File:Tf koreana.txt
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Tf_koreana.txt (file size: 1.26 MB, MIME type: text/plain)
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Recent changes
December 22, 2015 Patch (previous patches)
39503950"Attrib_CloakIsFeignDeath" "은폐 유형: 가짜 시체\n피해를 입으면 가짜 시체를 남기고\n잠시 은폐 상태가 되며, 이동 속도가 증가하고 피해를 덜 받습니다."
39513951"[english]Attrib_CloakIsFeignDeath" "Cloak Type: Feign Death.\nLeave a fake corpse on taking damage\nand temporarily gain invisibility, speed and damage resistance."
39523952"Attrib_CloakIsMovementBased" "은폐 유형: 동작 감지\n이동 속도에 비례하여 은폐 에너지가 감소합니다."
3953N/A"[english]Attrib_CloakIsMovementBased" "Cloak Type: Motion Sensitive.\nCloak drain rate based on movement speed."
N/A3953"[english]Attrib_CloakIsMovementBased" "Cloak Type: Motion Sensitive.\nAlt-Fire: Turn invisible. Cannot attack while invisible. Bumping in to enemies will make your slightly visible to enemies.\nCloak drain rate based on movement speed."
39543954"Attrib_NoDoubleJump" "착용 시 이단 점프 불가능"
39553955"[english]Attrib_NoDoubleJump" "Disables double jump"
39563956"Attrib_AbsorbDmgWhileCloaked" "은폐 상태에서 피해량 %s1% 흡수"
39613961"[english]Attrib_BackstabShield" "Blocks a single backstab attempt"
39623962"Attrib_MoveSpeed_Penalty" "착용 시 이동 속도 %s1%"
39633963"[english]Attrib_MoveSpeed_Penalty" "%s1% slower move speed on wearer"
3964N/A"Attrib_Jarate_Description" "병수도로 적셔진 적은 소형 치명타로 피해를 입습니다.\n또한 불 붙은 아군의 불을 끌 수도 있습니다."
3965N/A"[english]Attrib_Jarate_Description" "Coated enemies take mini-crits\nAlso handy for putting out a fire"
N/A3964"Attrib_Jarate_Description" "병수도로 적셔진 적은 소형 치명타로 피해를 입습니다.\n또한 불 붙은 아군의 불을 끌 수도 있습니다.\n불을 끌 때 쓰면 재사용 대기 시간이 20% 감소합니다."
N/A3965"[english]Attrib_Jarate_Description" "Coated enemies take mini-crits\nCan be used to extinguish fires.\nExtinguishing an ally reduces the cooldown by 20%"
39663966"Attrib_HealthRegen" "착용 시 초당 체력 회복량 +%s1"
39673967"[english]Attrib_HealthRegen" "+%s1 health regenerated per second on wearer"
39683968"Attrib_HealthDrain" "착용 시 초당 체력 %s1"
40874087"[english]Attrib_StickyArmTimePenalty" "%s1 sec slower bomb arm time"
40884088"Attrib_StickyArmTimeBonus" "폭탄 폭파 대기 시간 %s1 초 감소"
40894089"[english]Attrib_StickyArmTimeBonus" "%s1 sec faster bomb arm time"
4090N/A"Attrib_MiniCritAirborneEnemies" "폭풍으로 공중에 뜬 상대에게 소형 치명타"
4091N/A"[english]Attrib_MiniCritAirborneEnemies" "Mini-crits targets launched airborne by explosions"
N/A4090"Attrib_MiniCritAirborneEnemies" "폭발, 기동 갈고리, 적 공격으로 공중에 뜬 상대에게 소형 치명타"
N/A4091"[english]Attrib_MiniCritAirborneEnemies" "Mini-crits targets launched airborne by explosions, grapple hooks or enemy attacks"
40924092"Attrib_StickiesDetonateStickies" "적 점착 폭탄 파괴 가능"
40934093"[english]Attrib_StickiesDetonateStickies" "Able to destroy enemy stickybombs"
40944094"Attrib_SpeedBoostWhenActive" "무기를 들고 있을 때 이동 속도 %s1% 증가"
41774177"[english]TF_TTG_SamRevolver" "The Big Kill"
41784178"TF_Unique_Makeshiftclub" "고통행 열차"
41794179"[english]TF_Unique_Makeshiftclub" "The Pain Train"
4180N/A"TF_Unique_Achievement_Sword_Desc" "이 무기는 공격 범위가 넓습니다.\n머리를 벨 때마다 이동 속도가 향상되며 체력이 증가합니다."
4181N/A"[english]TF_Unique_Achievement_Sword_Desc" "This weapon has a large melee range.\nGives increased speed and health\nwith every head you take."
4182N/A"TF_Unique_Achievement_Shield_Desc" "보조기능: 적을 향해 돌진할 수 있습니다.\n멀리서 돌진해 적과 부딪치면 근접 공격이 치명타로 들어갑니다."
