 2015년 11월 12일 종료되었습니다.\n\n영혼 가고일은 행사 기간 동안 메라'임무'스를 할 수 있게 했습니다.\n영혼을 모으면 가고일의 단계를 올릴 수 있었습니다. 영혼은 적을 죽이거나 메라'임무'스를 완수하거나 영혼 가고일을 찾으면 얻을 수 있었습니다.\n영혼을 666개, 1337개, 2000개 모을 때마다 단계가 올랐습니다.\n\n아이템 3개를 이전에 나온 거래불가 핼러윈 아이템으로 연성할 수 있는 핼러윈 연성 기능도 있었습니다.\n10번 연성할 때마다 추가 보상이 주어졌습니다."
N/A23961"[english]TF_Halloween2015Pass_desc" "The Scream Fortress VII event ended on November 12, 2015.\n\nThe Soul Gargoyle granted access to Merasmissions during the event.\nYou could level up the gargoyle by collecting souls. Souls could be found by killing enemies, completing Merasmissions and finding Soul Gargoyles.\nLeveled up at 666, 1337, and 2000 Souls.\n\nProvided access to Halloween transmutes where you can transmute 3 items for a non-tradable Halloween item from years past.\nA bonus was given for every 10 transmutes."
2388723962"halloween2015_collection_name" "가고일 수집품"
2388823963"[english]halloween2015_collection_name" "Gargoyle Collection"
N/A23964"halloween2015_collection_desc" "이 상자는 잠겨있으며\n가고일 열쇠로 열 수 있습니다.\n\n상자에는 가고일 수집품\n커뮤니티 제작 아이템이 들어있습니다."
N/A23965"[english]halloween2015_collection_desc" "This Case is locked and requires a\nGargoyle Key to open.\n\nContains a community made item \nfrom the Gargoyle Collection."
2388923966"halloween2015_collection_case" "가고일 상자"
2389023967"[english]halloween2015_collection_case" "Gargoyle Case"
N/A23968"halloween2015_collection_adtext" "-가고일 상자\n-커뮤니티가 제작한 장식 아이템이 들어있습니다.\n-열기 위해서는 가고일 열쇠가 필요합니다.\n-내용물은 이상하거나 모자는 범상찮을 수 있습니다.\n-이 상자는 특별한 범상찮은 효과가 있습니다."
N/A23969"[english]halloween2015_collection_adtext" "-Gargoyle Case\n-Contains Community Cosmetics\n-Requires a Gargoyle Key to open\n-Contents may be Strange and hats may be Unusual.\n-Unusuals have effects unique to this case"
2389123970"halloween2015_collection_key" "가고일 열쇠"
2389223971"[english]halloween2015_collection_key" "Gargoyle Key"
2389323972"halloween2015_collection_key_desc" "가고일 상자를 여는데 쓰임"
2389423973"[english]halloween2015_collection_key_desc" "Used to Open the Gargoyle Case"
N/A23974"halloween2015_collection_key_adtext" "-가고일 상자를 여는데 사용됩니다.\n-내용물은 이상하거나 모자는 범상찮을 수 있습니다.\n-이 상자는 특별한 범상찮은 효과가 있습니다."
N/A23975"[english]halloween2015_collection_key_adtext" "-Used to Open the Gargoyle Case\n-Contents may be Strange and hats may be Unusual.\n-Unusuals have effects unique to this case"
N/A23976"halloween2015_collection_case_footer" "내용물은 이상하거나 2015년도 핼러윈 효과가 있는 범상찮은 것들입니다."
N/A23977"[english]halloween2015_collection_case_footer" "Contents may be Strange or Unusual with a Halloween 2015 effect"
2389523978"Attrib_Particle100" "디스코로 뒈짐"
2389623979"[english]Attrib_Particle100" "Death by Disco"
2389723980"Attrib_Particle101" "이 일은 모두에게 수수께끼야"
2391824001"[english]Context_HalloweenOffering" "Halloween Transmute "
2391924002"TF_CollectionCrafting_Instructions_Halloween" "사용 가능한 아이템 3개를 '고전' 핼러윈 아이템 1개로 교환합니다. 결과물은 거래 및 조합 불가입니다."
2392024003"[english]TF_CollectionCrafting_Instructions_Halloween" "Exchange 3 qualifying items for 1 ‘Classic’ Halloween item. Resulting item will not be tradable or usable in crafting."
N/A24004"TF_CollectionCrafting_Halloween_Paragraph1" "원하지 않는 아이템이\n시체가 든 관처럼,\n박쥐 가득한 동굴처럼,\n박쥐 가득한 시체처럼\n배낭의 공간을 채우는 게 질리셨나요?"
N/A24005"[english]TF_CollectionCrafting_Halloween_Paragraph1" "Tired of items you don't want\nclogging up your inventory\nlike a corpse-ridden coffin,\nor a bat-filled cave,\nor a bat-filled corpse?"
