Normal reload speed
20% slower reload speed
Not implemented (9/23/2011)
20% slower reload speed
50% slower reload speed
Implemented (10/13/2011)
 Mad Milk
Players heal 75% of the damage done to an enemy covered with milk
Players heal 60% of the damage done to an enemy covered with milk
Implemented (4/14/2011)
 Boston Basher
On Miss: Hit yourself, causing self damage and bleeding for 5 seconds
On Miss: Hit yourself, causing self damage
Not implemented (9/23/2011)
 Three-Rune Blade
Minicrits against burning players
-15% damage done
- Base damage: 30
- Crit: 90
Full crits against burning players
-25% damage done
- Base damage: 26
- Crit: 79
Implemented (4/14/2011)
 Fan O'War
Marked for death status lasts 10 seconds
Marked for death status lasts 15 seconds
Implemented (4/14/2011)
Beta Pocket Rocket Launcher
New weapon
When the medic healing you is killed you gain crit boost for 8 seconds
On Hit: -10 health
Not implemented (4/28/2011)
When the medic healing you is killed you gain crit boost for 8 seconds
When the medic healing you is killed you gain mini-crit boost for 6 seconds
Not active (11/9/2011)
Beta Pocket Rocket Launcher 2
When the medic healing you is killed you gain crit boost for 8 seconds
+15% ÜberCharge rate for the medic healing you.
Not active (11/9/2011)
Beta Pocket Rocket Launcher 3
When the medic healing you is killed you gain crit boost for 8 seconds
50% faster reload time while being healed
Not active (11/9/2011)
 Battalion's Backup
Takes 175 damage to fully charge
Takes 350 damage to fully charge
Implemented (4/14/2011)
20% of damage done by teammates is returned as health during buff
35% of damage done by teammates is returned as health during buff
Implemented (4/14/2011)
Beta Pocket Shotgun
New weapon
While a medic is healing you, this weapon's damage is increased by 25%
While not being healed by a medic, your weapon switch time is 25% longer
Not implemented (4/28/2011)
While a medic is healing you, this weapon's damage is increased by 25%
While not being healed by a medic, your weapon switch time is 25% longer
While a medic is healing you, this weapon's damage is increased by 20%
While not being healed by a medic, your weapon switch time is 30% longer
Not active (11/9/2011)
Original damage formula
Soldiers carrying the Equalizer can call for Medics
Damage formula tweaked, no longer possible to one-hit-kill certain classes when at low health
Automatic and manual Medic calls are suppressed
Implemented (4/14/2011)
Move speed increases as the user becomes injured
Blocks healing while in use
Move speed no longer increases as the user becomes injured
No longer blocks healing
Not implemented (7/6/2012)
Beta Split Equalizer 1
New weapon
Move speed increases as the user becomes injured
Blocks healing while in use
Implemented7 (6/27/2012)
Beta Split Equalizer 2
New weapon
Damage increases as the user becomes injured
Blocks healing while in use
Implemented8 (6/27/2012)
 Flame Thrower
Old base damage
- Base damage: 6.2 / particle
+10% damage bonus
- Base damage: 6.82 / particle
Implemented (6/27/2012)
No compression blast
+15% damage done
- Base damage: 7.13 / particle
- Crit: 13-21 / particle
Added compression blast, 50 ammo per blast
+10% damage done
- Base damage: 6.82 / particle
Implemented (4/14/2011)
+10% damage bonus
- Base damage: 6.82
No damage bonus
- Base damage: 6.82 / particle6
Implemented (6/27/2012)
-25% burn damage penalty
No damage penalty
- Base damage: 6.2/particle
- Afterburn: 2.25/tick
No burn damage penalty
-10% damage penalty
- Base damage: 6.14/particle
- Afterburn: 3/tick
Not implemented (11/9/2011)
No damage penalty
- Base damage: 6.2/particle
-10% damage penalty
- Base damage: 6.14/particle6
Implemented (6/27/2012)
 Flare Gun
Mini-crits against burning players at close range, full crits against burning players at long range
Full crits against burning players regardless of range
Implemented (4/14/2011)
New weapon
On hit, ignites enemy.
