Particle effects
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Particle effects are used frequently in Team Fortress 2 to serve as decorations or visual cues for both various in-game events and cosmetic purposes. Any particle effect can be attached to any item or model theoretically, however, some effects appear exclusively on items of a particular quality; for example, the Unusual effect only appear on items with the Unusual quality.
- 1 Status effects
- 2 Weapon effects
- 3 Gameplay effects
- 4 Decorative effects
- 5 Demonstration
- 6 Update history
- 7 Bugs
- 8 Notes
- 9 External links
Status effects
Status effects are used to indicate a change in player state to other players. A common example would be the overheal particles emitted from an overhealed player or one that recently picked up a health kit.
Overheal effect
When a player is overhealed by the Medic, the player will emit medical crosses. The Overheal effect is also emitted when injured players pick up Health kits. It is also used on the Medi Gun beam itself.
Critical spark effect
The Critical spark effect is used to indicate that a player's weapon will deal critical damage. This is usually accompanied by a team-colored overlay on the weapon itself. It is also used on the Medi Gun, Kritzkrieg and Quick-Fix to indicate that a charge is ready to be deployed.
Burning Player effects
The Burning Player effects is used during the burning of players.
Marked For Death effects
The Marked For Death effects is used to indicate that player is marking for death. A player that was marking for death received Mini-Crit from all oncoming damage.
Weapon effects
Most non-hitscan weapons have particle effects. These include the Rocket Launcher and Flamethrower.
The Rocket trail effect sprites.
Gameplay effects
Particles are used to indicate gameplay events.
Intelligence paper trail effect
While the Intelligence is being carried, it emits a stream of papers.
Australium laundry trail effect
While the Australium is being carried, it emits a stream of boxer shorts and socks.
- In-game screenshot of Australium carrier particles.png
In-game screenshot.
- Particle Boxers animated.png
Boxer shorts with a heart motif emitted from the Australium carrier
- Particle Socks animated.png
Socks with a checkered pattern emitted from the Australium carrier.
Balloon effect
While birthday mode is activated, players will spurt balloons instead of blood.
Decorative effects
Decorative effects are not used to indicate any gameplay changes and are used purely for aesthetics.
Holy glow effect
The holy glow effect is attached to the Cheater's Lament.
Community sparkle effect
The Community sparkle effect is attached to Community or Self-Made items.
- Selfmadedalokohs.png
In-game screenshot
- Sparkle sprite.png
Sparkle particle sprite
- Sparkle sprite2.png
Sparkle particle sprite
Treasure Hat effect
There is no known localized name for the Treasure Hat effect, but it is attached as a new particle system defined as "coin_spin". The particles from this effect are influenced by the movement of the wearer and will only be emitted when the player is in motion.
Genteel Smoke effect
The Genteel Smoke effect is attached to the Lord Cockswain's Novelty Mutton Chops and Pipe, Outback Intellectual, Bubble Pipe, Aladdin's Private Reserve, Nine-Pipe Problem, Waxy Wayfinder, Gentle Munitionne of Leisure and Bearded Bombardier.
- Genteel Pipe Smoke.png
In-game screenshot
Map Stamps effect
The map stamps effect is attached to the World Traveler's Hat. These render similarly to the purple and green Unusual confetti effects, but use stamp sprites instead. Like the Treasure Hat, the effect is influenced by the movement of the wearer and will only be emitted when the player is in motion.
- Stamp sprites.png
The sprite sheet used for the effect's spinning animation.
Musical notes effect
The musical notes effect is attached to the Earbuds and Noise Maker (see below section).
Noise Maker effect
The Noise Maker effect emits musical notes or ghost particles when used. Noise maker particles are colored to distinguish them from Earbuds.
Flying bits effect
Intended to be used for rendering flames on gibs, the flying bits effect is also attached to certain Valve weapons.
