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That's what I'm talking about!.
The Scout on weapon balance.

TF2Tightrope is a collection of server mods. They aim to be a community-run version of the official beta by testing out new weapons, maps, game modes and balance changes.

Project Beta

How To

Just equip the weapon shown below and the new functionality will automatically be in effect.
The same model will be used for seamless integration and to eliminate custom file downloading.
Please note that alternate skin weapons will not have any modifications applied.

New Weapons

Class Weapon Replaced / Used Functionality
Leaderboard class soldier.png

The Battle Plan

Pictogram plus.png On wearer: 33% faster move speed
Pictogram minus.png On wearer: Move speed is decreased as user is injured
Pictogram minus.png User can not be overhealed
Pictogram comment.png Move speed will stop decreasing at 100hp and 240HU/s
Pictogram comment.png Move speed will stop increasing at 180hp and 300HU/s
Pictogram comment.png Speed changes as 3.75Hu/s at 5hp intervals

The Doom Bringer

Pictogram plus.png +25% damage dealt
Pictogram plus.png +400% max ammo
Pictogram plus.png On Kill: next rocket is crit boosted
Pictogram minus.png -75% clip size
Pictogram minus.png While active: fires continuously
Pictogram minus.png No random crits

Leaderboard class pyro.png

The Intensifier

Pictogram plus.png On hit: target is marked for death for 15 seconds
Pictogram plus.png Does not require ammo
Pictogram plus.png +50% fire rate
Pictogram plus.png +50% afterburn duration
Pictogram minus.png If the target is extinguished the mark is removed
Pictogram minus.png Cannot be crit boosted
Pictogram comment.png This weapon cannot mark for death another Pyro

The Underburner

Pictogram plus.png Reflected projectiles sets opponents on fire
Pictogram plus.png +35 building damage dealt by reflected projectiles
Pictogram plus.png +20 health restored when extinguishing a teammate
Pictogram plus.png +100% increased horizontal push back force
Pictogram plus.png +25% increased vertical push back force
Pictogram plus.png -75% airblast cost
Pictogram minus.png -50% max primary ammo
Pictogram info.png Reflected projectiles gain a small fire particle effect

The Flare Jumper

Pictogram plus.png +100% self damage force
Pictogram plus.png -100% explosion self-damage vulnerability
Pictogram minus.png -100% damage dealt
Pictogram minus.png Cannot ignite enemy players
Pictogram minus.png Unable to carry the intelligence and the PASS Time JACK
Pictogram comment.png This weapon will reload automatically when not active

Leaderboard class heavy.png

Huo-Long Heater
The Heavy Lifter

Pictogram plus.png While deployed: lifts user upwards
Pictogram plus.png While deployed: sustains a ring of flames
Pictogram plus.png On wearer: deals fatal damage to the player you land on
Pictogram plus.png -90% spin up time
Pictogram minus.png User is marked for death while spun up, and for 3 second after
Pictogram minus.png 3 ammo consumed per second while spun up
Pictogram minus.png Deals no bullet damage
Pictogram minus.png -75% ammo

Leaderboard class engineer.png

The Overclocker

Pictogram plus.png +50% faster sentry gun fire rate
Pictogram plus.png +900% dispenser radius
Pictogram plus.png +35% move speed to teleported players for 10 seconds
Pictogram plus.png +50% attack speed
Pictogram plus.png +7% move speed on wearer
Pictogram minus.png +50% building damage vulnerability
Pictogram minus.png -50% damage vs players
Pictogram minus.png -50% damage vs buildings
Pictogram minus.png -50% damage vs sappers
Pictogram minus.png -25 max health on wearer
Pictogram info.png Overclocked buildings can be identified by a particle effect

Leaderboard class medic.png

The Blinken Säge

Pictogram plus.png On use: Become ÜberCharged for a short time at the cost of 10% ÜberCharge
Pictogram plus.png On use: Relocate to a new position at the cost of 10% ÜberCharge
Pictogram minus.png -10% firing speed

Other Weapon Changes

Class Modified Weapon Changed Functionality Original Functionality
Leaderboard class soldier.png


Pictogram plus.png On wearer: deals fatal damage to the player you land on
Pictogram minus.png On wearer: no reduction in push force taken from enemy damage

Pictogram plus.png –75% reduction in push force taken from enemy damage
Pictogram plus.png On wearer: deals 3x falling damage to the player you land on