N/A24006"TF_CollectionCrafting_Halloween_Paragraph2" "아이템 3개를\n무작위에 거래불가인 예전 핼러윈 아이템으로\n연성해내는\n공포에 끌려가보아라!"
N/A24007"[english]TF_CollectionCrafting_Halloween_Paragraph2" "REEL IN HORROR at the ability\nto transmute three items for\nA RANDOM UNTRADABLE\nCLASSIC HALLOWEEN ITEM!"
N/A24008"TF_CollectionCrafting_Halloween_Paragraph3" "10번의 공포 거래를 마칠 때마다 주어지는\n신경 떨리는 추가 보상을 보면 너 스스로도 믿기지 않을 것이다!!"
N/A24009"[english]TF_CollectionCrafting_Halloween_Paragraph3" "QUESTION YOUR VERY SENSES at the shock of\nA NERVE SHATTERING BONUS every ten terror-trades!"
2392124010"TF_CollectionCrafting_Halloween_Explanation_Overview_Title" "핼러윈 연성"
2392224011"[english]TF_CollectionCrafting_Halloween_Explanation_Overview_Title" "Halloween Transmuting"
2392324012"TF_CollectionCrafting_Halloween_Explanation_Overview_Text" "아이템 3개를 거래 불가, 제작 불가인 '고전' 핼러윈 아이템으로 연성할 수 있습니다. 특정 아이템만 연성할 수 있습니다."
2394824037"[english]TF_Competitive_Rank_2" "Mercenary"
2394924038"TF_Competitive_Rank_3" "현장 용병"
2395024039"[english]TF_Competitive_Rank_3" "Field Mercenary"
23951N/A"TF_Competitive_Rank_4" "숙련 용병"
N/A24040"TF_Competitive_Rank_4" "노련한 용병"
2395224041"[english]TF_Competitive_Rank_4" "Veteran Mercenary"
2395324042"TF_Competitive_Rank_5" "침입자"
2395424043"[english]TF_Competitive_Rank_5" "Infiltrator"
N/A24044"TF_Competitive_Rank_6" "공작원"
N/A24045"[english]TF_Competitive_Rank_6" "Operator"
2395524046"TF_Competitive_Rank_7" "습격자"
2395624047"[english]TF_Competitive_Rank_7" "Raider"
2395724048"TF_Competitive_Rank_8" "게릴라"
2396024051"[english]TF_Competitive_Rank_9" "Agent"
2396124052"TF_Competitive_Rank_10" "현장 요원"
2396224053"[english]TF_Competitive_Rank_10" "Field Agent"
N/A24054"TF_Competitive_Rank_11" "숙련된 요원"
N/A24055"[english]TF_Competitive_Rank_11" "Master Agent"
2396324056"TF_Competitive_Rank_12" "암살자"
2396424057"[english]TF_Competitive_Rank_12" "Assassin"
2396524058"TF_Competitive_Rank_13" "현장 암살자"
2401224105"[english]TF_sbox2014_killers_kit_style1" "Style 1"
2401324106"TF_sbox2014_killers_kit_style2" "양식 2"
2401424107"[english]TF_sbox2014_killers_kit_style2" "Style 2"
N/A24108"TF_hwn2015_roboot" "로부츠"
N/A24109"[english]TF_hwn2015_roboot" "Roboot"
2401524110"TF_hwn2015_face_of_mercy" "자비의 면상"
2401624111"[english]TF_hwn2015_face_of_mercy" "The Face of Mercy"
2401724112"TF_hwn2015_western_poncho" "말 탄 소몰이꾼"
2408824183"[english]TF_Cancel_NoKey" "CANCEL"
2408924184"TF_ClassMenu_Cancel_NoKey" "취소"
2409024185"[english]TF_ClassMenu_Cancel_NoKey" "CANCEL"
N/A24186"Tournament_Instructions_Ready_NoKeyHintText" "준비 상태 전환"
N/A24187"[english]Tournament_Instructions_Ready_NoKeyHintText" "Toggle Ready"
2409124188"Hud_Menu_Taunt_Weapon_NoKey" "무기 도발"
2409224189"[english]Hud_Menu_Taunt_Weapon_NoKey" "Weapon Taunt"
2409324190"TF_Spectator_ChangeClass_NoKey" "병과 변경"
2409424191"[english]TF_Spectator_ChangeClass_NoKey" "Change Class"
2409524192"TF_Spectator_ChangeTeam_NoKey" "팀 변경"
2409624193"[english]TF_Spectator_ChangeTeam_NoKey" "Change Team"
N/A24194"TF_Medal_JingleJam2015_Xephos" "Xephos의 인자한 인상"
N/A24195"[english]TF_Medal_JingleJam2015_Xephos" "Xephos' Philanthropic Physiognomy"
N/A24196"TF_Medal_JingleJam2015_Xephos_Desc" "2015년도 Yogscast Jingle Jam (Xephos판)"
N/A24197"[english]TF_Medal_JingleJam2015_Xephos_Desc" "Yogscast Jingle Jam 2015 (Xephos edition)"
N/A24198"TF_Medal_JingleJam2015_Honeydew" "Honeydew의 자애로운 자태"
N/A24199"[english]TF_Medal_JingleJam2015_Honeydew" "Honeydew's Charitable Countenance"