4183N/A"[english]TF_Unique_Achievement_Shield_Desc" "Alt-Fire: Charge toward your enemies.\nGain a critical melee strike after impacting an enemy at distance."
N/A4180"TF_Unique_Achievement_Sword_Desc" "머리를 벨 때마다 이동 속도가 향상되며 체력이 증가합니다."
N/A4181"[english]TF_Unique_Achievement_Sword_Desc" "Gives increased speed and health\nwith every head you take."
N/A4182"TF_Unique_Achievement_Shield_Desc" "보조기능: 적에게 돌진하며 나쁜 효과를 제거합니다.\n적과 충돌한 후 근접 무기로 치명타를 먹일 수 있습니다."
N/A4183"[english]TF_Unique_Achievement_Shield_Desc" "Alt-Fire: Charge toward your enemies and remove debuffs.\nGain a critical melee strike after impacting an enemy at distance."
41844184"TF_TTG_MaxGun_Desc" "거의 완벽하게 은닉할 수 있는 비밀 장비의 궁극 형태입니다.\n이 무기가 필요하단 것은 말할 필요도 없지만,\n문제가 있다면 도대체 어디에 숨기느냐 하는 것입니다."
41854185"[english]TF_TTG_MaxGun_Desc" "The ultimate in semi-concealed weaponry.\nThere's no question you need this gun,\nthe only question is: where will you keep it?"
41864186"TF_TTG_SamRevolver_Desc" "저지 능력과 멋을 모두 갖추다.\n프리랜서 경찰의 오랜 전유물이었으나\n이제 피에 굶주린 용병에게도 기회가 왔다."
54895489"[english]TF_TheShortstop_Desc" "Holds a 4-shot clip and reloads its entire clip at once.\n\nMann Co.'s latest in high attitude\nbreak-action personal defense."
54905490"TF_TheHolyMackerel_Desc" "물고기에게 맞으면 아주 창피할 겁니다."
54915491"[english]TF_TheHolyMackerel_Desc" "Getting hit by a fish has got to be humiliating."
5492N/A"TF_MadMilk_Desc" "우유로 적셔진 상대를 공격한 플레이어는\n대상에게 준 피해량의 60%만큼 체력이 회복됩니다.\n또한 불을 끌 때도 좋습니다!"
5493N/A"[english]TF_MadMilk_Desc" "Players heal 60% of the damage done\nto an enemy covered with milk.\nAlso handy for putting out a fire."
N/A5492"TF_MadMilk_Desc" "우유로 적셔진 상대를 공격한 플레이어는\n대상에게 준 피해량의 60%만큼 체력이 회복됩니다.\n또한 불을 끌 때도 쓸 수 있습니다.\n불을 끌 때 쓰면 재사용 대기 시간이 20% 감소합니다."
N/A5493"[english]TF_MadMilk_Desc" "Players heal 60% of the damage done\nto an enemy covered with milk.\nCan be used to extinguish fires.\nExtinguishing an ally reduces the cooldown by 20%"
54945494"TF_Weapon_RocketLauncher_Jump_Desc" "로켓 점프 요령 및 유형 학습용\n특수 로켓 발사기입니다.\n\n주의: 본 무기는 피해를 전혀 주지 못합니다!"
54955495"[english]TF_Weapon_RocketLauncher_Jump_Desc" "A special rocket launcher for learning\nrocket jump tricks and patterns.\nThis weapon deals ZERO damage."
54965496"TF_ScoutBombingRun" "폭격 항정"
64676467"[english]TF_DemomanPirate_Desc" "Because there's no alliteration\nlike alliteration with an 'ARR!'"
64686468"TF_loadoutrespawn" "부활 지역에서 장비 설정 변경 시 자동으로 부활합니다."
64696469"[english]TF_loadoutrespawn" "Automatically respawn after loadout changes in respawn zones."
6470N/A"RefurbishItem" "복구하기"
6471N/A"[english]RefurbishItem" "Restore"
N/A6470"RefurbishItem" "복구하기?"
N/A6471"[english]RefurbishItem" "Restore?"
64726472"RefurbishItem_RemovePaintTitle" "염색을 지울까요?"
64736473"[english]RefurbishItem_RemovePaintTitle" "Remove Paint?"
64746474"RefurbishItem_RemovePaint" "칠했던 색을 지우고 원래 색으로 돌아갈까요?\n\n(페인트는 사라집니다)"
66756675"[english]TF_Weapon_StickyBomb_Jump" "The Sticky Jumper"
66766676"TF_HalloweenBoss_Axe" "말도 없고 머리도 없는 기만병의 목따개"
66776677"[english]TF_HalloweenBoss_Axe" "The Horseless Headless Horsemann's Headtaker"
6678N/A"TF_HalloweenBoss_Axe_Desc" "이 무기는 공격 범위가 큽니다.\n또한 아이랜더에 잠들어있는 어둠의 영혼의 저주가\n이 도끼에도 깃들어 있습니다."