Leaderboard class pyro.png

Sharpened Volcano Fragment
Sharpened Volcano Fragment

Pictogram plus.png No longer deals less damage
Pictogram plus.png On wearer: 40% of fire damage dealt is received as healing
Pictogram minus.png -50 max health
Pictogram comment.png Cannot self-heal beyond max health
Pictogram info.png Healing is unaffected by crit or minicrit multipliers

Pictogram plus.png On hit: target is engulfed in flames
Pictogram minus.png -20% damage dealt

Third Degree
Third Degree

Pictogram plus.png +25% damage vs players being healed
Pictogram plus.png +25% damage to all other players directly connected via healing
Pictogram minus.png No random crits
Pictogram minus.png -25% damage vs players not being healed

Pictogram plus.png Damage transfers to all players connected by Medic beams

Leaderboard class demoman.png

Claidheamh Mòr
Claidheamh Mòr

Pictogram plus.png 1 Second increase in charge duration
Pictogram minus.png No added damage vulnerability
Pictogram minus.png Melee kills no longer refill your charge meter
Pictogram minus.png No health is restored on kill
Pictogram minus.png -20% firing speed

Pictogram plus.png +37% melee range
Pictogram plus.png +25% of your charge meter on melee kills
Pictogram plus.png +25 health restored on kill while active
Pictogram minus.png Slower deploy and holster time
Pictogram minus.png No random critical hits
Pictogram minus.png +15% damage vulnerability while active

Leaderboard class engineer.png

Eureka Effect
Eureka Effect

Pictogram plus.png No construction hit speed boost reduction
Pictogram plus.png No metal pickup reduction
Pictogram plus.png Take no damage from rocket jumping
Pictogram plus.png +4 health gain per second for each level of an active dispenser
Pictogram plus.png +5% move speed for each level of an active teleporter
Pictogram minus.png No metal cost reduction
Pictogram minus.png Cannot be granted health from healers
Pictogram minus.png Cannot pickup health kits
Pictogram info.png Electric sparks appear on wearer's feet

Pictogram plus.png Press your reload key to teleport to your spawn or your exit teleporter
Pictogram plus.png -50% metal cost when constructing or upgrading teleporters
Pictogram minus.png -50% construction hit speed boost
Pictogram minus.png -20% metal from dispensers and pickups

Leaderboard class medic.png

Solemn Vow
Solemn Vow

Pictogram plus.png On wearer: reveals locations and health of team players
Pictogram plus.png On wearer: reveals locations and health of team buildings

Pictogram plus.png Allows you to see an enemy's health
Pictogram minus.png -10% firing speed

Leaderboard class sniper.png


Pictogram plus.png +25% charge rate

Pictogram plus.png Critical hits are guaranteed for headshots
Pictogram plus.png Can charge without zooming
Pictogram minus.png Cannot headshot unless fully charged
Pictogram minus.png -10% damage penalty on body shot
Pictogram minus.png Shots leave a dim, clear line behind them
Pictogram minus.png No random critical hits
Pictogram comment.png Hold down fire button to charge, release to fire
Pictogram comment.png Does not automatically start charging when zoomed
Pictogram comment.png Doesn't unscope between shots
Pictogram info.png Charged shots will gib victims

Leaderboard class spy.png

Dead Ringer
Dead Ringer

Pictogram minus.png On wearer: -25 max hp

Pictogram info.png Cloaks Spy for 7 seconds upon receiving damage, dropping a fake corpse Pictogram plus.png Reduces initial damage by 75%, then upcoming damage by 65% to 20% after 3 seconds
Pictogram plus.png 50% faster cloak recharge rate
Pictogram plus.png +40% cloak duration
Pictogram plus.png Grants a 3 second speed boost upon receiving damage
Pictogram plus.png Feign Death stealth has no bump shimmer for 3 seconds
Pictogram minus.png Cloak meter can not be be refilled from ammo sources when invisible
Pictogram minus.png Has a loud, distinctive decloak sound
Pictogram minus.png Triggering feign death will lower the cloak meter to 50%
Pictogram minus.png Large and medium ammo boxes restore 35% cloak (instead of 100% and 50% respectively)
Pictogram minus.png Cloak meter must be fully charged to use

Class Changes

Class Modification
Leaderboard class engineer.png


Pictogram plus.png Teleporters are now bidirectional

External links