Critical hits/hu

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< Critical hits
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Nincs annyi kritikus találat a világon, ami engem megölne!
The Scout
Engineer feeling a critical.

Kritikus találatok vagy "Kritek" olyan találatok, amelyek több sebzést okoznak és jellegzetes hangjuk van mind a kilövés pillanatában, mind amikor találatot érnek. Amikor kritikus találatot viszel be valakinek, a "Critical hit!!!" felirat jelenik meg a célpont feje fölött zöld színben (lásd a képen), amelyet egy hangos "ding" kísér. A közelharci fegyverek kritikus találatainak általában van egy egyedi animációja (mint például a Flaskának, aminek van egy fej fölötti lengetéses animációja). A kritikus robbanó lövedékeknek (mint például a rakéták vagy a ragadós bombák) van egy csapat színezetű fénylése, izzása és szikra effektje, a töltényeknek pedig csapatszínű nyomvonala van. A kritikus robbanóanyagok nem okoznak kritikus sebzést annak, aki kilőtte őket, de a hang effektet továbbra is hallani lehet.

A kritikus találatok jellemzően az adott fegyver alapsebzésének 300%-ával sebeznek, és a sebzés független a célpont távolságától és nem érvényes rá a véletlenszerű sebzés sem, amely a normál lövésekre jellemző, bár a robbanó lövedékek kritjeire továbbra is hatással van a detonáció hatótávolság okozta hanyatlás.

When a player is killed by a Critical hit, the class will let out a loud scream that differs from ordinary deaths (unless the class was killed by a critical explosive) and the kill icon becomes surrounded by a red glow.

Critical hit chance

Lásd még: Damage
Critical hit chance based on damage.

Standard weapons have a 2% base chance to Crit, while melee weapons have a 15% chance.[1] An additional bonus percentage is added based on the total damage done by the player in the last 20 seconds, which scales from 0% at 0 damage to 10% at 800 damage.[1] For example: dealing 200 damage in the past 20 seconds, the additional bonus percentage is 2.5%.

Among those weapons that trigger randomly, Critical hit chance is rolled differently based on the type of weapon. Single-shot weapons, which, for example, include Shotguns, the Revolver, and the Rocket Launcher, roll the chance to Crit with every shot. Thus, every shot of the Shotgun will have a 2% chance to launch a flurry of Critical pellets, assuming no previous damage done. Rapid-fire weapons, however, which include the Minigun, Syringe Gun, and Flamethrower, check for Critical hits once a second. With weapons like these, a successful Crit roll results in all shots for the next two seconds being Critical.

Special cases

An Engineer wielding the Frontier Justice with revenge crits.
  • The Frontier Justice does not roll for random Crits. Instead, it scores Revenge Crits (2 for every kill and 1 for every assist) that the Engineer's Sentry Gun makes until it is destroyed.
  • The Gunslinger Crits upon the third consecutive hit on an enemy or ally but does not randomly Crit otherwise.
  • Taunt attacks do not Crit, but using one while boosted by a Buff Banner or Crit-a-Cola, or when the opponent is under the effects of Jarate or Crit-a-Cola will result in a Mini-Crit Taunt Kill. [1]
  • The Powerjack and the Southern Hospitality do not roll for random Crits.
  • The Bushwacka will Crit at any time it would normally Mini-Crit, such as: against an enemy Scout under the effects of Crit-a-Cola, an enemy soaked by Jarate or if the Sniper is under the effects of an allied Soldier's Buff Banner. It also rolls for Crits normally.
  • The Bleeding mechanic does not randomly Crit, but will Mini-Crit players covered in Jarate.
  • Sentry Guns will never inflict random Critical hits. However, it will Mini-Crit on enemies covered in Jarate, Scouts under the effect of Crit-a-Cola, Heavys under the effect of Buffalo Steak Sandvich, and will Mini-Crit all enemies if the Engineer who built the Sentry is being buffed by a friendly Soldier's Buff Banner.

Crit boost

Crit boost is a state in which a player's weapons are guaranteed to cause Critical hits. Crit boost is displayed as weapons taking on a team-coloured glow with accompanying sparks of electricity.