N/A24200"TF_Medal_JingleJam2015_Honeydew_Desc" "2015년도 Yogscast Jingle Jam (Honeydew판)"
N/A24201"[english]TF_Medal_JingleJam2015_Honeydew_Desc" "Yogscast Jingle Jam 2015 (Honeydew edition)"
N/A24202"TF_JingleJam_Community_Event_2015_Promo" "2015년도 Yogscast Jingle Jam 판촉물"
N/A24203"[english]TF_JingleJam_Community_Event_2015_Promo" "Yogscast Jingle Jam 2015 Promo"
N/A24204"TF_JingleJam_Community_Event_2015_Promo_Desc" "
N/A24206"[english]TF_JingleJam_Community_Event_2015_Promo_Desc" ""
2409724207"TF_Map_pass_pinewood" "Pinewood - 베타"
2409824208"[english]TF_Map_pass_pinewood" "Pinewood - BETA"
N/A24209"TF_SteamWorkshop_Tag_Batman" "배트맨"
N/A24210"[english]TF_SteamWorkshop_Tag_Batman" "Batman"
N/A24211"TF_fall2013_air_raider_style1" "양식 1"
N/A24212"[english]TF_fall2013_air_raider_style1" "Style 1"
N/A24213"TF_fall2013_air_raider_style2" "양식 2"
N/A24214"[english]TF_fall2013_air_raider_style2" "Style 2"
N/A24215"TF_cc_summer2015_sheriffs_stetson_style1" "양식 1"
N/A24216"[english]TF_cc_summer2015_sheriffs_stetson_style1" "Style 1"
N/A24217"TF_cc_summer2015_sheriffs_stetson_style2" "양식 2"
N/A24218"[english]TF_cc_summer2015_sheriffs_stetson_style2" "Style 2"
N/A24219"TF_Competitive_Friends" "친구"
N/A24220"[english]TF_Competitive_Friends" "FRIENDS"
N/A24221"TF_Competitive_Convars_CantProceed_Title" "잠깐!"
N/A24222"[english]TF_Competitive_Convars_CantProceed_Title" "Hold on there"
N/A24223"TF_Competitive_Convars_CantProceed" "대전 모드는 DirectX 9 이상이 필요합니다. 시작 설정에서 -dxlevel을 제거하고 팀포2를 다시 시작하세요."
N/A24224"[english]TF_Competitive_Convars_CantProceed" "Competitive Mode requires DirectX 9 or higher. Remove -dxlevel from launch options and restart TF2."
N/A24225"TF_Powerup_Supernova_Deploy" "기동 갈고리의 보조 능력으로 초신성 공격을 시전할 수 있습니다!"
N/A24226"[english]TF_Powerup_Supernova_Deploy" "Grapple SECONDARY FIRE to deploy Supernova attack!"
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Date/Time | Dimensions | User | Comment | |
current | 23:46, 2 August 2024 | (1.26 MB) | PhoneWave (talk | contribs) | Uploaded new revision of tf_koreana.txt for August 2, 2024 Patch. |
20:04, 25 July 2024 | (1.19 MB) | PhoneWave (talk | contribs) | Uploaded new revision of tf_koreana.txt for July 25, 2024 Patch. | |
01:09, 10 January 2024 | (1.19 MB) | PhoneWave (talk | contribs) | Uploaded new revision of tf_koreana.txt for January 9, 2024 Patch. | |
19:06, 20 December 2023 | (1.12 MB) | PhoneWave (talk | contribs) | Uploaded new revision of tf_koreana.txt for December 20, 2023 Patch. | |
02:04, 19 December 2023 | (1.12 MB) | PhoneWave (talk | contribs) | Uploaded new revision of tf_koreana.txt for December 18, 2023 Patch. | |
21:06, 15 December 2023 | (1.12 MB) | PhoneWave (talk | contribs) | Uploaded new revision of tf_koreana.txt for December 15, 2023 Patch. | |
22:23, 12 July 2023 | (1.1 MB) | PhoneWave (talk | contribs) | Uploaded new revision of tf_koreana.txt for July 12, 2023 Patch. | |
18:38, 20 March 2023 | (1.1 MB) | PhoneWave (talk | contribs) | Uploaded new revision of tf_koreana.txt for March 20, 2023 Patch. | |
21:21, 1 March 2023 | (1.1 MB) | PhoneWave (talk | contribs) | Uploaded new revision of tf_koreana.txt for March 1, 2023 Patch. | |
15:15, 6 January 2023 | (1.07 MB) | PhoneWave (talk | contribs) | Uploaded new revision of tf_koreana.txt for January 5, 2023. |
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