Alt-fire detonates flare in flight. It creates a small explosion which ignites nearby players, but does less damage than a normal hit. Knockback can be used to flare jump.
Guarantees critical damage on burning targets (direct flare hits only)
+20% explosion vulnerability on wearer.
Not implemented (6/17/2011)
Flares do not detonate on impact with the world
Guarantees critical damage on burning targets (direct flare hits only)
+20% explosion vulnerability on wearer
No damage to self
Flare jump height varies considerably based on client latency
Flares detonate on impact with the world with a greatly reduced explosion radius
Guarantees mini-crit damage on burning targets (direct flare hits only)
No explosion vulnerability on wearer
+20% damage to self
Flare jump height is consistent regardless of client latency
Not implemented3 (7/12/2011)
 Reserve Shooter
Can only be equipped by the Soldier
Can be equipped by the Soldier and Pyro
Implemented (10/13/2011)
+25% damage
No random critical hits
Normal damage from melee sources while active
No damage bonus
Random critical hits enabled
+20% damage from melee sources while active
Implemented (4/14/2011)
+10% damage done
- Base damage: 92-135
- Crit: 315-360
+20% damage done
- Base damage: 103-147
- Crit: 342-388
Implemented (4/14/2011)
No random critical hits
No damage penalty
- Base damage: 65
- Crit: 195
Random critical hits enabled
-25% damage done
- Base damage: 49
- Crit: 146
Not implemented1 (4/26/2011)
 Horseless Headless Horsemann's Headtaker
No taunt
Now uses the Barbarian Swing taunt
Implemented (6/3/2011)
 Claidheamh Mòr
No random critical hits
No damage penalty
- Base damage: 65
- Crit: 195
Random critical hits enabled
-25% damage done
- Base damage: 49
- Crit: 146
Not implemented1 (4/26/2011)
No taunt
Now uses the Barbarian Swing taunt
Implemented (6/3/2011)
 Ullapool Caber
No random critical hits
No damage penalty
- Base damage: 35 (149 explosion)
- Crit: 149 (300 explosion)
Random critical hits enabled
-25% damage done
- Base damage: 26 (149 explosion)
- Crit: 79 (300 explosion)
Not implemented1 (4/26/2011)
Slowdown-on-hit effect does not fall off over distance
Normal spin-up time
Slowdown-on-hit effect falls off over distance
30% slower spin-up time
Implemented (12/17/2010)
 Natascha Variant 1
Slowdown-on-hit effect does not fall off over distance
-25% damage done
- Base damage: 340 / sec.
- Crit: 720 / sec.
Slowdown-on-hit effect falls off over distance
-35% damage done
- Base damage: 312 / sec.
- Crit: 648 / sec.
Not implemented (1/06/2011)
 Natascha Variant 2
Slowdown-on-hit effect does not fall off over distance
No health penalty
Slowdown-on-hit effect falls off over distance
-20% max health on wearer
Not implemented (1/06/2011)
No health penalty
-50 max health on wearer
Not implemented (1/26/2011)
+40% faster spin up time
No faster spin up time
Not implemented (7/6/2012)
 Dalokohs Bar
25.7 second cooldown
No cooldown
Implemented (4/14/2011)
Dropped Sandviches heal the Heavy that dropped them
Dropped Sandviches refill the Sandvich meter of the Heavy that dropped them
Implemented (2/14/2012)
 Buffalo Steak Sandvich
 Fists of Steel
60% less damage from ranged sources while active
Normal weapon switch
40% less damage from ranged sources while active
20% slower weapon switch
Implemented (4/14/2011)
Per Shot: -60 ammo
Per Shot: -30 ammo
Implemented (10/13/2011)
No random critical hits
No damage penalty
- Base damage: 65
- Crit: 195
Random critical hits enabled
-25% damage done
- Base damage: 49
- Crit: 146
Not implemented1 (4/26/2011)
 Southern Hospitality
No random critical hits
No damage penalty
- Base damage: 65
- Crit: 195
Random critical hits enabled
-25% damage done
- Base damage: 49
- Crit: 146
Not implemented1 (4/26/2011)
 Overdose Beta Syringe Gun
New weapon
Applies Mad Milk to target for one second
50% slower firing rate
90% damage done
- Base damage: 1
- Crit: 3
- [5 syringes / sec.]
