Team Fortress Wiki:Tips Revision/Suggestions
Please sign any contribution to tip suggestions, be it a new tip or a suggestion for change, with four tildes (~)! |
This page is for suggesting new tips to be added to the project, or changes to the tips already in the Final page. Tips here will be regularly reviewed and, if of sufficient quality, will be moved to the Final page; tips not of quality will be left for editors to improve.
When suggesting changes to current tips, include the existing full line from Final page, and your modified line below - this allows for easy comparison of your changes and for easy replacement within Final page.
* "Tip_1_1" "As a Scout, jump while in mid-air to change direction and avoid enemy fire." ** "Tip_1_1" "As a Waffle, invent a Dispenser to shoot chickens on the moon."
New tips
For new tips, simply suggest the tip's text - not adhering to tf_english formatting - this will be implemented if a tip is accepted into Final page. Feedback on new tips, or changes to them, should be given on a new line below the tip. Sign tips and responses to tips to make it easier to keep track of changes.
* "As a Waffle, invent a Dispenser to shoot chickens on the moon." ~~~~ ** "As a Chicken, invent a Waffle to shoot Dispensers on the moon." ~~~~ *** I'm not a chicken though? ~~~~
Suggest changes or updates to current Final page tips here.
- "Tip_1_23" "As a Scout, watch your health when using the Atomizer. A wrong triple jump could cost a life!"
- "Tip_3_1" "As a Soldier, you can rocket jump to great heights or distances by simultaneously jumping and firing a rocket on nearby surfaces; crouching as you jump will increase the energy you gain from the rocket."
- I'll leave this one a couple more days as it is a bit long, and I'm not a huge fan of it's wording; however I can't really think of how to adjust it. -RJ 05:57, 21 September 2011 (PDT)
- How about: "Tip_3_1" "As a Soldier, rocket jumping by simultaneously jumping or crouch-jumping and firing a rocket at a nearby floor or wall can get you to faraway places quickly! Try different combinations!"? ~Xenaero ( T | C ) 19:51, 22 September 2011 (PDT)
- I've just implemented my variant of the tip, however the discussion is still open. I'm not a fan of how yours is worded Xenaero, it doesn't make known the benefit of crouching as you jump and I really dislike the phrase "crouch-jumping" - it's implicit, and I think tips should state things explicitly. -RJ 06:07, 25 September 2011 (PDT)
- I just don't like how that tip is worded in general, I guess. You have to think that these tips are ideally helpful for new players or players who don't have a ton of experience with a class. The way you have it worded assumes prior knowledge of rocket jumping. Maybe instead of energy you should try momentum. ~Xenaero ( T | C ) 11:11, 27 September 2011 (PDT)
- I've just implemented my variant of the tip, however the discussion is still open. I'm not a fan of how yours is worded Xenaero, it doesn't make known the benefit of crouching as you jump and I really dislike the phrase "crouch-jumping" - it's implicit, and I think tips should state things explicitly. -RJ 06:07, 25 September 2011 (PDT)
- How about: "Tip_3_1" "As a Soldier, rocket jumping by simultaneously jumping or crouch-jumping and firing a rocket at a nearby floor or wall can get you to faraway places quickly! Try different combinations!"? ~Xenaero ( T | C ) 19:51, 22 September 2011 (PDT)
- I'll leave this one a couple more days as it is a bit long, and I'm not a huge fan of it's wording; however I can't really think of how to adjust it. -RJ 05:57, 21 September 2011 (PDT)
- "Tip_6_15" "As a Heavy, the Dalokohs Bar will increase your health by 50 for 30 seconds when used. This can be a powerful advantage when facing multiple opponents!"
- "Tip_6_16" "As a Heavy, the Dalokohs Bar will increase your health by 50 for 30 seconds when used. Use it to offset the health drain caused by the Gloves of Running Urgently."
- These two tips need to be merged as they're very similar in structure. Any ideas on consolidating so it's not this huge line of text? ~Xenaero ( T | C ) 12:10, 27 September 2011 (PDT)
- "Tip_6_15" "As a Heavy, the Dalokohs Bar's temporary health increase can be a powerful advantage in battle or help offset the health drain of the Gloves of Running Urgently." ~Xenaero ( T | C ) 10:23, 28 September 2011 (PDT)
- "Tip_9_17" "As an Engineer, use your Shotgun and Pistol to destroy enemy Stickybombs placed near your buildings."
- "Tip_9_17" "As an Engineer, the Short Circuit lets you protect your buildings by eliminating incoming enemy projectiles."
