147 templates missing Russian translation

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Pages missing in Russian (ru – русский): 147 in total. Data as of 03:40, 01 August 2022 (GMT).

See also


  1. Template:Unused Content Nav has 966 uses and is missing 3 translations
    Line 4: [[Beta weapons
    Line 5:  
    Line 5:  
  2. Template:Overheal tool has 147 uses and is missing 1 translation
    Line 1: /
  3. Template:Class weapons table demoman secondary has 24 uses and is missing 1 translation
    Line 264: Primary fire launches the bombs, secondary fire (with any weapon deployed) makes all armed stickybombs under the crosshair, and directly under your feet, explode at once. Holding primary fire launches the bomb farther.<br />
  4. Template:Content updates has 23 uses and is missing 1 translation
    Line 12
  5. Template:Class weapons table engineer primary has 22 uses and is missing 2 translations
    Line 150: Number of empty shots before the weapon runs out of its ammunition source. See the weapon's page for details.
    Line 165: Draws 30 metal units from the player's metal reserve (200). See the weapon's page for details.
  6. Template:Class weapons table scout melee has 22 uses and is missing 1 translation
    Line 218
  7. Template:Active promotional item list has 21 uses and is missing 18 translations
    Line 318: This section documents items promoting limited-time community events and distributions. For a list of medals obtainable through reoccuring community tournaments, visit the [[Tournament Medal]] page.<br>Medals awarded from donations to limited-time tournament charity drives will also be included here.
    Line 335: Awarded in [[Genuine]] quality to players who donated at least $10 USD to the BlapBash 2022 charity drive, through [https://scrap.tf/blapature item] or [https://donate.blapature.org/ monetary] donations.
    Line 342: Awarded in [[Genuine]] quality to players who donated at least $20 USD to the BlapBash 2022 charity drive, through [https://scrap.tf/blapature item] or [https://donate.blapature.org/ monetary] donations.
    Line 349: Awarded in [[Genuine]] quality to players who donated at least $30 USD to the BlapBash 2022 charity drive, through [https://scrap.tf/blapature item] or [https://donate.blapature.org/ monetary] donations.
    Line 356: Awarded in [[Genuine]] quality to players who donated at least $50 USD to the BlapBash 2022 charity drive, through [https://scrap.tf/blapature item] or [https://donate.blapature.org/ monetary] donations.
    Line 409: Awarded in [[Genuine
    Line 416: Awarded in [[Genuine
    Line 423: Awarded in [[Genuine
    Line 430: Awarded in [[Genuine
    Line 437: Awarded in [[Genuine
    Line 444: Awarded in [[Genuine
    Line 492: Awarded in [[Genuine
    Line 499: Awarded in [[Genuine
    Line 506: Awarded in [[Genuine
    Line 513: Awarded in [[Genuine
    Line 520: Awarded in [[Genuine
    Line 580: Awarded in [[Genuine]] quality to participants of the TF2Maps [[Art Pass Contest]], as well as the top three placing winners of all subsequent major TF2Maps.net contests.
    Line 599: Awarded in [[Genuine]] quality to players who donated at least $5 USD to the 2022 TF2Maps charity drive, through [https://scrap.tf/fundraiser/MJAM22/ item] or [https://tiltify.com/+tf2maps/tf2mapsnet-72hr-jam-2022 monetary] donations.
  8. Template:Expired promotional item list has 21 uses and is missing 11 translations
    Line 2587: Awarded in [[Genuine]] qualty to players who donated at least $5 to the BlapBash 2019 charity drive, through [https://web.archive.org/web/20191101143337/https://scrap.tf/blapature item] or [https://blapbash.broadcast.tf/donate monetary] donations.
    Line 2593: Awarded in [[Genuine]] qualty to players who donated at least $15 to the BlapBash 2019 charity drive, through [https://web.archive.org/web/20191101143337/https://scrap.tf/blapature item] or [https://blapbash.broadcast.tf/donate monetary] donations.
    Line 2599: Awarded in [[Genuine]] qualty to players who donated at least $25 to the BlapBash 2019 charity drive, through [https://web.archive.org/web/20191101143337/https://scrap.tf/blapature item] or [https://blapbash.broadcast.tf/donate monetary] donations.
    Line 2606: Awarded in [[Genuine]] qualty to players who donated at least $5 to the BlapBash 2021 charity drive, through [https://scrap.tf/fundraiser/BLAP21 item] or [https://donate.blapature.org/ monetary] donations.
    Line 2613: Awarded in [[Genuine]] qualty to players who donated at least $15 to the BlapBash 2021 charity drive, through [https://scrap.tf/fundraiser/BLAP21 item] or [https://donate.blapature.org/ monetary] donations.
    Line 2619: Awarded in [[Genuine]] qualty to players who donated at least $25 to the BlapBash 2021 charity drive, through [https://scrap.tf/fundraiser/BLAP21 item] or [https://donate.blapature.org/ monetary] donations.
    Line 2944: Awarded in [[Genuine
    Line 2950: Awarded in [[Genuine
    Line 2956: Awarded in [[Genuine
    Line 2979: Awarded in [[Genuine
    Line 3219: Awarded in [[Genuine]] qualty to players who completed the Titanium Tank: Reforged campaign.
  9. Template:Building Specifications has 20 uses and is missing 36 translations
    Line 518: 10.5
    Line 519: 4.2
    Line 520: 3.75
    Line 521: 6.0
    Line 522: 3.5
    Line 523: 2.333
    Line 524: 2.1875
    Line 525: 2.8
    Line 526: 1.6
    Line 529: 4.2
    Line 530: 2.625
    Line 531: 2.442
    Line 532: 3.231
    Line 533: 2.333
    Line 534: 1.75
    Line 535: 1.667
    Line 536: 2.0
    Line 540: 21.0
    Line 541: 8.4
    Line 542: 7.5
    Line 543: 12.0
    Line 544: 5.25
    Line 545: 3.818
    Line 546: 3.621
    Line 547: 4.421
    Line 548: 1.6
    Line 551: 21.0
    Line 552: 8.4
    Line 553: 7.5
    Line 554: 12.0
    Line 555: 5.25
    Line 556: 3.818
    Line 557: 3.621
    Line 558: 4.421
    Line 559: 1.6
    Line 739: The first and second hits on a stock sentry gun will save 1.5 seconds, while all others will save 1 second. On dispensers, the first hit will save 2 seconds and all others will save 1 second.
  10. Template:Arena maps has 17 uses and is missing 8 translations
    Line 10: <i>
    Line 10
    Line 18: <i>
    Line 18
    Line 30: <i>
    Line 30
    Line 42: <i>
    Line 42
  11. Template:Compression blast kill icons has 17 uses and is missing 1 translation
    Line 143: Deflected Dragon's Fury fireball
  12. Template:Halloween dates has 17 uses and is missing 13 translations
    Line 1:  — 
    Line 2:  — 
    Line 3:  — 
    Line 4:  — 
    Line 5:  — 
    Line 6:  — 
    Line 7:  — 
    Line 8:  — 
    Line 9:  — 
    Line 10:  — 
    Line 11:  — 
    Line 12:  — 
    Line 13:  — 
  13. Template:Payload Race maps has 17 uses and is missing 4 translations
    Line 6: <i>
    Line 6
    Line 18: <i>
    Line 18
  14. Template:Payload maps has 17 uses and is missing 36 translations
    Line 14: <i>
    Line 14
    Line 18: <i>
    Line 18
    Line 22: <i>
    Line 22
    Line 26: <i>
    Line 26
    Line 34: <i>
    Line 34
    Line 38: <i>
    Line 38
    Line 42: <i>
    Line 42
    Line 50: <i>
    Line 50
    Line 54: <i>
    Line 54
    Line 58: <i>
    Line 58
    Line 62: <i>
    Line 62
    Line 66: <i>
    Line 66
    Line 70: <i>
    Line 70
    Line 74: <i>
    Line 74
    Line 78: <i>
    Line 78
    Line 82: <i>
    Line 82
    Line 86: <i>
    Line 86
    Line 98: <i>
    Line 98
  15. Template:Ability taunt table has 16 uses and is missing 6 translations
    Line 29:  
    Line 80:  
    Line 117:  
    Line 200:  
    Line 222:  
    Line 243:  
  16. Template:Kill taunt table has 16 uses and is missing 13 translations
    Line 40:  
    Line 89:  
    Line 141:  
    Line 183:  
    Line 224:  
    Line 270:  
    Line 311:  
    Line 360:  
    Line 409:  
    Line 451:  
    Line 495:  
    Line 539:  
    Line 583:  
  17. Template:King of the Hill maps has 16 uses and is missing 38 translations
    Line 10: <i>
    Line 10
    Line 14: <i>
    Line 14
    Line 18: <i>
    Line 18
    Line 30: <i>
    Line 30
    Line 34: <i>
    Line 34
    Line 38: <i>
    Line 38
    Line 42: <i>
    Line 42
    Line 46: <i>
    Line 46
    Line 50: <i>
    Line 50
    Line 54: <i>
    Line 54
    Line 58: <i>
    Line 58
    Line 62: <i>
    Line 62
    Line 66: <i>
    Line 66
    Line 70: <i>
    Line 70
    Line 74: <i>
    Line 74
    Line 82: <i>
    Line 82
    Line 90: <i>
    Line 90
    Line 94: <i>
    Line 94
    Line 98: <i>
    Line 98
  18. Template:Smissmas dates has 16 uses and is missing 11 translations
    Line 1:  — 
    Line 2:  — 
    Line 3:  — 
    Line 4:  — 
    Line 5:  — 
    Line 6:  — 
    Line 7:  — 
    Line 8:  — 
    Line 9:  — 
    Line 10:  — 
    Line 11:  — 
  19. Template:Capture the Flag maps has 15 uses and is missing 10 translations
    Line 10: <i>
    Line 10
    Line 18: <i>
    Line 18
    Line 22: <i>
    Line 22
    Line 30: <i>
    Line 30
    Line 34: <i>
    Line 34
  20. Template:List of item attributes has 12 uses and is missing 43 translations
    Line 55: Attrib_AltFire_Disabled
    Line 106: Attrib_Scattergun_NoReloadSingle
    Line 290: Attrib_SoldierBuffType
    Line 292: Attrib_Dmg_Falloff_Increased
    Line 303: Attrib_DemoBuffType
    Line 383: Attrib_Socket
    Line 420: Attrib_DisguiseDamageReduction
    Line 461: Attrib_DuelLoserAccountID
    Line 502: Attrib_ElevateQuality
    Line 576: Attrib_Knockback
    Line 583: '''%s1'''% damage penalty
    Line 587: Attrib_DecloakRate
    Line 788: Attrib_DeflectionSizeMultiplier
    Line 818: Attrib_MiniCritAirborneEnemiesDeploy
    Line 877: Attrib_MultipleSentries
    Line 920: Attrib_CenterFireProjectile
    Line 1008: Attrib_AlternateRocketEffect
    Line 1102: Attrib_SetIcicleKnifeMode
    Line 1133: Attrib_TauntSoundSuccess
    Line 1224: Attrib_RageGainOnAssists
    Line 1238: Attrib_AirBlastVerticalVulnerabilityMultipier
    Line 1376: Attrib_AutoFiresFullClipAllAtOnce
    Line 1384: On Equip: Visit Pyroland
    Line 1390: Attrib_PlayerSkinOverride
    Line 1396: Attrib_Sapper_Voice_Pak
    Line 1398: Attrib_Sapper_Voice_Pak_Idle_Wait
    Line 1559: Attrib_AddHeadOnHit
    Line 1591: Attrib_TauntSoundSuccess
    Line 1593: Attrib_PhaseCloak
    Line 1595: Attrib_TauntSoundSuccess
    Line 1597: Attrib_PhaseCloak
    Line 1601: Attrib_RocketLaunchImpulse
    Line 1623: Attrib_BackHeadshot
    Line 1629: Attrib_AirJumpOnAttack
    Line 1669: Attrib_Class_Select_Override_VCD
    Line 1719: Attrib_AutoFiresFullClipNegative
    Line 1721: Attrib_AutoFiresWhenFull
    Line 1741: Attrib_ElevateQuality
    Line 1835: Attrib_DamageBlastPush
    Line 1869: Attrib_NoCloakFromAmmo
    Line 1893: Attrib_AirblastDestroyProjectile
    Line 2010: '''%s1'''
    Line 2012: '''%s1'''
  21. Template:Player Destruction maps has 12 uses and is missing 12 translations
    Line 7: <i>
    Line 7
    Line 11: <i>
    Line 11
    Line 15: <i>
    Line 15
    Line 19: <i>
    Line 19
    Line 23: <i>
    Line 23
    Line 27: <i>
    Line 27
  22. Template:Unusual effects has 12 uses and is missing 131 translations
    Line 154
    Line 155
    Line 156
    Line 157
    Line 186
    Line 187
    Line 188
    Line 189
    Line 190
    Line 222
    Line 223
    Line 224
    Line 225
    Line 226
    Line 227
    Line 228
    Line 229
    Line 260
    Line 261
    Line 262
    Line 263
    Line 264
    Line 265
    Line 271
    Line 272
    Line 302
    Line 303
    Line 304
    Line 305
    Line 306
    Line 307
    Line 308
    Line 337
    Line 338
    Line 339
    Line 340
    Line 348
    Line 349
    Line 350
    Line 351
    Line 383
    Line 384
    Line 385
    Line 386
    Line 387
    Line 388
    Line 389
    Line 390
    Line 396
    Line 397
    Line 398
    Line 408
    Line 409
    Line 410
    Line 411
    Line 412
    Line 413
    Line 446
    Line 447
    Line 448
    Line 449
    Line 450
    Line 451
    Line 452
    Line 453
    Line 460
    Line 461
    Line 462
    Line 463
    Line 475
    Line 476
    Line 477
    Line 478
    Line 479
    Line 480
    Line 481
    Line 482
    Line 535
    Line 536
    Line 537
    Line 538
    Line 539
    Line 542
    Line 543
    Line 552
    Line 553
    Line 554
    Line 555
    Line 557
    Line 567
    Line 568
    Line 569
    Line 570
    Line 571
    Line 572
    Line 604
    Line 605
    Line 606
    Line 607
    Line 608
    Line 609
    Line 610
    Line 611
    Line 616
    Line 617
    Line 649
    Line 650
    Line 651
    Line 652
    Line 653
    Line 654
    Line 658
    Line 663
    Line 664
    Line 692
    Line 693
    Line 694
    Line 695
    Line 723
    Line 724
    Line 725
    Line 726
    Line 758
    Line 759
    Line 760
    Line 761
    Line 762
    Line 763
    Line 764
    Line 765
    Line 769
  23. Template:Fabricate Set Required and Results has 10 uses and is missing 2 translations
    Line 108: N/A
    Line 110: While the ingame blueprint will accept the item-set weapons, it will state that no matching blueprint is found and not consume anything.
