Team strategy

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In Team Fortress 2, it can be difficult for a single player to effectively combat the enemy team. Working with the other classes on your team is an important aspect for success. This article is designed to assist you and your team with achieving victory. For a guide on improving your own game, see Strategy. For map-specific strategies, see the individual pages for each map.

General Strategy


Due to the absence of a mini-map, and Team Fortress being a class oriented game, communication and cooperation is always a key element to achieve victory. Coordination between the team players and the right balance of classes will always lead the team towards victory. Even regardless of skill levels, communication is the most important ability to learn. Either through the use of teamspeak or the in-game voice chat, a team with good communication and synchronization can defeat skilled players that lack teamwork. Effective team communication and coordination is especially desired in the more competitive venues of the game.

Voice commands and text messages are a very useful way to communicate, but, since many in game sounds and the location of the character may affect if teammate is able to hear the voice command and some players may not pay attention to the text chat, a microphone will always be a more relieve way to communicate with your team. For example, vital information such as the location and Disguise of enemy Spies, the place of enemy Sentry nests and Stickybomb traps and the timing of attacks and Übercharges (by the enemy or by the team) simply cannot be communicated as easily without the use of voice chat.

However, it is worth bearing in mind that some servers use the AllTalk feature, which allows every player in the server to listen to everyone, including the enemy team. In such circumstances, it may be best to use the team text chat for more vital information, since sharing this by voice chat may cause the enemy team to be ready to counter your attacks. AllTalk is generally enabled on some public servers, in which the game is played more for the social interaction of every player, no matter the team, rather than playing with a competitive mind.

Team Composition

Team Fortress 2 is a class-based, teamwork game in which players on a team usually have to cooperate and coordinate to some extent in order to achieve victory. The nine different Classes have their own strengths and weaknesses and their own unique styles of play, based around maximizing their strengths and minimizing their weaknesses. However, it is impossible for any one player no matter how skilled to completely compensate for the weaknesses of the class they are currently playing. One player may be less skilled than the other, but he could still win in an encounter in which his current class has the upper hand (such as a less-skilled Pyro beating a skilled Spy). This makes the choice of which class to play very important, and the player will be rewarded for learning more about different classes, and at the same time it makes cooperation equally important.

A mistake many new players commit, is to view Team Fortress 2 outside of the team context, focusing instead on the class(es) they prefer to play and thinking of strategy only in terms of a series of one-on-one match-ups against. However, most combat situations in Team Fortress 2 will be between groups of players performing as different classes. Therefore to be successful, one most think and work as a team, rather than as a unit. This include being aware of what classes currently make up your team and the opposing team, this is known as team composition. It is often possible to gain an advantage by having several players play as classes that counter the classes that the enemy team plays as (An example being, using Demomen pair with medics, to counter a team that has many Engineers). However, over-compensating may happen some times (For example, if a team is having trouble with enemy Spies, too many players might decide to switch to Pyro, leaving the team vulnerable to other classes). It is a better idea to check the scoreboard periodically to keep an eye on your team's current classes and recommend adjustments accordingly, but you must also be willing to change your class if the time requires it.


It is important to practice with every class and not only with the class you like the most. Learn every class’s strengths and weaknesses in order to be ready when the time comes the team need you to change class. It is also vital to know the role that every class plays on the game, since asking your team's only Engineer to switch to Medic may not be the most effective way to protect the intelligence, while also making a push to get the enemy’s one. If you are not playing a vital role in the game, it would be better that you chose to change to class and fulfill the role that is in need at the moment. However, if there is a player who more skillful with the class that is needed, you shall let that player to take the job.

The Classes

The heart of Team Fortress 2’s gameplay is the nine different Classes and how they interact with both friend and foe. It is important to know how each class work, even if you don’t usually play as them. Each class has unique attributes that determine their strengths and weakness: health, movement speed, weaponry, and other innate abilities such as health regeneration or the ability to Double Jump. The next is a list of the basic abilities and characteristics, as well as a basic idea of what the class shall focus to do.

The Scout.

The main abilities of the scout are that he is the fastest class in the game, that he has the ability to double jump and that his capture rate is equal to two. Making this the ideal class to steal the enemy intelligence, reach and capture points faster, and gain access to part of the map not reachable by other classes (Like jumping into the enemy battlements on 2Fort).

