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A Hit Sound is a sound clip that plays when dealing damage to another player.
Hit Sounds can be activated and customized through the Advanced Options menu.
Custom Hit Sounds
Custom Hit Sounds can be installed by placing a sound file in tf/sounds/ui folder
The custom Hit Sound must be in .wav format in order for it to work properly. You can create your own Hit Sounds by converting a sound to .wav format.
Custom Hit Sounds can also be downloaded from various internet sites.
Uninstalling a custom Hit Sound can be done by deleting the .wav file from the tf/sounds/ui folder. The default Hit Sound will be automatically enabled after deleting the .wav Hit Sound file.
List of Hit sounds
Note: This list is for official hit sounds only. Do not add your own custom hit sounds.
Hit sound commands
There are extra console commands that can be used to further customize hit sounds.
Desired pitch of the hit sound when a maximum damage hit (>= 150 health) is done.
- Syntax
tf_dingaling_pitchmaxdmg <integer>
- Parameters
- Specifies the highest pitch of your hit sound.
Desired pitch of the hit sound when a minimal damage hit (<= 10 health) is done.
- Syntax
- tf_dingaling_pitchmindmg <integer>
- Parameters
- Specifies the lowest pitch of your hit sound..
Desired volume of the hit sound.
- Syntax
- tf_dingaling_volume <integer>
- Parameters
- Specifies the volume of your hit sound when played.
If set to 1, will play a sound every time you injure another player.
- Syntax
- tf_dingalingaling <integer>
- Parameters
- Either 1 or 0. Default is 0 (disabled).
Desired repeat delay of the hit sound. Set to 0 to play a sound for every instance of damage dealt.
- Syntax
- tf_dingalingaling_repeat_delay <integer>
- Parameters
- Sets the delay time between hit sounds.
Update history
[Unknown Date]
December 22, 2010 Patch
- Custom hitsounds must now be specified by replacing the 'tf/sound/ui/hitsound.wav' file.
- Custom hitsounds can now be used under sv_pure 1/2.
July 2, 2015 Patch (Gun Mettle Update)
- Added a slider to the Advanced Options menu that adjusts the volume of the hit sound when you damage an enemy
October 1, 2015 Patch
- Added new hit-sound options for players to choose from in the Adv. Options menu
October 6, 2015 Patch
- Fixed a regression with weapon hit sounds
- Hit sounds no longer clip each other
- Min and max pitch values reverted to what they were prior to the October 1st update
- Note: the Advanced Options default slider position is 100, which is normal (0) pitch
- The note hit sound uses similar sound clips to those used when mousing over classes on the class selection screen.