  24. Template:Reskins has 10 uses and is missing 3 translations
    Line 848: As of May 23, 2019, the game has been removed from sale. However, any owners may still obtain its promotional items.
    Line 1646: As of June 29, 2018, the game has been shut down, rendering this item no longer obtainable.
    Line 1820: As of May 23, 2019, the game has been removed from sale. However, any owners may still obtain its promotional items.
  25. Template:List of companies has 8 uses and is missing 4 translations
    Line 369: WAR!
    Line 502: Conga<br />(Танцевальная обувь профессионального качества)
    Line 595: Журналу, который читает Шпион в короткометражке ''[[Expiration Date/ru
    Line 1598: WAR!
  26. Template:Mvm mission Bison Barrage has 6 uses and is missing 1 translation
    Line 39: Random choice
  27. Template:Mvm mission Clanker Carnage has 6 uses and is missing 2 translations
    Line 221: Spawns similarly to Spy-bots
    Line 230: Spawns normally
  28. Template:Mvm mission Aerial Stupidity has 5 uses and is missing 49 translations
    Line 20: Spawns from the side
    Line 62: Disables 1C Scout support on arrival
    Line 75: Flank middle
    Line 90: Flank middle
    Line 112: A loud siren will announce their arrival
    Line 117: Paradrops from above
    Line 155: Disables 2C Shotgun robots Support on arrival
    Line 186: A loud siren will announce their arrival
    Line 191: Paradrops from above
    Line 201: A loud siren will announce their arrival
    Line 206: Paradrops from above
    Line 216: No ring of fire while spun up
    Line 221: The 
    Line 226: Spawns from the side
    Line 236: Spawns from the side
    Line 252: The 
    Line 266: Disables Scout Support on arrival
    Line 276: Disables Scout Support on arrival
    Line 289: The 
    Line 334: A loud siren will announce their arrival
    Line 339: Paradrops from above
    Line 360: A loud siren will announce their arrival
    Line 365: Paradrops from above then blows up on landing
    Line 371: Limited
    Line 380: A loud siren will announce their arrival
    Line 385: Paradrops from above then blows up on landing
    Line 391: Limited
    Line 413: A loud siren will announce their arrival
    Line 418: Paradrops from above
    Line 429: A loud siren will announce their arrival
    Line 434: Paradrops from above
    Line 444: Paradrops from above
    Line 454: Spawns from the side
    Line 496: Paradrops from above
    Line 506: A loud siren will announce their arrival
    Line 511: Paradrops from above
    Line 516: Spawns from the side
    Line 537: A loud siren will announce their arrival
    Line 542: Paradrops from above
    Line 547: The 
    Line 552: Paradrops from above
    Line 563: Boss swaps between several loadouts
    Line 573: Paradrops from above then lands near bomb hatch
    Line 584: Paradrops from above
    Line 589: The 
    Line 595: Limited
    Line 604: A loud siren will announce their arrival
    Line 609: Paradrops from above then blows up on landing
    Line 615: Limited
  29. Template:Mvm mission Alluvion has 5 uses and is missing 17 translations
    Line 43: Custom variant
    Line 57: Custom variant
    Line 116: Custom variant
    Line 128: Custom variant
    Line 147: Custom variant
    Line 157: Custom variant
    Line 199: Custom variant
    Line 209: Custom variant
    Line 224: Custom variant
    Line 255: Custom variant
    Line 270: Custom variant
    Line 305: Custom variant
    Line 314: Custom variant
    Line 324: Custom variant
    Line 343: Custom variant
    Line 390: Custom variant
    Line 399: Custom variant
  30. Template:Mvm mission Antecedent Sapience has 5 uses and is missing 11 translations
    Line 36: No damage bonus
    Line 52: Regenerates 10 HP per second
    Line 134: Spawns from the river and takes the same path as the bomb
    Line 179: Audio cue announces its arrival
    Line 235: -1 health drained per second
    Line 358: Spawns from the river and takes the same path as the bomb
    Line 372: Spawns from the river and takes the opposite path as the bomb
    Line 441: Regenerates 10 HP per second
    Line 503: Spawns from the garage and takes the same path as the bomb
    Line 534: Spawns from the garage and takes the same path as the bomb
    Line 578: Audio cue announces its arrival
  31. Template:Mvm mission Armored Apparatus has 5 uses and is missing 5 translations
    Line 53: No 100% critical hit chance on kill
    Line 113: Spawns from the flank
    Line 201: Spawns from the flank
    Line 240: The 
    Line 328: Spawns from the flank
  32. Template:Mvm mission Autonomous Annihilation has 5 uses and is missing 24 translations
    Line 53: The 
    Line 81: The 
    Line 88: The 
    Line 90: The 
    Line 124: +320% rage gained on hit
    Line 133: +320% rage gained on hit
    Line 139: +320% rage gained on hit
    Line 153: The 
    Line 193: The 
    Line 216: The 
    Line 232: The 
    Line 237: The 
    Line 245: The 
    Line 260: The 
    Line 262
    Line 264: The 
    Line 264: 50% faster move speed while deployed
    Line 272
    Line 272: 50% slower spin up time
    Line 328: The 
    Line 333
    Line 335: The 
    Line 360: The 
    Line 385: The 
  33. Template:Mvm mission Bandwidth Beatdown has 5 uses and is missing 44 translations
    Line 8: The 
    Line 13: The
    Line 15
    Line 26: The
    Line 28: The
    Line 30: The
    Line 39: The 
    Line 54: Spawns similarly to Spy-bots
    Line 85
    Line 100: The
    Line 102
    Line 104: 50% slower move speed while deployed
    Line 108: The
    Line 112
    Line 116: The
    Line 121
    Line 123: 50% slower move speed while deployed
    Line 127: The
    Line 131
    Line 140: Behaves similarly to Sniper-bots
    Line 154: The 
    Line 171: Takes opposite path as the bomb
    Line 214: Behaves similarly to Sniper-bots
    Line 223: Behaves similarly to Sniper-bots
    Line 229: Behaves similarly to Sniper-bots
    Line 235: Behaves similarly to Sniper-bots
    Line 258: Boss will announce its own arrival
    Line 275: Takes opposite path as the bomb
    Line 284: Takes opposite path as the bomb
    Line 297: Behaves similarly to Sniper-bots
    Line 310: Shoots <span style="color:#00ffdd">Cyan</span> colored projectiles
    Line 314: Shoots <span style="color:#32cd32">Lime Green</span> colored projectiles
    Line 318: Shoots <span style="color:#ff0000">Red</span> colored projectiles
    Line 327: Shoots <span style="color:#5885a2">Team Spirit BLU</span> colored projectiles
    Line 331: Shoots <span style="color:#ff69b4">Pink as Hell</span> colored projectiles
    Line 335: Shoots <span style="color:#c36c2d">Cream Spirit RED</span> colored projectiles
    Line 348: Audio cue will announce its arrival
    Line 352: Takes same path as the bomb
    Line 386: Takes opposite path as the bomb
    Line 409: Boss will announce its own arrival
    Line 419: Behaves similarly to Sniper-bots
    Line 428: The 
    Line 433: The
    Line 435
  34. Template:Mvm mission Binary Breaker has 5 uses and is missing 14 translations
    Line 41: Spawns from the flank
    Line 62: Spawns from the flank
    Line 94: Spawns from the flank
    Line 214: Spawns from the flank
    Line 228: Spawns from the flank
    Line 258: Spawns from the flank
    Line 267: Spawns from the flank
    Line 301: Spawns from the flank
    Line 310: Spawns from the flank
    Line 370: Spawns from the flank
    Line 379: Spawns from the flank
    Line 428: Spawns from the flank
    Line 454: Spawns from the flank
    Line 463: Spawns from the flank
  35. Template:Mvm mission Blastaway has 5 uses and is missing 33 translations
    Line 18: Spawns from the flank
    Line 30: Spawns with a second bomb
    Line 41: Spawns from the river
    Line 53: Spawns from the river
    Line 97: Spawns with a second bomb
    Line 101: Spawns from the river
    Line 112: Spawns from the flank
    Line 148: Spawns with a second bomb
    Line 152: Regenerates 1 HP per second
    Line 156: Spawns from the river
    Line 167: Spawns from the flank
    Line 179: Spawns with a third bomb
    Line 183: Spawns from the river
    Line 221: Spawns with a second bomb
    Line 260: Spawns with a third bomb
    Line 264: Spawns from the river
    Line 273: Spawns from the river
    Line 310: Spawns with a second bomb
    Line 320: Spawns from the flank
    Line 339: Spawns with a third bomb
    Line 343: Spawns from the river
    Line 379: Spawns with a second bomb
    Line 383: Spawns from the flank
    Line 400: Spawns with a third bomb
    Line 409: Spawns from the river
    Line 422: Spawns from the river
    Line 436: Spawns from the flank
    Line 445: Spawns from the river
    Line 482: Spawns with a second bomb
    Line 486: Spawns from the flank
    Line 505: Spawns from the river
    Line 516: Spawns with a third bomb
    Line 520: Spawns from the river
  36. Template:Mvm mission Cash Out Crash Out has 5 uses and is missing 26 translations
    Line 13: The 
    Line 14: The 
    Line 15: The 
    Line 16: The 
    Line 17: The 
    Line 18
    Line 19
    Line 20
    Line 41: Behaves similarly to regular Sniper-bots
    Line 50: Chips carrier
    Line 81: Spawns from the right garage and takes the left path
    Line 90: Spawns from the left garage and takes the center path
    Line 104
    Line 112: Behaves similarly to regular Sniper-bots
    Line 121: Chips carrier
    Line 167: Chips carrier
    Line 171: Drops 25 chips on death
    Line 192: Chips carrier
    Line 227: Spawns from the right garage and takes the left path
    Line 263: Behaves similarly to regular Sniper-bots
    Line 272: Chips carrier
    Line 349: Chips carrier
    Line 362: Activates Mmmph as if airblasting projectiles
    Line 406: Spawns from the left garage and takes the center path
    Line 416: The 
    Line 426: Chips carrier
  37. Template:Mvm mission Cashgrab Chaos has 5 uses and is missing 32 translations
    Line 12: The 
    Line 18: No stats change
    Line 39
    Line 46: No max health drain
    Line 57: The 
    Line 57: Chip Carrier
    Line 68
    Line 98: The 
    Line 103
    Line 106: The 
    Line 121
    Line 126: The 
    Line 126: Chip Carrier
    Line 163
    Line 183
    Line 202
    Line 207: The 
    Line 207: Chip Carrier
    Line 228
    Line 234
    Line 275: The 
    Line 275: Chip Carrier
    Line 332: No max health drain
    Line 353: The 
    Line 353: Chip Carrier
    Line 381
    Line 390
    Line 397: No max health drain
    Line 405
    Line 412: No max health drain
    Line 420
    Line 427: No max health drain
  38. Template:Mvm mission Choir of Robots has 5 uses and is missing 2 translations
    Line 257: Uses Final Tank Skin
    Line 267: Uses Final Tank Skin
  39. Template:Mvm mission Dihydrogen Monoxide has 5 uses and is missing 2 translations
    Line 26: Random choice
    Line 206: Random choice
  40. Template:Mvm mission Extended Deadline has 5 uses and is missing 23 translations
    Line 229
    Line 235
    Line 241
    Line 247
    Line 253: Random choice
    Line 268
    Line 274
    Line 285: Random choice
    Line 296
    Line 302
    Line 307
    Line 312
    Line 317
    Line 376
    Line 382
    Line 388
    Line 394
    Line 400
    Line 406
    Line 418
    Line 424
    Line 430: Random choice
    Line 433: Icons are hidden
  41. Template:Mvm mission Astronautical Nausea has 4 uses and is missing 1 translation
    Line 324: Spawns from the wormhole
  42. Template:Mvm mission Binary Broadcast has 4 uses and is missing 13 translations
    Line 39: Spawns from the carrier tank or the top
    Line 81: Spawns from the carrier tank or the top
    Line 103: Spawns from the carrier tank or the flank
    Line 156: Spawns from the carrier tank or the top
    Line 164: Spawns from the carrier tank or the top
    Line 186: Spawns from the carrier tank or the top
    Line 197: Audio cue announces its arrival
    Line 265: Spawns from the carrier tank or the top
    Line 395: Spawns from the carrier tank or the flank
    Line 404: Spawns from the carrier tank or the top
    Line 424: Spawns from the carrier tank or the top
    Line 442: Spawns from the carrier tank or the top
    Line 460: Spawns from the carrier tank or the flank
  43. Template:Mvm mission Circuit Board Torture has 4 uses and is missing 21 translations
    Line 75: Play sound when subwave is over
    Line 83: Play sound when subwave is over
    Line 131: Play sound when subwave begin
    Line 134: Play sound when subwave is over
    Line 265: Play sound when subwave start spawning
    Line 308: 100% slower spin up time
    Line 317
    Line 375: Play sound when subwave begin
    Line 385: Tank comes with sticky cannon
    Line 399: Play sound when subwave begin
    Line 424: Play sound when subwave begin
    Line 432
    Line 440: The 
    Line 442: On hit: Force victim to laugh
    Line 459: Play sound when subwave start spawning
    Line 561: Drag enemy towards them on hit
    Line 569: The 
    Line 590: Play sound when subwave begin
    Line 628: Does not leave spawn
    Line 636: Does not leave spawn
    Line 644: Does not leave spawn
  44. Template:Mvm mission Collapsing Cores has 4 uses and is missing 22 translations
    Line 28: The 
    Line 39: The 
    Line 103: Takes the outdoors path
    Line 154: Gains übercharge when using übercharge
    Line 165: Gains übercharge when using übercharge
    Line 196: Uses übercharge 2 seconds after health is at or below 51
    Line 233: Pit doors will close when spawned
    Line 236: Pit doors will open when killed
    Line 260: Uses übercharge 2 seconds after health is at or below 51
    Line 291: Takes the indoors path
    Line 305: Uses übercharge 1 seconds after health is at or below 51
    Line 322: Uses übercharge 1 seconds after health is at or below 51
    Line 334: Gains übercharge when using übercharge
    Line 360: Gains übercharge when using übercharge
    Line 371: Takes the outdoors path
    Line 385: Gains übercharge when using übercharge
    Line 388: Übercharge does not affect self
    Line 394: The 
    Line 406: Gains übercharge when using übercharge
    Line 409: Übercharge does not affect self
    Line 415: The 
    Line 415: The 
  45. Template:Mvm mission Corroding Cadavers has 4 uses and is missing 9 translations
    Line 7
    Line 28
    Line 92: Opens front upgrade station when subwave is active
    Line 95: Change bomb route when subwave is active
    Line 192: Opens front upgrade station when subwave is active
    Line 195: Change bomb route when subwave is active
    Line 204: Close front upgrade station when subwave is active
    Line 254: Play sound when subwave start spawning
    Line 258: Limited
  46. Template:Mvm mission Flemish Feud has 4 uses and is missing 5 translations
    Line 67: Takes the left path
    Line 115: Takes the left path
    Line 156: Takes the left path
    Line 245: Administrator will announce their arrival
    Line 249: Limited
  47. Template:Mvm mission HoHoHoes Holiday has 4 uses and is missing 1 translation
    Line 86
  48. Template:Mvm mission Metroll Malice has 4 uses and is missing 3 translations
    Line 1: Note: Some robots use different models. Some subwave shown below are used for message or audio shown in-game.
