Scout responses/cs
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[hide]- 1 Reakce
- 1.1 Po zabití 1 nepřítele s primární zbraní za 20 sekund
- 1.2 Dominace Scouta
- 1.3 Dominace Soldiera
- 1.4 Dominace Pyra
- 1.5 Dominace Demomana
- 1.6 Dominace Heavyho
- 1.7 Dominace Engineera
- 1.8 Dominace Medica
- 1.9 Dominace Snipera
- 1.10 Dominace Spye
- 1.11 Pomsta
- 1.12 Teleportace
- 1.13 Uzdraven Medicem
- 1.14 Následovat Medica
- 1.15 Po chycení Kufříku/Kontrolního bodu
- 1.16 Útok, Kontrolní Bod není obsazen
- 1.17 Útok: Vozík jede dopředu
- 1.18 Útok: Vozík jede zpět
- 1.19 Obrana: Vozík jede dopředu
- 1.20 Obrana: Vozík jede zpět
- 1.21 Útok: Zůstaňte u vozíku
- 1.22 Útok: Vozík se zastavil
- 1.23 Obrana: Zastavit Bombu
- 1.24 Obrana
- 1.25 Začátek Hry
- 1.26 Prohra/Remíza
- 1.27 Remíza
- 1.28 Zapálen
- 1.29 Destrukce
- 2 Duel
- 3 Třídově-Specifické Reakce
- 3.1 Trojtý Skok
- 3.2 Zabití Pálkou
- 3.3 Zabití Pálkou Kritickým úderem
- 3.4 Po vypití Bonk! Atomic Punch nebo Crit-a-Coly
- 3.5 Úhýbání poškození pomocí Bonk!
- 3.6 Pod efektem Bonk!
- 3.7 Po omráčení nepřítele
- 3.8 Zabití SandManem
- 3.9 Po sebrání Baseballového míčku
- 3.10 Po zabití Heavyho pomocí Pálky
- 3.11 Po sebraní nepřátelského Kufříku
- 4 Nepoužité reakce
Po zabití 1 nepřítele s primární zbraní za 20 sekund
- "That's what I'm talking about!"
- [Evil Laughter]
- [Happy Laughter]
- [Happy Laughter 2] You got owned!
- [Happy Laughter 3]
- [Happy Laughter 4]
- [Long Laughter] Yeah...yeah!
- [Long Laughter 2]
- "Not so tough now are ya? Are ya?!"
- "You knuckleheads ain't even worth the effort. "
Dominace Scouta
- "Hit the bricks pal, you're done."
- "Ha ha! Look at you! You look like you ran through traffic!"
- "Hey knucklehead, you ain't gonna win."
- "Oh what, you gonna cry? You gonna cry now?"
- "Yeah, I dare ya, rage quit. C'mon, make us both happy."
- "I will never... stop... killing you."
- "You... are... terrible!"
- "I am the Scout here!"
- "Dis map ain't big enough for da two of us!"
- "Hid da road, bozo, let a real Scout get ta work!"
Dominace Soldiera
- "Yo, I'm not even wearing a helmet!"
- "What is your major malfunction, brudda?"
- "Drop dead and give me 20!"
- "You're a disgrace to ya uniform, pal!"
- (Imitating Soldier)"Dis-missed!"
- "Dere ain't enough crits in da world ta kill me!"
Dominace Pyra
- "Ey, who's on fire now?"
- "Yo, if ya didn't want me ta kill ya, ya shoulda said somethin'!"
- "It's starting to bore me how much you suck."
- "Repeat after me: 'muhmuhmuh I'm dead!'"
- "Take dat, ya dumb, bib-wearin' dope!"
- "Eat it, ya mute frickin' moron!"
- "Yeah, nice moves, mumbles!"
Dominace Demomana
- "Yeah, next time, try two eyes!"
- "Y'just got freakin' dominated knucklehead awright let's do this."
- "I don't usually kill morons this fast."
- "Blow that up, cyclops!"
- "The best man won, ya bomb-throwing drunk!"
- "Your clock just got cleaned, rummy!"
- "'Depth perception', pal, look into it."
Dominace Heavyho
- "I am owning you, you fat, bald bastard!"
- "Today ain't ya day, pancakes!"
- "Drink it in, pal. That's how failure tastes."
- "Would you just look at you? I mean, look at you."
- "$400,000 to fire that gun, huh? Yeah, money well spent!"
- "Dem $200 bullets ain't so hot when they don't hit nothin', are dey?"
- "I think I'll take Sasha out for a steak dinner tonight. Whad'ya think about that?"
