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« | Он может быть в этой самой комнате! Он может быть тобой! Он может быть мной! Он может быть даже—
— Синий шпион о красном шпионе, незадолго до того как как синий солдат отстрелил ему голову
» |
Шпион может замаскироваться под врага. Whilst wearing a disguise, to his enemy the Spy appears as a teammate, and to the Spy's teammates he appears as a friendly Spy wearing a mask representing his current disguise.
Процесс маскировки
Маскировки могут быть использованы путем открытия маскировочного набора и нажав номер класса, чтобы замаскироваться, как (разведчик = 1, солдат = 2, и т.д. - те же номера, как на стандартном экране выбора класса). Disguising as an enemy player is done by default, but the Spy can also disguise as a friendly player to keep the enemy unaware of the fact that there is a Spy on the opposite team.
Советы по маскировке
- To disguise as a teammate, a Spy must use the toggledisguiseteam with the Disguise Kit equipped (this is bound by default to -).
- Using the lastdisguise command, bound by default to b, will automatically reapply the last worn disguise.
- Using the Simple Disguise menu allows the player to be disguised as any class using only the 1, 2 or 3 keys, but with two keystrokes. This means that they can disguise as an enemy Spy without moving their hand across the keyboard.
- With Your Eternal Reward/ru equipped in the loadout, the Disguise function is disabled. The player is required to perform a Backstab on an enemy team member (normal, non-backstab kills do not count) in order to acquire their disguise.
- While disguising, a Spy will produce glowing particles of his team's color and a cloud of smoke. After about two seconds, he will stop emitting these particles, and be fully disguised.
- The smoke and glowing particles will easily reveal the player's position to enemy players. This can be avoided by being cloaked to any degree before selecting a disguise. Once disguise smoke particles begin forming, cloaking will not hide them, but disguising while already cloaked will produce no smoke.
- Using the lastdisguise command, bound by default to b, will automatically reapply the last worn disguise.
- Using the Simple Disguise menu allows the player to be disguised as any class using only the 1, 2 or 3 keys, but with two keystrokes. This means that they can disguise as an enemy Spy without moving their hand across the keyboard.
- With Your Eternal Reward/ru equipped in the loadout, the Disguise function is disabled. The player is required to perform a Backstab on an enemy team member (normal, non-backstab kills do not count) in order to acquire their disguise.
- While disguising, a Spy will produce glowing particles of his team's color and a cloud of smoke. After about two seconds, he will stop emitting these particles, and be fully disguised.
- The smoke and glowing particles will easily reveal the player's position to enemy players. This can be avoided by being cloaked to any degree before selecting a disguise. Once disguise smoke particles begin forming, cloaking will not hide them, but disguising while already cloaked will produce no smoke.
Additionally, there are console commands that can be used to disguise:
Класс | Значение X | Команда | Значение Y |
Разведчик | 1 | Вражеская | -1 |
Солдат | 3 | Дружественная | -2 |
Поджигатель | 7 | Синяя | 1 |
Подрывник | 4 | Красная | 2 |
Пулеметчик | 6 | ||
Инженер | 9 | ||
Медик | 5 | ||
Снайпер | 2 | ||
Шпион | 8 |
Gameplay While Disguised
While disguised, the Spy's team will see him wearing a cut-out mask of the class he's disguised as, and when they aim at him, his health indicator will display the team and class he is disguised as below his name (e.g. "Disguised as enemy Demoman" or "Disguised as friendly Sniper"). Enemies will see him as the class/team he is disguised as, and when they aim at him, he will appear to have the identity of an allied or enemy player (depending on which team the spy disguised as), as well as the appearance of the class the spy disguised as. If the chosen team has at least one player of the chosen class the spy disguised as, the Spy will take on the identity of one of those players randomly; if the selected team has no player of the selected class, the Spy will take on the identity of any random player on the selected team regardless of class. When a Spy copies a player's identity, he takes on the name, hit points, and weapon loadouts of that player (unless the spy disguises as a class that the chosen team has no players of, in which case the spy will have the vanilla loadout). If the chosen disguise class has a slower move speed than the Spy's, the Spy will reduce his speed to match that of his disguised class except while cloaked. His speed will not increase to match that of the Medic or Scout if disguised as either.
While disguised as an enemy, a Spy can be spotted when he picks up a healthpack, as the cross icon that appears above him will be his team's color and not the color of his disguise. Additionally, a Spy who is hurt may pick up a health pack while his disguise displays full health or appears to be Overhealed.
Actions While Disguised
Disguising as an enemy player:
- Prevents defending control points and Payload carts.
- Prevents capturing control points or pushing Payload carts.
- Allows the use of enemy Teleporters (will produce teleport particles of the Spy's original team color, potentially blowing his cover).