    Line 17: Taunt constantly when see player
    Line 22: On hit: Target gain bumper car for 8 seconds
  49. Template:List of cosmetics with an additional effect has 3 uses and is missing 33 translations
    Line 3: Cosmetics with additional effects
    Line 12: Additional effect(s)
    Line 21: * Spawns a ball in the spawnroom
    Line 36: * Makes a soft, higher pitch jingle noise while walking.
    Line 43: * Plays music when taunting.
    Line 50: * Makes a soft jingle noise while walking.
    Line 57: * Changes the footsteps with wet, squishy sounds.
    Line 67: * Makes a soft, slightly lower pitch jingle noise while walking.
    Line 74: * Alters [[Soldier responses#With Freedom Feathers equipped
    Line 81: * Alters [[Soldier responses#With Spellbinder's Bonnet equipped
    Line 88: * Alters [[Soldier responses#With Larval Lid equipped
    Line 95: * Plays a [[Media:Taunt wormsHHG.wav
    Line 113: * Makes a soft jingle noise while walking.
    Line 120: * Plays [[Media:Pyro music tube.wav
    Line 127: * Makes a soft jingle noise while walking.
    Line 137: * Alters [[Heavy responses#With Chicken Kiev equipped
    Line 147: * Changes the [[PDA]]'s Build and Demolish Menu and the [[Eureka Effect]]'s Teleport menu.
    Line 157: * Makes a soft jingle noise while walking.
    Line 164: * Alters [[Medic responses#With Medimedes equipped
    Line 171: * Alters [[Medic responses#With Second Opinion equipped
    Line 181: * Alters [[Sniper responses#With Sir Shootsalot equipped
    Line 191: * When the player dies, their corpse explodes. During a [[Full Moon]] or Halloween, the explosion is purple instead of the usual gold.
    Line 198: * Makes a soft jingle noise while walking.
    Line 205: * Chess piece on top changes based on player's killstreak, does not require a [[Killstreak]] weapon.
    Line 212: * Changes the appearance of [[Robots]] and the [[Carrier tank]] in [[Mann vs. Machine
    Line 219: * If equipped by the Scout, it alters [[Scout responses#With Haunted Hat equipped
    Line 226: * Player is immune to [[Horseless Headless Horsemann]]'s "Boo" taunt.
    Line 233: * Makes a soft jingle noise while walking.
    Line 240: * When equipped by all classes except Pyro and Medic, it alters [[Responses
    Line 247: * Makes a soft jingle noise while walking.
    Line 254: * Player is immune to Horseless Headless Horsemann's "Boo" taunt.
    Line 261: * If is entered in the game's launch options, the headset glows, regardless of the [[Styles
    Line 268: * When equipped by the [[Scout responses#With Voodoo-Cursed Scout Soul equipped
  50. Template:Mvm mission Covert Compromise has 3 uses and is missing 11 translations
    Line 78: The 
    Line 111: The 
    Line 138: The 
    Line 198: Flank lobby
    Line 247: The 
    Line 252
    Line 266: The 
    Line 276: The 
    Line 279: Kill forces Engineer-bot to laugh
    Line 352: The 
    Line 357: The 
  51. Template:Mvm mission Dead Space has 3 uses and is missing 15 translations
    Line 35: The 
    Line 40
    Line 55: The 
    Line 57: The 
    Line 138: The 
    Line 160: No stats change
    Line 233: The 
    Line 235
    Line 238
    Line 245: Wormhole appears in the sky when subwave is over
    Line 260: Spawn from the wormhole
    Line 268
    Line 279: The 
    Line 296: Spawn from the wormhole
    Line 299: Play sound when subwave start spawning
  52. Template:Mvm mission Dead of Night has 3 uses and is missing 15 translations
    Line 77: Spawns from the left or the carrier tank
    Line 94: Spawns from the river and takes the opposite path as the bomb
    Line 153: Spawns from the left or the carrier tank
    Line 252: Regenerates 1 HP per second
    Line 268: Spawns from the river and takes the same path as the bomb
    Line 276: Spawns from the river and takes the opposite path as the bomb
    Line 319: Spawns from the river and takes the opposite path as the bomb
    Line 327: Spawns from the river and takes the opposite path as the bomb
    Line 341: Regenerates 1 HP per second
    Line 429: Spawns from the garage and takes the same path as the bomb
    Line 458: Spawns from the river and takes the same path as the bomb
    Line 477: Spawns from the river and takes the opposite path as the bomb
    Line 496: The 
    Line 501
    Line 506: Regenerates 1 HP per second
  53. Template:Mvm mission Donacdum has 3 uses and is missing 45 translations
    Line 95: Tank spawns randomly
    Line 118: River pit closes when subwave is active
    Line 127: River pit opens when subwave is active
    Line 183: Play sound when subwave is over
    Line 192: Play sound when subwave is over
    Line 201: Play sound when subwave is over
    Line 209: Play sound when subwave is over
    Line 218: Play sound when subwave begins
    Line 221: Play sound when subwave starts spawning
    Line 224: Play sound when subwave finishes spawning
    Line 227: Play sound when subwave is over
    Line 315: Play sound when subwave begins
    Line 336: Train always crashes the tank
    Line 339: Train spawns when subwave starts spawning
    Line 440: Play sound when subwave begins
    Line 451: Play sound when subwave begins
    Line 462: Play sound when subwave begins
    Line 473
    Line 473: Play sound when subwave starts spawning
    Line 476: Play sound when subwave is over
    Line 484
    Line 484: Play sound when subwave starts spawning
    Line 487: Play sound when subwave is over
    Line 496
    Line 496: Play sound when subwave starts spawning
    Line 499: Play sound when subwave is over
    Line 508
    Line 508: Play sound when subwave starts spawning
    Line 511: Play sound when subwave is over
    Line 519
    Line 519: Play sound when subwave starts spawning
    Line 522: Play sound when subwave is over
    Line 530
    Line 530: Play sound when subwave starts spawning
    Line 533: Play sound when subwave is over
    Line 541
    Line 541: Play sound when subwave starts spawning
    Line 544: Play sound when subwave is over
    Line 561: River pit closes when subwave is active
    Line 576: River pit opens when subwave is active
    Line 622: River pit closes when subwave is active
    Line 631: Play sound when subwave begins
    Line 634: Play sound when subwave starts spawning
    Line 637: Play sound when subwave finishes spawning
    Line 640: Play sound when subwave is over
  54. Template:Mvm mission Empire Excavation has 3 uses and is missing 35 translations
    Line 8: The 
    Line 13: The 
    Line 15
    Line 17: The 
    Line 22: The 
    Line 24
    Line 27: Spawns similarly to Spy-bots
    Line 45
    Line 50: The 
    Line 56: The 
    Line 61: Shoots <span style="color:#10009c">Dark Blue</span> colored projectiles
    Line 83: Spawns from the side
    Line 91: Spawns from the side
    Line 136: Activates Mmmph as if airblasting projectiles
    Line 139: The 
    Line 178: Spawns from the side
    Line 245: Activates Mmmph as if airblasting projectiles
    Line 248: The 
    Line 248: Spawns from the side
    Line 257: The 
    Line 283: Boss announces its own arrival
    Line 293: The 
    Line 298
    Line 300: The 
    Line 304
    Line 340: The 
    Line 347: The 
    Line 350: Spawns from the side
    Line 361: Boss announces its own arrival
    Line 376: Spawns similarly to Spy-bots
    Line 384: Spawns from the side
    Line 392: Spawns from the side
    Line 397: Spawns from the side
    Line 408: Administrator announces their arrival
    Line 411: Spawns from the side
  55. Template:Mvm mission Endothermic Espionage has 3 uses and is missing 3 translations
    Line 193: No modified stats
    Line 333: No modified stats
    Line 484: The 
  56. Template:Mvm mission Energy Entropy has 3 uses and is missing 42 translations
    Line 124: Spawns at the left or right
    Line 132: Spawns at the left or right
    Line 140: Spawns at the left or right
    Line 149: Spawns at the left or right
    Line 162: Spawns at the left or right
    Line 171: Spawns at the left or right
    Line 179: Spawns at the left or right
    Line 187: Spawns at the left or right
    Line 201: The 
    Line 224: Spawns at the left or right
    Line 235: Spawns at the left or right
    Line 243: Spawns at the left or right
    Line 256: Spawns at the left or right
    Line 265: Spawns at the left or right
    Line 273: Spawns at the left or right
    Line 281
    Line 287: Spawns at the left or right
    Line 300: Spawns at the left or right
    Line 311: Spawns at the left or right
    Line 319: Spawns at the left or right
    Line 327: Spawns at the left or right
    Line 347: Spawns at the left or right
    Line 355: Spawns at the left or right
    Line 363: Spawns at the left or right
    Line 381: Spawns at the left or right
    Line 429: Spawns at the left or right
    Line 437: Spawns at the left or right
    Line 445: Spawns at the left or right
    Line 456: The 
    Line 456: Shoots <span style="color:#cf7336">Mann Co. Orange</span> colored projectiles
    Line 459: Shoots <span style="color:#d8bed8">Color No. 216-190-216</span> colored projectiles
    Line 462: Shoots <span style="color:#141414">A Distinctive Lack of Hue</span> colored projectiles
    Line 465: Shoots <span style="color:#a57545">Muskelmannbraun</span> colored projectiles
    Line 468: Shoots <span style="color:#2f4f4f">A Color Similar to Slate</span> colored projectiles
    Line 471: Shoots <span style="color:#7c6c57">Ye Olde Rustic Color</span> colored projectiles
    Line 474: Shoots <span style="color:#B88035">BLU Cream Spirit</span> colored projectiles
    Line 477: Shoots <span style="color:#32cd32">The Bitter Taste of Defeat and Lime</span> colored projectiles
    Line 485: Spawns at the left or right
    Line 495: Spawns at the left or right
    Line 506: A loud siren will announce its arrival
    Line 509: Spawns at the left or right
    Line 533: The 
  57. Template:Mvm mission Evil Eye has 3 uses and is missing 4 translations
    Line 89: Cannot be crit boosted
    Line 100: The 
    Line 248: The 
    Line 304: The 
  58. Template:Mvm mission Fabrication Plan has 3 uses and is missing 14 translations
    Line 25: Spawns from the flank
    Line 53: Spawns from the flank
    Line 62: Spawns from the flank
    Line 94: Spawns from the flank
    Line 110: Spawns from the flank
    Line 151: Spawns from the flank
    Line 196: Spawns from the flank
    Line 205: Boss announces its own arrival and death
    Line 253: Robots announce their arrival
    Line 273: Spawns from the flank
    Line 281: Spawns from the flank
    Line 291: Boss announces its own arrival and death
    Line 328: Spawns from the flank
    Line 348: Boss announces its own arrival and death
  59. Template:Mvm mission Fiefdom Fiasco has 3 uses and is missing 14 translations
    Line 74: Spawns at the left or right
    Line 107: Spawns at the left or right
    Line 116: Spawns from the carrier tank or the left
    Line 124: Spawns from the carrier tank or the left
    Line 152: Spawns at the left or right
    Line 199: Spawns at the left or right
    Line 213: Spawns from the carrier tank or the right
    Line 232: Behaves similarly to regular Sniper-bots
    Line 306: Spawns at the left or right
    Line 334: Spawns at the left or right
    Line 372: Spawns at the left or right
    Line 400: Behaves similarly to regular Sniper-bots
    Line 441: Spawns from the carrier tank or the left
    Line 473: Spawns from the carrier tank or the left
  60. Template:Mvm mission Flash Flood Flurry has 3 uses and is missing 36 translations
    Line 17: The 
    Line 52: The 
    Line 63: The 
    Line 79: The 
    Line 84: The 
    Line 104: The 
    Line 115: A heavy storm begins on this wavespawn
    Line 118: Uses both Primary and Secondary weapons
    Line 126: The 
    Line 137: The 
    Line 156: The 
    Line 167: The 
    Line 172: The 
    Line 188: The 
    Line 193: The 
    Line 198: The 
    Line 204: The 
    Line 209: +600% more pellets per shot
    Line 218: A heavy storm begins on this wavespawn
    Line 221: Uses both Primary and Secondary weapons
    Line 229: The 
    Line 255: On Hit: Bleed for 2 seconds
    Line 263: The 
    Line 285: A heavy storm begins on this wavespawn
    Line 293: Uses both Primary and Secondary weapons
    Line 312: The 
    Line 312: -90% speed on target
    Line 320: The 
    Line 333: The 
    Line 354: The 
    Line 360: Uses both Primary and Secondary weapons
    Line 369: Uses both Primary and Secondary weapons
    Line 373: Limited
    Line 381: Limited
    Line 388: The 
    Line 389: Limited
  61. Template:Mvm mission Forest Fight has 3 uses and is missing 2 translations
    Line 489: Announces its own arrival
    Line 492: Announces its own death
  62. Template:Mvm mission Frightful Freight has 3 uses and is missing 30 translations
    Line 8: Spawns from the flank
    Line 16: Spawns from the flank
    Line 28: Spawns from the flank
    Line 61: Spawns from the flank
    Line 69: Spawns from the flank
    Line 103: Spawns from the flank
    Line 111: Spawns from the flank
    Line 115: Limited
    Line 135: Spawns from the flank
    Line 143: Spawns from the flank
    Line 149: Spawns from the flank
    Line 170: Spawns from the B entrance and takes the outside path
    Line 180: Spawns from the flank
    Line 188: Spawns from the flank
    Line 193: Spawns from the flank
    Line 212: Spawns from the flank
    Line 232: Spawns from the flank
    Line 257: Spawns from the flank
    Line 265: Spawns from the flank
