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Pl eclipse main.jpg
Basic Information
Developer(s): Unknown
Map Info
Environment: Desert/Canyon/Industrial
Setting: Daylight, Sunny
Hazards: Pitfall
But the sun is eclipsed by the moon.
Pink Floyd - Eclipse

Eclipse (Mesaworks from January 2020) is a large single-stage Payload map with a varied style and gameplay, themes set in the industrial desert of the 20th century, consisting of 4 points.


RED team has aquired a huge supply of electricity, becoming the leading source of nuclear and solar energy. BLU team is feeling a bit jealous. So they decide the best course of action is to destroy everything. RED team must defend their power station at all cost, and they must do it quickly, because the eclipse is coming.




Rc3: 01-06-2020 (114 build):
  • Changed name of the map from "Eclipse" to "Mesaworks";
  • Added an additional 3rd exit from respawn for the blue team in the initial stage of the game;
  • Added an additional flank for the blue team for a better breakthrough of the capture point at the A-stage;
  • Added an additional flank at stage B, in the form of a platform near the waterfall;
  • Added an additional flank near point D to reduce the strong dominance of the red team at this stage;
  • Added an additional flank to the final stage for the blue team;
  • Re-balancing all the lighting on the whole map;
  • Slightly improved optimization in various parts of the map;
  • Changed the number, position, size of first-aid kits and ammo boxes throughout the map;
  • The possible stuck of the red team in the second respawn after capturing point C has been fixed, now after capturing of the control point the players will teleport to another respawn;
  • Reduced the number of assets in the gameplay area, the gameplay's feels now less cramped;
  • Reduced the total number of objects on the entire map;
  • Slightly reduced the time of the revival of the red team in the final stage;
  • Rebalancing of covers;
  • Moved the resupply lockers of the red team on the first respawn;
  • Reducing the chance of a server crashing by reducing the replicated objects;
  • Removed various opening doors at A stage;
  • Removed fake doors "no passage";
  • The gates for the red team are now open by default, after capturing the blue team points a, the gates are closed.
  • Removed one-way doors in the house near the waterfall;
  • Removed the extra collision on some assets;
  • Improved player clipping on the entire map;
  • Removed the collision on the railing and windows;
  • Fixed and improved cosmetic changes;
  • Decreased volume in some sound sources;
  • Fixed players getting stuck in pull out pointers;
  • Various other improvements.

Rc2: 06-18-2016 (102 build):

  • Minor gameplay changes and improvements;
  • Changed the size of health kit (A-Stage);
  • Lighting balanced;
  • Better clipping;
  • Better stability;
  • Balanced Sentry spots;
  • Other cosmetic changes and fixes.

Rc1: 01-17-2016 (100 build):

  • Added +40 seconds for the 1st point capping;
  • Changed the number and locations of ammunition packs and health kits;
  • Added a new flank;
  • Lighting balanced;
  • Better clipping;
  • Better stability;
  • Balanced Sentry spots;
  • Better gameplay;
  • Minor cosmetic changes and fixes.

b3: 24-10-2015 (94 build):

  • Fixed player stuck in some areas;
  • Fixed player stuck in gate doors;
  • Added small ammo & health pack;
  • Better clipping in some areas;
  • Minor cosmetic changes and fixes;
  • Balanced respawn time;
  • Increased cart speed on the last point.

b1: 29-09-2015 (88 build):

  • Full completion and processing of gameplay;
  • Brand new gameplay on the penultimate ("C" - point) and last ("D" - point);
  • Added the 4th blue respawn;
  • Removed all unnecessary flank points;
  • Changed the number and location of ammunition and health kits;
  • New skybox texture;
  • Fixed reflection (LDR & HDR);
  • Full details and redesign the whole thing can be;
  • Changed algorithm of respawns, now red team players are teleported to another spawn, not killed;
  • Added soundscapes;
  • Added 3D Skybox;
  • Added 31 custom models;
  • Better clipping;
  • Removed ~ 20% of the area is also reduced by the distance from point b to point "C";
  • Some other fixes and changes.
