This article is about Community Projectile Shield strategy.
- Be wary of your surroundings, especially when in a defensive posture against Soldier and Demo Robots.
- Rockets hitting walls and props behind you can splash you.
- Grenades can bounce back towards you.
- Doorways can be effective places to defend with the Projectile Shield, since you can both block Robots getting past you and be safer from splash damage.
- Blocking critical-boosted robots, most notably Soldier or Demoman robots, is essential to your team's survival.
- The Projectile Shield can be used as a fall-back option if your team cannot handle the robots, or if most of your team is down, use it to save your Übercharge.
- Be wary of temptations to charge Robots just to kill them with your Projectile Shield, you risk being too far forward without support and often flanked when the charge is exhausted.
- Lighting up a Vaccinator resistance when you charge Robots with the Projectile Shield can protect you and your Pocket if they can fire through.
- Eyelander, et al., can sometimes reach you through the Projectile Shield.
- After the Pybro, the Projectile Shield is your best Spy checker.
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