    Line 270: Spawns from the flank
    Line 283: Spawns from the flank
    Line 314: Spawns from the flank
    Line 327: Spawns from the B entrance and takes the outside path
    Line 345: Spawns from the flank
    Line 354: Spawns from the tunnel and takes the storeroom path
    Line 368: Spawns from the flank
    Line 401: Audio cue announces its arrival
    Line 432: Spawns from the flank
    Line 441: Spawns from the tunnel and takes the storeroom path
    Line 476: Spawns from the flank
  63. Template:Mvm mission Frozen Freaks has 3 uses and is missing 19 translations
    Line 32: Spawns at the right flank
    Line 66: Spawns from the secondary main spawn
    Line 75: Spawns from the secondary main spawn
    Line 83: Spawns at the right flank
    Line 125: Spawns in both main spawns
    Line 155: Death pit closes on arrival
    Line 183: Spawns at the right flank
    Line 191: Death pit opens on arrival
    Line 194: Spawns at the right flank
    Line 210: Spawns at the right flank
    Line 218: Spawns at the right flank
    Line 222: Limited
    Line 255: Spawns at the right flank
    Line 265: Spawns from the secondary main spawn
    Line 274
    Line 297: Play sound when subwave is active
    Line 300: Spawns at the right flank
    Line 319: Spawns from the secondary main spawn
    Line 327: Spawns from the secondary main spawn
  64. Template:Mvm mission Funeral Toll has 3 uses and is missing 11 translations
    Line 43: The 
    Line 107: The 
    Line 147: Takes the left path
    Line 160: The 
    Line 229: Takes the left path
    Line 265: Takes the left path
    Line 304: The 
    Line 315: The 
    Line 346: The 
    Line 351: The 
    Line 357: The 
  65. Template:Mvm mission Fusion and Intrusion has 3 uses and is missing 4 translations
    Line 58: Icon does not appear in the wavebar
    Line 76: Spawns from the flank
    Line 231: The 
    Line 308: Spawns from the flank
  66. Template:Mvm mission Gatebot Apocalypse has 3 uses and is missing 22 translations
    Line 36: Spawns from the side
    Line 46: Spawns from the side
    Line 82: Spawns from the side
    Line 96: Spawns from the side
    Line 139: Spawns from the side
    Line 148: The 
    Line 162: Spawns from the side
    Line 184: Spawns from the side
    Line 215: Spawns with a second bomb
    Line 226: The 
    Line 231: The 
    Line 256: Spawns from the side
    Line 265: Spawns from the side
    Line 285: Spawns with a second bomb
    Line 300: Spawns from the side
    Line 338: Spawns from the side
    Line 369: Spawns from the side
    Line 377: Spawns with a second bomb
    Line 391: Spawns with a third bomb
    Line 402: The 
    Line 407: The 
    Line 412: The 
  67. Template:Mvm mission Insomniac's Insanity has 3 uses and is missing 23 translations
    Line 29: Random choice
    Line 53: Random choice
    Line 108: Starts with Subwave 2E
    Line 128: Bot spawns with shield ready
    Line 149: Stops after subwave 3D
    Line 154: Stops after subwave 3D
    Line 159: Starts with subwave 3E
    Line 167: Random choice
    Line 189: From this point onward, the wave automatically starts the next subwave without waiting for the previous one to end. See the delay before starting for reference.
    Line 195: Random choice
    Line 195: 33% Red bullet trails<br>33% White bullet trails<br>33% Blue bullet trails
    Line 204: Random choice
    Line 215: Random choice
    Line 215: 33% Red Bison projectile<br>33% White Bison projectile<br>33% Blue Bison projectile
    Line 223: Random choice
    Line 223: 33% Red Cow Mangler projectile<br>33% White Cow Mangler projectile<br>33% Blue Cow Mangler projectile
    Line 232: Random choice
    Line 260: Starts with Subwave 4C-6
    Line 260: Random choice
    Line 260: 33% Red Bison projectile<br>33% White Bison projectile<br>33% Blue Bison projectile
    Line 268: Starts with Subwave 4C-6
    Line 268: Random choice
    Line 268: 33% Red Bison projectile<br>33% White Bison projectile<br>33% Blue Bison projectile
  68. Template:Mvm mission Jesty Joker Jamble has 3 uses and is missing 3 translations
    Line 125: Random choice
    Line 133: Random choice
    Line 141: Random choice
  69. Template:Mvm mission Midnight Gambling has 3 uses and is missing 14 translations
    Line 52: Spawns from the right garage and takes the left path
    Line 61: Chips carrier
    Line 145: Chips carrier
    Line 156: Spawns from the right garage and takes the left path
    Line 217: Spawns from the left garage and takes the center path
    Line 239: Chips carrier
    Line 335
    Line 340: Chips carrier
    Line 393: Spawns from the left garage and takes the center path
    Line 401: Spawns from the right garage and takes the left path
    Line 426: Chips carrier
    Line 444
    Line 507: Spawns from the left garage and takes the center path
    Line 515: Audio cue will announce its arrival
  70. Template:Mvm mission Northern Lights has 3 uses and is missing 37 translations
    Line 7: Play sound when subwave is active
    Line 27: The 
    Line 34: The 
    Line 36: The 
    Line 65: Play sound when subwave is active
    Line 81: Play sound when subwave is active
    Line 90: The 
    Line 98: The 
    Line 108: The 
    Line 117: The 
    Line 131: The 
    Line 131: Spawn from behind players
    Line 148: Play sound when subwave is active
    Line 158: Play sound when subwave is active
    Line 207: Play sound when subwave is active
    Line 218: The 
    Line 223: The 
    Line 225: The 
    Line 244: The 
    Line 249: The 
    Line 251: The 
    Line 254: The 
    Line 259
    Line 269: Spawn from behind players
    Line 281: Tank comes in small variant
    Line 285: Play sound when subwave is active
    Line 301: The 
    Line 308: Forced to taunt on kill
    Line 331: Play sound when subwave is active
    Line 342: Limited support
    Line 358: Tank comes with Sticky Cannon
    Line 362: Play sound when subwave is active
    Line 372: Play sound when subwave is active
    Line 383
    Line 383: Batsaber comes with different color
    Line 392
    Line 392: Mark enemy on hit
  71. Template:Mvm mission Nuclear Winter has 3 uses and is missing 1 translation
    Line 338: Limited Support
  72. Template:Mvm mission Out of Options has 3 uses and is missing 8 translations
    Line 108: Limited Support
    Line 181: Limited Support
    Line 259: Limited Support
    Line 272: The 
    Line 280: The 
    Line 353: Limited Support
    Line 361: The 
    Line 366: The 
  73. Template:Mvm mission Outdated Processing has 3 uses and is missing 5 translations
    Line 70: No 100% critical hit chance on kill
    Line 78: Concheror deploys 50% slower
    Line 217: Concheror deploys 1% slower
    Line 289: Boss announces its own arrival
    Line 297: Buff Banner deploys 50% slower
  74. Template:Mvm mission Pepper Boys has 3 uses and is missing 12 translations
    Line 63: 999,999,999,999,999
    Line 121: 999,999,999,999,999
    Line 201: 999,999,999,999,999
    Line 206: 999,999,999,999,999
    Line 282: 999,999,999,999,999
    Line 287: 999,999,999,999,999
    Line 372: 999,999,999,999,999
    Line 377: 999,999,999,999,999
    Line 466: 999,999,999,999,999
    Line 471: 999,999,999,999,999
    Line 476: 999,999,999,999,999
    Line 481: 999,999,999,999,999
  75. Template:Mvm mission Pirate Domination has 3 uses and is missing 11 translations
    Line 65: The 
    Line 82: The 
    Line 132: Spawns from the tunnel
    Line 170: Spawns from the tunnel
    Line 178: Spawn from the tunnel
    Line 237: Spawns from the tunnel
    Line 255
    Line 315: The 
    Line 368: Spawns from the tunnel
    Line 377: Spawns from the tunnel
    Line 386: Limited Support
  76. Template:Mvm mission Raid Resort has 3 uses and is missing 3 translations
    Line 267
    Line 313: The 
    Line 318: The 
  77. Template:Mvm mission Scrap Metal has 3 uses and is missing 15 translations
    Line 34: The
    Line 46: The
    Line 63: Gain 5 seconds mini crit boost on kill
    Line 123: The
    Line 216: The
    Line 234
    Line 312: The
    Line 358: The
    Line 378: The
    Line 401: The
    Line 406
    Line 414: Plays sound when subwave is active
    Line 418: Plays sound when subwave is over
    Line 433: The
    Line 438
  78. Template:Mvm mission Shadows has 3 uses and is missing 7 translations
    Line 46: Attacks set enemies on fire
    Line 62: -50% weapon switch speed
    Line 70: -50% weapon switch speed
    Line 75: -50% weapon switch speed
    Line 95: Attacks set enemies on fire
    Line 164: Random choice
    Line 196: Attacks set enemies on fire
  79. Template:Mvm mission Sparkbag Subroutine has 3 uses and is missing 43 translations
    Line 16: The 
    Line 47: The 
    Line 61: Flanks
    Line 80: Takes the right bridge path
    Line 113: The 
    Line 118: The 
    Line 134: Kill forces Engineer-bot to laugh
    Line 181: The 
    Line 186: The 
    Line 203: The 
    Line 208: Spawns similarly to Spy-bots
    Line 216: Spawns normally
    Line 219: Flanks
    Line 245: The 
    Line 258: Takes the left path
    Line 267: Spawns from the main spawn or the left
    Line 275: Spawns from the main spawn or the left
    Line 302: Kill forces Engineer-bot to laugh
    Line 310: No modified stats
    Line 313: Flanks
    Line 316: Spawns at the left or right
    Line 338: The 
    Line 338: Flanks
    Line 347: The 
    Line 347: Flanks
    Line 355: The 
    Line 374: The 
    Line 382: The 
    Line 387: Spawns at the left or right
    Line 395: Flanks
    Line 398: Spawns at the left or right
    Line 406: Flanks
    Line 409: Spawns at the left or right
    Line 417: Takes the left path
    Line 474
    Line 474
    Line 479: Kill forces Engineer-bot to laugh
    Line 482: The 
    Line 483: Limited
    Line 490: The 
    Line 490: Spawns at the left or right
    Line 498: Flanks
    Line 501: Spawns at the left or right
  80. Template:List of community blog entries has 2 uses and is missing 1 translation
    Line 2: List of community blog entries
  81. Template:Mvm mission Dazed Disassembly has 2 uses and is missing 5 translations
    Line 36: The 
    Line 86: The 
    Line 127: Activates Mmmph as if airblasting projectiles
    Line 141: Kill forces Engineer-bot to laugh
    Line 249: Spawns from the side
  82. Template:Mvm mission Distillery Destruction has 2 uses and is missing 21 translations
    Line 7: Spawns from the flank
    Line 25: Spawns from the flank
    Line 53: Spawns from the flank
    Line 88: Spawns from the tunnel and takes the storeroom path
    Line 96: Spawns from the B entrance and takes the outside path
    Line 114: Spawns from the flank
    Line 145: Spawns from the flank
    Line 163: Spawns from the flank
    Line 186: Spawns from the flank
    Line 209: Spawns from the B entrance and takes the outside path
    Line 240: Spawns from the flank
    Line 266: Spawns from the flank
    Line 276: Spawns from the flank
    Line 284: Spawns from the flank
    Line 343: Spawns from the flank
    Line 358: Spawns from the flank
    Line 366: Spawns from the flank
    Line 401: Spawns from the flank
    Line 409: Spawns from the flank
    Line 414: Spawns from the flank
    Line 437: Spawns from the tunnel and takes the storeroom path
  83. Template:Mvm mission Drop Zone has 2 uses and is missing 37 translations
    Line 12: Spawns from the flank
    Line 32: Spawns with a second bomb
    Line 65: Spawns from the river
    Line 73: Spawns with a second bomb
    Line 117: Last robot spawns with a second bomb
    Line 134: Spawns from the river
    Line 173: Spawns from the river
    Line 181: Spawns with a second bomb
    Line 184: Spawns from the flank
    Line 237: Spawns with a second bomb
    Line 253: Spawns with a third bomb
    Line 256: Spawns from the river
    Line 277: Spawns from the flank
    Line 294: Robots will announce their arrival
    Line 302: Robots will announce their arrival
    Line 305: Spawns from the flank
    Line 313: Robots will announce their arrival
    Line 321: Robots will announce their arrival
    Line 324: Spawns from the river
    Line 332: Robots will announce their arrival
    Line 335: Spawns from the flank
    Line 343: Robots will announce their arrival
    Line 346: Spawns from the flank
    Line 356: Spawns with a third bomb
    Line 359: Robots will announce their arrival
    Line 362: Spawns from the river
    Line 370: Robots will announce their arrival
    Line 378: Robots will announce their arrival
    Line 381: Spawns from the river
    Line 389: Robots will announce their arrival
    Line 408: Spawns with a second bomb
    Line 432: Last robot spawns with a second bomb
    Line 447: Spawns from the river
    Line 457: Spawns from the river
    Line 467: Spawns from the flank
    Line 481: The 
    Line 516: Limited
  84. Template:Mvm mission Entertainers Entourage has 2 uses and is missing 1 translation
    Line 407: Play sound when subwave start spawning
  85. Template:Mvm mission Frozen Fortitude has 2 uses and is missing 13 translations
    Line 12: The 
    Line 99: Loses Bonk! when gates are captured
    Line 119: Stops firing continuously after gates are captured
    Line 162: +100% fire vulnerability
    Line 173: Ignores enemies before gates are captured
    Line 186
    Line 192: The 
    Line 197
    Line 222: The 
    Line 224: Loses Bonk! when gates are captured
    Line 239
    Line 272
    Line 304: Fires continuously in phase 3
  86. Template:Mvm mission Gambler's Gambit has 2 uses and is missing 139 translations
