Neck Snap
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“ | Say goodbye to your cervical vertibrae(sic), and hello to the ability to rotate your neck a full 360 degrees!
— Neck Snap的宣传语
” |
Neck Snap(Neck Snap)是一个社区制作的士兵可用的特殊嘲讽。
When activated, the Soldier tilts his head right and left, cracking his neck, then proceeds to beckon other players over. Other players see an icon over the initiator's head indicating that the taunt is active. Any nearby player (including [[Bots/zh-hans|Template:Dictionary/items/bots]]), regardless of team or if they own the taunt, can initiate a dual animation by standing in front of the Soldier and pressing their taunt key. When another player joins in, the Soldier grabs their head and quickly spins it, snapping their neck, before making a military salute. Each class responds differently to the Soldier's invitation and is affected differently by the snap.
For the voice lines and animations of each class, please refer to the respective class taunts pages.
Neck Snap是投稿于Steam创意工坊的作品。
- Neck Snap被添加至游戏。
- Updated Taunt: Neck Snap animations to fix the MVM canteen flipping while taunting.
- The Neck Snap is inspired by the same move done by the Soldier on the official [[comics/zh-hans|Template:Dictionary/items/comics]].[1]
Page 41 of the 解雇时刻 comic, demonstrating one example of the move.