6679N/A"[english]TF_HalloweenBoss_Axe_Desc" "This weapon has a large melee range.\nCursed by dark spirits similar to\nthose that dwell within the Eyelander."
N/A6678"TF_HalloweenBoss_Axe_Desc" "아이랜더에 잠들어있는 어두운 영혼의 저주가\n이 도끼에도 깃들어 있습니다."
N/A6679"[english]TF_HalloweenBoss_Axe_Desc" "Cursed by dark spirits similar to\nthose that dwell within the Eyelander."
66806680"Item_GiftWrapped" "�%s1� 님이 %s2 %s3 아이템을 선물로 포장했습니다."
66816681"[english]Item_GiftWrapped" "�%s1� has wrapped a gift:: %s2 %s3"
66826682"Store_Halloween" "핼러윈"
70277027"[english]Attrib_MapDonation" "%s1 - %s2"
70287028"Attrib_FiresHealingBolts" "아군을 치료하고 날아간 거리에 비례해 피해가 증가하는 특별한 화살을 발사합니다."
70297029"[english]Attrib_FiresHealingBolts" "Fires special bolts that heal teammates and deal damage based on distance traveled"
7030N/A"Attrib_EnablesAOEHeal" "도발 시: 근처에 있는 아군을 치료해줍니다."
7031N/A"[english]Attrib_EnablesAOEHeal" "On Taunt: Applies a healing effect to all nearby teammates"
N/A7030"Attrib_EnablesAOEHeal" "보조기능: 근처에 있는 아군을 치료해줍니다."
N/A7031"[english]Attrib_EnablesAOEHeal" "Alt-Fire: Applies a healing effect to all nearby teammates"
70327032"Attrib_ChargeTime_Increase" "돌격 지속 시간 %s1 초 증가"
70337033"[english]Attrib_ChargeTime_Increase" "%s1 sec increase in charge duration"
70347034"Attrib_DropHealthPackOnKill" "처치 시: 소형 치료제 투척"
74157415"[english]Attrib_Store_Purchased" "Will Not Be Tradable or Usable in Crafting"
74167416"Attrib_Sanguisuge" "백스탭 시: 죽은 적의 체력을 흡수합니다."
74177417"[english]Attrib_Sanguisuge" "On Backstab: Absorbs the health from your victim."
7418N/A"Attrib_Honorbound" "명예를 걸어야 함: 한 번 잡으면 상대를 죽이기 전까지는 놓을 수 없습니다."
7419N/A"[english]Attrib_Honorbound" "Honorbound: Once drawn cannot be sheathed until it kills."
N/A7418"Attrib_Honorbound" "명예를 걸어야 함: 상대를 죽이지 않으면 칼집에 도로 넣을 때 자신에게 50의 피해를 줍니다!"
N/A7419"[english]Attrib_Honorbound" "Honorbound: Once drawn sheathing deals 50 damage to yourself unless it kills."
74207420"Attrib_MarkForDeath" "타격 시, 각각의 대상이 죽음의 표적이 됩니다. 표적이 된 대상은 모든 피해를 소형 치명타로 받습니다."
74217421"[english]Attrib_MarkForDeath" "On Hit: One target at a time is marked for death, causing all damage taken to be mini-crits"
7422N/A"Attrib_RestoreHealthOnKill" "처치 시: 체력 %s1% 회복"
7423N/A"[english]Attrib_RestoreHealthOnKill" "On Kill: Restores you to %s1% health"
N/A7422"Attrib_RestoreHealthOnKill" "처치 시 기본 체력 %s1% 회복"
N/A7423"[english]Attrib_RestoreHealthOnKill" "Gain %s1% of base health on kill"
74247424"IT_ExistingItem" "또는 존재하는 아이템:"
74257425"[english]IT_ExistingItem" "Or an existing item:"
74267426"TF_call_vote" "투표 요청"
97959795"[english]TF_Set_General" "The General's Formals"
97969796"TF_Set_Gangland_Spy" "영광의 사나이"
97979797"[english]TF_Set_Gangland_Spy" "The Man of Honor"
9798N/A"Attrib_MiniCritAirborneEnemiesDeploy" "무기 전환 직후 %s1 초 안에 공중에 뜬 대상 공격 시 소형 치명타"
9799N/A"[english]Attrib_MiniCritAirborneEnemiesDeploy" "Mini-crits airborne targets for %s1 seconds after being deployed"
98009798"Attrib_CritWhileAirborne" "사용자가 로켓 점프 중일 때 치명타 발동"
98019799"[english]Attrib_CritWhileAirborne" "Deals crits while the wielder is rocket jumping"
98029800"Attrib_MultSniperChargePenalty" "기본 충전 속도 %s1% 감소"
1180711805"[english]TF_Set_Scout_Winter_2011" "Santa's Little Accomplice"
1180811806"Attrib_ExtinguishRevenge" "보조기능: 아군에게 붙은 불을 소화하면 치명타를 모을 수 있습니다."