    Line 12: Merasmus announces its arrival
    Line 15: 1 chip earned on death
    Line 25: 1 chip earned on death
    Line 33: 1 chip earned on death
    Line 36: Attacks do not cancel charge
    Line 39: +150% increase in charge recharge rate
    Line 42: +2 sec increase in charge duration
    Line 47: 1 chip earned on death
    Line 54: 1 chip earned on death
    Line 62: 1 chip earned on death
    Line 65: Attacks do not cancel charge
    Line 68: +150% increase in charge recharge rate
    Line 71: +2 sec increase in charge duration
    Line 76: 1 chip earned on death
    Line 83: 1 chip earned on death
    Line 91: 1 chip earned on death
    Line 94: Attacks do not cancel charge
    Line 97: +150% increase in charge recharge rate
    Line 100: +2 sec increase in charge duration
    Line 105: 1 chip earned on death
    Line 123: 1 chip earned on death
    Line 131: 1 chip earned on death
    Line 136: 1 chip earned on death
    Line 141: 1 chip earned on death
    Line 148: 1 chip earned on death
    Line 160: 1 chip earned on death
    Line 172: 2 chips earned on death
    Line 186: 2 chips earned on death
    Line 200: 2 chips earned on death
    Line 214: 2 chips earned on death
    Line 228: 2 chips earned on death
    Line 241: 1 chip earned on death
    Line 250: 1 chip earned on death
    Line 259: 1 chip earned on death
    Line 268: 1 chip earned on death
    Line 291: Bomb is silently reset before arrival and after death
    Line 294: 5 chips earned on death
    Line 297: Audio cue announces its arrival
    Line 300: Wave pauses when this boss is dead
    Line 310: 2 chips earned on death
    Line 313: Wave pauses when this boss is dead
    Line 331: 2 chips earned on death
    Line 334: Wave pauses when this boss is dead
    Line 345: 1 chip earned on death
    Line 348: Spawns from the left garage and takes the center path
    Line 358: 1 chip earned on death
    Line 366: 1 chip earned on death
    Line 371: 1 chip earned on death
    Line 376: 1 chip earned on death
    Line 383: 1 chip earned on death
    Line 391: 1 chip earned on death
    Line 396: 1 chip earned on death
    Line 401: 1 chip earned on death
    Line 408: 1 chip earned on death
    Line 411: Audio cue announces its arrival
    Line 414: 1 chip earned on death
    Line 422: 1 chip earned on death
    Line 425: Audio cue announces its arrival
    Line 430: 1 chip earned on death
    Line 433: Audio cue announces its arrival
    Line 438: 1 chip earned on death
    Line 441: Audio cue announces its arrival
    Line 448: 3 chips earned on death
    Line 456: 3 chips earned on death
    Line 461: 3 chips earned on death
    Line 466: 3 chips earned on death
    Line 471: 3 chips earned on death
    Line 478: 1 chip earned on death
    Line 481: 1 chip earned on death
    Line 489: 1 chip earned on death
    Line 494: 1 chip earned on death
    Line 499: 1 chip earned on death
    Line 506: 3 chips earned on death
    Line 514: 3 chips earned on death
    Line 519: 3 chips earned on death
    Line 524: 3 chips earned on death
    Line 529: 3 chips earned on death
    Line 536: 3 chips earned on death
    Line 539: 1 chip earned on death
    Line 547: 3 chips earned on death
    Line 552: 3 chips earned on death
    Line 591: Bomb is silently reset before arrival and after death
    Line 594: 5 chips earned on death
    Line 597: Wave pauses when these robots are dead
    Line 607: Attacks do not cancel charge
    Line 610: +40% increase in charge recharge rate
    Line 619: Wave resumes when these robots arrive
    Line 622: Merasmus announces the arrival of last robots
    Line 632: 3 chips earned on death
    Line 640: 3 chips earned on death
    Line 645: 3 chips earned on death
    Line 650: 3 chips earned on death
    Line 655: 3 chips earned on death
    Line 662: Audio cue announces its arrival and death
    Line 665
    Line 674: 3 chips earned on death
    Line 682: 3 chips earned on death
    Line 687: 3 chips earned on death
    Line 692: 3 chips earned on death
    Line 697: 3 chips earned on death
    Line 703: Attacks do not cancel charge
    Line 706: +40% increase in charge recharge rate
    Line 714: Sentry Tank
    Line 717: Audio cue announces its arrival
    Line 720: Spawns from the right garage and takes the left path
    Line 728: Merasmus announces its arrival
    Line 731: Attacks do not cancel charge
    Line 734: +40% increase in charge recharge rate
    Line 749: Audio cue announces its arrival
    Line 752: 3 chips earned on death
    Line 755: 1 chip earned on death
    Line 764: Audio cue announces its arrival
    Line 767: 3 chips earned on death
    Line 770: 1 chip earned on death
    Line 773: +2500 health restored on kill
    Line 789: 3 chips earned on death
    Line 797: 3 chips earned on death
    Line 802: 3 chips earned on death
    Line 807: 3 chips earned on death
    Line 812: 3 chips earned on death
    Line 819: 3 chips earned on death
    Line 827: 3 chips earned on death
    Line 832: 3 chips earned on death
    Line 837: 3 chips earned on death
    Line 842: 3 chips earned on death
    Line 849: 3 chips earned on death
    Line 852: 1 chip earned on death
    Line 855: +2500 health restored on kill
    Line 863: 3 chips earned on death
    Line 868: 3 chips earned on death
    Line 875: 3 chips earned on death
    Line 878: 1 chip earned on death
    Line 881: +2500 health restored on kill
    Line 889: 3 chips earned on death
    Line 894: 3 chips earned on death
    Line 901: Audio cue announces its arrival and death
    Line 909: Audio cue announces its arrival and death
    Line 914: Audio cue announces its arrival and death
    Line 921: Limited
  87. Template:Mvm mission Goldrush has 2 uses and is missing 2 translations
    Line 268: The 
    Line 276: Boss will announce its own arrival
  88. Template:Mvm mission Greenhouse Roughhousing has 2 uses and is missing 40 translations
    Line 7: Spawns from the side
    Line 27: Spawns from the side
    Line 44: The 
    Line 51: Spawns from the side
    Line 61: Spawns from the side
    Line 79: Spawns from the side
    Line 89: Spawns from the side
    Line 105: Limited
    Line 112: Spawns from the side
    Line 121: Limited
    Line 132: The 
    Line 137: The 
    Line 139: The 
    Line 139: Spawns from the side
    Line 153: The 
    Line 153: Spawns from the side
    Line 174: The 
    Line 179: Spawns from the side
    Line 194: Wave pauses when these robots are all dead
    Line 197: The 
    Line 197: Spawns from either front or side
    Line 206: Administrator will announce its arrival
    Line 225: Wave resumes when these robots arrive
    Line 228: Spawns from the side
    Line 231: The 
    Line 232: Limited
    Line 239: The 
    Line 254: Boss will announce its own arrival
    Line 269: Spawns from the side
    Line 272: The 
    Line 284
    Line 307: The 
    Line 307: Spawns from the side
    Line 322: The 
    Line 325: Spawns from the side
    Line 344: The 
    Line 344: Spawns from the side
    Line 352: The 
    Line 352: Spawns from the side
    Line 356: Limited
  89. Template:Mvm mission Haphazard Routine has 2 uses and is missing 23 translations
    Line 27
    Line 35: Only 50 will drop money
    Line 65: Only 30 will drop money
    Line 104
    Line 130: Only 50 will drop money
    Line 160: Only 28 will drop money
    Line 170: Melee has separate
    Line 201
    Line 215: Only 50 will drop money
    Line 245: Only 18 will drop money
    Line 253: Only 10 will drop money
    Line 285
    Line 292
    Line 297
    Line 297
    Line 330: Only 25 will drop money
    Line 413: Only 18 will drop money
    Line 421: Only 50 will drop money
    Line 451: Only 18 will drop money
    Line 472
    Line 472
    Line 478
    Line 520: Only 50 will drop money
  90. Template:Mvm mission Homestead Happenings has 2 uses and is missing 42 translations
    Line 17: Spawns at the left or right
    Line 20: The 
    Line 93: The 
    Line 100: The 
    Line 121: Spawns at the right or left
    Line 126: Spawns at the right or left
    Line 129: The 
    Line 138: Behaves similarly to regular Sniper-bots
    Line 141: The 
    Line 146: Spawns at the right or left
    Line 163: The 
    Line 163: Spawns at the right or left
    Line 171: The 
    Line 190: Spawns at the right or left
    Line 196: Spawns from the flying saucer
    Line 205: Audio cue will announce its arrival
    Line 208: Spawns from the flying saucer
    Line 216: Spawns from the flying saucer
    Line 224: The 
    Line 224: Spawns from the flying saucer
    Line 229: The 
    Line 229: Spawns from the flying saucer
    Line 239: Spawns from the flying saucer
    Line 264: The 
    Line 264: Spawns from the flying saucer
    Line 273: Spawns from the flying saucer
    Line 283: Spawns at the right or left
    Line 291: Spawns at the right or left
    Line 303: Spawns from the flying saucer
    Line 311: Spawns from the flying saucer
    Line 320: Spawns from the flying saucer
    Line 328: Spawns at the right or left
    Line 337: Spawns from the flying saucer
    Line 345: Spawns at the right or left
    Line 364: The 
    Line 396: The 
    Line 404: Spawns at the right or left
    Line 414
    Line 431: Wave is lost when this boss is dead
    Line 434: Audio cue will announce its arrival
    Line 437: Spawns from the flying saucer
    Line 455: The 
  91. Template:Mvm mission Kinetic Energy has 2 uses and is missing 69 translations
    Line 37: Paradrops from above
    Line 46: Paradrops from above
    Line 55: Paradrops from above
    Line 64: The 
    Line 69: Paradrops from above
    Line 73: Limited
    Line 84: Spawns at top or bottom
    Line 87: Paradrops from above
    Line 95: Paradrops from above
    Line 101: Paradrops from above
    Line 110: Paradrops from above
    Line 139: Spawns at top or bottom
    Line 147: Paradrops from above
    Line 155: Paradrops from above
    Line 162: Paradrops from above
    Line 170: Paradrops from above
    Line 175: Paradrops from above
    Line 186: Paradrops from above
    Line 190: Limited
    Line 200: Paradrops from above
    Line 215: Paradrops from above
    Line 220: Paradrops from above
    Line 229: Paradrops from above<br>Spawns from the carrier tank
    Line 238: Paradrops from above<br>Spawns at the left or right
    Line 247: Spawns at the left or right
    Line 256: Spawns at the left or right
    Line 265: Spawns from the carrier tank
    Line 274: Paradrops from above<br>Spawns from the carrier tank
    Line 283: Paradrops from above<br>Spawns from the carrier tank
    Line 293: Spawns at the left or right
    Line 301: Paradrops from above
    Line 308: Spawns at the left or right
    Line 316: Paradrops from above
    Line 324: Spawns at the left or right
    Line 332: Spawns at the left or right
    Line 346: Spawns at the left or right
    Line 350: Limited
    Line 361: Spawns from the carrier tank
    Line 372: Spawns at the left or right
    Line 382: Spawns at the left or right
    Line 393: Paradrops from above<br>Spawns at the left or right
    Line 403: Spawns from the carrier tank
    Line 414: Spawns at the left or right
    Line 422: Spawns from the carrier tank
    Line 436: Paradrops from above<br>Spawns from the carrier tank
    Line 444: Paradrops from above
    Line 449: Spawns from the carrier tank
    Line 459: Spawns at the left or right
    Line 476: Spawns from the carrier tank
    Line 484: Spawns from the carrier tank
    Line 493: Spawns at the left or right
    Line 502: Spawns from the carrier tank
    Line 512: Paradrops from above<br>Spawns at the left or right
    Line 520: Paradrops from above
    Line 525: Paradrops from above
    Line 531: Spawns at the left or right
    Line 539: Spawns at the left or right
    Line 548: Spawns at the left or right
    Line 557: Paradrops from above<br>Spawns from the carrier tank
    Line 566: Spawns at the left or right
    Line 585: Paradrops from above<br>Spawns at the left or right
    Line 593: Paradrops from above
    Line 604: Paradrops from above<br>Spawns from the carrier tank
    Line 608: Limited
    Line 615: Paradrops from above
    Line 624: Spawns at the left or right
    Line 638: Spawns at the left or right
    Line 650: Spawns at the left or right
    Line 669: Paradrops from above<br>Spawns from the carrier tank
  92. Template:Mvm mission Launch Sequence has 2 uses and is missing 15 translations
    Line 17: Spawns from the secondary main spawn
    Line 180: Spawns at the right flank
    Line 251: Spawns at the right flank
    Line 259: Spawns at the right flank
    Line 274: Spawns at the right flank
    Line 331: Spawns from the secondary main spawn
    Line 360: Spawns from the secondary main spawn
    Line 382: Spawns at the right flank
    Line 437: Spawns from the secondary main spawn
    Line 462: Spawns from the secondary main spawn
    Line 476: Spawns at the right flank
    Line 497: Spawns at the right flank
    Line 507: Spawns at the right flank
    Line 529: Spawns at the right flank
    Line 557: Spawns at the right flank
  93. Template:Mvm mission Malefic Mining has 2 uses and is missing 9 translations
    Line 73: Takes same path as the bomb
    Line 197: Takes same path as the bomb
    Line 205: Takes opposite path as the bomb
    Line 240
    Line 300: Takes same path as the bomb
    Line 331: Takes same path as the bomb
    Line 339: Takes same path as the bomb
