Tribute to Rick May

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Revision as of 02:04, 3 May 2020 by Mikado282 (talk | contribs) ("Merge" with missing Tribute to Rick May page. Are any of the voice responses new to the game?)
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Soldier Statue.png

With the May 1, 2020 Patch, Valve commenced a month-long Tribute to Rick May. Rick May, who passed away on April 8, 2020,[1] was the voice actor for the Soldier. For the month of May, the Main Menu class image is set to the main menu Soldier image, and the soundtrack selection is set to Saluting the Fallen, which is a rendition of Taps, a traditional salute performed at military funerals within the United States Armed Forces.

Valve also placed Soldier statues within most active released maps. These are bronze statues of the Soldier saluting on a marble pedestal with a plaque that reads "Rick May / 1940 - 2020 / That was a hell of a campaign son!". Random voice lines of the Soldier play as players linger around the statue.

Soldier statues locations

Voice lines

Lines Spoken by the Soldier Statue

Update history

May 1, 2020 Patch

  • Added a tribute to Rick May, voice of the Soldier.