1180911807"[english]Attrib_ExtinguishRevenge" "Alt-Fire: Extinguish teammates to gain guaranteed critical hits"
11810N/A"Attrib_BurnDamageEarnsRage" "모든 화염 피해는 '무앙' 동력을 충전합니다. '무앙' 동력이 가득찼을 때 발동시키면 체력을 채워주고 몇 초동안 치명타를 입힐 수 있게 됩니다."
11811N/A"[english]Attrib_BurnDamageEarnsRage" "All fire damage charges 'Mmmph', activate to refill health and crit for several seconds"
1181211808"Attrib_AirblastDisabled" "압축 공기 분사 사용 불가"
1181311809"[english]Attrib_AirblastDisabled" "No airblast"
1181411810"Attrib_SubtractVictimCloakOnHit" "적중 시, 희생자의 은폐 에너지가 %s1%만큼 감소됩니다."
1659416590"[english]TF_Tool_WinterKey2012_Nice" "Nice Winter Crate Key 2012"
1659516591"TF_Tool_WinterKey2012_Nice_Desc" "2012년형 착한 겨울 보급 상자를 여는 데 사용됩니다.\n이 열쇠는 못된 겨울 보급 상자를 열지 못합니다.\n\n2013년 1월 3일 이후에는 일반 열쇠로 바뀝니다."
1659616592"[english]TF_Tool_WinterKey2012_Nice_Desc" "Used to open Nice Winter Crate 2012.\nThis key will not open Naughty crates.\n\nAfter 1/3/2013 this will turn into a normal key."
16597N/A"Attrib_Medigun_Resists" "장전 단추를 누르면 피해 저항 유형을 선택할 수 있습니다.\n치료하는 동안 치료자와 치료대상은 선택된 저항 유형에 해당하는 피해에 10%만큼의 저항력을 얻습니다.\n또한, 치료 대상이 입은 피해량의 10%만큼 치료자 본인 체력을 회복시킵니다."
16598N/A"[english]Attrib_Medigun_Resists" "Press your reload key to cycle through resist types.\nWhile healing, provides you and your target with a constant 10% resistance to the selected damage type.\nYou are healed for 10% of the matched incoming damage on your patient."
N/A16593"Attrib_Medigun_Resists" "장전 단추를 누르면 피해 저항 유형을 선택할 수 있습니다.\n치료하는 동안 치료자와 치료대상은 선택된 저항 유형에 해당하는 피해에 10%만큼의 저항력을 얻습니다."
N/A16594"[english]Attrib_Medigun_Resists" "Press your reload key to cycle through resist types.\nWhile healing, provides you and your target with a constant 10% resistance to the selected damage type."
1659916595"Attrib_SoldierBackpackRange" "유효 범위 %s1% 증가"
1660016596"[english]Attrib_SoldierBackpackRange" "Effect Radius +%s1%"
1660116597"Attrib_LifeleechOnDamage" "생명력 흡수 %s1%"
1876718763"[english]TF_Spell_Meteor" "Meteor Shower"
1876818764"TF_Spell_LightningBall" "번개 구슬"
1876918765"[english]TF_Spell_LightningBall" "Ball o' Lightning"
18770N/A"TF_NineIron_Desc" "이 무기는 공격 범위가 넓습니다.\n머리를 벨 때마다 이동 속도가 향상되며 체력이 증가합니다."
18771N/A"[english]TF_NineIron_Desc" "This weapon has a large melee range.\nGives increased speed and health\nwith every head you take."
N/A18766"TF_NineIron_Desc" "머리를 벨 때마다 이동 속도가 향상되며 체력이 증가합니다."
N/A18767"[english]TF_NineIron_Desc" "Gives increased speed and health\nwith every head you take."
1877218768"ItemNameNormalOrUniqueQualityFormat" "%s1%s3%s2%s4"
1877318769"[english]ItemNameNormalOrUniqueQualityFormat" "%s1%s3%s2%s4"
1877418770"ItemNameQualityFormat" "%s1%s4 %s3%s2"
2073720733"[english]Attrib_AirControl" "%s1% increased air control."
2073820734"Attrib_HypeDecays" "폭주는 시간이 지나면서 감소합니다."
2073920735"[english]Attrib_HypeDecays" "Hype Decays Over Time."