    Line 352: Takes same path as the bomb
    Line 371: Boss announces its own arrival
  94. Template:Mvm mission Mannstorm has 2 uses and is missing 5 translations
    Line 138: Only 10 will drop money
    Line 146: Only 20 will drop money
    Line 330: The 
    Line 341: The 
    Line 483: Only 20 will drop money
  95. Template:Mvm mission Mannure has 2 uses and is missing 46 translations
    Line 13: No modified stats
    Line 21: Spawns from the side
    Line 30: Spawns similarly to Spy-bots
    Line 38: The 
    Line 45: The 
    Line 45: Spawns from the side
    Line 62: Spawns from the side
    Line 89: No overheal penalty
    Line 95: Spawns from the side
    Line 104: Spawns similarly to Spy-bots
    Line 112: The 
    Line 133: Spawns from the side
    Line 148: Spawns from the side
    Line 160: Spawns from the side
    Line 172: Spawns from the side
    Line 184: Spawns from the side
    Line 195: Spawns similarly to Spy-bots
    Line 203: Behaves similarly to Sniper-bots
    Line 206: The 
    Line 211: The 
    Line 248: Blocks a single backstab attempt
    Line 251: No overheal penalty
    Line 258: The 
    Line 267: Spawns from the side
    Line 275: No overheal penalty
    Line 289: No overheal penalty
    Line 297: Spawns similarly to Spy-bots
    Line 305: Spawns from the side
    Line 322: Spawns from both sides
    Line 341: The 
    Line 344: Spawns from the side
    Line 362: Audio cue will announce its death
    Line 365: Spawns from the side
    Line 374: Spawns similarly to Spy-bots
    Line 382: Behaves similarly to Sniper-bots
    Line 390: Spawns from the side
    Line 398: Audio cue will announce their arrival
    Line 401: Spawns from the side
    Line 424: +600% charge recharge rate increased
    Line 434: No overheal penalty
    Line 448: The 
    Line 452: The 
    Line 454: Spawns similarly to Spy-bots
    Line 471: Boss will announce its own arrival and death
    Line 474: Spawns from the side
    Line 483: Spawns similarly to Spy-bots
  96. Template:Mvm mission Mayfield Heights has 2 uses and is missing 21 translations
    Line 23
    Line 27
    Line 40: Play sound when subwave is active
    Line 51: Play sound when subwave is active
    Line 104: Play sound when subwave is active
    Line 113: Play sound when subwave is active
    Line 128: Play sound when subwave is over
    Line 160: Tank spawns randomly
    Line 168: Tank spawns randomly
    Line 187: Tank is fire proof
    Line 195: Tank is fire proof
    Line 262: Play sound when subwave is active
    Line 289: Play sound when subwave is active
    Line 331: Play sound when subwave is active
    Line 360
    Line 404: Play sound when subwave begin
    Line 407: Play sound when subwave is active
    Line 416: Play sound when subwave is active
    Line 431: Tank is bullet proof
    Line 439: Tank is blast proof
    Line 450: Limited support
  97. Template:Mvm mission Mechanical Magic has 2 uses and is missing 22 translations
    Line 8: The 
    Line 16: The 
    Line 21: The 
    Line 21: Spawns from the side near bomb path
    Line 71: Spawns from the side near bomb path
    Line 93: Takes the opposite path as the bomb
    Line 102: Spawns from the side near bomb path
    Line 111
    Line 125: Spawns from the side near bomb path
    Line 133: Spawns from the side near bomb path
    Line 155: Bomb is reset on death
    Line 180: The 
    Line 186: Spawns from the side near bomb path
    Line 202: Spawns from the side near bomb path
    Line 221: Death pit will close on arrival
    Line 252: Takes the same path as the bomb
    Line 261: 0.7x smaller in size
    Line 269: 0.7x smaller in size
    Line 292: The 
    Line 339: Takes the same path as the bomb
    Line 363: Boss will announce its own arrival and death
    Line 366: Death pit will close on arrival
  98. Template:Mvm mission Mineral Mania has 2 uses and is missing 1 translation
    Line 316: Limited support bots
  99. Template:Mvm mission One Down has 2 uses and is missing 11 translations
    Line 63: Takes left path
    Line 71: Takes right path
    Line 79: Takes left path
    Line 93: Spawn another bomb when subwave start spawning
    Line 111: Takes right path
    Line 155: Spawn another bomb when subwave start spawning
    Line 181: Takes left path
    Line 189: Takes right path
    Line 197: Takes left path
    Line 205: Takes right path
    Line 231: Takes left path
  100. Template:Mvm mission Overclock has 2 uses and is missing 13 translations
    Line 116: Only 1 will drop money
    Line 124: Only 1 will drop money
    Line 132: Only 1 will drop money
    Line 201: Only 1 will drop money
    Line 209: Only 1 will drop money
    Line 217: Only 1 will drop money
    Line 225: Only 1 will drop money
    Line 233: Only 1 will drop money
    Line 304: Only 1 will drop money
    Line 312: Only 1 will drop money
    Line 320: Only 1 will drop money
    Line 483: Bomb resets after the last bot has spawned
    Line 494: Bomb resets after the last bot has spawned
  101. Template:Mvm mission Particle Protocol has 2 uses and is missing 4 translations
    Line 73: Custom variant
    Line 216: 1/2 Flank left<br>1/2 Flank right
    Line 245: Flank right
    Line 253: Flank left
  102. Template:Mvm mission Pisses on the Moon has 2 uses and is missing 79 translations
    Line 7: Play sound when subwave starts spawning
    Line 35: Play sound when subwave begins
    Line 52: Play sound when subwave begins
    Line 77: Play sound when subwave is over
    Line 88: Play sound when subwave starts spawning
    Line 97: Play sound when subwave starts spawning
    Line 106: Play sound when subwave starts spawning
    Line 115: Play sound when subwave starts spawning
    Line 124: Play sound when subwave starts spawning
    Line 166: Play sound when subwave is over
    Line 177: Play sound when subwave starts spawning
    Line 186: Play sound when subwave starts spawning
    Line 196: Play sound when subwave starts spawning
    Line 207: Play sound when subwave starts spawning
    Line 237: Play sound when subwave is over
    Line 249: Possesses normal Steel Gauntlet stats
    Line 252: Play sound when subwave begins
    Line 260: Possesses normal Pyro Pusher stats
    Line 265: Possesses normal Extended Backup Soldier stats
    Line 271: Possesses normal Demoknight stats
    Line 286: Possesses normal Pyro Pusher stats
    Line 291: Possesses normal Extended Backup Soldier stats
    Line 297: Possesses normal Demoknight stats
    Line 307: Play sound when subwave is over
    Line 315: Possesses normal Pyro Pusher stats
    Line 320: Possesses normal Extended Backup Soldier stats
    Line 326: Possesses normal Sniper Robot stats
    Line 353: Play sound when subwave begins
    Line 357: Play sound when subwave is over
    Line 371: Opens front Upgrade Station when subwave starts
    Line 374: Play sound when subwave is over
    Line 382: Closes front Upgrade Station when subwave starts
    Line 385: Play sound when subwave is over
    Line 393: Opens front Upgrade Station when subwave starts
    Line 396: Play sound when subwave is over
    Line 404: Closes front Upgrade Station when subwave starts
    Line 407: Play sound when subwave is over
    Line 415: Opens front Upgrade Station when subwave starts
    Line 418: Play sound when subwave is over
    Line 426: Closes front Upgrade Station when subwave starts
    Line 429: Play sound when subwave is over
    Line 437: Opens front Upgrade Station when subwave starts
    Line 440: Play sound when subwave is over
    Line 448: Play sound when subwave is over
    Line 456: Closes front Upgrade Station when subwave starts
    Line 465: Play sound when subwave starts spawning
    Line 468: Play sound when subwave is over
    Line 494: Play sound when subwave begins
    Line 497: Play sound when subwave starts spawning
    Line 506: Play sound when subwave starts
    Line 521: Play sound when subwave starts
    Line 555: The 
    Line 557: The 
    Line 559: The 
    Line 561: The 
    Line 564: Play sound when subwave starts
    Line 572: Play sound when subwave is over
    Line 583: Play sound when subwave is over
    Line 602: Wormhole appears when subwave is active
    Line 605: Play sound when subwave starts spawning
    Line 613: Play sound when subwave starts spawning
    Line 624: Play sound when subwave starts spawning
    Line 632: The 
    Line 646: Play sound when subwave starts spawning
    Line 649: Play sound when subwave is over
    Line 657: Play sound when subwave starts spawning
    Line 665: The 
    Line 679: Play sound when subwave starts spawning
    Line 682: Play sound when subwave is over
    Line 696: Actual Robot: Giant Flare Pyro
    Line 705: Actual Robot: Minor League Scout
    Line 714: Actual Robot: Burst Fire Demo
    Line 724: Actual Robot: Giant Deflector Heavy
    Line 732: Actual Robot: Giant Medic Type 2
    Line 738: Actual Robot: Demoknight
    Line 748: Actual Robot: Demoknight
    Line 751: Play sound when subwave begin
    Line 753: Play sound when subwave is over
    Line 763: Actual Robot: Demoknight
  103. Template:Mvm mission Platinum Parade has 2 uses and is missing 39 translations
    Line 21: Spawns at the left or right
    Line 34: Spawns at the left or right
    Line 73: Chips carrier
    Line 81: Chips carrier
    Line 84: Drops 3 chips on death
    Line 89: Spawns at the left or right
    Line 100: On Hit: target is engulfed in flames
    Line 103: Spawns at the left or right
    Line 132: Spawns from the right garage and takes the left path
    Line 146: Spawns at the left or right
    Line 158: Spawns at the left or right
    Line 174: Spawns at the left or right
    Line 189: Chips carrier
    Line 197: Chips carrier
    Line 200: Drops 3 chips on death
    Line 206: Limited
    Line 213: The 
    Line 213
    Line 215: The 
    Line 215: The 
    Line 217: The 
    Line 219: The 
    Line 221: Spawns at the left or right
    Line 266: Spawns at the left or right
    Line 274: Spawns at the left or right
    Line 288: Spawns at the left or right
    Line 308: Spawns from the left garage and takes the center path
    Line 325: Chips carrier
    Line 333: Chips carrier
    Line 336: Drops 3 chips on death
    Line 341: Spawns at the left or right
    Line 353: Spawns at the left or right
    Line 363: Spawns at the left or right
    Line 405: Spawns at the left or right
    Line 416: Sentry Tank
    Line 419: Spawns from the left garage and takes the center path
    Line 440: Chips carrier
    Line 448: Chips carrier
    Line 451: Drops 3 chips on death
  104. Template:Mvm mission Power Program has 2 uses and is missing 5 translations
    Line 219: Robots announce their own arrival
    Line 240: Limited
    Line 252: Activates 'Mmmph' as if airblasting projectiles
    Line 287: Activates 'Mmmph' as if airblasting projectiles
    Line 296: Audio cue announces its arrival
  105. Template:Mvm mission Recursive Reinforcements has 2 uses and is missing 25 translations
    Line 57: A loud siren will announce their arrival
    Line 60: Paradrops from above
    Line 73: Spawns from the opposite carrier tank
    Line 81: Paradrops from above
    Line 127: Paradrops from above
    Line 148: The 
    Line 154
    Line 177: Spawns at the opposite side of the bomb route
    Line 224: A loud siren will announce their arrival
    Line 227: Paradrops from above
    Line 235
    Line 248: Spawns from the opposite carrier tank
    Line 287: The 
    Line 314
    Line 329
    Line 379
    Line 391: Paradrops from above
    Line 405: Paradrops from above
    Line 418: Paradrops from above
    Line 426: The 
    Line 439: Paradrops from above
    Line 460: The 
    Line 478: Paradrops from above
    Line 497: The 
    Line 502: Paradrops from above
  106. Template:Mvm mission Rescindment has 2 uses and is missing 6 translations
    Line 36: Activates Mmmph as if airblasting projectiles
    Line 197: Boss announces its own arrival
    Line 278: Boss announces its own arrival
    Line 482: Boss announces its own arrival
    Line 546: No damage bonus
    Line 563: Boss announces its own arrival
  107. Template:Mvm mission Restless Robotics has 2 uses and is missing 2 translations
    Line 279: Audio cue announces its arrival
    Line 298: Pushes through the hatch
  108. Template:Mvm mission Roadblock Retaliation has 2 uses and is missing 2 translations
    Line 230: The 
    Line 278: The 
  109. Template:Mvm mission Rodeotron has 2 uses and is missing 22 translations
    Line 19: No overheal penalty
    Line 37: The 
    Line 44: The 
    Line 49: No overheal penalty
    Line 56: The 
    Line 69: The 
    Line 84: The 
    Line 89: No overheal penalty
    Line 110: The 
    Line 136: Batsaber is colored <span style="color:#00ff00">Lime</span>
    Line 139: Batsaber is colored <span style="color:#ff00ff">Fuchsia</span>
    Line 142: Batsaber is colored <span style="color:#ff0000">Red</span>
    Line 145: Batsaber is colored <span style="color:#0000ff">Blue</span>
    Line 148: Batsaber is colored <span style="color:#00ffff">Aqua</span>
    Line 151: The 
    Line 174: Robots will announce their arrival
    Line 183: An additional audio cue will announce its arrival
    Line 186: Stickybomb Tank
    Line 195: An additional audio cue will play on death
    Line 316: An audio cue will announce their arrival
    Line 362: No overheal penalty
    Line 442: An audio cue will announce their arrival and death
  110. Template:Mvm mission Rural Roadblock has 2 uses and is missing 17 translations