Basic strategy: Your roles as a Scout is most of the time capture control points and carry the Intelligence back to the base. However since you have the ability to double jump and are the fastest class, you are the most capable class to flank the enemy. Therefore, you should look out to kill distracted enemies, like medics charging their Übercharge or snipers that weren’t expecting a scout to jump into their battlements.

The Soldier.

Even though the soldier is one of the slower classes, he has the ability to rocket jump to jump higher or travel further. Also the rocket launcher is one of the most powerful weapons in the game, and its splash damage combined with a critical hit, can kill multiple classes in one shot.

Basic strategy: The soldier main function is to take down enemies and buildings with the rocket launcher. Also the splash damage of the rockets makes it a perfect choice for a medic’s Kritzkrieg. He can also flank the enemy to a certain degree using the rocket jump, to strike enemies from behind.

The Pyro.

The main ability of the Pyro is that he cannot catch on fire, and he has the ability to extinguish teammates on fire and reflect enemy projectiles and enemies themselves (except with the Backburner).

Basic strategy: The main job of the Pyro is to ambush the enemy at close range using the flamethrower, catch groups of enemies on fire to create confusion, use the flamethrower to look for invisible or disguised spies, and reflect incoming projectiles separate a Medic from their Übercharge target so they become vulnerable.

The Demoman.

Almost the same as the soldier, the Demoman can use his Sticky bombs to jump higher and further. The grenades of the grenade launcher explode on direct contact with an enemy, unless it touches the ground first. He can also lay sticky bombs he can detonate any moment to create traps for the enemy, or destroy enemy buildings.

Basic strategy: The role of the Demoman in the team is to use his sticky bombs to create traps for incoming enemies, deny access to control points placing Sticky bombs on them, and to destroy enemy buildings. Even though the Demoman may successfully take down single sentry nest without a medic in favorable conditions, if it is a very well defended sentry nest it would be better to wait for an Übercharge than to try several times to take it down by yourself.

The Heavy.

The Heavy is the class with the most Health in the game but at the same time is the slowest class of all. However, the combination of the firepower of the mini gun and his great health makes it one of the hardest classes to kill, and even harder when he is paired with a Medic.

Basic strategy: The role of the heavy is to attack the enemy with his mini gun, which in most cases can take them down in a matter of seconds. However, having ready up his mini gun to attack, and having a very low mobility while deployed, makes him excel more in defending while being support by a Medic or a dispenser, or attack when the enemy is not expecting you. Also since he gains a total of 450 health points while overheal by a medic, he can also be useful to attack small sentry nests without an Übercharge. And most of the time is the preferred target for medic’s Übercharges.

The Engineer.

He is the only class with the ability to create, repair, and upgrade buildings. These include Sentries, Dispensers, and teleporters. He is also able pick up and redeploy his own buildings, which makes it easier to move them where the team needs them.

Basic strategy: While the role of the Engineer is mostly to defend objectives, such as capture points or the intelligence. The ability to be able to redeploy buildings makes the Engineer capable of offensive strategies, such as redeploying a level 3 sentry close to the enemy spawn, so your teammates can capture the points while the enemy tries to take down you sentry. However is to remember that a level one sentry deployed in the capture point at the beginning of the defense round, is better than having a level 3 sentry close to spawn and ready to move it after the match has already started. And only hide between your sentry and dispenser while the enemy attacks, of you will be an easy target for a skillful spy.

The Medic.

The medic is the most important class in the game, since he is the one that makes sure the team is healed, buff them to 150% of their total health and most importantly, he has the ability to make himself and his Medigun target invulnerable to all damage for a short period of time, or grant 100% Critical hit chance to his target again only for a short period of time. He also has a passive ability to regenerate his own health.

Basic strategy: A medic should always be healing the team, doing so he charges his Übercharge meter, and makes their target health go up to 150% of their total health. Targets that haven’t being hurt recently can be healed faster, and healing more hurt teammates makes the Übercharge meter fill faster, however, during set up time, the Übercharge will fill at its maximum rate, so incidentally hurting oneself during set up is useless (but this tactic does work during the rest of the round).

The Sniper.

The sniper has the ability to get 100% critical hits with headshots while his rifle is zoomed in. His shots also do more damage the longer he has being zoomed in. This makes the sniper the perfect class to take down key targets.