- Allows you to be healed by and receive ammo from the enemy Payload cart and enemy Dispensers (this will not produce heal stream particles if cloaked).
- Allows healing and ÜberCharge by enemy Medics.
- Causes enemy Sentry Guns to not target the Spy as long as the opposite team color has not been shown to it (they have no vision while cloaked or behind surfaces/objects).
Disguising as a friendly player essentially causes all game mechanics to treat them as undisguised, except of course for appearance as a different class to enemy team members.
There are several actions that can be taken that are specifically designed to make the disguise more convincing to enemy team members.
- Changing disguise weapon - Changing to the primary, secondary, or melee weapon and pressing B will cause the disguise to change to make it appear to be using the weapon in the same slot for the class disguised as (ex: holding the Knife while disguised as a Scout lets you appear to equip the Bat or equivalent). If the person you are disguised as has equipped an unlockable weapon in the chosen slot, you will appear to be wielding the same weapon in your disguised state.
- Reloading - If your disguise weapon is one that reloads a clip or shells (i.e. Shotgun, Rocket Launcher, Scattergun, SMG, etc.), reloading your Revolver will cause your disguise to reload their weapon. This does not apply to weapons like the Flare Gun or Sniper Rifle, which load one shot at a time. You cannot fake a reload while your Revolver has all 6 shots loaded.
- Voice commands - Any voice commands made while disguised will broadcast to your team as coming from you and to the enemy team as coming from the person you are disguised as. You can call for an enemy Medic to heal you in this way. This can, however, alert the person you are disguised as to your presence since they will see voice commands attributed to them but not coming from them, and they may tell their team.
Disguise Removal
While disguised, the following actions will remove your disguise:
- Dying.
- Picking up the intelligence.
- Attacking (shooting, stabbing).
- Disguises do not change your actual hitbox sizes, shapes, or positions. Using certain disguises can therefore reduce the risk of Headshot.
- If you pick up |health kits or get healed, your disguise will appear to gain health accordingly. This allows you to pick up health pickups even if your health is full so long as your disguise's health is not.
- You cannot taunt while disguised.
- You gain knockback immunity, regardless of disguise color.
- Disguising does not change the fact that Spies can walk through teammates but not enemies.
- The Electro Sapper will not remove the disguise if used.
- A Spy disguised as a person wearing a hat with a particle effect (such as Unusual or Community hats) will have the appropriate hats, but with no particle effect.
- It is possible for a disguised Spy to have the appearance of equipping two weapons that share the same slot. In the example above to the right, the Spy disguised as a Sniper is holding the Darwin's Danger Shield and the Submachine Gun, both secondary slot weapons.
Связанные достижения
Предыдущие изменения
- Лечебная пушка медика больше не продолжает лечить вражеских шпионов, которые потеряли маскировку.
- Исправлена ошибка, позволявшая шпионам атаковать не теряя маскировки.
- Эффект выхода из телепорта больше не отображается на замаскированных или невидимых шпионах.
- Шпион, замаскированный под игрока своей команды, может захватывать контрольнае точки.
- Улучшена смена скорости шпиона при маскировке.
- Исправлена ошибка, при которой частицы лечения неправильно показывались на замаскированных или невидимых шпионах.
- При маскировке шпионы всегда видны с основным оружием врага в руках. Для смены оружия нужно нажать на кнопку последней маскировки.
- Исправлено падение клиента при выборе шпионом оружия для маскировки.
- Исправлена ошибка, при которой шпионы, замаскированные под игроков своей команды, не отображали эффекты крови.
- Исправлена ошибка, при которой замаскированные шпионы иногда вместо маски использовали эффект убер-заряда.
- Замаскированные шпионы больше не теряют оружие маскировки при взаимодействии со шкафчиком снабжения.
- На замаскированных шпионах не отображаются эффекты попадания, например от кровопийцы.
- Исправлена ошибка, при которой замаскированные шпионы не могли получать боеприпасы от вражеских раздатчиков.
- Исправлена ошибка, при которой шпион мог замаскироваться в процессе исполнения насмешки.
- На замаскированном шпионе теперь отображается разблокируемое оружие и головные уборы игрока, под которого он замаскирован.
- Добавлено альтернативное меню маскировки. в котором используются только клавиши 1-3.
- Для предотвращения графических ошибок, игроки больше не видят предметов, являющихся частью дружественной маскировки шпиона.
- Анимация предметов, таких как мечи, на маскировке шпиона выглядит корректно.
- Исправлена ошибка, при которой замаскированный под медика шпион мог слышать крики раненых врагов.
- Исправлена ошибка, при которой головные уборы без привязки к классу отображались неправильно на замаскированном шпионе.
- Исправлена ошибка, при которой замаскированный шпион иногда видел своё имя на статусе маскировки.
См. также