
From Team Fortress Wiki
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Strategy image.png

For general map-specific strategies, please see the pages for each map. Other pages on strategy can be found in Category:Strategy.

Some strategies and explanations may use abbreviations, slang or alternate names for various reasons, such as to maintain flow or encourage a casual, co-operative ethos. For any terms you are unsure of, search the Glossary of player terms in case it is listed there.

Also, reading all these will be a waste of time because a lot of this game relies on luck and communication. Since pub servers are jam packed with random spam, crits and unpredictable causes of death that will always await you around the corner and 11 team mates that won't communicate or try, you are not going to do to well. So as long as you follow these guides and just pray to god that there isn't an incoming crocket or every enemy, and as long as your team decide to mention if theres a spy or a sentry in the area. You will do well.

Class Strategies

Note: These are basic, succinct strategies that teach the basics to a class and also any small, useless tips. Please edit with caution.

Anti-Class Strategies

Note: These are strategies for playing against a class, instead of playing as the class.

Community Strategies

Note: These are cunt-written strategies that can offer a lot more detail, but may be more subjective or situational (another words you got to be lucky and be in the right place and right time) than the basic strategies.

Community Game mode strategies

Note: These pages are for learning how to play more effectively on any of the Game modes, as any class. But to be honest, you shouldn't play by this guide, you need luck and team work, and you either have it or you don't

Community Map strategies

Note: These pages are for learning how to play more effectively on any of the official Team Fortress 2 maps, as any class.

Team Strategies

There's teamwork in this game?!

Main article: Team strategy

Individual Strategies

Achievement Strategies