- Tip_General_3 already covers methods in which to destroy sticky traps with conventional weapons, but there's nothing new about the Short Circuit, so I'm advocating a replacement tip. ~Xenaero ( T | C ) 12:10, 27 September 2011 (PDT)
- "Tip_8_14" "As a Spy, pick up ammo and fallen weapons to recharge cloak when using your invis watch or the Dead Ringer."
- "Tip_8_14" "As a Spy, picking up ammo and fallen weapons will recharge your Invisibility Watch and Dead Ringer, but be aware that a friendly Engineer could probably use the metal for his buildings more." -
nixshadow (t|c) 15:53, 26 September 2011 (PDT)
- Once again I prove myself good with the words. Feel free to work this better, I do feel the notice of an engineer would be a good addition though. -
nixshadow (t|c) 15:53, 26 September 2011 (PDT)
- You are good with words. I made them look a little better. BraveTriforcer 20:16, 26 September 2011 (PDT)
- Once again I prove myself good with the words. Feel free to work this better, I do feel the notice of an engineer would be a good addition though. -
- "Tip_8_14" "As a Spy, picking up ammo and fallen weapons will recharge your Invisibility Watch and Dead Ringer, but be aware that a friendly Engineer could probably use the metal for his buildings more." -
Arena tips
New tips
Suggest brand-new tips here.
- "As a Scout, Mad Milk can reveal cloaked Spies and make them easier to track down." ~Xenaero ( T | C ) 19:51, 22 September 2011 (PDT)
- The current in-game Jarate alternative to this simply states "As a Sniper, Jarate can reveal hidden Spies." Should we simplify this suggestion to match, or expand them both? -RJ 06:07, 25 September 2011 (PDT)
- I say that since both of these tips would be saying the same thing but with different "weapons", that the two should be merged together into one super-tip that covers all Spy-exposing needs. So it'd say something like "The Scout and Sniper's Mad Milk and Jarate can be used to reveal cloaked Spies." BraveTriforcer 19:52, 26 September 2011 (PDT)
- "The Scout's Mad Milk and the Sniper's Jarate can be used to reveal cloaked Spies." I think this is a slightly better wording of it.
RagnarHomsar 19:55, 26 September 2011 (PDT)
- Where would you put it? Under General? If that's the case then both could be merged into an all-encompassing tip. Bleed effects also reveal cloaked Spies. Do you include that in addition? ~Xenaero ( T | C ) 11:11, 27 September 2011 (PDT)
- How about if you list all the things that can reveal you while you're cloaked as a Spy under a Spy tip rather than listing Jarate, Mad Milk, etc in separate tips? Something like "As a Spy, Bleed status, Jarate and Mad Milk will reveal you while you're cloaked." although I suppose this would be better moved to the Spy section at this point? ~Xenaero ( T | C ) 12:10, 27 September 2011 (PDT)
- "The Scout's Mad Milk and the Sniper's Jarate can be used to reveal cloaked Spies." I think this is a slightly better wording of it.
- "As an Engineer, consider locations in the map that are hard to assault as places to begin your building. Sentries in particular benefit from this." ~Xenaero ( T | C ) 19:51, 22 September 2011 (PDT)
- I don't think that's a particularly helpful tip - seems pretty obvious. By the time a newbie engineer learns the "hard to assault" places, I imagine they'd already be moving their buildings there. -RJ 06:07, 25 September 2011 (PDT)
- "As a Medic, if you need to heal a lot of patients on battlefield in no time, consider using Quick-Fix. But don't forget, that you will lose invulnerability with it."
- "As a Medic, the Quick-Fix is worth using if multiple patients need healing within the same timeframe. Remember, though, that your ÜberCharge does not grant invulnerability, but instead an increased heal rate and immunity to knockback forces."
