Duc | |
[[File:|300px|alt=Duc|link=]] | |
Basic information | |
Birth place: | China |
Native language: | Chinese,English |
Team Fortress 2 | |
Favourite classes: | ![]() |
Favourite maps: | Dustbowl |
Favourite weapons: | ![]() |
Favourite hats: | ![]() |
Contact information | |
Steam page: | https://steamcommunity.com/id/1290224815ab/ |
“ | Let's do this Texas style
Click to listen
— 银河牛仔Duc建立起了他的好伙伴——步哨枪(The Galaxy Cowboy Duc has built his good partner - the sentry gun)
” |
称号(Title):星期日的牛仔(Sunday Cowboy)
种族(Race):银河牛仔(Galaxy Cowboy)
能力(Ability):召唤步哨的能力(Ability to summon sentry gun)
个人介绍(Self Introduction):Whooowee,这里是你的正义好伙伴——银河牛仔水鸭(Duc)和他的会说话的传奇牛仔帽“锡先生”(Mr.Tin)。本人是一个热爱TF2并且荣幸的成为一名TFWiki编辑者的中国学生。如果我有什么条目有需要改进的话,欢迎各位指导哦:3
(Whoooowee,There is your good partner of justice––Galaxy Cowboy Duc and his legendary cowboy hat"Mr.Tin"" which can speak.I'm a Chinese student who love TF2 and honored to be a TFWiki editor.If there are some items I need to improve,welcome everyone to guide me:3)
简体翻译进度 (Translation Progress)
翻译列表 (Translation list)
- 水鸭的名字取自他在《潮汕英豪传》中最喜欢的演员。(The name of the 水鸭 is taken from his favorite actor in The Chaoshan Yinghao Zhuan.)
- 水鸭管他的德州锡制牛仔帽叫“锡先生”。(Duc called his Texas Tin-Gallon is "Mr. Tin".)
- 尽管别人不信,但“锡先生”真的会说话。(Althoug nobody believe it, "Mr. Tin" can really speak.)
- Vtopl(觉),他带我走进了奇妙的佣兵世界。(Vtopl,he took me into the wonderful world of TF2.)
- Dereko(德睿可),他教导我如何编辑wiki。(Dereko,he taught me how to compile a wiki.)
- 感谢所有帮助过我的人,好人一生平安。(Thanks everyone who helped me, god bless you.)
That's impossible