Achievement Idle

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Achievement Idle
Koth achievement idle.png
Basic Information
Developer(s): Unknown
Map Info
Environment: Industrial
Setting: Day, sunny

Achievement Idle is a King of the Hill map. It consists of two spawns, where players slowly lose health, and room with control point.

The map was a part of unofficial community-made Mechanical Engineer Update.


Main article: Idling

Basically, the map was made for idling and getting achievements. Uncapturable control point makes round infinite, so players can idle without interruption (actually, version, which link is presented in infobox, has capturable point). As the map was first of that kind, it became popular and you can still find a lot of servers with the map and his modifications.

Item drop system had several changes after map release, so it's useless for idling, but you can still get achievements on it.
