Template:Class weapons table engineer primary
Template:Dictionary/common strings/武器 | Template:Dictionary/common strings/击杀图示 | Template:Dictionary/common strings/最大弹药上膛数 | Template:Dictionary/common strings/最大弹药携带量 | Template:Dictionary/common strings/伤害值 | Template:Dictionary/common strings/特殊效果 | |
Template:基础武器 Shotgun |
6 | 32 | 基本:60 [Crit/zh-hans|暴击]]:180 [每颗弹丸伤害为6,共10发,装填速度慢] |
成就解锁 / 合成 / 随机掉落 Frontier Justice |
3 | 32 | 基本:60 [Crit/zh-hans|暴击]]:180 [每颗弹丸伤害为6,共10发,装填速度慢] |
步哨枪的每一个杀敌数可让你的边疆制裁者获得2次复仇暴击。 每个步哨助攻数可让你的边疆制裁者获得1次复仇暴击。 获得的复仇暴击(最多35次) 只能在自己的步哨被摧毁后使用。 上膛弹药只有3发。 无随机暴击。 | ||
促销 / 合成 / 随机掉落 Widowmaker |
30 单位金属 | 200 单位金属 | 基本:60
暴击:180 |
击中目标時:將伤害值转為自己的药。 不需要装填弹药。 每发消耗30单位的金属。 以金属作为弹药。 | ||
Craft Pomson 6000 |
4 | N/A | Base: 16 Crit: 36-60 |
{{lang | en =
Shoots an electric projectile instead of shotgun pellets. |
This template is meant to be used in localized versions of the Engineer article, replacing current weapon tables.
Make sure that section Template:Dictionary/common_strings#class_weapon_tables is also translated to your language.
This template uses translation switching. The correct language will be displayed automatically. Localized versions of this template (e.g. Template:Class weapons table engineer primary/ru) are not necessary. Add your translations directly to this template by editing it. Supported languages for this template: es, pt-br, ru (add) |