Beta Bot

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Revision as of 07:41, 6 December 2012 by Arrran Weeviling (talk | contribs) (Error fix)
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Contributions Steam tray.png YouTube Icon.png Backpack case.png Painted RoBro 3000 729E42.png
Contributions Gentlebot My YouTube Channel My Backpack My Stats
Demented Soldier, disagreeing with Heavy.
Beta Bot
Basic information
Gender: Robot
Birth place: Texas
Native language: English
Team Fortress 2
Favourite classes: Soldier, Pyro
Engineer, Medic
and Spy
Favourite maps: Nucleus, Dustbowl
and Ghost Fort
Favourite weapons: Rocket Launcher, Shotgun
Market Gardener, Degreaser
Botkiller weapons
Festive weapons
Favourite hats: That '70s Chapeau
Robro 3000
Cremator's Conscience
Business Casual
Summer Shades
Max's Head
Contact information
Steam page: Beta Bot

Nothing here.

Paint Splat 729E42.png
Backpack Tuxxy.png

"Beta Bot's Fancy Tuxxy"
Level 100 Tuxuedo
"For any "fancy" occasion!"

( Wishlist Item )

Backpack Festive Rocket Launcher.png

"Beta Bot's Festive Explosions"
Strange Rocket Launcher - Kills: 0
Gib Kills: 0
Buildings Destroyed: 0
Airborne Enemies Killed: 0

( Wishlist Item )

Backpack That '70s Chapeau.png

"Beta Bot '98"
Level 100 Hat
"Yes, this is how I dressed then."