20740N/A"Attrib_RocketJumpAttackRateBonus" "폭발 점프 중 공격 속도 증가"
20741N/A"[english]Attrib_RocketJumpAttackRateBonus" "Increased attack speed while blast jumping"
N/A20736"Attrib_RocketJumpAttackRateBonus" "폭발 점프 중 공격 속도 증가, 폭발 범위 감소"
N/A20737"[english]Attrib_RocketJumpAttackRateBonus" "Increased attack speed and smaller blast radius while blast jumping"
2074220738"Attrib_AirBombardment" "폭발 점프 중 3발 발사"
2074320739"[english]Attrib_AirBombardment" "Fires 3 barrages while explosive jumping"
2074420740"Attrib_IncreaesBlastJumpForce" "폭발 점프 위력 상승"
2077320769"[english]Attrib_Particle3010" "Mega Strike"
2077420770"TF_TideTurner" "조류 조타기"
2077520771"[english]TF_TideTurner" "The Tide Turner"
20776N/A"TF_TideTurner_Desc" "보조기능: 적을 향해 돌진할 수 있습니다.\n멀리서 돌진해 적과 부딪치면 근접 공격이 치명타로 들어갑니다."
20777N/A"[english]TF_TideTurner_Desc" "Alt-Fire: Charge toward your enemies.\nGain a critical melee strike after impacting an enemy at distance."
N/A20772"TF_TideTurner_Desc" "보조기능: 적에게 돌진하며 나쁜 효과를 제거합니다.\n적과 충돌한 후 근접 무기로 치명타를 먹일 수 있습니다."
N/A20773"[english]TF_TideTurner_Desc" "Alt-Fire: Charge toward your enemies and remove debuffs.\nGain a mini-crit melee strike after impacting an enemy at distance."
2077820774"TF_Weapon_BreadBite" "빵으로 물기"
2077920775"[english]TF_Weapon_BreadBite" "The Bread Bite"
2078020776"TF_Weapon_BreadBite_Desc" "팀포2 동영상 'Expiration Date'에서 영감을 받아 제작되었습니다."
2264822644"[english]Powerhouse_cap_middle" "the RIVER"
2264922645"Winreason_FlagCaptureLimit_One" "%s1 팀이 적군 기밀 서류 가방을 %s2 번 탈취하였습니다!"
2265022646"[english]Winreason_FlagCaptureLimit_One" "%s1 captured the enemy intelligence %s2 time"
22651N/A"GameType_Featured" "총기 패기"
22652N/A"[english]GameType_Featured" "Gun Mettle"
2265322647"Hint_inspect_weapon" "'%s1' 단추를 눌러 여러분의 무기를 살펴보세요."
2265422648"[english]Hint_inspect_weapon" "Hold '%s1' key to inspect your weapon."
2265522649"TF_ScoreBoard_Context_Mute" "음소거"
2286622860"[english]powerhouse_rocketlauncher_aquamarine" "The Aqua Marine"
2286722861"powerhouse_sniperrifle_thunderbolt" "벼락표"
2286822862"[english]powerhouse_sniperrifle_thunderbolt" "The Thunderbolt"
N/A22863"teufort_flamethrower_bovineblazemaker" "소 소각기"
N/A22864"[english]teufort_flamethrower_bovineblazemaker" "The Bovine Blazemaker"
2286922865"teufort_minigun_warroom" "작전실"
2287022866"[english]teufort_minigun_warroom" "The War Room"
2287122867"teufort_smg_treadplatetormenter" "발판 고통 유발기"
2287822874"[english]teufort_pistol_hickoryholepuncher" "The Hickory Hole-Puncher"
2287922875"teufort_scattergun_sprucedeuce" "형편없는 목재"
2288022876"[english]teufort_scattergun_sprucedeuce" "The Spruce Deuce"
N/A22877"teufort_smg_teamsprayer" "팀 총알 분사기"
N/A22878"[english]teufort_smg_teamsprayer" "The Team Sprayer"
2288122879"teufort_stickybomblauncher_rooftopwrangler" "지붕 위 원격 기폭 장비"
2288222880"[english]teufort_stickybomblauncher_rooftopwrangler" "The Rooftop Wrangler"
2288322881"teufort_medigun_civilservant" "공무원용"
2303823036"[english]TF_Claidheamohmor_desc" "This weapon has a large melee range"
2303923037"TF_PersianPersuader_Desc" "이 무기는 공격 범위가 넓습니다."
2304023038"[english]TF_PersianPersuader_Desc" "This weapon has a large melee range"
23041N/A"TF_SplendidScreen_desc" "보조 발사: 적에게 돌진합니다.\n적과 충돌한 후 근접 무기로 치명타를 먹일 수 있습니다."
23042N/A"[english]TF_SplendidScreen_desc" "Alt-Fire: Charge toward your enemies.\nGain a critical melee strike after impacting an enemy."
N/A23039"TF_SplendidScreen_desc" "보조기능: 적에게 돌진하며 나쁜 효과를 제거합니다.\n적과 충돌한 후 근접 무기로 치명타를 먹일 수 있습니다."
N/A23040"[english]TF_SplendidScreen_desc" "Alt-Fire: Charge toward your enemies and remove debuffs.\nGain a critical melee strike after impacting an enemy."