RagnarHomsar 23:22, 15 September 2011 (PDT)
- "As a Medic, the Quick-Fix heals teammates much faster than it's alternatives, at the expense of it's ÜberCharge; it is worth using when you need to keep numerous teammates buffed." - other Medic tips use "Teammates", not "Patients" - we should use "Teammates" for consistency. -RJ 02:37, 17 September 2011 (PDT)
- I don't think this is a bad tip, but I'm not too keen on my wording... will leave it here for suggestions for a few more days. -RJ 06:14, 21 September 2011 (PDT)
- I have an idea on this one. "As a Medic, the Quick-Fix heals very quickly, making it useful for single Medics in large teams, but sacrifices Overheal capability.", I don't think ÜberCharge should be mentioned, as it has a significant effect for its own über, it just differs from the other two Mediguns in that regard. Keep in mind that the Kritzkrieg offers no invulnerability of its own, but the Quick-Fix is the only Medigun to date that offers no Overheal. ~Xenaero ( T | C ) 19:51, 22 September 2011 (PDT)
- "As a Medic, the Quick-Fix heals very quickly, making it useful for healing many teammates, but sacrifices Overheal capability." -RJ 06:07, 25 September 2011 (PDT)
- I have an idea on this one. "As a Medic, the Quick-Fix heals very quickly, making it useful for single Medics in large teams, but sacrifices Overheal capability.", I don't think ÜberCharge should be mentioned, as it has a significant effect for its own über, it just differs from the other two Mediguns in that regard. Keep in mind that the Kritzkrieg offers no invulnerability of its own, but the Quick-Fix is the only Medigun to date that offers no Overheal. ~Xenaero ( T | C ) 19:51, 22 September 2011 (PDT)
- I don't think this is a bad tip, but I'm not too keen on my wording... will leave it here for suggestions for a few more days. -RJ 06:14, 21 September 2011 (PDT)
- "As a Medic, the Quick-Fix heals teammates much faster than it's alternatives, at the expense of it's ÜberCharge; it is worth using when you need to keep numerous teammates buffed." - other Medic tips use "Teammates", not "Patients" - we should use "Teammates" for consistency. -RJ 02:37, 17 September 2011 (PDT)
- "As a Medic, the Quick-Fix is worth using if multiple patients need healing within the same timeframe. Remember, though, that your ÜberCharge does not grant invulnerability, but instead an increased heal rate and immunity to knockback forces."
- "As a Medic, if you have been separated from your team, call out for a Medic yourself by pressing %voicemenu 0 0% to alert nearby teammates to your position." ~Xenaero ( T | C ) 19:51, 22 September 2011 (PDT)
- This could perhaps be worded better, but the basis of the tip should call for a voice bind that is the most attention grabbing for fellow teammates to help guard a Medic that got lost. Thoughts? ~Xenaero ( T | C ) 19:51, 22 September 2011 (PDT)
- I think teams rarely operate as a single large group, so the tip could simply work as "As a Medic, call out for a Medic yourself by pressing %voicemenu 0 0% to alert nearby teammates to your position." -RJ 06:07, 25 September 2011 (PDT)
- This could perhaps be worded better, but the basis of the tip should call for a voice bind that is the most attention grabbing for fellow teammates to help guard a Medic that got lost. Thoughts? ~Xenaero ( T | C ) 19:51, 22 September 2011 (PDT)
- "As a Sniper with the Machina, a charged shot that kills two enemies at once will produce a loud fanfare that everyone in the server can hear. This fanfare can catch enemies off-guard and make them easier for your teammates to kill."
- "As a Sniper, a miss will only reset the Bazaar Bargain's counter if the shot was taken while scoped. Consider "No-Scoping" risky targets to preserve accumulated heads."
- "As a Sniper, if you are using the Machina consider equipping the Submachine Gun to handle enemies in situations where scoping in for a headshot is too difficult."
- "As a Sniper, your Shahanshah goes well with Darwin's Danger Shield as you have to lose less health overall before the Shahanshah does more damage."
- These probably need revising. Sniper was tricky to write some tips for. Balladofwindfishes 14:25, 25 September 2011 (PDT)
- I've improved them a bit. Some tips just re-stated what the weapon did, some were poorly worded, and others didn't seem like a tip, just information. We want to avoid the quality of the current tips with these new ones. BraveTriforcer 20:05, 26 September 2011 (PDT)
- You really improved them a lot! Thanks. Balladofwindfishes 11:19, 27 September 2011 (PDT)
- Try to remember where health and ammo packs are located in each map. You might need them during or recovering from the fight. --Focusknock 06:21, 21 September 2011 (PDT)
- Might, just a squidgy bit, be pointing out the obvious there... just maybe. -RJ 06:07, 25 September 2011 (PDT)
- "If there is a health pack and a Medic that is injured nearby, let him heal you and take the health for himself. This way, you'll both be ready to fight again!" ~Xenaero ( T | C ) 19:51, 22 September 2011 (PDT)
- "If there is a health pack nearby, consider the health of teammates before taking it yourself - a teammate might need it a lot more than yourself." -RJ 06:07, 25 September 2011 (PDT)
- "If there is a health pack nearby, consider the health of teammates before taking it yourself - a teammate might need it a lot more." -RJ 20:09, 26 September 2011 (PDT)