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Los Teleportadores son un tipo de construccion que puede ser fabricada por el Engineer. Dos elementos hacen un set completo de teleportadores : La Entrada y la Salida. Los jugadores que se paren en un teleportador completamente cargado seran immediatamente transportados a la salida en un flash de luces y particulas.
Los teleportadores cuestan 125 metal para colocar, 200 metal para subir a nivel dos, y un 200 adicional para subir al tercer y ultimo nivel. Subir el nivel de un teleportador disminuye el tiempo que necesita para recargar. Subir el nivel a uno de los teleportadores hace que el otro tambien suba automaticamente. No obstante, si uno de ellos es destruido, el teleportador que queda baja hasta el nivel 1. Aunqueel modelo del teleportador en si no cambia cuando sube de nivel, las particulas que rodean al teleportador se hacen mas rapidas y mas intensas. Los sonidos que el teleportador hace tambien cambian sutilmente.
If a Spy places a Electro Sapper on one end, another Electro Sapper is automatically placed on the other, if it exists. In turn, an Engineer can remove both Sappers by using his Wrench on either teleporter. The Engineer may then proceed to repair both ends of the teleporter system by using his Wrench on either end. However, since the Spy can place an infinite amount of Sappers on either the entrance or the exit of the teleporter, the Engineer may not be able to fully repair the teleporter system before another is placed upon it. This will result in the entire system being destroyed unless the Spy is killed or scared off.
Both Teleporters' health increase as they are being constructed until they reach a maximum of 150 health upon completion. When completed, a teleporter entrance will be instantly charged if there is an exit available, but subsequent charges will take ten seconds each unless the teleporter is upgraded. Destroyed Teleporters leave 60 metal worth of pieces each.
Players who have recently teleported are surrounded by a distinctive, glowing particle effect for eighteen seconds after teleporting. The effect is visible if the player looks at their feet after teleporter use. Spies who are disguised or Cloaked are not affected by this. Players cannot normally use the enemy team's Teleporters. However, disguised Spies can use enemy Teleporters, even while Cloaked. Standing on a teleporter exit when it is used by an enemy (whether it is an enemy exit or a friendly exit used by an enemy Spy) results in a fatal telefrag.
By default, players appear facing the direction the Engineer was facing when he placed the Exit. The Exit can be rotated by clicking the player's alternative attack button before placing the building and an arrow on the blueprint indicates the direction a teammate will be facing upon use. The Entrance can be rotated too, though this has no gameplay effect. The Entrance has an arrow that automatically points towards the Exit (if it exists), which is unaffected by the rotation of the Entrance. This arrow shows the player the general direction in which they will travel. The builder earns half of a point each time a team member uses his teleporter. Engineers don't earn points for using their own Teleporters.
Teleporter Levels
Nivel | Health | Cost | Recharge time |
Nivel 1 | 150 | 125 Metal | 10 seconds |
Nivel 2 | 180 | 325 Metal | 5 seconds |
Nivel 3 | 216 | 525 Metal | 3 seconds |
Related Achievements
Chapador Destruye 3 entradas de teleportador. |
Regalo de bienvenida Quema a 10 enemigos que acaben de usar un teleportador. |
El monstruo de lapa Ness Mata a un enemigo con bombas lapa en un plazo de 5 segundos desde que se teleportó. |
Materialización histórica Mata a un enemigo antes de que pasen 5 segundos desde que saliste de un teleportador. |
Diligente diligencia Teleporta a 100 miembros de tu equipo a la batalla. |
- Nivel 2 and 3 Teleporters were not added to TF2 until the December 11, 2008 Patch.
- The Engineer's Teleporters are manufactured by Telemax, a division of TF Industries.
- The Pyro's Homewrecker will is only able to remove one end of a Teleporter's Electo Electro Sapper. However, an Engineer can still use his Wrench to remove the remaining Electro Sapper.