2304323041"Item_QuestOutput" "�%s1� 님이 계약을 완수하여 %s2 %s3 아이템을 받았습니다."
2304423042"[english]Item_QuestOutput" "�%s1� has completed a Contract and received:: %s2 %s3"
2304523043"paintkitweapon" "장식된 무기"
2307823076"[english]QuestLogExplanation_Text" "Here you're able to choose which quests to track and work towards completing."
2307923077"Context_InspectModel" "아이템 살펴보기"
2308023078"[english]Context_InspectModel" "Inspect Item"
23081N/A"Store_MarketPlace" "Steam 장터 검색"
23082N/A"[english]Store_MarketPlace" "BROWSE STEAM COMMUNITY MARKET"
2308323079"Store_ConfirmDx8Summer2015OpPassTitle" "필독!"
2308423080"[english]Store_ConfirmDx8Summer2015OpPassTitle" "Please note"
2308523081"Store_ConfirmDx8Summer2015OpPassText" "DirectX 8 사용자에게는 장식된 무기가 나타나지 않습니다."
2309623092"[english]TF_UseOperationPassFail_Text" "An error occurred.\nPlease Try again later."
2309723093"TF_UseOperationPassAlreadyActive_Title" "참가권 사용 불가"
2309823094"[english]TF_UseOperationPassAlreadyActive_Title" "Cannot Use Pass"
23099N/A"TF_UseOperationPassAlreadyActive_Text" "이미 작전 기념 주화를 사용 중입니다.\n\n한 번에 단 하나의 작전 기념 주화만 사용할 수 있습니다."
23100N/A"[english]TF_UseOperationPassAlreadyActive_Text" "A campaign coin is already active.\n\nOnly one campaign coin may be active at a time."
N/A23095"TF_UseOperationPassAlreadyActive_Text" "이미 작전 참가권이 지금 진행하고 있는 작전에 쓰였습니다."
N/A23096"[english]TF_UseOperationPassAlreadyActive_Text" "A campaign pass has already been activated for the current campaign"
2310123097"TF_UseOperationPass_Title" "참가권을 사용할까요?"
2310223098"[english]TF_UseOperationPass_Title" "Activate Pass?"
23103N/A"TF_UseOperationPass_Text" "작전 참여권을 사용할 경우 작전 기간 동안 계약을 맺을 수 있게 됩니다.\n\n받은 작전 기념 주화는 거래할 수 없습니다."
23104N/A"[english]TF_UseOperationPass_Text" "Redeeming the campaign pass grants access to contracts for the duration of the campaign.\n\nThe resulting campaign coin cannot be traded."
N/A23099"TF_UseOperationPass_Text" "작전 참여권을 사용할 경우 작전 기간 동안 계약을 맺을 수 있게 됩니다.\n\n받은 작전 기념 토큰은 거래할 수 없습니다."
N/A23100"[english]TF_UseOperationPass_Text" "Redeeming the campaign pass grants access to contracts for the duration of the campaign.\n\nThe resulting campaign token cannot be traded."
2310523101"TF_CannotDeleteOperationPass_Title" "삭제 불가"
2310623102"[english]TF_CannotDeleteOperationPass_Title" "Cannot Delete"
23107N/A"TF_CannotDeleteOperationPass_Text" "작전이 진행되고 있을 때 작전 주화를 삭제할 수 없습니다."
23108N/A"[english]TF_CannotDeleteOperationPass_Text" "The campaign coin cannot be deleted while the campaign is active."
N/A23103"TF_CannotDeleteOperationPass_Text" "작전이 진행되고 있을 때 작전 토큰을 삭제할 수 없습니다."
N/A23104"[english]TF_CannotDeleteOperationPass_Text" "The campaign token cannot be deleted while the campaign is active."
2310923105"TF_Quickplay_DamageSpread_Enabled" "활성화"
2311023106"[english]TF_Quickplay_DamageSpread_Enabled" "Enabled"
2311123107"TF_Quickplay_DamageSpread_Enabled_Summary" "피해 분산"
2311223108"[english]TF_Quickplay_DamageSpread_Enabled_Summary" "Damage spread"
2311323109"TF_GameModeDesc_Featured" "총기 패기 업데이트에 소개된 맵들을 돌아다닙니다."
23114N/A"[english]TF_GameModeDesc_Featured" "Tour the featured maps for the Gun Mettle Update."
N/A23110"[english]TF_GameModeDesc_Featured" "Tour the featured maps for the Tough Break Update."
2311523111"TF_GameModeDetail_Featured" "총기 패기 업데이트에서 소개된 맵에서 플레이하는 게임 서버에 접속하고 싶을 때 이 선택지를 사용하세요."
23116N/A"[english]TF_GameModeDetail_Featured" "Select this option to join a game server that continually runs the featured maps for the Gun Mettle Update."
N/A23112"[english]TF_GameModeDetail_Featured" "Select this option to join a game server that continually runs the featured maps for the Tough Break Update."