- "Ain't so hard now, are ya, fat-cakes?"
- "I... eat... your...sandwiches. I eat 'em up!"
- "Nice hustle, 'tons of fun!' Next time, eat a salad!"
- "Hey lard-fat, those hard arteries don't stop bullets, do thay?
- "I am owning you, you fat, bald, fatty fat... fat fat!"
Dominace Engineera
- "Ey, here's something you can invent next time: Ducking!"
- "Here's something you shoulda built: A Not-Dyin'-Machine!"
- "Don't bring a Wrench to a gunfight!"
- "Here's a schematic for ya: My ass!"
- "Hey overalls! You suck!"
- "Lotta good dat hardhat didja!"
- "Is that all you got, moron?"
Dominace Medica
- "Diagnosis: You suck!"
- "Ooh hoo hoo, ya gun shoots medicine! It's intimidatin'!"
- "Where's your precious Hippo-crates now?"
- "Domination. Look it up.
- "You're gettin' dominated, chucklehead!"
- "Real nice effort, Deutsch-bag!"
- "I... hate... doctors!"
- "[sigh] Docta, docta, docta..."
Dominace Snipera
- "Snipe dat, ya frickin' coward!"
- "That fancy scope of yours, bet ya got a REAL good view of me killin' ya!"
- "You camped da whole time for dis?!"
- "It was a mercy killin', ya live in a... camper van!"
- "You'll never hit me! You'll never hit my tiny head! It's so tiny! I got a frickin'... such a tiny li'l head!"
Dominace Spye
- "Disguise dat!"
- "Dominated, ya shapeshiftin' rat!"
- "Hard ta stab a guy in da back when he's beatin' ya freakin' head in, huh?"
- "Hehey, look, you shape shifted into a dead guy!"
- "Bang! I make it look easy!"
- "I did it"
- "If you order now, I'll throw in a second beatin', absolutely free."
- "Wassamatter, y'freakin' stupid?"
- "Hey, nice shootin' there!"
- "I wasted you!"
- "How do ya like me now, blockhead?"
- "Ya like that, chucklenuts?
- "Boom! I'm back, dummy!"
- "Remember me? Yeah, ya do!"
- Don't you ever cross me again!
- "What have we learned? I always win!"
- "Who's the tough guy now, huh tough-guy?"
- "Still think you're funny, funny-man?"
- "Ya got anything smart ta say now?"
Uzdraven Medicem
Následovat Medica
Po chycení Kufříku/Kontrolního bodu
- Yeah, it's ours now!
- I'm not even winded.
- I got it, I got it, I got it!
- Is-is anyone even payin' attention ta me?
- Yeah, yeah, yeah!
- Yeah!
- I got it, I got it!
- No problem!
Útok, Kontrolní Bod není obsazen
- Get on the freakin' point, dumbass!
- Stand on the freakin' point, you moron!
- How's the weather over there, dumbass? Get to the freakin' point!
- What the hell is wrong with you? Stand on the freakin' point!
- Would you kindly move ya ass to the freakin' point?
- Hey, get on the cap, guys!
- Stand on the freakin' cap!
- Let's get on the cap, fellas!
- Get on the cap, ya dopes!
Útok: Vozík jede dopředu
- Push!
- Mush, you lazy bums!
- Keep pushin' it!
- Yeah, yeah, yeah!
- Keep it movin', guys!
- Go, go, go!
- Push da freakin' cart!
- Keep dat cart movin'!
- C'mon, move da cart!
Útok: Vozík jede zpět
- Dat ain't da right way, guys!
- What da hell's goin' on?
- Aw, cripes, da cart!
- Is someone gonna push da freakin' cart?
- Da cart's movin' backwards!
- Aw, jeez, da cart!
- No, no, no! The cart!
- Anyone else pushing dis thing?
Obrana: Vozík jede dopředu
Obrana: Vozík jede zpět
- "Return ta freakin' sender!"
- "Awright, awright!"
- "Hey now we doin' it, now we doin' it!"
- "Yeah, yeah, yeah!"
- "What, ya guys give up?"
- "Yo, it should be goin' dat way!"
Útok: Zůstaňte u vozíku
- "Stay by da cart, fellas!"
- "Git ova here!"
- "Stay close, guys!"
- "Let's all push dis thing!"
- "We pushin' dis thing or what?"
- "Li'l help pushin' da cart?"
Útok: Vozík se zastavil
- "Da freakin' cart stopped!"
- "What da hell?! Who stopped pushin' da cart?!"
- "Push it, push it push it!"