Basic strategy: The Sniper can take an overhealed Heavy with a single fully load headshot. However, a non loaded headshot does 150, enough to kill most classes that not overhealed. Take that in mid while sniping, since expending much time zoomed can give the opportunity to the enemy to flank you and kill you.

The spy.

The Spy is one of the hardest classes to master, but a very good Spy can change the tide of a match one second to the other. The Spy can disguise as any class from any team, while disguised, the enemy will see him displaying the name of a teammate of the same class. He can also turn invisible for a short period of time, which allows him to move without being noticed.

Basic strategy: While the simple act of disguising oneself as a teammate can fool distracted enemies, or people not familiar with the Spy’s ability. More experienced player may be able to recognize a spy right away. You will have to pick a disguise that makes sense for the place you are (people will be more likely to suspect that the Sniper heading to the Intelligence room is a spy, than a Sniper that heads to the battlements. One shall never disguise as an enemy among teammates, and when cloak, avoid touching the enemy, since it will make them slightly visible for a moment.

Team Tactics

These are the strategies of the game that most players should learn and understand if they want to help their team. Using these in combat will allow you to get a leg up on the competition.

Find alternate routes and use them (even if they take longer than direct route). Don't take the same flanking route too often to avoid becoming predictable -- the enemy will quickly learn to anticipate your strategy.
Wait around corners and surprise your enemy. You and a few of your allies could wait around corners and ambush any enemies that walk by as a defensive or offensive tactic.
Communicate with your Medic buddy. Try not to waste your ÜberCharge, but remember that it's better to spend your charge and survive than to die with a charge ready. Have a plan for what you will do when Übered.

The Barrage

  • Overview: a creeping hail of explosives moves though an area to clear the way for the rest of the team.
  • Details: Demomen and Soldiers fire continually into an area to make it a no-go zone for the opposing team. Attackers follow the barrage by moving into the cleared area and holding it.

The Demomen and Soldiers must use a spread of fire across the intended area to ensure it is all cleared.

Über push

  • Overview: the attacking team coordinates a series of ÜberCharges to clear an area.
  • Details: Two or more Medics build up an ÜberCharge. The first Medic activates his charge and enters the area; after 9 seconds the second Medic follows and moves into the area. If the situation allows, the second Medic can follow immediately, taking advantage of the distraction provided by the first Über pair and moving deeper into enemy territory before activating the second charge. Communicating who will Über first is key.


  • Overview: Demomen lay series of Stickybombs over an open area.
  • Details: a spread out carpet of Stickybombs is laid over an open area in sequence by several Demomen. When attackers push forward, detonate each set of Stickies in series to kill multiple waves of attackers. It is important that the other Demomen wait for the previous set to be detonated before detonating the next set. Using the Scottish Resistance makes this strategy more efficient, easier to pull off, and somewhat lessens the need for multiple Demomen, as a single Demoman can have up to 14 stickies and selectively detonate them.

Coordinated Sap

  • Overview: Spies sap Sentry Gun emplacements to enable an attack by teammates.
  • Details: a Spy or Spies sap Sentry Gun emplacements just before an offensive push, enabling teammates to safely attack the disabled Sentry Guns. Communicate when you have sapped the Sentry Gun to enable the attack to commence immediately. Continue to sap to enable the attacker to take out the Engineer first.

Medic Luring

  • Overview: a "Soldier/Heavy" disguised Spy lures Medics into ambush points.
  • Details: instead of attempting to kill an enemy Medic, a Spy disguised as an enemy assault class can lure an unaware Medic into an ambush. Thinking you are a member of his team, the Medic may follow you into your team's base, allowing your team to ambush him with a Sentry Gun or a group of allies. Remember that Spies look less suspicious when they appear to be trying to help the team.


Main article: Rush
  • Overview: All players select the same class to overwhelm the enemy.
  • Details: All players choose only one class or a majority of one class. The class usually depends on the situation. For example, a Scout rush allows your team to reach and capture the first point very quickly, hopefully before the entire enemy team arrives.

Tactical Direction

  • Overview: In certain maps your team will have to decide whether to go one path or another.
  • Details: this decision usually comes into play in 3-CP maps such as Gravel Pit.

See also