2311723113"TF_Pass" "참가권"
2311823114"[english]TF_Pass" "Pass"
2311923115"TF_MVM_Tour_ExpertDifficulty_Denied" "주의: 전문가 임무는 상급 난이도 임무보다 훨씬 어렵습니다.\n\n상급 난이도 임무를 먼저 완료하여 패기를 증명하신 후에 전문가 난이도의 임무를 플레이하실 수 있습니다.\n"
2314423140"[english]TF_Competitive_Pass" "Competitive Matchmaking Beta Pass"
2314523141"TF_Competitive_Pass_Desc" "이 참가권을 제출하여 대전 모드 베타의 등급전에 대한 접근권을 얻을 수 있습니다."
2314623142"[english]TF_Competitive_Pass_Desc" "Present this pass in the Competitive Mode Beta to gain access to ranked ladder games."
23147N/A"TF_Competitive_RequiresPass_Title" "베타 참가권 필요"
N/A23143"TF_Competitive_RequiresPass_Title" "참가권 필요"
2314823144"[english]TF_Competitive_RequiresPass_Title" "Pass Required"
23149N/A"TF_Competitive_RequiresPass" "대전 모드 등급전에서 플레이하시려면, 대전 주선 베타 참가권을 가지고 있어야 합니다."
N/A23145"TF_Competitive_RequiresPass" "대전 모드에서 플레이하시려면, 대전 주선 베타 참가권을 가지고 있어야 합니다."
2315023146"[english]TF_Competitive_RequiresPass" "To play in competitive modes, you must own a Competitive Matchmaking Beta Pass."
2315123147"TF_Competitive_Disconnect" "경기가 끝났습니다. 플레이해 주셔서 감사합니다!"
2315223148"[english]TF_Competitive_Disconnect" "The match is over. Thanks for playing!"
2318823184"[english]Questlog_Reward" "Rewards"
2318923185"QuestLog_Title" "계약서류함"
2319023186"[english]QuestLog_Title" "Contracts Drawer"
23191N/A"QuestLog_NeedPassForContracts" "계약을 받기 위해서는\n총기 패기 작전 참가권을 사용해야 합니다."
23192N/A"[english]QuestLog_NeedPassForContracts" "To receive contracts\nactivate a Gun Mettle Campaign Pass."
2319323187"QuestLog_NoQuests" "계약이 없습니다.\n나중에 다시 확인해주세요."
2319423188"[english]QuestLog_NoQuests" "No contracts available right now.\nCheck back later."
2319523189"Questlog_Progress" "진행률"
2399123985"[english]Attrib_Particle106" "Eldritch Flame"
2399223986"Item_QuestMerasmissionOutput" "�%s1� 님의 메라'임무'스 완수 보상:: %s2 %s3"
2399323987"[english]Item_QuestMerasmissionOutput" "�%s1� has completed a Merasmission and received:: %s2 %s3"
23994N/A"MMenu_Update" "아이템 특집"
23995N/A"[english]MMenu_Update" "Featured Items"
2399623988"Context_Unusual" "범상찮은"
2399723989"[english]Context_Unusual" "Unusual"
2399823990"Context_StrangeParts" "이상한 부품"
2422424216"[english]TF_Competitive_Convars_CantProceed" "Competitive Mode requires DirectX 9 or higher. Remove -dxlevel from launch options and restart TF2."
2422524217"TF_Powerup_Supernova_Deploy" "기동 갈고리의 보조 능력으로 초신성 공격을 시전할 수 있습니다!"
2422624218"[english]TF_Powerup_Supernova_Deploy" "Grapple SECONDARY FIRE to deploy Supernova attack!"
N/A24219"TF_Medal_SpecialSnowflake" "특별한 눈송이"
N/A24220"[english]TF_Medal_SpecialSnowflake" "Special Snowflake"
N/A24221"TF_Medal_SpecialSnowflake_Desc" "여러분의 가슴에 이 가짜 눈송이를 달아 지구 온난화에게 누가 짱인지 보여주세요. 2015년도 Workshop Wonderland 커뮤니티 전시회에 참여한 분들에게 주어집니다!"
N/A24222"[english]TF_Medal_SpecialSnowflake_Desc" "Tell Global Warming who's boss by wearing a fake snowflake on your chest. Awarded to the participants of the Workshop Wonderland 2015 community showcase!"
N/A24223"TF_Medal_GiftOfGiving" "기부 기증품"
N/A24224"[english]TF_Medal_GiftOfGiving" "Gift of Giving"
N/A24225"TF_Medal_GiftOfGiving_Desc" "2015년도 Workshop Wonderland 커뮤니티 전시회가 주최하는 자선 행사 동안, 베푸는 순수한 마음을 위해 조금이라도 나누고 조금이라도 받으세요!"