    Line 40: Spawns from the left or near the carrier tank
    Line 114: The 
    Line 120: Spawns from the river and takes the same path as the bomb
    Line 128: Spawns from the river and takes the opposite path as the bomb
    Line 136: Spawns from the river and takes the same path as the bomb
    Line 150: Regenerates 1 HP per second
    Line 175: Regenerates 1 HP per second
    Line 227: Spawns from the river and takes the same path as the bomb
    Line 235: Spawns from the river and takes the opposite path as the bomb
    Line 258: Spawns from the river and takes the same path as the bomb
    Line 266: Spawns from the river and takes the opposite path as the bomb
    Line 310: The 
    Line 327: The 
    Line 371: Spawns from the garage and takes the opposite path as the bomb
    Line 401: Spawns from the river and takes the opposite path as the bomb
    Line 410: The 
    Line 415: Regenerates 1 HP per second
  111. Template:Mvm mission Rustbelt has 2 uses and is missing 14 translations
    Line 31: Spawns from the side
    Line 74: Spawns from the side
    Line 170: Spawns from the side
    Line 179: Spawns from the side
    Line 211: Boss announces its own arrival
    Line 226: Spawns from the side
    Line 250: Spawns from the side
    Line 292: Behaves similarly to Sniper-bots
    Line 305: Spawns from the side
    Line 391: Spawns from the side
    Line 410: Spawns from the side
    Line 418: Spawns from the side
    Line 430: Audio cue announces its arrival
    Line 455: Behaves similarly to Sniper-bots
  112. Template:Mvm mission Rusted Retribution has 2 uses and is missing 17 translations
    Line 8
    Line 13
    Line 13
    Line 15
    Line 83
    Line 83: The 
    Line 83: Marks enemies for death
    Line 89
    Line 89: The 
    Line 116: Marks enemies for death
    Line 139: The 
    Line 149: Starts counting down when the previous bot dies
    Line 155: when using
    Line 158: Jarate only
    Line 219
    Line 224: The 
    Line 329: Marks enemies for death
  113. Template:Mvm mission Rusty Sound Wave has 2 uses and is missing 9 translations
    Line 47: Only 9 will drop money
    Line 55: Only 12 will drop money
    Line 65: The 
    Line 106: Only 20 will drop money
    Line 172: Only 20 will drop money
    Line 228: Only 20 will drop money
    Line 241: Only 20 will drop money
    Line 310: Only 30 will drop money
    Line 318: Only 30 will drop money
  114. Template:Mvm mission Sawdust Storage has 2 uses and is missing 27 translations
    Line 8: Spawns from the main spawn or flank
    Line 159: Spawns from the flank
    Line 205: Spawns from the flank
    Line 234: Custom variant
    Line 247: Custom variant
    Line 273: Custom variant
    Line 281: Custom variant
    Line 288: Spawns from the main spawn or flank
    Line 301: Spawns from the main spawn or flank
    Line 347: Spawns from the main spawn or top
    Line 356: Custom variant
    Line 370: Spawns from the flank
    Line 378: Spawns from the flank
    Line 388: Spawns from the flank
    Line 400: Ragdolls are vaporized on death
    Line 403: Spawns from the flank
    Line 415: Spawns from the flank
    Line 441: Spawns from the flank
    Line 449: Spawns from the flank
    Line 452: Flanks left
    Line 477: Spawns from the main spawn or flank
    Line 485: Spawns from the flank
    Line 508: Spawns from the flank
    Line 535: Spawns from the flank
    Line 543: Spawns from the flank
    Line 554: Spawns from the main spawn or flank
    Line 563: Spawns from the flank
  115. Template:Mvm mission Seaside Sacrifice has 2 uses and is missing 28 translations
    Line 12: Spawns from above the tunnel
    Line 26: Spawns from above the tunnel
    Line 55: Spawns from above the tunnel
    Line 63: Spawns from the left flank
    Line 86: Spawns from the left flank
    Line 96
    Line 96: Spawns from the tunnel
    Line 122: Spawns from the left flank
    Line 133: Takes the same path as the bomb
    Line 152: Spawns from the left flank
    Line 161: Spawns from above the tunnel
    Line 233: 0.5 seconds recharge time
    Line 255: Spawns from the left flank
    Line 264: Spawns from the left flank
    Line 289: Spawns from above the tunnel
    Line 297: Spawns from the left flank
    Line 308: Spawns from the left flank
    Line 322: Spawns from above the tunnel
    Line 366: Spawns from the left flank
    Line 374: Spawns from the left flank
    Line 395: Spawns from the left flank
    Line 405: Spawns from above the tunnel
    Line 436: Spawns from the left flank
    Line 451: The 
    Line 466: Boss announces its own arrival
    Line 475: Behaves similarly to Sniper-bots
    Line 483: Spawns from the left flank
    Line 496: Spawns from the left flank
  116. Template:Mvm mission Shattered Iceshard has 2 uses and is missing 3 translations
    Line 155: Spawns from both sides
    Line 431: The 
    Line 435
  117. Template:Mvm mission Short Circuit has 2 uses and is missing 84 translations
    Line 8: Spawns at
    Line 13: Spawns at
    Line 20: Minicrits become crits
    Line 20: Spawns at
    Line 20: The 
    Line 34: Spawns at
    Line 53: On Hit: Bleed for
    Line 53: seconds
    Line 53: Spawns at
    Line 58: Spawns at
    Line 62: Spawns at
    Line 69: Spawns at
    Line 100: On Hit: Bleed for
    Line 100: seconds
    Line 105: Spawns at
    Line 120: resistance to bullets (passive)
    Line 120: resistance to bullets (shield bubble)
    Line 120: has
    Line 128: resistance to explosions (passive)
    Line 128: resistance to explosions (shield bubble)
    Line 128: has
    Line 132: 20,000
    Line 139: On Hit: Bleed for
    Line 139: seconds
    Line 139: Spawns at
    Line 151: Spawns at
    Line 172: Spawns at
    Line 180: Spawns at
    Line 185: Spawns at
    Line 190: Spawn at
    Line 195: Spawn at
    Line 200: damage bonus
    Line 200: Spawns at
    Line 205: Spawns at
    Line 209: bullets per shot
    Line 209: Spawns at
    Line 214: Spawns at
    Line 219: Spawns at
    Line 224: Spawns at
    Line 233: Projectile penetration
    Line 233: flame size
    Line 233: afterburn duration
    Line 233: Spawns at
    Line 238: Type
    Line 238: Type
    Line 238: Spawn at
    Line 242: Spawns at
    Line 242: The 
    Line 247: Spawns at
    Line 257: Spawns at
    Line 265: Spawns at
    Line 270: Spawns at
    Line 279: The 
    Line 286: degree rocket spread
    Line 286: Spawns at
    Line 291: Spawns at
    Line 310: Spawns at
    Line 317: On Hit: Bleed for
    Line 317: seconds
    Line 329: Spawns at
    Line 339: Spawns at
    Line 344: Spawns at
    Line 346: Spawns at
    Line 350: bullets per shot
    Line 350: Spawns at
    Line 358: The 
    Line 358: On Hit: Bleed for
    Line 358: seconds
    Line 359: The 
    Line 359: On Hit: Bleed for
    Line 359: seconds
    Line 359: has
    Line 368: The 
    Line 368: On Hit: Bleed for
    Line 368: seconds
    Line 368: Spawns at
    Line 376: The 
    Line 381: resistance to bullets (passive)
    Line 381: resistance to bullets (shield bubble)
    Line 381: has
    Line 383: resistance to explosions (passive)
    Line 383: resistance to explosions (shield bubble)
    Line 383: has
    Line 394: Spawns at
  118. Template:Mvm mission Shudder has 2 uses and is missing 18 translations
    Line 46: Wait between spawn after death<!-- ??? -->
    Line 92: +100% Teleporter build speed
    Line 120: The 
    Line 132: Flank defenders's left and top left
    Line 156: +100% Teleporter build speed
    Line 217: Flank defenders's left and top left
    Line 225: The 
    Line 235: +100% Teleporter build speed
    Line 264: The 
    Line 281: The 
    Line 314: The 
    Line 349: The 
    Line 354: The 
    Line 363: The 
    Line 370: The 
    Line 402: Flank defenders's left and top left
    Line 445: The 
    Line 450: The 
  119. Template:Mvm mission Signal Shutdown has 2 uses and is missing 30 translations
    Line 24: Spawns from the upper area
    Line 46: Spawns from the upper area
    Line 69: Spawns from the carrier tank or the flank
    Line 77: Spawns from the carrier tank or the flank
    Line 89: Spawns from the upper area
    Line 105: Spawns from the flank
    Line 179: Spawns from the upper area
    Line 205: Spawns from the flank
    Line 241: Spawns from the carrier tank or the upper area
    Line 272: Spawns from the carrier tank or the flank
    Line 312: Spawns from the carrier tank or the flank
    Line 368: Spawns from the flank
    Line 391: Spawns from the upper area
    Line 428: Spawns from the carrier tank or the upper area
    Line 436: Spawns from the Teleporter Tank
    Line 444: Spawns from the Teleporter Tank
    Line 449: Spawns from the Teleporter Tank
    Line 454: Spawns from the Teleporter Tank
    Line 459: Spawns from the Teleporter Tank
    Line 481: Spawns from the upper area
    Line 502: Spawns from the upper area
    Line 516: Spawns from the carrier tank or the flank
    Line 532: Spawns from the carrier tank or the flank
    Line 542: Spawns from the carrier tank or the flank
    Line 558: Spawns from the carrier tank or the uppear area
    Line 566: Spawns from the carrier tank or the upper area
    Line 574: Spawns from the carrier tank or the flank
    Line 582: Spawns from the carrier tank or the flank
    Line 590: Spawns from the carrier tank or the flank
    Line 595: Spawns from the carrier tank or the flank
  120. Template:Mvm mission Sketchy Swing has 2 uses and is missing 78 translations
    Line 12: Spawns at the left or right
    Line 55: Chips carrier
    Line 66: Spawns at the left or right
    Line 90: Spawns at the left or the mid
    Line 100: Spawns at the right or the mid
    Line 108: Spawns at the right or the mid
    Line 122: Spawns from the right garage and takes the left path
    Line 155: Chips carrier
    Line 163: Behaves similarly to Sniper-bots
    Line 166: The 
    Line 187: Spawns at the left or right
    Line 205: Spawns at the left or right
    Line 226: Spawns at the left or right
    Line 238: Spawns at the left or right
    Line 254: Chips carrier
    Line 262: Chips carrier
    Line 265: Drops 3 chips on death
    Line 270: Chips carrier
    Line 273: Drops 3 chips on death
    Line 291: Spawns at the left or right
    Line 308: Spawns at the left or right
    Line 322: Spawns at the left or right
    Line 339: Spawns at the left or right
    Line 348: Spawns from the left garage and takes the center path
    Line 364: Chips carrier
    Line 372: Chips carrier
    Line 375: Drops 3 chips on death
    Line 380: Chips carrier
    Line 383: Drops 3 chips on death
    Line 396: Spawns at the left or right
    Line 419: Spawns at the left or right
    Line 459: Chips carrier
    Line 467: Chips carrier
    Line 470: Drops 3 chips on death
    Line 475: Chips carrier
    Line 478: Drops 3 chips on death
    Line 483: Chips carrier
    Line 486: Drops 5 chips on death
    Line 504: Spawns at the left or the center
    Line 512: Spawns at the right or the mid
    Line 544: Spawns at the left or the mid
    Line 552: Spawns at the right or the mid
    Line 616: The 
    Line 626: Chips carrier
    Line 634: Chips carrier
    Line 637: Drops 3 chips on death
    Line 642: Chips carrier
    Line 645: Drops 3 chips on death
    Line 650: Chips carrier
    Line 653: Drops 5 chips on death
    Line 661: Spawns at the left or right
    Line 703: Spawns at the left or right
    Line 738: Spawns from the left garage and takes the center path
    Line 746: Spawns from the right garage and takes the left path
    Line 784: Chips carrier
    Line 787: Drops 3 chips on death
    Line 795: Chips carrier
    Line 798: Drops 3 chips on death
    Line 803: Chips carrier
    Line 806: Drops 5 chips on death
    Line 811: Chips carrier
    Line 814: Drops 10 chips on death
    Line 828: Spawns at the left or right
    Line 864: Spawns at the left or right
    Line 904: Sentry Tank
    Line 907: Spawns from the left garage and takes the center path
    Line 926: Audio cue announces its arrival
    Line 934: Audio cue announces its arrival
    Line 942: Spawns at the left or right
    Line 950: Audio cue announces its arrival
    Line 965: Chips carrier
    Line 968: Drops 3 chips on death
    Line 976: Chips carrier
    Line 979: Drops 3 chips on death
    Line 984: Chips carrier
    Line 987: Drops 5 chips on death
    Line 992: Chips carrier
    Line 995: Drops 10 chips on death
  121. Template:Mvm mission Slaughter Screamhouse has 2 uses and is missing 11 translations
    Line 49: Takes the left path
    Line 65: Boss announces its own arrival and death
    Line 169: Takes the left path
    Line 177: Takes the left path
    Line 191: Boss announces its own arrival and death
    Line 213: Takes the left path
    Line 263: Shoots <span style="color:#ff69b4"></span> colored projectiles
    Line 271: Shoots White colored projectiles
    Line 279: Shoots <span style="color:#990000">Crimson Red</span> colored projectiles
    Line 287: Shoots <span style="color:#ff9933">Deep Saffron</span> colored projectiles
    Line 310: Boss announces its own arrival and death
  122. Template:Mvm mission Snow Blindness has 2 uses and is missing 25 translations
    Line 20: Spawns from the house
    Line 30: Spawns from the house
    Line 47
    Line 47: Spawns from the house
    Line 61: Spawns from the house
    Line 90: Spawns from the house
    Line 99: Spawns from the house
    Line 109: Spawns from the house
    Line 122
