Реплики Разведчик

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Revision as of 12:20, 25 August 2010 by SpyCrab666 (talk | contribs) (После убийства Пулеметчика Бейсбольной битой)
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Основные реакции

После убийства более 2-х врагов менее чем за 20 секунд

  • "You wimps suck!"
  • "How does that feel, wimp?"
  • "Ya got anything smart ta say now?"
  • "Ooooh yeah, you're real scary!"
  • "Haha! You got owned!"
  • "Lotta' good that gun didya!"

После убийства пятерых врагов менее чем за 20 секунд

Помощь при убийстве

  • "Way to go, pally!"
  • "We got 'em, we got 'em!"

Превосходство над одним противником

  • [Juvenile Laughter]
  • That's what I'm talking about!
  • "Y'just got freakin' dominated knucklehead awright let's do this."
  • "Yeah, dat's right!"
  • "Are you even tryin'?"
  • "Ha ha! Look at you! You look like you ran through traffic!"
  • "Yo, did ya even see me hittin' ya?"
  • "It's starting to bore me how much you suck."
  • "Hey knucklehead, you ain't gonna win."
  • "I don't usually kill morons this fast."
  • "Drink it in, pal. That's how failure tastes."
  • "Would you just look at you? I mean, look at you."
  • "Hit the bricks pal, you're done."
  • "You... are... terrible!"
  • "You're gettin' dominated, chucklehead!"
  • "Oh what, you gonna cry? You gonna cry now?"
  • "Domination. Look it up.
  • "Is that all you got, moron?"
  • "Yeah, I dare ya, rage quit. C'mon, make us both happy."
  • "I will never... stop... killing you."

Превосходство над двумя противниками

  • [Longer Juvenile Laughter]

Превосходство над тремя и более противниками

  • [Breathless Laughter] (followed by "Yeah...yeah....")


  • "You guys ain't even worth the effort."
  • "Not so tough now are ya? ARE YA?"


  • "Hey good job there, hardhat!"
  • "Thanks for the ride!"
  • "Thanks for that, tough guy!"

После лечения Медиком

  • "Thanks, doc."
  • "Yeah yeah, thanks."
  • "Alright! I feel good."

Захват Разведданных/Контрольной точки

  • "I got it, I got it, I got it!"
  • "Yeah, yeah, yeah!"
  • "Yeah!"
  • "I got it, I got it!"
  • "No problem!"
  • "Yeah, it's ours now!"
  • "I'm not even winded."
  • "Is-is anyone even paying attention ta me?"


  • "Oh hey! You suck."
  • "Oh yeah!"
  • "Yes!"
  • "Way to go slugger!"
  • "Ooooh yeah, you're real scary!"
  • "Hey, lotta' good that gun didya!"

Начало матча

  • "Play Ball!"
  • "Let's get 'em!"
  • "Let's waste 'em!"
  • "Eat my dust!"
  • "Woohoo!"

Победа в матче

  • "Yuhs!"
  • "I did it!"
  • "Woohoohoo!"
  • "Sweet."
  • "Wicked!"
  • "Oh yeah!"

Поражение в матче/Мгновенная смерть

  • "This sucks on ice!"
  • "Boooooooo!"
  • [Blows a Raspberry]
  • "Frickin'. Unbelieveable."
  • "This did not just happen!"
  • "No seriously, you all suck!"
  • "What the hell is youse guys' problem?"
  • "Ah, jeeze!"
  • "This sucks!"
  • "What the hell was that crap?"
  • "This is a real frickin' embarassment."
  • "Yeah guys, this does not look good, um..."


  • "Auugghh!"
  • "I can not believe this!"
  • "You have got to be kidding!"
  • "You gotta be kiddin' me!"

При воспламенении

  • "Foiyah, foiyah, foiyah!" ("Fire, fire, fire!" with a Brooklyn accent)
  • "Oh I'm burnin', I'm-I'm burnin'!"

Реакции, специфичные для Разведчика

Убийство Битой

  • "I'm battin' a thousand!"
  • "I oughta' be on a baseball card!"
  • "Yo, Batter up!"
  • "Say goodbye to ya kneecaps, chucklehead!"
  • "Ya head's a freakin' bat magnet!"
  • "Bonk!"
  • "Boik!"
  • "Is anyone keepin track of my heads batted in?"

После убийства Пулеметчика Бейсбольной битой

  • "На кушай, придурок!"

После уничтожения строения Инженера

  • "I broke your stupid crap, moron!"

После подбирания вражеских Разведданных

  • "Wave goodbye to your secret crap, dumbass!"

Не привязанные реакции

  • "I'm runnin' circles around ya!"
  • "Yeah! Why don't you come over and say that to my face, tough guy!"
  • "I'm gonna headbutt ch'ya, I'm gonna headbutt ch'ya, I'm gonna headbutt ch'ya!"
  • "Yeah, come get some you frickin' wuss!"
  • "Who wants some of this!?"
  • "What are you lookin at?!"
  • "You're all losers!"
  • "Hey wimps,you wimps suck"
  • "You knuckleheads ain't even worth the effort!"
  • "You morons are about to catch a real beatin'"
  • "Oh hey, you suck"

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