Rotating Birthday Cake
Currently Unused
Nemesis burst effect
Unusual effect
The Unusual effect is attached to Unusual quality items. The first 14 effects were added to the game with the Mann-Conomy Update, 8 more unusual effects were added with the August 18, 2011 Patch. 4 more Halloween only effects were added with the Very Scary Halloween Special, and another 5 with the Spectral Halloween Special. These can only be obtained during Halloween events.
The different particle effects are viewable in this animation, as well as in this video.
- Unusual purple Confetti.png
- Unusual Ghost.png
- Unusual green energy glow.png
- Unusual purple energy.png
- Unusual tf2logo.png
- Unusual Flies.png
- Unusual Chieftain's Challenge normal burning fire effect.png
- Unusual Green Flame Effect.png
- Unusual plasma effect 2.png
- Vivid Plasma.png
- Unusual sunbeam.png
- Unusual Peace.png
- Unusual Heart Effect.png
- Unusual Cloudy Full Moon.png
- Unusual Orbiting Dark Fire.png
- Unusual Orbiting Jack O' Lantern.png
- Unusual Green Bubbles.png
- Cloudy knives.PNG
- Misty skull.PNG
Misty Skull
- Cloudy green.PNG
Harvest Moon
- Cloud skull.PNG
It's A Secret To Everybody
- Purple cloud skull.PNG
Stormy 13th Hour
Unused effects
Unused Unusual effects
In addition to the unusual effects introduced in the Mann-Conomy update, the following effects were added at the same time, and have remained unused.
The following unused unusual effects were introduced with the Very Scary Halloween Special, and are currently unused.
The following unusual effect was introduced with the Spectral Halloween Special, and is unused.
G.R.U. skull effect
The G.R.U. skull effect was emitted when the Gloves of Running Urgently were wielded by the player.
Update history
- Added Green Confetti, Purple Confetti, Haunted Ghosts, Green Energy, Purple Energy, Circling TF Logo, Massed Flies, Burning Flames, Scorching Flames, Searing Plasma, Vivid Plasma, Sunbeams, Circling Peace Sign, and Circling Heart unusual effects
- Added Gloves of Running Urgently particle effect
- Added Treasure Hat particle effect
December 17, 2010 Patch (Australian Christmas)
- Added World Traveler's Hat particle effect
August 18, 2011 Patch (Manno-Technology Bundle)
- [Undocumented] Added Stormy Storm, Blizzardy Storm, Nuts n' Bolts, Orbiting Planets, Orbiting Fire, Bubbling, Smoking, Steaming unusual effects
- Fixed Sunbeams effect
October 27, 2011 Patch (Very Scary Halloween Special)
- [Undocumented] Added Cloudy Moon, Orbiting Cloudy Full Moon, Eerie Orbiting Fire, Flaming Lantern, Orbiting Shells, Cauldron Bubbles unusual effects
- Fixed the Head Warmer not displaying particle effects correctly
- Fixed a rare case where the offensive/defensive buff particle effects could get stuck on players
- Fixed cases where some clients didn't receive broadcasts about long continuous particle effects being started or stopped
- Fixed missing DX8 particle effects
October 26, 2012 Patch (Spectral Halloween Special)
- [Undocumented] Added Knifestorm, Misty Skull, Harvest Moon, It's A Secret To Everybody, Stormy 13th Hour unusual effects
- The Nuts & Bolts particle effect has a visual problem. When circle strafing around a player, the Nuts & Bolts appear to slow right down or even stop moving. This is much easier to detect if crouched.
- On certain graphics drivers, particles no longer appear to have a distinct bright glow. This applies on the medibeam, unusual effects and energy based weapons. It has also has been reported by DirectX 11 users.
- Upon death or disconnect, particle effects often stay in the spot the player was, fully animated.
- Particle effects that are attached to an item will not be visible to the player wielding it in first-person view.
- Miscellaneous items with particle effects can create multiple effect combinations
- Particle effects get hidden by Wheel of Fate big heads effect. However, if being watched as the head expands, the effect will be repositioned and be visually correct