    Line 137: Spawns from the house
    Line 155: Spawns from the house
    Line 167: Spawns from the house
    Line 197: Boss announces its own arrival
    Line 229: Spawns from the house
    Line 260: Spawns from the house
    Line 272: Spawns from the house
    Line 293: Spawns from the house
    Line 320: Spawns from the house
    Line 336
    Line 336: Spawns from the house
    Line 355: Spawns from the house
    Line 372: Spawns from the house
    Line 392: Spawns from the house
    Line 415: Bosses announce their own arrival
    Line 431: Death pits close on arrival
  123. Template:Mvm mission Spade Segregation has 2 uses and is missing 18 translations
    Line 19: Spawns at the left or right
    Line 60: Spawns at the left or right
    Line 68: Spawns at the left or right
    Line 89: Spawns at the left or right
    Line 113: Spawns at the left or right
    Line 140: Spawns at the right
    Line 148: Spawns at the right
    Line 179: Spawns at the left or right
    Line 187: Spawns at the left or right
    Line 215: Spawns from the left tunnel
    Line 229: Spawns at the left or right
    Line 252: Spawns at the left or right
    Line 260: Spawns at the left or right
    Line 284: Spawns at the left or right
    Line 294: Spawns at the left or right
    Line 324: Spawns at the left or right
    Line 357: Spawns at the left or right
    Line 388: Spawns from the left tunnel
  124. Template:Mvm mission Spiral Slaughter has 2 uses and is missing 9 translations
    Line 91: Limited
    Line 99: Limited
    Line 174: Limited
    Line 182: Limited
    Line 417: Behaves similarly to Sniper-bots
    Line 472: On Hit: target is engulfed in flames
    Line 500: Limited
    Line 508: Limited
    Line 516: Limited
  125. Template:Mvm mission Spyware Shipping has 2 uses and is missing 25 translations
    Line 94: Play sound when subwave begins
    Line 97: Play sound when subwave starts spawning
    Line 100: Tank spawns near gate spawn
    Line 169: Play sound when subwave begins
    Line 172: Play sound when subwave starts spawning
    Line 175: Always spawn at gate
    Line 188: Play sound when subwave starts spawning
    Line 191: Always spawn at gate
    Line 204: Play sound when subwave starts spawning
    Line 207: Play sound when subwave is over
    Line 210: Always spawn at gate
    Line 250: Close gate door when subwave begins
    Line 421: Play sound when subwave begins
    Line 435: Play sound when subwave starts spawning
    Line 439: Play sound when subwave finished spawning
    Line 449: Play sound when subwave starts spawning
    Line 453: Play sound when subwave finished spawning
    Line 463: Play sound when subwave starts spawning
    Line 467: Play sound when subwave finished spawning
    Line 477: Play sound when subwave starts spawning
    Line 481: Play sound when subwave is over
    Line 550: Bot does not leave spawn
    Line 554: Play sound when subwave begins
    Line 558: Play sound when subwave start spawning
    Line 562: Play sound when subwave finished spawning
  126. Template:Mvm mission Stacked Deck has 2 uses and is missing 6 translations
    Line 218: Random choice
    Line 227: Random choice
    Line 236: Random choice
    Line 244: Random choice
    Line 264
    Line 269
  127. Template:Mvm mission Storm Surge has 2 uses and is missing 13 translations
    Line 16: Spawns at the left or right
    Line 174: Custom variant
    Line 177: A heavy storm begins on this wavespawn
    Line 193: The 
    Line 212: The 
    Line 241: Spawns at the left or right
    Line 262: Custom variant
    Line 270: Custom variant
    Line 281: Spawns at the left or right
    Line 352: Audio cue announces their arrival
    Line 388: Spawns at the left or right
    Line 409: A heavy storm begins on this wavespawn
    Line 421: Custom variant
  128. Template:Mvm mission Terrorist Simulation has 2 uses and is missing 3 translations
    Line 13: The 
    Line 96: The 
    Line 318: Takes the left path
  129. Template:Mvm mission There is no Meme has 2 uses and is missing 56 translations
    Line 57: The 
    Line 94: The 
    Line 151: The 
    Line 153: No health regen
    Line 167
    Line 185: The 
    Line 190: The 
    Line 192: The 
    Line 194: The 
    Line 196: The 
    Line 209
    Line 225: Play sound when subwave over
    Line 235: Play sound when subwave begin
    Line 244: No health regen
    Line 262: Play sound when subwave begins
    Line 265: Play sound when subwave over
    Line 280: The 
    Line 295: Play sound when subwave start spawning
    Line 298: Play sound when subwave over
    Line 313: Play sound when subwave start spawning
    Line 316: Play sound when subwave over
    Line 326: Play sound when subwave begins
    Line 329: Play sound when subwave over
    Line 349: Play sound when subwave start spawning
    Line 352: Play sound when subwave over
    Line 383: Play sound when subwave start spawning
    Line 386: Play sound when subwave over
    Line 419: Play sound when subwave start spawning
    Line 422: Play sound when subwave over
    Line 435: Play sound when subwave begins
    Line 444: Play sound when subwave start spawning
    Line 447: Play sound when subwave over
    Line 457: Play sound when subwave start spawning
    Line 460: Play sound when subwave over
    Line 470: Play sound when subwave start spawning
    Line 473: Play sound when subwave over
    Line 484: Play sound when subwave start spawning
    Line 487: Play sound when subwave over
    Line 500: Play sound when subwave start spawning
    Line 503: Play sound when subwave over
    Line 515: Play sound when subwave start spawning
    Line 518: Play sound when subwave over
    Line 528: Play sound when subwave start spawning
    Line 531: Play sound when subwave over
    Line 541: Play sound when subwave start spawning
    Line 544: Play sound when subwave over
    Line 554: Play sound when subwave over
    Line 564: Play sound when subwave start spawning
    Line 567: Play sound when subwave over
    Line 578: Play sound when subwave start spawning
    Line 581: Play sound when subwave over
    Line 594: Play sound when subwave start spawning
    Line 597: Play sound when subwave over
    Line 608: Play sound when subwave over
    Line 658: Play sound when subwave over
    Line 672: Play sound when subwave begins
  130. Template:Mvm mission Thriller Terror has 2 uses and is missing 5 translations
    Line 80: Goes to the hatch first
    Line 105: Goes to the hatch first
    Line 191: Goes to the hatch first
    Line 244: Goes to the hatch first
    Line 323: Goes to the hatch first
  131. Template:Mvm mission Ticket to Die has 2 uses and is missing 17 translations
    Line 70
    Line 105
    Line 158
    Line 259
    Line 370
    Line 436
    Line 436
    Line 442
    Line 442
    Line 448
    Line 448
    Line 506
    Line 545
    Line 556
    Line 562
    Line 574
    Line 587
  132. Template:Mvm mission Trash has 2 uses and is missing 2 translations
    Line 38: The 
    Line 46
  133. Template:Mvm mission Treacherous Waters has 2 uses and is missing 9 translations
    Line 58: The 
    Line 67: The 
    Line 95: The 
    Line 223: The 
    Line 242: The 
    Line 250: Boss door open when subwave is active
    Line 296: The 
    Line 313: The 
    Line 366: The 
  134. Template:Mvm mission Vindicated Vices has 2 uses and is missing 20 translations
    Line 56: Chips carrier
    Line 60: Limited
    Line 81: Spawns from the right garage and takes the left path
    Line 143: Behaves similarly to Sniper-bots
    Line 151: Chips carrier
    Line 155: Limited
    Line 209: Chips carrier
    Line 213: Limited
    Line 220: Behaves similarly to Sniper-bots
    Line 308: Spawns from the left garage and takes the center path
    Line 318: Spawns similarly to Spy-bots
    Line 326: Spawns similarly to Spy-bots
    Line 331: Chips carrier
    Line 335: Limited
    Line 350: Boss announces its own arrival and death
    Line 413: Chips carrier
    Line 417: Limited
    Line 454: Boss announces its own arrival
    Line 464: Boss announces its own arrival
    Line 496: Behaves similarly to Sniper-bots
  135. Template:Mvm mission Voltaic Outrage has 2 uses and is missing 6 translations
    Line 107: Spawns at the left or mid
    Line 194: Boss will announce its own arrival
    Line 203: Spawns at the left or right
    Line 212: Spawns at the left or right
    Line 222: Spawns at the left or right
    Line 233: Spawns at the left or right
  136. Template:Mvm mission Waterway Wringout has 2 uses and is missing 34 translations
    Line 18: Spawns at the left or right
    Line 45: Bomb is silently reset before arriving and after death
    Line 48: Boss announces its own arrival and death
    Line 51: Waves pauses when this boss is dead
    Line 60: Wave resumes when this robot arrives
    Line 68: Spawns at the left or right
    Line 76: Spawns at the left or right
    Line 96: Delay starts after the first Giant dies
    Line 102: Spawns at the left or right
    Line 117: Spawns at the left or right
    Line 128: Spawns at the left or right
    Line 137: Spawns at the left or right
    Line 153: Limited
    Line 160: Spawns at the left or right
    Line 168: Spawns at the left or right
    Line 179: Spawns at the left or right
    Line 219: Spawns at the left or right
    Line 234: Spawns at the left or right
    Line 244: Spawns at the left or right
    Line 279: Spawns at the left or right
    Line 290: Bomb is silently reset before arriving
    Line 293: Boss announces its own arrival and death
    Line 307: Spawns at the left or right
    Line 315: Spawns at the left or right
    Line 331: Spawns at the left or right
    Line 355: Spawns at the left or right
    Line 378: Spawns at the left or right
    Line 402: Spawns at the left or right
    Line 418: Spawns at the left or right
    Line 438: Bomb is silently reset before arriving
    Line 441: Boss announces its own arrival
    Line 455: Spawns at the left or right
    Line 463: Spawns at the left or right
    Line 468: Spawns at the left or right
  137. Template:Mvm mission Winter's Bite has 2 uses and is missing 9 translations
    Line 8: The 
    Line 61: The 
    Line 125: The 
    Line 144: The 
    Line 221: Wait between spawn after death<!-- ??? -->
    Line 228: The 
    Line 236: The 
    Line 245: Bomb resets when subwave is active
    Line 329: The 
  138. Template:Mvm mission Woodchip Wound has 2 uses and is missing 15 translations
    Line 95: Spawns from the main spawn or flank
    Line 115: Spawns from the main spawn or flank
    Line 130: Spawns from the flank
    Line 138: Spawns from the flank
    Line 148: Spawns from the flank
    Line 211: Spawns from the flank
    Line 222: Spawns from the flank
    Line 230: Spawns from the flank
    Line 273: Spawns from the flank
    Line 287: Spawns from the flank
    Line 399: Spawns from the flank
    Line 449: Spawns from the flank
    Line 465: Spawns from the flank
    Line 475: Spawns from the flank
    Line 495: Spawns from the flank
  139. Template:War Paint collection table has 2 uses and is missing 29 translations
    Line 10
    Line 17
    Line 24
    Line 31
    Line 38
    Line 45
    Line 52
    Line 59
    Line 66
    Line 73
    Line 80
    Line 87
    Line 94
    Line 101
    Line 108
    Line 115
    Line 122
    Line 129
    Line 136
    Line 143
    Line 150
    Line 157
    Line 164
    Line 171
    Line 178
    Line 185
    Line 192
    Line 199
    Line 206
  140. Template:Cosmetic can drop list has 1 use and is missing 1 translation
    Line 3: Cosmetics that ''can'' be found via a random drop.
  141. Template:Mvm mission Hell Overdrive has 1 use and is missing 6 translations
    Line 49: 200% slower attack speed
    Line 67: 200% slower attack speed
    Line 87: Play sound when subwave start spawning
    Line 189: Takes left path
    Line 197: Takes right path
    Line 405: Play sound when subwave start spawning
  142. Template:Mvm mission Peak Performance has 1 use and is missing 9 translations
    Line 12: The 
    Line 74: The 
    Line 92
    Line 107: The 
    Line 176: The 
    Line 321: The 
    Line 394: Play sound when subwave starts spawning
    Line 397: Play sound when subwave is over
    Line 417: The 
  143. Template:Mvm mission Power Palliative has 1 use and is missing 6 translations
    Line 426: Play sound when subwave begins
    Line 430: Play sound when subwave start spawning
    Line 434: Play sound when subwave finished spawning
    Line 587: Play sound when subwave begins
    Line 591: Play sound when subwave start spawning
    Line 595: Play sound when subwave finished spawning
  144. Template:Mvm mission Program Seppuku has 1 use and is missing 3 translations
    Line 273: Spawn from player's behind
    Line 337: Tank comes with sentry guns
    Line 355: Closes river pit when subwave start spawning
  145. Template:Mvm mission Ruins Rumble has 1 use and is missing 1 translation
    Line 145: 5 seconds of [[Critical hits#Mini-crits
  146. Template:Mvm mission Watershed Waylay has 1 use and is missing 1 translation
    Line 407: Boss door opens when subwave is active
  147. Template:Mvm mission Whirly Wallop has 1 use and is missing 8 translations
    Line 31: Spawn from behind players
    Line 47: The 
    Line 71: Take same path as the bomb
    Line 79: Take opposite path as the bomb
    Line 88: The 
    Line 158: The 
    Line 181: Take opposite path as the bomb
    Line 269: Boss door opens when subwave is active