“ | 拍我的手!
— 间谍
” |
此物品可以在曼恩商店购买或者随机从 掉落机制中获得. 当玩家使用该嘲讽时, 他们的角色会使用两种动作模板的其中之一来举起右手. 任何附近的玩家可以站在使用发起者的面前,按嘲讽键来成为回应者来启用发起方的互动效果,二人就可以击掌! 发起方必须要装备这个嘲讽才可以使用,而回应者不需要拥有该嘲讽。
集体炫耀 在占领控制点时,与队友进行多人嘲讽 10 次。 |
2011年10月13日补丁 (Manniversary Update & Sale)
- 击掌嘲讽被加入游戏中.
- 修复了使用击掌嘲讽时,武器还在手里的效果
- 修复了在使用击掌嘲讽的时候可以穿过敌人重生点房的BUG
- 修复了一个在使用击掌嘲讽时能让服务器崩溃的BUG
- 修复了使用击掌嘲讽的时候工程师武器还在手里的bug
2014年6月11日补丁 #1
- [未记载] 修改了背包图标。
- [未记载] 在击掌嘲讽上添加一个图标。
- [未记载] 嘲讽现在可以通过嘲讽键来进入或者退出等待状态了。
June 11, 2014 Patch #2
- 更改了击掌嘲讽的描述,让他更容易让人理解
- 有时候玩家会在击掌的时候卡动作效果,这会影响游戏体验,因为该玩家模型和Hitbox不匹.
- 接上面,如果Spy受到了这个BUG,他伪装成什么,友军和敌军都能在他的图标上显示击掌图标
- 如果机枪手在接受击掌嘲讽时切换到恐慌打击, 那么在进行击掌动画的时候恐慌打击会出现在HEAVY手里
- 如果工程师接受了击掌嘲讽,那么在动作结束时,工程师会被延迟几秒才能操控
- 击掌嘲讽的动作从战争!更新就在游戏文件夹了.
- Additionally, there are some unused animations that exist within the game files for the Horseless Headless Horsemann suggesting that high-fives originally had a chance of failing to be executed correctly at one point in the taunt's development. Two animations exist in which the Horsemann swings his arm and supposedly misses the partner's hand. The first animation consists of the Horsemann crossing his arms, bending back, and shaking his head in a disappointing manner. The second one consists of the Horsemann pointing at the partner and thrusting his middle finger upward in a rude manner. Since these animations are for the Horsemann, the Demoman could have used the same animations if these factors made it into the game, since they both share the same base animations.
- 人机AI 可以互动玩家发起的击掌嘲讽了
- The High Five! comic "Hey Sniper!" features the Sniper who, faced with a dilemma, kicks down a chair in frustration while consulting a Mann Co. Catalogue before discovering the High Five! product. This scene is in fact a reworded copy of a panel from "The Insult That Made a 'Jarate Master' Out of Sniper", where the Sniper, angry from being picked on by men his own size, kicks down a chair in frustration before discovering Jarate from a Mann Co. Catalogue.
- Like some other things in the game, the real-world equivalent of the High Five! did not come into widespread use until several years after the game takes place.
- Using the High Five! while wearing the Barely-Melted Capacitor caused a message to appear in the chatbox during the Pyromania Update, which varied from class to class.