  • All shots are Critical while ÜberCharged with the Kritzkrieg. This affects the Huntsman and the Sniper Rifle.
  • A 5 second Crit boost is received upon getting First blood in an Arena map. If you happen to switch weapons during this period, the electricity around your weapon will disappear, but you will still be able to fire Criticals until the end of the Crit boost.
  • Capturing the flag in a Capture the Flag game mode gives the entire capturing team 10 seconds of Crit boost (this value can be tweaked or disabled in the host's console via a command).
  • A Crit boost is the only way the Knife can Critically hit without a Backstab. When it does so, it deals 120 damage (three times base damage, but less than a normal Crit). The Axtinguisher plays Crit animations when Crit boosted and will deal Critical damage after the 50% damage modifier if the victim is not on fire. The Southern Hospitality, Powerjack, and Eyelander weapons Crit normally, but do not Crit without a Crit boost.
  • In the event version of Harvest and Mann Manor during Halloween, killed players randomly drop candy-filled Halloween pumpkins. When picked up, the player is awarded around 3–4 seconds of Crit boost.

First Blood

  • The First Blood Crit buff is gained when you are the first to kill an opponent in an Arena match. With the first blood buff active, all your shots will be Critical hits for a total of 5 seconds. Your weapon will crackle with an electrical effect just like the Crit buffs from the K.G.B., Kritzkrieg, and after-round criticals.
  • Damaging a Spy with his Dead Ringer activated still gives the attacker the First Blood buff.


A Demoman being pelted by minicrits

Mini-Crits add an extra 35% damage to a weapon's base-damage (more accurately, they ensure that a weapon does at least 135% its base damage). Like normal Critical hits, they ignore damage variance and fall off, but unlike Critical hits, they are still given ramp-up. Full Crits override Mini-Crits. Like Full Crits, Mini-Crits will have a glowing red outline in their kill icons.

Currently there are ten ways to achieve a Mini-Crit:

Former ways to achieve a Mini-Crit:

  • Formerly you could deal Mini-Crits by headshotting enemies with the Ambassador. It currently deals full Crits.
  • The Pyro's compression blast was formerly able to turn enemy sticky bombs into Mini-Crits by reflecting them. It now gives no Mini-Crit boost.
  • The Direct Hit formerly dealt Mini-Crits to any airborne target. The weapon now inflicts Mini-Crit damage to airborne targets who have been launched into the air by an explosion.

Mini-Crit boost

A Mini-Crit boost is the state of having all damage being dealt modified in to Mini-Crit damage. Currently this is achievable while under the effects of Crit-a-Cola, an active Buff Banner, or a Buffalo Steak Sandvich. While being Mini-Crit boosted, the player's active weapon glows a faint yellow (if they are on RED team) or a faint blue-green (if they are on BLU team) and has the same color effect of particles swirling around their feet.

All damage sources (including Afterburn and Sentry Guns) only deal Mini-Crit damage when the player dealing the damage is being boosted. i.e. If the player leaves the boost (for whatever reason) after firing a projectile and while the projectile is in mid-flight, it will lose its status as Mini-Critical. Conversely, after a Pyro sets fire to several players, returning to a Mini-Crit boost will immediately transform any Afterburn damage to Mini-Crit status. Sentry Guns will only Mini-Crit while the Engineer is being Mini-Crit boosted.

Related Achievements


Első vér
Első vér
Te ölj meg valakit legelőször egy Aréna vagy Versengő meccsen.
Első vér, 2. rész
Első vér, 2. rész
Ölj meg öt ellenséget az Első Vér kritikus bónusszal.


A krit az szívás.
A krit az szívás.
Lőj ki két nem buffok által szerzett krit rakétát egymás után.
Háromoldalú kár
Háromoldalú kár
Ölj meg 3 ellenfelet egyetlen krit rakétával.


Ölj meg egy Katonát egy visszafújt kritikus rakétával.


Nem kell annyira felvágni
Nem kell annyira felvágni
Az Egyetlen kritikus vágásával ölj meg 5 ellenséges játékost.


Kommunista csapásmérő erő
Kommunista csapásmérő erő
Ölj meg egy ellenséget egy kritikus ütéssel.
Éljd túl egy kritukus rakéta közvetlen találatát.


Öld meg bosszú-krittel azt a játékost, aki elpusztította az őrtornyod.
Ölj meg három ellenséget bosszú kritikus találattal meghalás nélkül.


Aktiválj egy csapattárson ÜberTöltést, kevesebb mint egy másodperccel azelőtt, hogy eltalálná egy kritikus robbanás.


  • Mini-Crits do not stack to make a Crit. For example, a Scout under the effects of Crit-a-Cola while covered in Jarate will only receive an additional 35% damage.
  • Multiple Crit Effects do not stack, as well. For example, if a Heavy ÜberCharged by a Kritzkrieg Medic kills an opponent and achieves First Blood in Arena, he will still only deal normal critical damage.