N/A24226"[english]TF_Medal_GiftOfGiving_Desc" "Give a little, get a little. For the charitable hearts of gold during the charity drive of the Workshop Wonderland 2015 community showcase!"
N/A24227"TF_bak_arkham_cowl" "아캄 복면"
N/A24228"[english]TF_bak_arkham_cowl" "Arkham Cowl"
N/A24229"TF_bak_firefly" "파이어플라이"
N/A24230"[english]TF_bak_firefly" "The Firefly"
N/A24231"TF_bak_batarm" "구타자의 팔 보호구"
N/A24232"[english]TF_bak_batarm" "Batter's Bracers"
N/A24233"TF_bak_hood_of_sorrows" "슬픔의 후드"
N/A24234"[english]TF_bak_hood_of_sorrows" "The Hood of Sorrows"
N/A24235"TF_bak_fear_monger" "공포 살포자"
N/A24236"[english]TF_bak_fear_monger" "Fear Monger"
N/A24237"TF_bak_pocket_villians" "호주머니 악당들"
N/A24238"[english]TF_bak_pocket_villians" "Pocket Villians"
N/A24239"TF_bak_caped_crusader" "망토 두른 십자군"
N/A24240"[english]TF_bak_caped_crusader" "The Caped Crusader"
N/A24241"TF_bak_teufort_knight" "투포트 나이트"
N/A24242"[english]TF_bak_teufort_knight" "Teufort Knight"
N/A24243"TF_bak_sidekicks_side_slick" "사이드킥의 슥슥 넘긴 머리"
N/A24244"[english]TF_bak_sidekicks_side_slick" "Sidekick's Side Slick"
N/A24245"TF_bak_bat_backup" "배트지원가"
N/A24246"[english]TF_bak_bat_backup" "The Bat Backup"
N/A24247"TF_bak_crook_combatant" "범죄 투사"
N/A24248"[english]TF_bak_crook_combatant" "Crook Combatant"
N/A24249"TF_bak_batbelt" "배트벨트"
N/A24250"[english]TF_bak_batbelt" "Batbelt"
N/A24251"TF_bak_arkham_cowl_AdText" "-Batman Arkham Knight 판촉 아이템\n-모든 병과 모자"
N/A24252"[english]TF_bak_arkham_cowl_AdText" "-Batman Arkham Knight Promo Item\n-All Class Hat"
N/A24253"TF_bak_firefly_AdText" "-Batman Arkham Knight 판촉 아이템\n-파이로 머리 대체품"
N/A24254"[english]TF_bak_firefly_AdText" "-Batman Arkham Knight Promo Item\n-Pyro Head replacement"
N/A24255"TF_bak_fear_monger_AdText" "-Batman Arkham Knight 판촉 아이템\n-파이로 머리 대체품"
N/A24256"[english]TF_bak_fear_monger_AdText" "-Batman Arkham Knight Promo Item\n-Pyro Head replacement"
N/A24257"TF_Set_bak_sixties_sidekick" "60년대 사이드킥"
N/A24258"[english]TF_Set_bak_sixties_sidekick" "Sixties Sidekick"
File info
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Date/Time | Dimensions | User | Comment | |
current | 23:46, 2 August 2024 | (1.26 MB) | PhoneWave (talk | contribs) | Uploaded new revision of tf_koreana.txt for August 2, 2024 Patch. |
20:04, 25 July 2024 | (1.19 MB) | PhoneWave (talk | contribs) | Uploaded new revision of tf_koreana.txt for July 25, 2024 Patch. | |
01:09, 10 January 2024 | (1.19 MB) | PhoneWave (talk | contribs) | Uploaded new revision of tf_koreana.txt for January 9, 2024 Patch. | |
19:06, 20 December 2023 | (1.12 MB) | PhoneWave (talk | contribs) | Uploaded new revision of tf_koreana.txt for December 20, 2023 Patch. | |
02:04, 19 December 2023 | (1.12 MB) | PhoneWave (talk | contribs) | Uploaded new revision of tf_koreana.txt for December 18, 2023 Patch. | |
21:06, 15 December 2023 | (1.12 MB) | PhoneWave (talk | contribs) | Uploaded new revision of tf_koreana.txt for December 15, 2023 Patch. | |
22:23, 12 July 2023 | (1.1 MB) | PhoneWave (talk | contribs) | Uploaded new revision of tf_koreana.txt for July 12, 2023 Patch. | |
18:38, 20 March 2023 | (1.1 MB) | PhoneWave (talk | contribs) | Uploaded new revision of tf_koreana.txt for March 20, 2023 Patch. | |
21:21, 1 March 2023 | (1.1 MB) | PhoneWave (talk | contribs) | Uploaded new revision of tf_koreana.txt for March 1, 2023 Patch. | |
15:15, 6 January 2023 | (1.07 MB) | PhoneWave (talk | contribs) | Uploaded new revision of tf_koreana.txt for January 5, 2023. |
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