Item quality

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Hmmm, have a gander at this little beauty.
The Sniper, on hat-based modern stylishness

Item rarity is a "quality" of items in Team Fortress 2.

Normal items

Backpack Scattergun.png

Level 1 Scattergun

Also called 'stock' items, these are the standard non-unlockable weapons that first shipped with the game, e.g. the Scattergun and the Rocket Launcher. These weapons are available to all players. Since the Mann-Conomy Update, unique variants of these items can be made by using a Name Tag or Description Tag with a normal weapon, which are seen by checking the "Show Stock Items" box in the backpack view.

Unique items

Backpack Huntsman.png

The Huntsman
Level 10 Bow

Also known as unlockables. These items can be purchased from the Mann Co. Store, dropped randomly through gameplay, obtained through achievements, crafted, traded or gifted. As of the Mann-Conomy Update, all unique items gained before the update were changed to Vintage status.

Vintage items

Backpack Backburner.png

Vintage Backburner
Level 10 Flame Thrower

Vintage items are items that were obtained before the release of the Mann-Conomy Update. Most existing Unique items were changed to Vintage items in order to increase their appeal in Trading. However, they bear no difference other than their blue name and "Vintage" prefix. Some items were excluded and not changed to Vintage items, such as Badges, Promotional items, and Holiday items such as the Mildly Disturbing Halloween Mask. Other items such as the Vintage Tyrolean keep both their original name and the new prefix, resulting in the title "Vintage Vintage Tyrolean".

As the number of Vintage items decreases over time by crafting, their individual value will increase. Renamed Vintage items keep their original name color.

Unusual items

Unusual items are those with special attributes or qualities attached to them.

Scream Fortress Update

Backpack Horseless Headless Horsemann's Headtaker.png

Unusual Horseless Headless Horsemann's Headtaker
1 - 100
Cursed by dark spirits similar to those that dwell within the Eyelander.
No random critical hits
-25 max health on wearer

Two new Unusual items were introduced with this update: the Haunted Metal Scrap and the Horseless Headless Horsemann's Headtaker. Besides having the Unusual quality attached to it, the Horseless Headless Horsemann's Headtaker has no discerning attributes from the Eyelander. The Haunted Metal Scrap, if crafted with 4 Refined Metals, can produce the Spine-Chilling Skull or Voodoo Juju hat. When crafted with 2 Refined Metals and the Scotsman's Skullcutter, it can produce the Horseless Headless Horsemann's Headtaker.

Backpack Haunted Metal Scrap.png

Unusual Haunted Metal Scrap
1 - 100
This scrap metal was taken from the Horseless Headless Horsemann. It whispers faintly...'heads'...

Unusual Hats

Backpack Napper's Respite.png

Unusual Napper's Respite
1 - 100
Effect: Circling Heart
After a long day of burning scouts.

Unusual hats are hats with particle effects attached to them.

Currently, the only way to obtain an unusual hat is by unlocking a Mann Co. Supply Crate with a Mann Co. Supply Crate Key, or by trading for one. There are 896 possible combinations between hats and unusual item particle effects (14 effects * 64 current 'Unusual-able' Hats). The different particle effects are viewable in this animation, and below as they appear in-game. Two unusual hats cannot be crafted into another unusual hat. The result of two combined unusual hats will produce a normal hat.

Originally, the majority of the particle effects were bound to the feet.

Effects Gallery

Template:Rarity gallery

Community items

Backpack Knife.png

Community Knife
Level 50 Knife

Community weapons are unique in-game weapons given by Valve to individuals who have made significant, valuable contributions to the Team Fortress 2 community. Community weapons have green names and a sparkle particle effect attached, and those derived from the stock weapons receive an additional boost to their phong shading exponent, resulting in the weapon having a more glossy appearance.

An incomplete list of Community Weapon recipients is available here.

Self-Made items

Backpack Whoopee Cap.png

Self-Made Whoopee Cap
Level 50

Self-made items are special versions of community-made items that are given to the contributors who created them. Like Community weapons, they emit a sparkle particle effect and have dark green names, with the added line "I made this!" in their item description. See Contribution page for when the items were added in-game.

A complete list of Self-made items and their owners is available here.

Valve weapons

Backpack Equalizer.png

Valve Equalizer
Level 100 Pickaxe

Valve weapons are alternate versions of regular weapons given to Valve employees. Valve weapons can be identified by their magenta names and attached flaming effects, although, since the Mann-Conomy Update they appear to have become broken. All Valve weapons are Level 100. These weapons also have a unique particle effect attached: "Flying Bits".

Valve weapons also appear to be for testing purposes, with some possessing hugely powerful attributes. Robin Walker has a Rocket Launcher that shows this (seen here).

See also