Obrana: Zastavit Bombu
- "Oh hey! You suck."
- "Oh yeah!"
- "Yes!"
- "Way to go slugger!"
- "Ooooh yeah, you're real scary!"
- "Hey, lotta' good that gun didya!"
Začátek Hry
- "This sucks on ice!"
- "Boooooooo!"
- (Blows a Raspberry)
- "Frickin' unbelieveable."
- "This did not just happen!"
- "No seriously, you all suck!"
- "What the hell is youse guys' problem?"
- "Ah, jeez!"
- "This sucks!"
- "What the hell was that crap?"
- "This is a real frickin' embarrassment."
- "'Kay, this does not look good here, um..."
- "Foiyah, foiyah, foiyah!" ("Fire, fire, fire!" with a Brooklyn accent)
- "Oh I'm burnin', I'm-I'm burnin'!"
Výzva na duel
Duel přijat
- "Sweet!"
- "Ooooh yeah, you're real scary!"
- "I'm gonna headbutt cha', I'm gonna headbutt cha', I'm gonna headbutt cha'!"
- "Yeah, come get some, you frickin' wuss!"
- "Yeah!"
Duel nepřijat
- "You have got to be kidding!"
- "You gotta be kiddin' me!"
- "I can not believe this!"
- "Auugghh!"
- "Yeah, I dare ya, rage quit. C'mon, make us both happy."
- "I will never... stop... killing you."
- "Boooooooo!"
- "Frickin' unbelieveable."
- "Wassamatter, y'freakin' stupid?"
Třídově-Specifické Reakce
Trojtý Skok
Zabití Pálkou
- "I'm battin' a thousand!"
- "Yo, I oughta' be on a baseball card!"
- "Yo, batter up!"
- "Say goodbye to ya kneecaps, chucklehead!"
- "Ya head's a freakin' Bat magnet!"
- "Bonk!"
- "Boink!"
- "'Ey, is somebody keepin' track of my heads batted in?"
- "How's that feel, wimp?"
Zabití Pálkou Kritickým úderem
- "Look at this, just caved in your skull- my Bat's still dry. No clumps a' hair, nothin'."
- "You're like a car crash in slow motion. It's like I'm watchin' ya fly through a windshield."
- "Dude, you get a closed casket at the ugly cemetery!"
- "Pop quiz: How long does it take to beat a moron to death? BAM. Sorry, time's up, you're dead!"
Po vypití Bonk! Atomic Punch nebo Crit-a-Coly
- "Un-freakin' touchable!"
- "Ya can't hit what ain't dere!"
- "Wananananana" (sound effect from The Million Dollar Man)
- "I'm a freakin' blur, here!"
- [Demandingly] "Look at me!"
Úhýbání poškození pomocí Bonk!
Pod efektem Bonk!
Po omráčení nepřítele
- "Oh I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hitchya... No, wait, yeah I did."
- "Oh, dat's a skull fracture for sure!"
- "Ohh, I got alla dat one."
- "Dere's a dingah for ya!"
- "Downtown!"
- "Home-frickin'-run!"
- "Gotta nice piece a dat!"
- "Nice catch, knucklehead!"
- "Good 'ands, buddy!"
- "Good catch, dummy!"
- "Wayta duck!"
- "Nice hustle!"
- "Yo, heads up!"
- "Ding-dong!"
- "Think fast, chucklenuts!"
- "Real smooth, dummy!"
Zabití SandManem
Po sebrání Baseballového míčku
Po zabití Heavyho pomocí Pálky
Po sebraní nepřátelského Kufříku
Nepoužité reakce
Dvojitý skok
- "Hehey, I'm flyin'!"
- "Woo hoo hoo!"
- "Look at you chuckleheads down there!"
- "Hey, I can see my base from here!"
- "Look at me, Ma!"
Nesmrtelnost není připravená
Achievement odemknut
- "'Ey look at me, look at me!"
- "Hey, look at me, Ma!"
- "Aw, fellas!"
- "Hi, Ma!"
- "Look at me!"
- "No otha' class gonna do dat!"
- "You see dat?"
- "You seein' dis?"
- "I'll put it in my trophy room, with the othas."
- "I don't know who to thank first... oh, I know, me!"
- "Bang! I make it look easy!"
- "I'm gonna beat on your skull 'till I hit tonsils."
- "Man, your skull's so soft you're makin' this easy!"
- "What are you lookin at?!"
- "You're all losers!"
- "Hey, wimps!"
- "You wimps suck!"
- "You morons are about to catch a real beatin'"