Not implemented (4/28/2011)
Applies Mad Milk to target for one second
50% slower firing rate
-90% damage done
- Base damage: 1
- Crit: 3
- [5 syringes / sec.]
Applies Mad Milk to target for two seconds
50% slower firing rate
-50% damage done
- Base damage: 5
- Crit: 15
- [5 syringes / sec.]
Not implemented (6/17/2011)
Applies Mad Milk to target for two seconds
50% slower firing rate
-50% damage done
Übercharge percentage does not increase speed
- Base damage: 5
- Crit: 15
- [5 syringes / sec.]
Does not apply Mad Milk to target
No slower firing rate
-10% damage done
Übercharge percentage increases movement speed by up to 10%
- Base damage: 9
- Crit: 27
- [10 syringes / sec.]
Implemented (6/23/2011)
 Medi Gun
Players being healed are immune to movement-impairing effects generated by hitscan weapons
Not implemented (1/06/2011)
Players being healed are immune to movement-impairing effects generated by hitscan weapons
Not implemented (1/06/2011)
New weapon
ÜberCharge increases healing by 300% and grants immunity to movement-impairing effects
+50% heal rate
+50% ÜberCharge rate
Can't overheal
Move at the speed of any faster heal target.
Not implemented (6/17/2011)
+50% heal rate
+50% ÜberCharge rate
+40% heal rate
+40% UberCharge rate
Implemented (6/23/2011)
Does not allow player to see enemy health
Allows player to see enemy health
Not implemented2 (4/26/2011)
 Solemn Vow Beta Bonesaw
New weapon
Allows player to see enemy health
Implemented (6/23/2011)
 Sydney Sleeper
Normal charge rate
25% faster charge rate
Implemented (4/14/2011)
Beta Sniper Rifle 1
New weapon
On Hit: Rifle charge rate increased by 35%
On Miss: Rifle charge rate decreased by 65%
Not implemented (4/28/2011)
On Hit: Rifle charge rate increased by 35%
On Miss: Rifle charge rate decreased by 65%
On Scoped Bodyshot: Rifle charge rate increased by 25%
On Scoped Headshot: Rifle charge rate increased by 45%
On Scoped Miss: Rifle charge rate decreased by -65%
Not active4 (11/9/2011)
Beta Sniper Club 1
New weapon
25% increase in damage when health <50% of max
-25% decrease in damage when health >50% of max
Implemented5 (6/23/2011)
0.5 sec increase in time taken to cloak
Able to see enemy health at any time
0.5 sec increase in time taken to decloak
Unable to see enemy health when undisguised
Not implemented (3/15/2012)
0.5 sec increase in time taken to decloak
Normal firing speed
Normal decloak time
20% slower firing speed
Not implemented (4/17/2012)
Random critical hits enabled
No random critical hits
Not implemented (6/1/2012)
All Classes
All classes have double Health
Not implemented (1/13/2011)
All classes have 25% extra Health
Not implemented (2/11/2011)
Damage against buildings reduced 50%.
Not implemented (1/13/2011)
All classes possess new response and voice command rules
Implemented (6/3/2011)
1These weapon changes were implemented in the Hatless Update but were reverted by an item schema update before the April 15, 2011 Patch.
2This Vita-Saw change was originally included in the Hatless Update patch notes, but never went live, and was later removed from the notes.
3The Detonator went live as a part of the Über Update, but had its self-damage increased to +25% and its maximum flare jump height reduced.
4Mechanics reworked into those of the Bazaar Bargain and implemented in the Über Update. This beta variation continues to exist as a separate weapon with its pre-release stats, but has been removed from players' backpacks as of the November 9, 2011 beta patch.
5Implemented as the Shahanshah. Beta variation still exists with identical stats, but is not active.
6Base damage based on buffed Flame Thrower stats.
7Implemented as the Escape Plan.
8Stats given to Equalizer.