( -_・) ︻デ═一

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Revision as of 03:35, 2 May 2023 by MEMEScouty (talk | contribs)
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User MEMEScouty scoutloverboy.gif This user loves Scout very much.

hai :) I edit this page a lot, so for the people in the IRC, sorry.
I edit things that relate to fragging. i don't like the competitive Scout page and plan to redo it, because it feels weirdly written IMO.
Go check my first sandbox to see the progress. If you are a mod/admin/active editor, tell me how it looks! Need feedback.
Leaderboard class scout.png User MEMEScouty movementisachannel.png

To-do List

  • Redo the comp class pages to give better info.
    • Add videos and povs.
    • Remove weapon tables and just leave a link to the comp weapon page. why the tables even exist even if there is a dedicated page is beyond me.
    • Add images.
    • Add class gameplay differences between HL and 6s, because it doesn't feel like there is a difference in the page descriptions.
    • Add images of common scenarios.
KOTH Harvest Farmhouse.png This user is such a Harvest Addict that when the map rotates he suffers from withdrawal symptoms.
Competitive logo laurel.png This user claims they play competitively, and yet is not in a scrim right now. How interesting...
Standard icon Scattergun.png This user owns a Strange Normal Scattergun. Oddly enough, this user never uses it.
Killstreak Fire Horns T2 8.png This user's favorite killstreak effect is Fire Horns.
ScoutCrouchingHumiliation.png This user has no hope left.
pwn. This user owns you.
Pictogram tick.png This user leaves summaries with his edits most of the time.
LargeEdit.jpg This user likes to edit articles in GIANT MAN chunks.
2-dice-icon.png This user loves surfing the Wiki via Random Page.
Tf2 1000.png This user has logged 1000 hours total in Team Fortress 2.
TF2 crosshair.png This user is a Team Fortress 2 junky!
Nemesis RED.png This user is dominating you!
Knife ready to Backstab 1st person red.png This user is a Backstabber!
Item icon Killstreak Kit.png This user loves to apply Killstreak Kits to his weapons.
User Scout.png This user is a Scout.
“I'm battin' a thousand!”
Scouttarget.png This user is a sitting duck.
Tf scout long distance runner.png This user enjoys Team Fortress 2 at 45 frames per second.
Dead Ringer.png This user has spent hours of his life playing Team Fortress 2!
Item icon Essential Accessories.png This user owns the Essential Accessories.
Backpack Champ Stamp.png This user owns a Genuine Champ Stamp.

Backpack Mildly Disturbing Halloween Mask.png This user owns the Mildly Disturbing Halloween Mask.
Saharan Spy Set.png This user is a Saharan Spy.
Backpack Scattergun.png This user owns a Strange Scattergun.
Rank: Hale's Own
Kills: See below

Backpack Pistol.png This user owns a Strange Pistol.
Rank: Unremarkable
Kills: 111 (on purpose)

RED Texas Toast.png This user prefers to buy virtual cosmetic items of little to no use instead of investing in upgrading his toaster PC.
-81 This user plays with -dxlevel 81, because they're a poor.
Half-life.png This user prefers Half-Life 1.
User Dani - NoBox.png This user does not want userboxes on his profile page... wait a second....
Scout Soldier Pyro
Mildly Disturbing Halloween Mask Essential Accessories Champ Stamp Scattergun Pistol Atomizer Mildly Disturbing Halloween Mask Kringle Collection Air Strike Gunboats Escape Plan Mildly Disturbing Halloween Mask Flamethrower Flare Gun Axtinguisher
Demoman Heavy Engineer
Mildly Disturbing Halloween Mask Earbuds Iron Bomber Stickybomb Launcher Bottle Mildly Disturbing Halloween Mask Champ Stamp Minigun Shotgun Frying Pan Mildly Disturbing Halloween Mask Champ Stamp Shotgun Pistol Jag
Medic Sniper Spy
Mildly Disturbing Halloween Mask Crusader's Crossbow Medi Gun Solemn Vow Mildly Disturbing Halloween Mask Champ Stamp Sniper Rifle SMG Kukri Mildly Disturbing Halloween Mask Rogue's Robe Sneaky Spats of Sneaking Revolver Dead Ringer Conniver's Kunai

My Favorite Things <3 ecks dee
Backpack Corsair Scattergun Factory New.png

Hale's Own Scattergun - Kills: 220017
Killstreaker: Tornado
Sheen: Mean Green
Killstreaks Active

Backpack Winger.png

Spectacularly Lethal Winger
Spectacularly Lethal Pistol - Kills: 304
Killstreaker: Fire Horns
Sheen: Mean Green
Killstreaks Active
"i only use this thing because its pro ks LMAOOOOOOO"

Backpack Atomizer.png

Level 1 - 100 Bat
Killstreaker: Tornado
Sheen: Mean Green
Killstreaks Active

Backpack Mildly Disturbing Halloween Mask.png

"The Masked Menace"
Level 1 - 100 Hat
""And when the Scout saw his achievement, he wept, for there were no more pubbers to kill.""

Gift from: sizzzzzly
Date Received: Jul 1, 2017 (02:16:13)

Backpack Champ Stamp.png

Mannceaux Signature Collection Tattoo - Points Scored: 2841930
"too bad this isn't on soldier"


User MEMEScouty moomin.png